Owner Pose
Steve Rogers The sensors on various satellites monitored by the Justice League at their Watchtower base had picked up the signs of a gigantic tsunami, spreading south through the Carribean. There was no earthquake or other obvious cause to the gigantic mass of water. Though figuring out the cause could come later. The worst of the wave was going to hit the resort island of Cozumel before it would continue passing south along most of the Yucatan coast without as much damage, before finally ending in Honduras where the coastline bent east-west again putting it directly in the tsunami's path.

Radio, television and internet appeals went out immediately for heroes to help, with the Justice League providing transport via teleporter down to Cozumel and to Honduras. This particular group of heroes find themselves in Cozumel where the worst and largest waves of the tsunami are going to hit. A veritable wall of water that will keep flowing, strong enough to collapse weaker buildings, and propel cars through turbulent flood waters hard enough to crush people or cave in walls.

Our heroes arrive, individually or in small groups as they would have suggested would work best to those of the Justice League working the teleporter. That high tech transportation device wasn't made for this volume of use in such a short time. Relying on it beyond transporting the heroes to the Caribbean island, may be a dicey proposition.

The island itself contains a mix of quaint traditional structures in much of the village, while newer and sturdier resort buildings tend to line the water. Further inland there are more economically depressed areas, intended to be kept away from the eyes of the tourists who flock to the tropical getaway destination.
Natasha Romanova Long range teleportation is still reasonably new technology by Earth standards. And it's something that makes Natasha uneasy at some level. She can understand the physics of it, that it's entirely safe, and likely relatively common advanced alien tech. But still, there's something disorienting about having one's molecules picked up from one location, and then sent over to another.

But her own issues are immaterial against the necessity of saving lives. The tricky point here will be coordination. Which Natasha is taking it upon herself settled in a small SHIELD communications depot that's been setup, showing a display of the island where the various disasters are taking place and threats, and the heroes rapidly coming in to dela with them. <<Communications link established>>
Mark Grayson Being a Titan's ally, prospective member and on the edge of joining the team has some advantages for Invincible. One of those is that when the Justice League sends out the alert that help is needed, he can tap into that sweet teleporter action to get him from New York, where he was on patrol, to Cozumel in record time.

Of course, with it being the first time he was teleported, when he just flashes from one location to another in a blitz of refracting light, Invincible pops into being in the skies above the city. "Oh, wow! What a trip!" he manages, after a quick pat down to make sure everything is where it's supposed to be.

Once that's verified, he's quickly scanning the skies to set his bearings -- ocean's that way. And that's where the trouble is coming from. Mainland is the other way, that's where the civilians need to get to. Check and check.

As he spies where people are, he works his way towards the beach first. Rocketting towards the ground at Mach 2, he comes up short as he approaches the beach as the tide is being sucked out to sea. Not a good sign, he remembers that from his geography classes! Gesturing to a city bus that is being rushed with panicking tourists, he calls out, "Everyone get in! Keep it orderly!" He helps a few children with their parents on. "There will be more trips, I promise! More people are coming to help!"

But for now, he is lifting the filled up bus up off the ground by the middle of it. "Keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times!" he calls out as he lifts the bus and rises into the air, turning to fly to head for the taller buildings and ground out of the immediate wave zone. It will take too long to fly them all the way to the mainland and come back. He not that fast. But he can get them higher up.

As he arrives at the building's rooftop, he hovers, with the doors aimed at the building. "Everyone off, I need to take this back and get some more!"
Bart Allen Bart Allen was out doing something when the call comes in. He will tell them he is on his way to the island. And off he goes. Bart is hitting top speeds as he goes, paying attention to see if he sees any of the other speed trails heading for the island. Once he gets there he skids to a stop on the beach to look around for a second and asks over the com "We getting people to a specific safe spot on the island or Evacing elsewhere?"
Cassandra Cain Cassandra Cain is a relative unknown. Diana knows of her, but she's never made a showing in a serious group effort before and even that is mostly through Batman vouching for her. So when she showed up without even a mask? Some random asian chick? Yet she steps onto the pad with the rest, no hesitation at all.

She looks intently normal. Probably someone who just wants to help out. However, she narrows her eyes in the darkness and lifts the hood of her deep charcoal hoodie into place. Nothing epic like Mark or Bart here. But you can tell, somehow, that there are hidden depths present.

Reaching up she taps her earbud, acknowledging arrival with the simplest of taps to comms. Then she steps aside so others can arrive.
Belinda Gutierrez << "Buen dias," >> comes the rough, gruff, warm greeting over the comms. << "Silverdane online, at beach front. Tide is already pulling out. Birds and animals already fleeing or fled." >> The wolf-woman pauses in her focused, fierce gesturing, rapid-fire Spanish racing through the air. It took longer than one had hoped to get their attention, the touristas and locals finally convinced that, no, this was *not* a Halloween themed show, and *yes* there was actually a danger here!

"Rapidamente!" Silverdane calls out, standing atop a bus as she gestures to other vehicles nearby. "There is room for all, do not shove! Calm, but swift!"

Seconds, minutes-- eyes hiddedn behind her mask, glancing back out to the departing ocean. A murmured whispoer underbreath. "...Dios y todos los santos, be with us...."
Audra Meridian atural disaster institutions. To the point that Audra was struggling with trying to figure out a way she could possibly get there in time to be useful. Needless to say the call for assistance by the Justice League and offering their teleportation access was a godsend.

As soon as she emerged from the teleport she was ready for action. "Your foul weather friend Windrose is on the scene!" And that's likely to be the only intentional quippiness for the event because she is going to be serious business. Her comm dings as it syncs up with the networks being established by others. <<I'm going to get a better view from overhead.>> The ionized thrusters and stabilizers deploy from her backpack and she lifts off into the air. The satellite feeds are nice but in her experience it helps having a physically present eye on the situation as well.

Almost immediately she spots a group trying to flee on foot ahead of the waters and she swoops down. "This way!" Just as a surge of water rises up towards them Audra unleashes a frigid blast from her gauntlets to freeze the crest in place! A temporary barrier until the waters behind it break it down but its long enough to give the people a chance to get clear.
Alura In-Ze This is a heck of a training day for Alura. 'Diana will teach you' about how to be a proper member of the Justice League. There's nothing quite like on the job experience though and today is going to give ample of that. If they had more time to prepare for the tsunami they could have made water ways, built barrier walls from the earth, evacuated people. But without any warning from the weather systems this is an outright emergency.

