Owner Pose
Steve Rogers It is not uncommon for the Avengers to have a movie night now and then for whomever is around. It keeps up the team interaction and also is a chance to unwind. Steve likes it for the chance for people to suggest things that are worth him seeing that he missed while he was in the ice. Which has been a lot, even if he has made a dent in it since thawing out.

He's not sure what movie is on the docket, or even whose turn it is to pick. Hopefully there won't be an argument about it. Instead he was on pizza duty. Steve likes to use Mongo's pizza. They have good sauce. And they also gave him some stickers with their logo, and a driver's nametag, that he's used as part of a disguise before.

He arrives back at the mansion, carrying in five pizza boxes. Enough it should be enough for everyone, and if there's some left over it usually disappears from the fridge soon enough.
Natasha Romanova Sitting over in one of the corners is Natasha, whom is reviewing memos from various departments. Ones that are SHIELD related and SWORD. Analysis of something different ongoing from Avengers operations. So when the group is called together for 'movie night' she goes to push the notes away and goes to head towards the common area.

Her notes aren't leading her to any conclusions she hasn't already come to or new aspects of analysis to bring up in conversation with the other agents. So she might as well come to socialize.
Greer Grant It's Tigra's turn to pick, and she's chosen Young Frankenstein, rather than another famous Mel Brooks movie that happens to have Mongo in it, as only a pawn in game of life. That particular movie comes with some other baggage, though, and Young Frankenstein is a safe, fun choice. Usually. One might could read subtext about dangers of science, but she's not intending that, herself. She's gotten the music queued up and has claimed a comfy chair, pizza and a drink.
Pepper Potts Pepper is in the kitchen, bringing out the 'big guns', that is, the commercial-sized coffee pot with a separate hot water dispenser. The sounds from within are the 'usual' ones; the *pop* of the new coffee can, the sound of a couple gallons of water to refill the reservoir, and finally, the distinct *gurgle* of the water dripping down, the *splash* of the stream, and finally, the aroma of fresh coffee. She's dressed down, that is, a pair of tailored blue jeans, a t-shirt, and a loose sweater over it. A pair of dark flats are on her feet. Strawberry blonde hair is down, unfettered though it has the tell-tale wave of someone who'd had it confined to a bun for most of the day.

Strolling out from the kitchen, Pepper has a cup of coffee cradled in hands; hot and black, the steam rising. "There's coffee and some hot water for anyone who may want hot chocolate."
Tony Stark     Tony has been puttering around the workshop here in the mansion, as opposed to the one in Stark Tower. Generally what this means is that he's working on something that isn't specifically for one of his armors. He's been in there most of the day, so it was probably Jarvis who let him know that there was a movie night about to happen outside his little cocoon of mechanical parts.

    He comes into the room from the direction of the elevator, still wiping his hands on a semi-clean rag and takes a head count. "Ok, I guess a total of six does make enough for a movie night. Hi folks, have we picked a movie yet?"

    When Pepper comes into the room, he smiles and walks over to give her a quick kiss "Well, this is a nice surprise, I've actually got someone to sit with." He heads over to one of the bars, contemplates bottles for a moment and then decides on something a touch light and pours out a gin and tonic before heading for one of the couches where he and Pepper can both fit.
Steve Rogers Steve Rogers sets the pizzas down on a table in the Recreation Room, arranging them each side by side. The toppings on each are labelled on the top of the box, and Steve got a usual assortment where people are likely to be able to find something that they'd like. Of course, the mansion staff can also whip up something if pizza doesn't fit anyone's cravings tonight.

"Hey Nat. Good, time to put the reports away and let your hair down," he says while flashing her a warm smile. "So what is the movie for tonight anyway?" he asks, parroting Tony. He looks about to see who has the remote. Looks like Greer. "What did you pick, Greer?" he asks her.

Pepper is given another warm smile as she comes in. "Ah, fresh pot? Music to my ears," he says, going to grab his normal mug and fill it up with black coffee. He returns, moving some pepperoni pizza to a plate and then going to find a seat with a view of the TV. "Anyone talked to Bruce today?" he asks.
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanova would sit back and go to review what bits of Yiddish she was fluent with in her mind. It wasn't that divergent from many of the eastern european languages, so quick to transfer over. Also many of the idioms were ones that were more relatable given the community. She would go to slide down and take a seat.

