Owner Pose
Kian     Annoyingly for the Kian of the present day, there isn't a whole lot of point to mental communication with his future self.  The Kian of the future is a much better trained telepath, and is damned and determined to give away no more than is actually necessary.
    If there's any mercy on anyone observing, at least they're easily told apart.  Present-day Kian is in his kilt and sleeveless shirt; Future Kian is in a pair of shorts that might on Earth be called Daisy Dukes, and a sleeveless shirt.
    Having recently been talking with Jinx and Lucky, the Kians are still using English, and the younger of them remarks with some bitterness, "What really annoys me is that if I really still am alive in almost 1700 years, that makes is really hard to deny being a /Rhytak/."
    Future Kian offers a smirk.  "It's really not as bad as all that.  Imperial /I'takar'yw/ and coronations, and not a whole lot more.  Godlings aren't needed as often as you think they are."
    Present Kian glares.  "I don't *want* to get used to the idea of being a /Rhytak/!"
    Future Kian's tone is not quite conciliatory.  "There really isn't a whole lot of choice in the matter."
Garfield Logan There are questions. Lots and lots of questions. Answers, there are probably a lot of those as well, but where to start? How to reconcile the fact that some couple thousand years in the future, some of them are still around while, unsurprisingly, most aren't?

Sometimes there's just stuff to check out on the cool ship, too. Beast Boy's doing that, the 'don't touch anything' mentality at war with the 'oh definitely touch everything' one. He keeps to what seems safe, as in nothing likely to impact the flight of the ship, the air pressure, oxygen levels, or anything like that.

Then a pair of voices leads him along toward them. It's the Kians. Before coming fully into view, he stops to see if he can tell the difference in sound, though what each of them says is a good enough spoiler.
Kian     Present Kian doesn't sound bitter, but neither does he sound happy.  "What I'd really like to know is whether you're definitely my future, or one possible future."
    "Even I don't know that," Future Kian remarks after a moment's reflection, then chuckles.  "Are these the shadows of the things that will be, or are they shadows of the things that may be, only?" he quotes.
    "Read more Earth literature.  Some of it's quite good," Future Kian says, ever so slightly smugly.  "Shiri was fond of the story I just quoted."
    "Shiri likes really weird stuff."
    Future Kian regarded his younger self.  "Well, that's true, she did."
    Present Kian pales at the word 'did', realizing exactly what that meant.
Garfield Logan "What are you two birds talking about?" Beast Boy wonders, sauntering over toward them. "Or maybe I should say what are you two different versions of the same bird talking about? And you're not jeopardizing the space-time continuum with any of this, are you? You know what that one movie said about meeting other yous."

He rests a hand against the wall, doing his best to appear casual in the face of another Big Thing they're being called upon to deal with. Even that's not fully known yet.
Terry O'Neil "Good heavens."

The voice appears to be disembodied. The Cheshire cat appears slowly out of thing air. He hadn't been eavesdropping, but with ears like he has, you can't help but hear certain things, right? "You actually read a book I earmarked for you? How long did it take you?" The Cheshire cat crosses his arms and leans into Gar, to let the lean green machine to hold him up, "About as long as it took you to wear something other than a kilt?"

Green eyes go down. Green eyes go up. Eyebrow goes up, and so does a corner of his muzzle.

"Amazing. Daisy Dukes. My fiance/husband is wearing Daisy Dukes in the future. Did you turn into me?"

Terry does not, in fact, wear Daisy Dukes. But the point is made. The cat is no fool, either- the absence of a Future Beast Boy and a Future Vorpal floats there in the space between them. Terry is a very empathetic person, joking aside, and his eyes soften from the Cheshire grin when looking at Future Kian. "... hello, love."