Alura arrives with the rest of the team via the short, by her standards, range teleporter. It takes her eyes barely a moment to adjust as she looks at the incoming waves off in the dark moon lit distance.

A hologram emits from her wrist bracer of the island. It's a regrettably flat place. The sewage systems will never be able to keep up with this volume of water. First things first - more barrier. She rises up in to the air and calls out, "I'll try and buy us some more time." The shelf from city to villages is far too long. But the bottle neck for getting people out isn't the remoteness of the villages but the sheer number of people in the tourism district.

Alura braces herself, draws in a big breath, then dives down in to the sand as the water is pulled away. The rumble of the ground preceeds her trajectory under it, to knock it up and build a temporary barrier for the water to embank first, before it moves on to devastate this island.
Diana Prince The existence of teleportation was an invaluable tool in moments like this. Being able to transport one's self from one point on the Earth, to another, in a mere matter of moments was everything to the safety of more people being affected by terrible circumstances such as what is unfolding in this region of the world tonight.

The Justice League was eager to get as many known elements to the region to help as many people as possible, and Wonder Woman was one of the first to have arrived.

In full armored regalia, Princess Diana is rushing toward a large structure with a group of people behind her. She clears the way by pushing a vehicle aside, and motioning for the people to join her, and move past her. She shouts to them in several different languages, ordering them inside and telling them to get to the roof as quickly as they can!

When two small children trip and begin to huddle together, Diana appears before them, helping them both to their feet, and lunging in to the air to leap directly up to the roof where she helps the children find their way in to the arms of people already gathering there for the safety of elevation.
Clea Clea heard about the upcoming natural disaster through the Avenger's grapevine and the white haired woman was more than happy to help. Sadly there was not a Clint with her, but he's off doing other heroic deeds. Like matching wallpaper or something.

The sorceress is dressed down given the urgent need of things. One minute you're in NYC and the next there is Cazumel. She'd never been here...but she wasn't knocking the place. She busies herself with helping to get people to safety that might be in a panic and can be better moved via portals and things. Like those that be in hospitals, etc.
Meggan Constantine Teleporters at the Watchtower are phenomenal technology but one in limited supply. Meggan responded almost immediately to the notifications spilling out across social media and an array of devices cued to the Justice League. They've been frequently monitored make sure badly behaved villains or cowardly sorceresses don't show their faces again in Metropolis on a weekly basis. Getting her bearings on the situation takes more time than waving off using the teleporter. "Save that spot for sommat who needs it, luv. I've got my own way."

That way happens to wear a trenchcoat and a bad attitude like a badge. But she next appears in Cozumel above the shoreline, about four meters up. A puff of Silk Cut smoke and flame imprint paradise in an obscuring layer of dismal smog, and then the fire-tressed Tuath de Danaan floats through. Nothing like a sudden appearance inside a fiery circle to make tourists or any religious observer rock back on their heels.

She hastens across the exposed shoreline where fish flop and disrupted sea cucumbers blindly flop about in search of their missing maritime blanket. Autumn rules north of the Equator; it rules the seasonally-locked empath. Her bone-white face and wide, dark eyes add to the eldritch otherness of her appearance to the point she looks surreal. Physical touches help her punch above her weight when she reaches out to the various gawking civilians and oblivious tourists milling around within a good swathe of her line of sight.

They might not hear the wail above the rushing water dialing back. No matter. A bigger wall comes rushing in: fear to nail the survival instinct somewhere deep in their psyches. That upwelling instinct to run as fast as they damn well can for safety, born out of dark forests and things that hunt humans in the dark.
Pietro Maximoff It wasn't a common thing to hear a distress signal, or a rally for aid, from the other supergroups. Whether it be the ficticious X-Men, the Avengers, or the Justice League - when an all hands on deck situation arose, it was time to act. Even the cynical heart of Pietro can be spurred to action - he's clearly getting soft as time goes on.

Regardless of the why, he was in motion!

Blurring across land and water as he raced towards the site of the disaster, the mutant pushed himself to his limits in the hope that he could arrive in time enough to assist people trapped it the path of the crashing wall of seawater. As he nears the location, breaths away at his speed, he radios in to Natasha - <<Quicksilver is on scene. Where am I needed?>>
John Constantine When it comes to tsunamis, there's one place you want to be if you're a squishy human: way the fucking far away. But if you have to be near one, you want to be up _high_, on the off-chance the tsunami doesn't destroy the building you're on. If it does, you die. But if you're on the ground, you definitely die.

It's all very exciting.

This is why John Constantine is on the ground. Because being up there is safer, and being down here is certain death, and nothing, _nothing_, makes John Constantine more effective than certain death. Hell, sometimes he straight up _dies_ just to get things done.

"Hallo, luv," he says, crouching next to a lady who was toppled by the on rush of people and broke her ankle. "Had yourself a spill, didja? Come along," he says, helping her stand up. "Now you're going to look at the incoming death wave, and flip it the b--you don't know what the fuck I'm sayin', do you? Bollocks. Well, hang on, I'm looking for someone to tether to..."
Steve Rogers Warning sirens begin blaring across the island. Though the network was improved along most of the populated coastlines of the world after the tsunami in the Indian Ocean, it still isn't something that the people here have gone through before.

People stand down on the nighttime beach, their parties interrupted as they watch the receding water. It isn't receding quite as much as anyone extremely knowledgeable in these matters might expect for a volume of water the magnitude being reported.

The sirens do serve the purpose of finally getting to those gawkers. There starts to be a mad rush away from the beach. People running on foot, or heading for cars or bicycles parked along the beach. Others head for the nearest of the taller resorts, just trying to get to higher elevation as quickly as possible.

It doesn't take long at all for there to be a noticeable rising of the water level on the horizon. And then the sense it is getting closer. A number of boats are caught on the wave, giving an even better idea of the wave closing at highway speeds! SOme of the boats are smaller ones, sailboats or fishing vessels, but there's even one bigger freighter that is at least a block long.

The exodus of cars quickly turns into a traffic jam on the streets as accidents happen, cars plowing on without stopping until finally they've caused a gridlock in the small town. Several pedestrians are hit by vehicles and go down, some scrambling back up to run, but others with broken legs or worse. Most drivers start abandoning their cars and running, either up the street, or some trying to climb up onto even one story structures that may not be tall enough, or could collapse when the water reaches them. People are fleeing by the hundreds!

Down on the beach, the wave is bearing down, carrying those boats as it crashing on the beach is imminent. Of the dozen-plus boats, four have capsized and there are people in the water, and others have people hanging on for dear life on the ship's decks.