"I've not had the chance to speak to him since he was brought back. Is he doing better?" She would go to take her seat, letting the others move to take the first slices of pizza.
Greer Grant "Young Frankenstein," Tigra cheerfully answers Steve. "Mel Brooks's spoof of the Frankenstein and Young Frankenstein movies. Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle, Madeline Kahn, just to name a few. It's also in black & white by choice, so you should feel comfortable with it," she teases the man out of time. She starts up the movie and then shakes her head. "I haven't spoken to him. Probably should. I'm sure he's upset about what happened."
Pepper Potts Is it strange for all these years that Pepper's been around Tony, her features still seem to light up when he walks into the room? There's a tight-lipped happy smile that plays on her face, showcasing the hint of freckles that sit upon her cheeks. The kiss is received warmly and a quick one is given in return, coupled with a quick nod in acknowledgment.

"Yes, Natasha. I think you might like the movie. It was filmed in the same location as the original 'Frankenstein'." Green eyes glance in Steve's direction, just in case he's familiar with the 'real' Frankenstein movie.

"You might recognize the sets, if you saw it, Steve."

Greer is given a quick smile and nod in approval of the movie as she moves towards the indicated couch. Folding up a leg to sit on it, she cradles her coffee carefully as she lets herself down, making sure Tony's got some room.

"I haven't heard anything from Dr Banner. Is he okay?"
Tony Stark     Sitting down beside Pepper, Tony takes a sip of his drink and nods, "Yeah, this is a good one. Then again, just about anything by Mel Brooks is worth watching." He glances over at Steve and adds, "Well, at least if you're familiar with what he's spoofing, anyway. We've made you sit through Star Wars, right? That's kind of a pre-req for Spaceballs, or most of the jokes" he makes a whooshing sound and moves his hand over the top of his head "right over the old head."

    He hmms, puts his drink on the table in front of the couch and gets up, heading over to the pizza array. He looks back at Pepper and asks, "Want any pizza?" He grabs a plate and collects two slices from different boxes while awaiting her choice.
Scott Lang Fashionably Late is what Tony Stark would call this. Sadly, Scott Lang isn't exactly fashionable, so it's just regular late. Coming to the Avengers Mansion, he's happy that the team s coming together like a group of friends rather than something clinical. Where people meet, train, save the world and that's it.

Scott tries to slip inside quietly. It's a little harder to do without the Ant-Man suit, but he does semi-alright. Unless someone's watching the door, or the pizza array he's heading toward, no one should notice him. Scott's just trying to make it like he was here the whole time.

Deep down he knows that won't work.
Steve Rogers Steve Rogers listens to Greer's explanation of the movie. "You know, it strikes me how much the same material gets remade," he says thoughtfully. "I suppose the classics always have an appeal though." And after another moment. "And they are out to make money. That's probably a big part of it too, of course. So is this one of your favorite's, Greer?" he asks.

Asked his own question back about Bruce Banner, Cap gives a little shake of his head. "I've tried to make sure he had someone there if he wanted it, but have tried to give him some space." Steve takes a sip of the coffee, his expression a little serious. "I'm concerned with how much destruction there is, what fallout there might be. Have a meeting with Nick Fury. I suspect it will get mentioned."

He seems good with being distracted with gentler topics. "Star Wars I have seen. yes. Vader. Luke. People's obsession with Leia's outfit," he says. See, he knows.
Greer Grant "One of them. It's a good choice for easy going viewing. Lot of the jokes are surface level so people not paying attention can enjoy them, and there's a lot of detail to it for people watching more closely or seeing it again. And it's just a really well -made- movie." She pretends to not have seen Scott. "I can't imagine what he must go through, having someone else in his head like that, able to do so much damage when he gets out. I had issues with a savage side in the past, but nothing like what he's dealt with." She doesn't comment on Leia's outfit. She's probably the only one here who might actually being wearing less than Leia on Tatooine.
Pepper Potts Air-fried popcorn is Pepper's movie 'go to' but she didn't think of it, which is fine. Or veggies with a nice light dip. Again, not present. As Tony settles down beside her, she takes the opportunity to lean in, but that's short lived thanks to the siren of the pizza. Leaning forward, then, she sets her coffee on the table before them and shakes her head quickly. "No, no thank you." That'd be another round in the ring with Happy, and she's still sore from before!

"I think you'll reall enjoy it, Steve." There's a pause before she looks, the smile remaining easily upon her face to Greer, "Good choice. I haven't seen it in years."