It is both cruel and kind- Terry has no idea how long it has been since Kian heard that voice say those words. But it's something he can give him, at least.
Kian     Present Kian immediately flits over to greet his /tenar'yw/... but Future Kian looks absolutely stricken, going pale to the very lips.  "I--" he begins, and chokes off.
    Even the Kian of the present looks startled, staring at his older self... and then slipping behind Gar and Terry, allowing his future self to see them clearly, unobstructed, for the first time in Gods only know how long.
    When the future birdman finally finds his voice, it comes out faintly.  "I am trying very hard not to give away anything about the future, Gar /tenar'h/.  As difficult as some things have been, I don't want anything changed.  I have actually had a good life, for the most part."
    "Most part?" the Kian of the present asks sharply.
    The older birdman says sharply to him, "No details.  You know better already."  He turns his attention to Terry.  "You always were a bastard, Tarik," he says with a smirk, "and the only reason I'm not mad is because you're not being mean, you're being you."  He spreads his arms and his wings, as if inviting an embrace from his /tenar'yw/.
Garfield Logan "Oh, there you are," Gar says when he catches the words that come before the appearance of the Cheshire Cat, providing a measure of support as he crosses his arms. "You know, I was trying not to think about those, but you had to bring them up." Future Kian's attire, of course. "But you've always had a thing for stuff that would embarrass us."

When Present Kian comes over to be with them he reaches up to ruffle the Akiar's hair briefly, watching his older counterpart from there. "I'm not asking for any info. We just need to know what we're dealing with, what you need us for. Some of those powers looked dangerously familiar."

He adds, glancing to the others before watching Future Kian again. "You must have missed us."
Kian     Future Kian stares at Gar with wide, almost haunted eyes.  His one word comes out hoarsely, almost inaudibly: "Desperately."
Terry O'Neil Terry displays none of Gar's careful observations. He is a blur of purple, red and black, almost Tigger-tackling future Kian with a kiss and a hug... a careful tackle-hug, but a generous squeeze.

He doesn't say anything for a little bit, hearing the weight in Kian The Elder's voice. Terry does know how to handle grief better than Gar, or at least he likes to think that he does. There is a silence that just hangs there for a few seconds as he clings to the bird man, one hand resting on his chest.

And then an ear perks up and he says quietly:

"Yeah, you say that /now/, but you haven't heard him singing in a /long/ time. Just you wait."
Kian     Future Kian clings to Tarik like a drowning man would cling to a life raft in the middle of the Pacific.  "As if I give a shit about tonality," he says huskily.  He appears to have no willingness to let go.
    "Give me my cat back," Present Kian says.
    "Go to hell.  It's been too long since I've seen him.  It's long since my turn, you have *years* ahead of you with him!"
Garfield Logan Beast Boy opens his mouth at Future Kian's reaction, noting his expression, his single word, and before he can make much of it Vorpal is being the impulsive one without a second thought, leading to the two having a very obvious moment.

Covering his mouth with one hand, he leans closer to Present Kian and says quietly, "We probably should have expected that."

Gauntlet: thrown. "What's wrong with my singing?" he asks, turning into a housecat-sized feline to brush against Present Kian's legs as he meanders between them while caterwauling, "O sole miao!"
Terry O'Neil "Tonality, who is talking about tonality?" The Cheshire says quietly, glancing down as Gar gives his gut-string serenade. "I was talking about the nails-on-chalkboard voice. Which I love but that's only because love is blind."

Don't think about that expression too much, okay? He gives both Kians a very long glance, and his brow furrows a little. "Kian, be sensible," he says to the younger one, "You can't take me away from yourself. You already have me. Will have me. Will have had me. Will haven had hadded me." Time travel makes a lot of things strange, including grammar. "Does it really matter what happens? What matters is that we're all here, right now." He looks at Elder Kian, and frowns. "I hope you always knew I love you. And I hope... in fact, I know that you didn't let... /it/ stop you from getting close to others after we were no longer there."

Pause. Slight narrowing of his eyes. "Right? Please tell me you did not Miss Havisham yourself for thousands of years? And you can't pretend you don't know what that reference means. /I know better now/."
Kian     Future Kian gives Tarik the Evil Hairy Eyeball.  "Oh Lady Mother Kiare, not Dickens.  No, I haven't gone without partners since you and Gar... although none have been /tenar/, only /tavarik/.  It's not sensible to commit myself that deeply to someone who... who isn't always going to be there with me.  Unfortunately, the other surviving Titans in my time are either women or unremittingly disinterested in men.  But no, my dear cat, I have not spent the intervening centuries in loneliness."
    Present Kian scoops up housecat Gar and hugs him close.  "I can't believe I'm actually going to miss your so-called singing."
    Future Kian snickers.  "You... I will."
Garfield Logan "Oh, here we go," the green cat laments as the book character is brought up and the older Kian reveals an understanding of it. "While he spends his time reading, I spend my time living. I'm not a bookworm," which he proves by simply not turning into one. Maybe a bad idea around anyone bird-adjacent.