The icy barrier that Alura creates will disrupt some of the force of the incoming wave when it plows past the beach and into the town. It might help enough to save some buildings that might otherwise collapse from the initial hit, if not the later flowing surge. Though it also is going to be rough for anyone still on those boats if they hit the ice!
Natasha Romanova As the various heroes go to check in, the comm network goes to automatically network all the different communication systems together. Avengers, Justice League, Titans, X-Men, SHIELD.. Anyone and everyone that shows up is coordinated along the network, able to pass along information to one another as the system is continuously updated with reports tied in to all emergency services.

A three dimensional hologram shows up of the island's terrain, where civilians present, structures, and everything that the satellites can get a good scan of is fed in to it.

Natasha goes calmly. "Work together as best you can. I'd suggest operate in zones and focus on specific tasks." That's just general advise - the same for any circumstance. Any hero will do whatever they feel is the best way to save people and act together to save lives and prevent damage as best they can. THey don't need to be micromanaged.
Mark Grayson As he's carrying the bus back to ferry more beachgoers or those that need it, Invincible catches a glance of red and blue out of the corner of his eye. Oh my gosh, that's Wonder Woman! Not Wonder Girl or one of the others, but the OG! He wants to go over and say hi, introduce himself, ask if she knew his dad, and like to autograph... he doesn't have any place on this suit to even carry a pen, much less something else to sign.

Concentrate, Mark. Crisis right now, fanboy later.

Landing on the ground, he calls out. "Steady queue, no wait, boarding for higher ground!" And as more people start to load up, he looks around and taps his comm. <<Invincible here, loading up another bus. Someone have the hospital covered, or is it high enough to be safe?>>

After sending the message, he checks, and once the bus is loaded again, he's lifting it off the ground to ferry them further inland. As he lifts the bus, he hears it groan and crack with the signs of metal fatigue. It's meant to sit on all four wheels, not be lifted in the middle and carried around. This may be the last trip he gets to make with the bus. He'll need to find something else to use as a transport.

But then his attention is drawn to the traffic jam. After setting down the bus in an empty parking lot - when he finished off-loading the passengers on another building, he flies towards the rear of one of the traffic jams. Lifting cars two at a time, he starts to carry them to the higher ground to set them down so that they'll be higher up, at least.
Bart Allen Bart Allen will start along the beach. Bart sees where Mark has taken the bus, and calls out "Invincible, I will reload the bus with people, who need help. He starts with running a little old lady he sees needing help giving her and het little dog too a carry to set them in the bus. Then back to the beach and out into the water, grabbing swimmer up in his arms to carry them inland "Hey this is like encountering swimmers while playing pokemon." He says as he is dropping said swimmer on the bus and back into the havoc to get more people His next trip onto the bus has a seven or eight year old girl on his back and a box that says free puppies on it, filled with puppies being dropped off in the bus.
Alura In-Ze Superwoman streaks through the skies again and then dives down in to the approaching water. The volume immense and people are getting sucked under. <<"Superwoman here. I need some help with the boats. People are going overboard.">> Some of the boats have disappeared beneath the waves. Those are the ones she goes for first. A small yacht - she rips off the doors as the people inside were struggling to push past the pressure differential.

Scooping them up she pulls them out of the water. Her eyes flit across to the freighter. It'll do - she deposits the people on to its deck and then rushes back, catching a boat that is barreling too quickly toward the ice wall. Hand on the stern she yanks it around against the water. The structure of the boat groans in protest as she reaches out and captures a second one half capsized.

With a groan of her own she pulls her arms - and the boats - in, then rises up in to the air and carefully deposits them on the freighter too. She hears the dopple shiftered cries of THANK YOU! as she dives back under the water and scoops up two more people separated from their boats, near to drowning. She brings them up on to the freighter where the crew are rushing to bring aid to the people Alura is delivering to their doorstep.

But even this freighter is going to be in trouble soon. These ships are designed to survive the roughest of storms - but something about the way the water is reacting seems... off. She hovers in front of the bridge and points to the Captain, "Shut off the engines. I've got you." He nods vigorously and begins giving orders, waving his hands to his crew wildly. Alura rushes to the bow and begins to turn the large ship in to the wave.
Diana Prince Diana's ear-piece was feeding her information straight from the JLA system. She knew which heroes were joining them via the JLA teleportation, and thus had a better idea of who was on-scene for this tonight. Once she gets as many people to safety inside of that tall building, and helps clear the pathway to the roof, she's leaping from it... unfortunately entirely too busy to sign any autographs.

Diana's armored boots land solidly upon the roof of a large van, marked with the logo of a local Church. Filled with faces plastered to the windows, Diana is dropping from their vehicle, and instantly sweeping herself down beneath it. Much like a bus being put to the test of floating through the air, soon the Church Van filled with terrified onlookers is being lifted in to the air, held up on the arms of Wonder Woman and flow up away from the spreading water. Amidst the chaos of sirens, screams, and utter chaos the van is rushed toward higher ground.

Wonder Woman's voice speaks over comms. "Everyone listening. Everyone arriving. Spread out. Try to fan out and help as many as you can to higher ground. But do not over-reach. Do not put yourselfs at any dangerous levels that you, yourself, cannot overcome. Your own survival means the survival of greater numbers of others. Be wise, be sharp, and be ready for the worst. Tonight is going to be a night that will not easily be overcome, but this is what we are here for, this is our duty, our purpose. Help as many as you can."
Belinda Gutierrez No time, no time, no /time/. One thing Silverdane remembers with blinding clarity from classes:

If you can see the wave coming, it's nearly too late.

<< "Operadora!" >> she remarks, holding her hand to cup her earpiece. The sounds of screaming begin to rise, shrieks wailing as the crowd surges in ugly unison-- a maddened beast. << "ETA to wave impact at shorefront! How far away is safe? Oops-- pardon!" >>

Wind is picking up as the wavefraont approaches-- distant thunder, rumbling ever-nearer. Everything so *flat*-- grimacing, she gestures towards the higher structures, hotels, hostelries-- a hospital. Anything, so long as it is TALL.

"Arriba!" she howls out, focusing her voice, gesturing towards the high-rise structures. "Up, aloft! The hotels! Get to the rooftop! Vaminos, vaminos, vaminos!"
Cassandra Cain The team is moving. The asian chick is gone, having vanished shortly after arrival. Some, perhaps most, places are locked right now in the hopes that their chain and deadbolt will save them from the incoming watery hell. They know that it won't. Heck, anyone who saw the incoming wave would know.