Scott isn't noticed, not when he comes in anyway. When he goes after the pizza, however, absolutely. "Hello, Scott," is offered up pleasantly. "Young Frankenstein, thank Greer. I think it should be right up your alley for puns."

More information about Bruce, however, brings a delicate scowl to her face in response. "I don't think he should be given too much space. He can get wrapped up in there," Pepper points to her head, "and sometimes it's hard to get out. You're relying on him to seek someone out?" She shakes her head quickly, "Should I go get him and bring him down?"
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanova would lean back over and move to speak over in rapidfire Yiddish as the movie goes on. "You know if it's in this then it's something not for innocent ears." She goes to say that wiht the enunciation of someone that grew up in the nineteen thirties in what would pass as the Jewish immigrant districts of New York City. An accent that would probably sound familiar to Steve, given where he grew up.

Natasha looks amused and looks to Pepper. "You say that like I've never seen anything before, Pepper." She switches back to English.
Scott Lang "It's Frunkensteen," Scott says and smirks. "An old favorite. I'm waiting for Cassie to get a little older. Daddy Daughter movie night with Mel Brooks," he says to Pepper as she brought up the movie, the choice done by Greer.

A look goes to Natasha. Scott feels like he missed something big. However, he just tries to focus on the pizza. Taking a few slices with anything that has bacon and various meets. That sounds good tonight.
Tony Stark     Tony nods, "Good, we'll have to set up a Spaceballs night then." He takes a bite of one of his slices, relaxing back into the couch cushions. "Yeah, no contact with Dr. Jekyll here either. But I get Pepper's point about space, having been on the receiving end of the 'join the real world now and then' speech a few too many times. Some of us do get sort of caught up in our own thing if nobody drags us out now and again."

    Coming from Tony, this is actually personal growth. Apparently someone's having at least a little effect on the man who had sometimes spent upwards of a week working on a stubborn problem.
Steve Rogers There is a meat lovers among the pizzas so Scott Lang should be able to find something like he's hoping for. "Hey Scott," Steve says, flashing a smile of greeting over to him. He doesn't follow Natasha in her switch to Yiddish, so focuses on the other conversation going on.

He replies to Pepper's comment that he'll like it, "Rarely have I been steered wrong with people's recommendations. So looking forward to it."

He gives a shake of his head then about Bruce. "I stopped up to see if he wanted to come down. Didn't get an answer when I knocked," he says.

Steve takes a bite of his slice of pizza and turns his eyes back to the movie to not fall behind on what's going on. "That's Gene Wilder, right? The one who was in the chocolate factory movie?"
Greer Grant A quick grin over at Scott when he quotes the movie. "That's him," Tigra confirms for Steve. He's also in Blazing Saddles, which is another funny movie, but that one takes a little prep work first." She rolls her head to the side to look at Tony, a bit upside down, but hey, cat. "Should do Silent Movie, also. The celebrities might not mean anything to him, but the sight gags are a scream, pun intended."
Pepper Potts Pepper offers up a grin to Natasha as she settles back and leans a little on Tony, getting comfortable for the evening's fare. "Nothing. Absolutely a babe in the woods, Nat."

Tony's admission does gain a smile as she looks up to him; how'd he know she was SORT OF speaking on past experience? Nah.. say it ain't so. It's just something she's noticed through the years, and yes.. the best way sometimes is well-intentioned intervention. "I just hope someone can reach him. I don't know him well enough, but I can at least send him something at least." Reaching out.

Steve's question regarding Gene Wilder gains a nod, "Yes. Same person." Funny as all get out!
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanova would rest her hands on her lap, "When Doctor Banner feels like talking, he'll come out and do so." Some people needed help from others when it came time to dealing with confusion and grief. Others needed isolation. Bruce has always been to Natasha the isolationist type. To her, burying himself in his work to distract himself is what comes naturally.

She turns his attention back to the movie. "If he wants to talk to us, he can easily enough."
Scott Lang "We should just do a Mel Brooks night. Maybe get the Producers, a few of the other Mel Brooks works with Gene, maybe some prince of tights," Scott knows Gene isn't in that one.

Coming back to the group, he tries to find a free spot.

There's a pause from Scott before he speaks up, "Natasha's right about Banner. I hope he shows up sooner than later, but he will show up when he's ready," that's something he does know about Banner.
Steve Rogers Steve Rogers gets a thoughtful look, sitting up so he can pull a little notepad from his back pocket. He hasn't transferred the list of things people suggest he should check out to electronic form. Just feels better about having it on paper.