Upon being held nearer, Gar goes into answering with a purr and kneading at younger Kian, looking as intentionally cute as possible while waiting for Vorpal to compose himself again. "I'll never be forgotten, because I'm unforgettable."
Terry O'Neil Vorpal smirks, "Me? Bookworm? I'm a bookwyrm, thank you very much." The Cheshire gives Gar a look, and shakes his head. ".. but in all seriousness, do you have any non-timeline-altering advice for us? It won't be hard, because you'll remember having received the advice, so you can give it, right?" He glances between Kians, "Then we would be simply obeying rules, right? If you remember getting it, you've just gotta deal it out."
Kian     "No, of course I don't," Future Kian says.  "Anything I say could be prejudicial.  And I *know* better than to give you a technicality to exploit, Tarik.  All I'm going to say is that there are difficult days coming, and you should stick together.  My poor younger self, I wish I could warn you what's coming, but it's difficult."
    Present Kian squeezes Garcat tighter.  "I can't imagine anything worse than losing either of these two."
    His older self does not smile.  "I know you can't.  But there are worse things.  And you should prepare yourself.  Now please do me a favor and pass Gar over here.  It's been a long time since I've hugged him, too."
    Present Kian whitens... and tosses Garcat in his older self's direction.  "*Now* I'm worried about the future."
Garfield Logan The actual cat plays with batting at a few of younger Kian's feathers, before he gives a little yowl as he's suddenly airborne. "Rude!" he mock-scolds before turning to a sparrow in order to circle older Kian, seeking to land upon a finger or, barring that, in a hand to start with. "I'm no chicken little, but dealing with threats that put the world in danger is kind of our thing. You know that. So as long as we're young and dumb - some of us more than others - we'll keep doing what we do."

That little vow finished, Beast Boy makes older Kian wait a few excruciating seconds longer before turning back to normal to offer up a good hug and ruffling of hair and wings. "No need to tell us anything. What's gonna happen is gonna happen. Now c'mere, you big bird."
Terry O'Neil "... I know you are the Physics Birb and know more about such things," Vorpal says to both Kians, "but I refuse to believe the future is set in stone. Predestination paradox. If free will exists, it must exist along the entire continuum of existence, otherwise it is merely a charade, a sham. So even though you are in 'a' future, I refuse to believe it is the only future." The Cheshire smirks and holds on to Kian.

"It makes sense, when you think of it. At every point along the continuum of your existence, there is the possiblity that every future is only possible, no matter how probable, and not set in stone. Right?"
Kian     Future Kian wraps a wing around Gar as well, nestling into the embrace with his two /tenar'yw/.  "I hope so.  I would like to think you two figure out a way to keep existing.  Temporal physics has always eluded me, so I don't know.  If anyone's going to tell the future to get stuffed, it'll be you two."  He chuckles softly.  "Don't misunderstand, I'm not unhappy in my time.  But I'll be even happier with you there with me.  Besides, Donna and Rae are there in my time, can you really resist the chance to get on their nerves?"
    Present Kian claps his hand over his eyes.  "/C'Rhys'yw/, I get to be as bad as you two..."
Garfield Logan Garfield Logan makes a slight face, shaking his head. "Hey, I figured out I could regrow my arm, and that's still pretty crazy to think about, but living for a thousand years? Sorry, I just don't see it. I'm not immortal, and no offense but I don't think I want to be. It's natural for most of us to grow up, get old, and die someday. Our life expectancy is already lower. It's not like we're sitting at a desk job eight hours a day."