Cassandra knows. That's why those doors are being essentially ignored. Appearing at a house like a ghost, Cass opens a window. It was locked. It opens anyway.

Glancing inside, she spots a woman holding a baby. Without hesitation she signals: five people, one injured. Then without pause she backs away, moving to the next house. This one is empty, and she moves to the next. She's not actually saving anyone herself?

More importantly, how did she even know about the other two people? Insane, but the way the woman glanced to one side told her literally everything she needed to know. If a speedster is free, then those four might be saved.

It's too bad that the next house she enters isn't so lucky. Because at that one, she's stopped cold.
Audra Meridian Once people are moving again Audra thrusts off towards the beach where a lot of the initial threat is going to hit, even with the ice barriers to slow it down a bit. That just is buying them more precious time.

From an aerial vantage point its easy to spot people in the water with capsized boats. She hurries down to hover above the water, and uses a small burst of air to flip the boat back upright. People quickly climb in and help up others into it. Then Audra grabs on, engages her thrusters and gives them a rocketing push back to the beach so they can be evaced farther inland.
Meggan Constantine <<Heard that, Superwoman. Gloriana inbound.>> Meggan's voice holds a soft, uncanny quality that comes straight out of American Horror Story episodes or a suspenseful K-drama laden with drowned schoolgirl ghosts. She's in no way hard to find. A ruby streak splits the sky, trailing behind her in a long flaming trail that long-ago Mayan astronomers could associate with a terrible omen. The seas boil and now the sky bleeds.

Alura gains on a smaller yacht. A reasonably close distance away, Meggan descends over several mariners thrown out of a motorboat. Rushing debris in the seawater flounder the craft, its doom already for the bottom. Rather than spare the vessel as a helpful method to pick up the tempest-toss'd, she reaches out to scoop them up with...

Call them hands of actual water, including some captive fish and scattered deck chairs, fishing buoys, and nets. Elongated pillars eventually shed their liquid exteriors as she conveys her catch along with her to the next nearest group. This time three, that time two, scooping up as many as she can safely in that elemental web. The group travels at uncomfortable speeds, their natural fear at this unnatural rescue further feeding into her emotions. They end up approaching the freighter to be dropped off, the nearest and only obvious place.

Her sibilant warning carries over the comms. <<Sorry for a kiss and go, but needs must!>> A wet group dumped on deck have to make for their own luck. They scramble for any sort of handhold or to dive into the pilot's house, through a hatch, anything. Other blots of fear dot the rivened sea, calling out, but she can only get so many at once...
John Constantine John just needs someone to tether this lady to, and when Bart speeds through, he just magically tethers her to him and when he relocates the puppies, she just sort of appears, translocated through spacetime to match his trajectory.

John dusts his hands off and looks around, reaching into his pocket to pull out his cigarettes and tapping one out. He lights it with a match and then tosses the entire matchbook to the side.

"Right then. Oh." He tilts his head back and sees a cat in a tree. "You've got to be fuckin' with me." He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and then:

Clea Clea's got a sense that something is not quiet right with all of this, but she's got a hospital full of people that she's assisting with and they can investigate the otherworldly when there is not a Tsunami that is wanting to swallow everyone whole.

She works with the nurses and others to help get people sorted where they need to go. Whether that is to a new location entirely or to a higher ground.
Pietro Maximoff Of the Maximoffs, Pietro is not the magician. That's more likely Wanda, or even his wife Micola. Hell, maybe even Lorna might be able to discern something about the wave's formation via magnetic pull! Pietro is not going to be helpfull in the immediate for sorting out why.

He can, however, help with evacuation!

While not able to lift larger ferries for people - he busies himself with zipping through the streets, collecting up people as quick as he can. They are given warnings - told to close their eyes and take a breath - before he lifts them and blurs further inland to avoid the crashing waves. Rinse and repeat - though hopefully the rinse part is minimal!
Steve Rogers The actions of the heroes save the people out on the boats and in the water, moving them to safety or stacking the smaller vessels onto the freighter and keeping it safe. The empty boats are carried by the tidal wave right into the icy wall created by the Kryptonian matriarch. The sound of the wooden hulls disintegrating into wooden shards is lost in the roar of the wave itself, though the ice at least lessens some of the force of surging water.

The wave rises up a good twenty feet above the beach, then crashes down upon it. The water surges forward, muddy-looking water where it pulls up huge sections of sandy beach and ocean bottom. The water crashes forward. Parking lots in front of the resorts suddenly become masses of twisted metal as the cars are driven together against the taller buildings. People inside the buildings are dashing up the stairs as the lower floor floods.

In the hospital it is chaos, patients needing moved up from the lower floors and found places. And it isn't long at all before people battered by the water start to show up in ones and twos, those lucky enough to have grabbed hold of part of the hospital as they were washing past, pulling themselves into it.

The lights begin to go out as the water surges forward, allowing one far off to tell the progress of the heavy waves just by where the village is going dark.

People further up the streets than the water has gotten to yet start to scream and panic, running blindly. An elderly woman with a walker is knocked over by a fleeing man. A mother is sprinting, holding her daughter's hand, the young girl's feet not even touching the ground.

Those who haven't made it far enough in start to get swept up by the water, thrown against buildings and poles and vehicles. A man in a pick up truck is trapped, the water up most the way to his window. He beats on the glass with his hands as his truck skids sideways propelled by the water!

A trio of people are atop a small mechanic's garage. The building itself is dillapidated and it shudders under the force of the water. Suddenly it lurches, ripped off it's foundations. Two of the people drop flat, while a man falls over the edge, dangling from the roof as the water churns just below his feet, and the entire building is washing towards an imminent impact with another building!
Natasha Romanova The chaos goes on and Natasha calmly files it for the others to deal with. Giving updates, locations of evacuations, stability of buildings, and location of civilians and emergency personnel floor by floor, meter by meter. And now she goes to pause. Having a sense as wlel that something is off here.

She goes to tap into the SOSUS (Sound Surveillance Array) that goes throughout the Pacific. Designed by the US to track Soviet Submarines throughout the ocean, r unning from Alaska to Japan and Australia, it could tag even the stealthiest of submarines of the era. It still operated continuously, even if not quite as up to date as it used to be.