"What was the other thing with him?" he murmurs, more to himself than not but everyone else can hear Steve say it. "Oh, was it the dancing?" he says as if remembering more. He flips another page or two. "Yes here it is. Watch Gilda Radner and Steve Martin dance on SNL," he says. "She's his wife," he adds from the note just above it on the line with Willa Wonka and the Chocolate Factory which has been crossed out.

"Well I definitely liked him in Willy Wonka," Steve says. He nods in agreement with the comments of Scott and Natasha about Bruce.

"Greer, are you in the mood for pizza?" he asks, motioning towards the food. "We can get the staff to send some popcorn if you want, Pepper?"
Tony Stark     Slipping an arm around Pepper as she leans on him, Tony shrugs, "Different people handle things differently. And let's be honest, he had a lot of time when it was just him dealing with his problem. He's used to working it out alone." He takes a sip of his drink then continues, "Being part of a team is probably still kind of new to him, so he doesn't think to talk to anyone else about it."

    "And with that, what say we enjoy a movie and put the Banner problem on the back burner? We just need to keep an eye on him. Come to think of it... Jarvis, let Cap know if Banner steps foot outside his suite. But don't let Banner know we're keep tabs on him, he might take it the wrong way." Jarvis replies, as always, with a polite, "Of course, sir."

    "Right then, movie time!"
Greer Grant "Could do Silver Streak," Tigra suggests to Scott. Wilder without Brooks. "I've never seen that one but it's supposed to be a funny one." At Steve's question she holds up her plate, void of pizza but with crumbs and bit of grease from the slices she's consumed already. "I'm good, Cap, thank you." A quick grin as Tony refocuses things back to the movie.
Pepper Potts Pepper shakes her head quickly, "I really do disagree. People like him, and I mean brilliant scientists, when they get left alone for too long, they forget almost everything. And if they're left alone too long with their own thoughts? It can easily spiral into depression with all those 'should I, why didn't I, and they don't want to see me' thoughts." There's a shrug that rises with her free shoulder soon enough, and she finishes, "It's not safe, or healthy to be left alone for too long."

Pepper is officially on record, and once she says her piece, she's done. Instead, with Scott's suggestion of popcorn, Pepper shakes her head quickly. "None for me, thank you. The coffee is enough. If everyone else wants some, however?

"JARVIS, can you start the popcorn please as well?

"Yes, Ms Potts," comes a familiar, warm-toned English accent. Of //course// there are robots that can do just that! Who doesn't have them at their beck and call?

"Anything else?"

"No, no thank you JARVIS."

"Very good, ma'am."

Pepper is absolutely ready for the movie!
Scott Lang "I don't mind Wonka, not my favorte, but I get why people call it a 'classic.' Fair enough," he starts to thnk on it more. "Wilder did a few great movies with Richard Pryor. They had a good rapport," and Greer brings up "Silver Streak."

Scott chimes in, "That's one of those films, Steve," he grins and thinks maybe he should talk moves with Greer a little more. She clearly has some good tastes.
Steve Rogers Steve looks about, reaching over to a drawer in the end table next to him and opens it, finding a pen within. "Silver... Streak..." he says as he writes it down in his notepad. He smiles to Scott Lang and then replaces the pen and closes the drawer. "I'll have to give it a watch," he agrees.

He nods over towards Tony as if agreeing with the instructions given to JARVIS, but then leaves the topic of Bruce there as he focuses back on the movie. "So Pepper, you and Tony have anything interesting coming out of Stark Industries in the near future?" he asks during a slow part in the movie.
Tony Stark     Tony shakes his head as Steve writes down the movie name, saying "Some day we're going to drag you kicking and screaming into the modern age. You do realize Jarvis can keep track of things like that for you, right? Then you can access it anywhere you are through your communicator or phone." He turns his head to say to Pepper "We need to sign him up for one of our senior citizen tech classes. Get him up to speed."

    There's a teasing tone in his voice, perhaps a touch hard to recognize, but it's a start. Usually he's more prone to actually rip on someone, sometimes even people he likes. He takes another bite of his pizza. "Though he does make a darn good pizza delivery guy."
Pepper Potts Pepper is more than happy to let the topic of Bruce go, instead focusing on the movie, the company, the arm wrapped about her and the comfortable shoulder she has to lean against. The black and white movie lends itself to the environs and it's easy to feel that it is a //home// as it had once been. Doesn't hurt that the scent of freshly popped popcorn starts as a hint, and then grows stronger as the *whrrrrrr* of treads gets louder. The bot with the popcorn! The warm, popped kernels are set down, and once again, the little metallic server disappears back into a cabinet.