WIth that, she goes to start pulling up sonar records from the area, before and currently, trying to dig up exactly what the chance in the oceanics was - where it originated at, the scale of it.. One thing at a time.
Mark Grayson <<Got it, Impulse!>> Invincible calls out to Bart as the yellow and blue superhero watches the fresh bus getting filled with children and puppies and others, he yells over at Belinda. "Silverdane! I saw a service road from up above that isn't known by the touristy types, send cars over there ---" he points over towards one of the street signs. "It's mostly clear, and if we can spread the traffic, it will move quicker!"

A quick upnod to Bart when he finishes filling the bus, and Invincible goes to lift it. Once he's airborne, he starts to move the bus as the water swirls around his ankles and he lifts up to head towards higher ground. <<I'll leave the bus this time and come to help with boats, if you still need it.>> he responds to Alura.

Getting up the roads to higher ground, his time he just sets the bus on a parking garage it will probably never be able to get out of and turns, just as the weather starts to hit. Too late, he realizes. "Dammit."
Alura In-Ze The sheer volume of people crying out for help at once mixed with the roar of the water as it crashes in to the shore is almost overwhelming. But those sounds become muffled when the water overtakes her. That giant wave crashing against the freighter ship. It wants to push it to shore. The whole substructure of the ship groans and the crew on board grab on to anything and everything.

The front of the ship begins to rise up against the wave crest as Alura does her best to angle the ship through the huge tsunami. There is a moment when she begins to wonder if the might of all this water will overtake her after all. Under water, it is disorienting and dark and surprisingly loud.

Finally the freighter crests the mammoth wave and she rises out of the water with the ship. They are safe for now - but the water has made its way to the streets. Some enterprising people have parked their cars on top of an elevated piece of highway. Barely a highway by USA standards but none the less it's elevated.

High enough to keep them safe from most of the water - if only it weren't old and unmaintained. One of the pillars begins to crack. Alura, soaked, flies over with a crack of sound as she breaks the sound barrier. She puts her back to the bridge to hold it in place. The road is ripping away from itself and the people are rushing to the sturdier parts of the road.

The water level rises rapidly and Alura finds herself under the water again. Orientation is once again lost but while she's holding the bridge foundations she knows where she is.

Her eyes focus up through the murky debris filled depths and she waits until the very last person is off that section of bridge before she rises up in to the air carrying the bridge portion with her and tosses it out in to the ocean away from the danger zone.
Diana Prince With the Church Van delivered to a higher grounded road off of the beaten path, Diana is quick to move on, leaving a wake of people recording her with their phones from within the van itself. She launches herself up in to the air, just as a helicopter comes sweeping by, with a spotlight shining down upon the ground below. Diana intercepts the helicopter, coming to suddenly stand upon its metal skids as she signals the crew inside it. Pulling the side door open, she speaks with the co-pilot, her voice having its work cut out for it to get in to the man's offered ear. The co-pilot understands, however, and gives Wonder Woman a thumbs up. A second there-after and the air vehicle is flying down toward the auto-workshop where the trio of people in danger are met by Wonder Woman, who one by one, helps the straded up in to the back cabin of the chopper. Signalling the all-clear, Wonder Woman drops backwards off of the helicopter's skid, free-falling backward in a long dive that ends with her sweeping herself up right as the water strikes the pavement of the street before her. She reaches her arms out, wrapping them around two civilians that were running from the wave, she carries them straight up in to the air toward one of the hospital helicopter landing pads.

The screams fill Diana's ears, her advanced hearing picking up the carnage, and the fear coming from every direction. It is mentally challenging for her to know that she cannot be in more places at once, and that there are only so many that she can help tonight...

But she continues, lunging from the hospital roof, and past the trees that line the street below, not seeing any cats within them, Diana moves on toward a cluster of vehicles that have been abandoned as the water levels are rising.
Cassandra Cain Cassandra Cain is in a house. The wave has yet to hit, here, and she can hear the comms chatter. But she's looking into this house, and looking at an old man. And he's looking at her, right in the eyes.

His eyes say it all. I'm aware of the death that's coming, and I don't mind. I'm okay, I'm not leaving. I just...I just wish that I wasn't alone.

Cass' right lip curls up, the tiniest bit, and she nods. She glances toward the next house, and the man nods in return. She studies his expression for a moment, then sends another signal over comms. Two people, adults. No children. Need evac. Then she settles down with the old guy, to wait.

She won't leave him alone. Nobody should have to do that. No man left behind.
Belinda Gutierrez Nodding quickly to Invincible's direction, Silverdane moves instantly to implement it. Grabbing at a string of hanging holiday lights, she moves towards the path marked, that barely-seen alleyway--

A wail of pain. Old woman! An instant's freeze-- And with a snarl on her lips, she drags the strand of lights up in savage quickness, forming a sloppily-drawn direction arrow pointing out the alleyway before she turns, leaps forward, howling a high-pitched cry to part the sea of swarming bodies.

Lights go out. Civilization's mark, snapping to black as the onslaught of water and wind and wave comes.

Darkness gleaming-- bright eyes as the great wolf woman appears, rises up, bending to scoop up the frail elder in her arms.

"Peace, abuela," comes the Spanish, uttered from a warm, rumbling throat. "Hold tight!"

No more time to direct traffic. With precious cargo in arms, Silverdane moves to join the crowd, and run!
Meggan Constantine This all looks particularly horrible from the vantage of the sea. Meggan surfaces out of a blackened wave heaving up as it approaches the shoreline, building higher and taller. She throws her arms out in front of her. Though she is no Imperius Rex of Atlantis or possessor of the trident of Poseidon or Neptune, she can proffer some assistance to Alura's freighter in the midst of the tumult. Her soaked hair ripples across the surface in a red tide, and she doesn't rise much higher than her nose like some kind of dreadful mermaid.

<Enough of your bloody tantrum, ye wee tadger. You made a shite decision. I said stop.> Bubbles pop below the surface, the counter-compulsion nowhere near enough to soothe the whole of the raging Atlantic.

But this small amount the angry, soaking wet sorceress of a sunken court can do. Natasha -- and all of SOSUS in the vicinity -- will probably hear the incandescent popping and keening of a Gaelic-voiced ...wave?... bawling out the ocean for being naughty.

A narrow wedge ahead of her and spreading out behind about announces the zone of influence for her, but the rushing cacophony veers behind Alura's chosen resting point for a freighter and more or less a small swathe of town behind it. Other sections of town end up inundated, but the frothing rush indicates the margins where the torrential current calms, and where the wave that keeps plowing into the elemental loses some of its energy.

All this presents a formidable, back-breaking strain for the submerged woman feeling the terror and ongoing despair all around. So if she so happens to funnel that back out to rip the energy from the waves for sheer despair, that's what she has until running on empty.

"OW, OW, OW, YOU BLOOD INGRATE FELINE FROM HELL!" John Constantine: defeated by an ornery house cat. To be fair, if anything was going to defeat him, it'd have to be a house cat. Nothing else would be worthy of the accomplishment.

As it is, John finally manages to _detach_ the cat from his face, which is now full of claw marks, and he turns the cat to face away from him, so the little beast can scratch and howl all it wants at thin air.

"Fuck. Where's Black Cat or Catwoman when y'bloody need'em."

He shakes his hand a bit, snaps his fingers, and then drops the cat through a portal, turning to face the incoming wave. "Whoop, there 'tis."

And then Cassandra's call comes through the comms, and John claps his hands, vanishing in a puff of smoke, and appearing between Cass and the old man.

"Right, I get you out of this, and your mentor-would-be-father-figure makes a sizeable donation t'me favorite pub, yeah?" He's kidding. Right? Right. "Grab the fogey, wee Bat."
Pietro Maximoff More people are getting swept up - more people are in danger. Quicksilver runs across the water, sweeping up people two at a time as he can. Those saved souls are given a once in a lifetime experience - moving at speeds they likely cannot comprehend. He zips them out of the town, depositing them carefully in the same location - so they are not stranded alone. "Be right back." Is the message given to all of them.

And he is right back, as promised - with more rescuees.

Thankfully, his metabolism allows for this near ceaseless running - though he is going to go through a full refridgerator full of food once he's done. Hopefully, his house is stocked.
Bart Allen Bart Allen is moving to get the people that Cassandra directs to. It seems the two of them work well together like maybe they have worked together before. He is carrying those people out and up to the top of the hospital. The young man is getting people out and once he looks around and seeing no people for a moment, then he is into a building right before the water hits it, and out he comes making multiple trips, each time into the building, he has to go under water for a moment, but soon next to the people on the building is a stack of cat and dog carriers as well as two fishbowls with Beta fish in them "Yea, let you two out and you would cause all kinds of trouble." He jokes at the fish and is off again. The building he was in being the local Vet office.
Clea Clea hears the calls from others and moves to assist as she is able. She might even conjure up a spell that has her in two places at once. Because another set of hands is always a needed thing when it comes to situations like this.

She's open to helping whoever needs it and to move folks that aren't able to move themselves. She doesn't dally where she's not needed and she tries to be as pleasant as possible while trying to gather and protect people.
Audra Meridian Audra Meridian does her best to help escort people inland but it is quickly escalating and people are prone to panicing. She's done enough disaster responses to know the signs to look for admist the chaos though

The mother is doing her best to keep moving and keep her daughter in hand. But the throngs of people are rough and constantly jostling against them, and the girl is terrified and crying. Sweaty hands start making keeping a grip hard. An unfortunate shove from another paniced person is enough to dislodge it, child shrieking as she slips away from her mother's hold!

... And into Audra's arms as she swooshes up behind them. "I got you!" The girl latches her arms around Audra's neck as she grabs the mother under her arm to lift her from the ground and carry both away to someplace safer from the surging waters.
Steve Rogers Audra, Belinda, Pietro and others help get some of the civilians to safety, whether plucking them out of the water, or getting them free from it before it reaches them!

The helicopter pulls back up into the sky, the thumping of its blades adding to the sounds of the rushing water as it carries the people rescued by Diana safely away. Other areas the water calms somewhat as magic opposes the flooding waters.

The wall of water continues to flow inland. More structures are being pulled loose and moving down the street. People call for help when they can get their heads above water, arms waving to try to get the attention of heroes nearby to them.

Down nearer to the ocean, the Copa Cabana resort's six story hotel rises up above the water that is flooding the ground floor and spreading deeper into town. The lights are already out, though some flashlights wave about on the roof and in the windows of the the higher floors.

There's an ominous groaning sound from the building, and suddenly the whole six floors lurches suddenly, swaying a few feet. Some of the walls along the side neareset to the water cave in on the bottom floors. The force of the water flows through, and the load bearing columns inside are hit by the forceful flow.

The entire resort building, likely filled with hundreds of people right now, starts to shudder repeatedly as those supports begin to slowly buckle!

Further in the town, there's the sudden sound of a blast. Something that didn't like the water, maybe a transformer, goes up. Fire quickly begins to spread up the two-story building there. Over on the other side of town, more flames are starting to lick up along the walls and roof of two separate structures. People can be seen in the windows of the two story building, with surging flood waters below them and nowhere to go!
Cassandra Cain Bart has the people from the other houses. She knows it, like she knows in her heart that the old guy won't leave. There's a certain something in him, a nobility, that is in some ways mimicked by the mage that appears beside them both. But she doesn't just 'grab the guy'.

This is a bit more worrisome than that. The man wants to die, here, in this place. And the water outside is about to grant him that wish, the sound of rushing water now audible, coming up the street. As the team clears the area, save for this one small room. This one old man.

So with John standing there, scratches from saving the kitty showing his own heroism, the two wait. And the old man sighs, shakes his head.

And finally, finally he stands. And holds out his hand, for Cassandra to grasp firmly. And she looks to Constantine, and nods.

NOW we can go.

The wave rises up, about to smash the little house to splinters..
Natasha Romanova Whatever drove the wave to rush is gone. At least whatever caused the rage of the ocean to smash up and assault the shore has passed. So they just have to weather the water and the storm since hopefully whatever fueled it has fallen back to the depths. But there is still the danger and threat for however long it will take to subside and stabilize.

Natasha continues to coordinate. The building is marked as a priority to be evacuated and stabilized. They can't just clear out the structure - if something that scale does collapse in an uncontrolled manner, the effects will make everything in teh area worse.
Mark Grayson With the chaos swirling beneath him, Invincible is trying to figure out where he can help now. It seems evacuations are becoming rescues, but when he takes it all in he finds the building swaying in the waves, the resort's load bearing supports start to crack.

He knows that he can't lift the building and carry it, but he heads towards the water, drawing in a deep breath before he dives in. He has to push past a car to move it out of the way, as he reaches the lowest floor of the building and tries to support the side of the building that is being pushed by the water to try to keep it stabalized until it can be evacuated.

The building presses down on him and he grunts, pushing back, legs digging into the ground as he opens his stance to support it further, and works to buy time for the evacuation or assistance.
Diana Prince From an elevated vantage point, Diana sees a pair of people being pulled along by the water through one of the streets, dangerous debris threatening their lives all around them. Without skipping a beat, Wonder Woman dives from the building, falling in an arch through the night sky and splashing down in to the water below, vanishing within it.