"And popcorn," she adds."

The movie, of course, starting with the trope of 'dark and stormy night', complete with disfigured servant, it gains laughs along the way.

Like every movie, there are the slower parts, and as they are reached, conversation begins anew.

"More research," Pepper begins, "As for products?" She looks to Tony, brows creasing slightly before she shakes her head, "One project that I'm really attached to isn't ready for production yet. I promise I'll tell you a week before that one comes out. That way you'll be ready and in place, because I'd really, really like you to be there for the unveiling."
Steve Rogers Steve Rogers grins back at Tony. "Saturdays are half price toppings at Mongos," he says. It was more funny when he said it to the startled people in the elevator he'd just dropped into through the roof access, while wearing his Mongo's delivery man disguise. But have to use a call back when the opportunity is there.

"But seriously," Steve says with a tiny shake of his head, "JARVIS does more than enough for me as it is that I don't need to burden him with keeping track of this kind of stuff. There's something nice about having it on paper besides," he argues.

Speaking of the pizza, Steve rises to go over and get another slice. "Nat?" he asks, motioning towards the food while he's up to see if she wants any. He looks back to Pepper and nods. "Of course. Just say the word and let me know when," he agrees to Pepper.
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanova would glance over at Steve, "Whatever's left of the meat lovers." Presuming that the men there haven't finished it off alreayd. Which they're prone to do. "You could just go there and tell them that you q ualify for the senior citizen's discount and with some bartering they might be willing to take another ten percent off the top of it." She would qiup over to Steve while looking at TOny.

"how fares your latest project, Stark? Anything in particular the rest of us should be worried about or not?"
Tony Stark     When Pepper says she'd like someone to be there, Tony points at himself, then at Rogers, kind of a 'who do you mean' gesture. Steve speaking provides the answer to that question, so he takes another sip of his drink and idly steals a handful of popcorn even though he's got half a slice of pizza left.

    "It's based off one of the issues we had the other night in New Jersey. Flares are all well and good, but when you need something lit up for a longer period, they get inconvenient. I'm working on what's basically a light drone. Light you see by, not light in weight. Trying to do it without using an arc reactor so they can be merchandised to first responders, police, that kind of thing. If you can put up one or two of these things and the whole area is lit up like daylight, it'd make things way easier to deal with."
Pepper Potts Pepper cants her head up to look at Tony as he gestures and offers a gentle shove, the smile playing on her face, "You're going to be there already." Since when does she do anything with SI for herself? (Other than the art collection, that is.) She'll remind him later. "And I meant you, Steve. We'd," and she offers a touch of stress on the word, "love for you to be there." There is a pause before, "And you too, Natasha."

Tony's description of his new pet project has Pepper nodding her unwavering support. "If it works out, you could consider some sort of weather shield?" She's looking back at Tony once more. "Nothing is ever broken when it's sunny and warm out." Always, well.. dark and rainy or snowy or something...
Steve Rogers Steve Rogers transfers pizza to a plate for Natasha, then brings it over to here, before he returns to his own seat with his new slice of pepperoni. "They wouldn't believe me even if I showed them my driver's license," he jokes back at Natasha. "But maybe there's someone else they would believe?" he says, pretending that he's trying to think of someone with the comment clearly directed at her.

"That," Steve says between bites of his pizza, "Sounds like a great idea, Tony. Can't really have flares everywhere you'd need them, but I'm sure the first responders would love to have that. Fire departments, fighting fires at night," he says.

He looks back to the TV as Teri Garr and the young Dr. Frankenstein head down into the secret chamber.
Tony Stark     "Exactly, it's just hard to balance light vs. propulsion vs. cooling. Lights that powerful get hot fast. So you have to put on a cooling system which raises the weight, so you have to improve the thrust, which means more power usage, etc. I can do it with an arc reactor, in fact I have a couple ready for Avengers missions if we need them, but I can't sell those. Arc reactors for the public is a huge no-no."

    Taking a sip of his drink, he continues "I've actually got an idea for another armor designed for scenes like we ran into the other night. Not so much combat ability, but tools, maybe some medical equipment, that kind of thing. I mean, any of my armors can lift a beam off someone, but they can't really bandage someone or do careful work clearing rubble and digging people out."