It takes nearly a full minute before she bursts from the water again, holding the two young ones in either of her arms. Drenched from head to toes, the trio is launched skyward again, Diana's long dark hair flowing wetly in the wind behind her...

... and they're caught, by the sudden arrival of the 'Invisible Jet.' It shimmers in the night sky, its cloaking device being deactivated revealing the sleek curves of the dagger-shaped alien vehicle. Diana lands within its open hatch, and releases the two she'd just pulled from the waters to the caring arms of two Amazon warriors who were waiting within the Jet. Words are quickly exchanged, as Diana rushes to the Jet's control cabin where another Amazon warrior pilots the vehicle, surrounded by glowing blue and goldn holographic displays. Diana points toward the buckling building, and the shimmering flashlights atop it.

The Jet tips to the side, and silently glides through the night toward the doomed building's apex. It glides right up alongside it, while its portside hull deforms like a flowing summer cloud, building a bridge for the people on the roof to run in to the safety of the famous transport of Wonder Woman and the Amazons.

At the newly opened side-hatch, Diana beckons to the people on the roof to rush within the Jet, urging them in the local tongue to come aboard, and to come aboard as quickly as possible.

Once they begin to load up, Diana speaks softly to one of her Amazonian sisters, dressed in golden and crimson armor. She gives them more details on what to do here, before she leaps from the Jet's cloud-like surface, and dives back down in to the water far below...
Belinda Gutierrez Reality is a maelstrom now. Wind. Scents, sweet and pungent and fishy and rancid-- fear and hope and a thousand other things, other scents, impossible to describe, all shoved forward by that tsunami wind. So not the scent of burning, but that sudden brightness, flaring swift and vibrant.

"A thousand apologies grandmother," Silverdane offers gently. Splashing through the water up to midcalf, she lunges up atop a bus, murmuring apology again as she deposits the old woman gently at the third story balacony and its startled onlookers. "Take care of her!" she barks out-- grimacing as she glances back to the floodwaters. Deceptively shallow-- with all the power of an angry ocean behind them. She licks her lips, straightens her mask-- down, out again, surging through water climbing rapidly to her hips, above her waist. Through fury and flood, towards fire and flames.

Because that is what heroes do!

<< "Operador-- Operator, fire sighted a few blocks down from my location. Electric failure? Power surge? Proceeding there, rapido, before fire gets worse." >>
Alura In-Ze The sounds under water are strange. Low deep things, twisting angry noises as torrents and whirlpools whip through structures the water was never meant to meet. One big sound dominates suddenly and Alura bursts back up out of the water.

The high rise. She flies to its side and spreads her arms out, back to it, as she applies pressure back against it before it slides off its own structures and over the city. <<"Superwoman here. Need help evacuating the high rise.. it's falling to pieces. I can only hold it so long.">>

Super strength does not equate to super glue and the water insists on tearing this building apart from the inside out. She shuts her eyes and focuses. Each little sound, each little crack and twitch and movement of the building. She focuses on countering it as best she can, to buy as much time as she can to rescue the people.
John Constantine John raises his brow at Cassandra and then the old man. He's about to say something when the old man stands. "All right then. Thought I was going to have to do this without consent and I'm pretty sure this one," he juts a thumb at Cassandra, "would beat me to a pulp if I did."

John rubs his hands. "Now, for the ride me daughter calls 'Habanero Pepper Slide' -- it's the Nightcrawler Special -- Brimstone Tunnel!"


Audra Meridian Once she reachs one of the safe evac points where people have been gathered Audra slows to a hover, setting the older woman down on her feet. Though she continues to cling for a moment, as if not sure it's really safe, before uttering softly and letting go. Audra doesn't entirely understand Spanish but the sentiment of gratitude is plain even without knowing all the words. Audra hands her daughter to her, and then turns to take back off. As much as she'd love to reassure people farther, there's still too many points of potential disaster out there for her to linger that long.

She knows that horrible sound. It doesn't matter if it's from being hit by debris or shorted out in the water, the sound of a transformer going up in flames is impossible for the technical minded to miss, and a quick scan brings the heat signature of the flames resulting from it on her HUD, along with the feeds from Natasha and other sources. She quickly blasts off in that direction. <<I'm coming in, Silverdane,>> she responds. <<Electrical equipment likely shorted and started aflame. But I can do something about that!>>

Sure enough the flash of lavander and grey can be seen overhead as she pulls up at the building. Audra considers the situation. Just dousing the fire with water is not the way to go at this time, if it -is- an electrical malfunction water could potentially make it worse.

Instead she adjusts the settings on her gauntlets, and reachs back to pull a second pair of tubes from her backpack, which are plugged into their equipment. Arms come up and out, directed towards the centralish point of the fire, and she clenches her fists to engage. There's a thwoosh and a thrum, taking a moment for the hardware to build up, and then a gush of billowing whitish-grey sprays out of the guantlet's emitters. By using some antiflammable chemical instead of water through her gear Audra is created a supercooled foam, spraying it out to smother the flames as much as possible and cool off whatever machinery started the electrical fires to prevent additional shorts. It will hopefully be enough to clear things long enough to evacuate the people out.
Bart Allen Bart Allen takes a moment to look around from the top of the hospital. Bart will head inland for a moment and comes back with a cart that has some boxes on it. Once he is back to the water's edge he will open one of the boxes and with a tug of a rope a raft starts to inflate. He then does two more and piles the rest of the boxes and things he has on the cart to the rafts, where he makes his way pulling the rafts like a speedboat as he runs across the water. He brings the rafts to the edge of the hospital and starts to carry the boxes up to the roof setting them aside. Seems Bart ran inland a bit to a survival/camping store, and now there are 4 portable generators on top of the hospital, with 3 cans of gas for each. There is also a Bart with his hands on his knees catching his breath a moment "Got someone who can hook these up to keep folks on life support and such who need it supplied with power?"
Clea Clea's realizing that things are squared away where she is. So that means she's off to help others! The sorceress moves from the hospital to where the resort is giving folks issues and there is a portal opened for those who can't be evacuated into the jets. She makes sure to clear those from the lower floors as if the building falls that is going to take a lot of the force. She makes it her focus to try to get everyone out that she can and quickly.
Pietro Maximoff Pietro is tireless in his efforts - it truly is the better side to see of Quicksilver. For all his upbringing, for all his previous misdeeds - he truly is trying to live up to the role of hero. The man zips in and out, carrying people one or two at a time - towing wouldn't work for the mutant. The equipment wouldn't stand up to the strain. Still, he will run until there are none left to rescue.

It's what heroes do, as one Asgardian said once.
Steve Rogers The surge of water starts to ebb and slow. Not everyone in the town made it through safely, but there is no doubt that fast action by the heroes saved many lives that otherwise would have been lost this evening.

There are still fires to be doused, and people to ferry to safer areas less prone to collapse. The sound of more helicopters can be heard as emergency services from the mainland of the Yucatan finally begins to arrive to assist. Field hospitals are set up to help with the injured.

Everywhere, people are offering their gratitude to the heroes. Wonder Woman is offered a hug by a little girl. The freighter captain offers heartfelt words of gratitude to Alura when he's able to flag her down. The speedsters saved countless people and receive many thanks, a few of them tearful.

The town's mayor pushes through the flood waters in a boat, stopping to thank Invincible whenever he comes back above the water's surface. People's eyes shine with gratitude to Clea as they step from her portal. Audra and Belinda are offered murmurs of gratitude in Spanish and English.

Cap's voice comes over the Avenger comms. <<Good job over there, everyone. It sounds like from the Justice League that the worst of it is passed.>>
Bart Allen Bart Allen looks around and once he has caught his breath he heads down to a building and heads inside, coming out with an arm full of books, and heads towards the shoreline where he finds a surfboard and puts the books on it. He then starts trips back and forth inland and a new dock is starting to be built, and once it is finished there is 6 boats that start to get built from the hull up. Bart can be seen looking at the boats now and again, as he builds 6 simple fishing boats from supplies inland. One is Red and Black with an RR on the hull, one Red, blue and Black with a SB, Red and Blue with a WG, a Grey one with a B on it, a Black one with an O, and a two toned brown one with a HB on it when he finishes. He will ask over the com. "Wonderwoman, think you can pick someone out to make sure these go to folks who need them?"
Alura In-Ze Alura checks to make sure Mark has the building, then she flies in and freezes the water with her breath so that there's structure enough for now. She flies back up to look over the disaster - so much destruction in such little time. But so many people saved.

<< "Cancun Coast and Honduras still need us - the tsunami is heading their way." >> Because the work is never over. Even though those two locations won't get anywhere near the hit that this place did. She brings up her holographic map - time to impact ticking down in Kryptonian numbers. They have time to take a breather at least and those locations are already alerted and evacuating.

She looks over at Diana and gives her a small nod. This is what the Justice League is all about.
Audra Meridian That you can't always save everyone is one of the hardest things for a hero to accept... But know that you helped make things that much less worse than they could of been for the people that were saved still makes it all worth it.

Audra pauses a moment at a hover, if only to let pressure and foam mixture build back up in the system. <<It's going to take time to clean everything up,>> she remarks over the unified network. Looks down at the flooded streets, though the waters are at least calming. <<If anyone has any leads on what caused this, I'd love to know. Will keep an eye open for lingering survivors.>>
Mark Grayson Is it getting cold? It's getting cold! Invincible notices Alura and adds another name to his list of people to meet later. As she starts to freeze the water, the young superhero backs up before he gets caught up in the ice block.

Breaking the surface, Invincible catches his breath just as the mayor comes rowing up. And is thanking him??? There's confusion on Mark's lips as he waves around at all the other heroes. He's just doing what he can to help. And then adds that the mayor should make his way to higher ground two, things still aren't safe!

As he hears Alura talking about other areas, he floats up to where she and Diana are. "Uh. Hi. My name's Invincible." At least he's stopped with, 'Hi, I'm Invincible!' Too many people wanted to test that. Especially the evil ones.

"Is there somewhere else that needs help, if not I'll stick with helpinhg here..." After all, this is probably going to be an all-nighter in itself. So many people to assist. And while his father would say leave as soon as the crisis was averted, he's sticking around as long as he can.
Diana Prince The Amazonian Jet delivers the full capacity load of people to safety before Diana rejoins them with an elderly man cradled in her arms, both of them drenched from the waters below. She returned the old man to his family who were rushing to his side with tears and smiles to see their loved one brought to them from the depths of the chaos.

The Princess exchanges hugs with the young girl, before she rises up to survey the situation. A nod is given to Alura once they rejoin one another. "It is." Diana says, a hand pulling her wet hair over her shoulder. She draws in a breath as Mark arrives at their location. She nods once toward him then. "Disasters such as this will never stop, and thus we must never stop either." She says back with a soft smile before she starts toward her Jet once more, as it is off-loaded from passengers.

"We must continue our search, before we head south. Contact Aquaman, and make sure that he and his people have all the latest information too." Diana speaks to those around her, as well as over the JLA comms before she strides back up the ramp of the white-hued Jet, with the sounds of sirens and continued chaotic ambience all around.

She pauses at the top of her Jet's ramp, with one hand on its edge. She looks back to those gathered. "You did well here tonight. All of you. Keep it up. The people here need us, now more than ever.."
Alura In-Ze Alura takes Mark's hand and gives a gentle handshake, despite knowing he must be very strong. "Invincible. Superwoman. The night is young, as they say here on Earth. We're needed here and there, take your pick."
Mark Grayson Diana, even when dripping and not just dripped, is just simply inspiring! "You remind me a lot of my father." he admits, before Alura ... SUPERWOMAN IS SHAKING HIS HAND.

This is now in his top 20 days ever. Somewhere between meeting Bunny and throwing a trash bag into near orbit. "Right." he says, but it comes out as a high-pitched squeak instead of a cool and confident tone. "I'll get right on it!" Once his hand's released, he's back into the thick of it to help where he can!
Audra Meridian Audra Meridian notices the small gathering in the air and rises up to join them, saluting briefly to Wonder Woman as she boards her jet to move on to the next location. "If you've got enough people to move on to the next location, we can continue working on things here. Can't just dump this mess on the local authorities to deal with." Which seems to be what the lad is also thinking. "Keep us posted on the front end, we'll do the same for here." She turns and swooshes off after Invincible. "Let's handle this so they don't have to worry about this and can focus on the next wave."
Cassandra Cain "I can do more," says the asian girl who has apparently been there this entire time, right behind everyone else. She's not giving off anything, not even a heartbeat, until the moment that she speaks.

Honestly, if she wanted to she'd have given that old guy a heart attack doing that kind of sh**. How does she DO that?