He squints over toward Vorpal. "Like I said, most of us aren't." The more theoretical and philosophical side is Vorpal's thing, not his. "/And/ if you have a kid, that's it for you too," he adds to the feline. "So let's not overthink anything. We have a knack for finding the right answer when we need it, and we don't have forever to help with what you all came to us for. We can worry about that later."
Terry O'Neil "Yes. I am not entirely ready to be a father just yet. And besides, I am sure there are ways to get around /that/ particular loophole. We seem to get around quite a bit." He frowns, "... I have to admit the prospect of the future existing is something that always puts me in a tricky frame of mind. I mean, think about it..." he holds up his hands, as one discussing a theoretical issue- "We take free will as granted because only the present exists. The moment a future exists separate from this present, then we have to ask... does this mean there is a predetermination? Even if there are a million different alternate futures, they already *exist*, so there is no free will, only a different flavor of predetermination?" he glances at Kian. "Do you know what I mean?" He looks at the OTHER Kian. "Right?"
Kian     Future Kian laughs.  "A thousand years later, and philosophy still gives me a headache.  The flat answer is no, I don't know if I'm *the* future or *a* future.  On the whole, I think it's more likely I'm *a* future.  But I don't want to take any risks with my timeline -- I don't want to accidentally trigger a future where I don't exist, and I have no idea what I must and must not do to make sure I don't.  So the safest path is giving you as little information as possible."
    Younger Kian approaches, embracing his /tenar'yw/ from behind, surrounding them in a cloud of wings.  "I think it's pretty serious information to know that I *can* live as long as you.  And if either of you two call this hug a chicken sandwich, I won't hit you, but I bet future me will."
    Future Kian snickers.  "In a heartbeat."
Garfield Logan Garfield Logan makes sure everyone is properly ruffled, but he squints at Vorpal. "/We/ get around a lot? This, boys and...boys, is what we call 'projection.' And as an actor, I know a lot about projection." He holds up a finger in case the cat tries to object, suspecting he might.

"Now, the two of you..well, three of you can get as philosophical as you want about different paths and realities and all that, but it's enough for me just to stay focused on the one we're in. So let's not think too hard about it," he says, before he can't help himself. "Chicken sandwich? I guess that makes me the lettuce and you," he indicates Vorpal with a nod, "pickled onions."
Terry O'Neil Vorpal laughs, and gives Gar a swat on the nose. "Please, no, if we were to be a food item, this? This would certainly be one of those double-stuffed Turkeys you see for Thanksgiving, with green olives and ham. And gravy, and-"

A loud rumble, and he looks down at his stomach. "... right. I didn't eat before this bullpuckery started. I am so hungry I could eat a tesseract at this point."
Kian     "You shouldn't have even put the idea in their heads," Elder Kian gently chides his younger self.  "And Gar, clearly Tarik is the /cat/sup."  Finally, he steps back, breaking the embrace, regarding the trio with a wistful smile.  "Hard to believe I was ever that young."
    Younger Kian too steps away, facing his future self squarely.  "It's a lot harder to believe I'm ever going to be that old."
    "Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so."
    Younger Kian blinks.  "What?"
    "Oh, you haven't read that yet."  Future Kian sighs heavily.  "I suppose we should prepare ourselves.  I do have some pieces of advice that I *can* share, though.  For all three of you, revel in each other.  Enjoy every minute.  And I hope that you do figure out how to tell time to go nosedive into the ground.  For my younger self... /believe/ in yourself.  You're stronger than you think you are.  You're so afraid of doing something wrong, you can miss chances to do right.  And Tarik..."
    With a swift motion, Future Kian grabs his younger self, giving him a deep, passionate kiss worthy of Gomez and Morticia, complete with present-day Kian bent over backwards.  When he surfaces for air, he says, "...*that* is how you make out with yourself."
    All younger Kian can gasp out is, "/c'Rhys'yw/, I'm a good kisser...."
Garfield Logan Garfield Logan generally ignores Vorpal's talk of stuffed turkeys, his stomach rumbling being the thing that gets him to say something. "Ah, I see being around me has increased your appetite."

Eyes roll at the older Kian. "I can see over a thousand years, you finally figured out how to tell a joke. And we're definitely going to enjoy what we can. You know at this point we haven't had the wedding yet? We're close, though. I hope that's a good memory for you."

As a little space is made between them, he's a close witness to the pair of Kians recreating the V-J Day photo. In a straight deadpan, he mutters, "Both of you meet yourselves and make out. I meet myself and my opposite mauls me and leaves me for dead. There's something seriously wrong with that, you know."
Terry O'Neil "Don't worry, Gar. We'll find an alternate version of you that doesn't want to kill you." Vorpal says, and wraps his arms around Gar's waist and gives him a kiss. "You're adorable, so I figure we just got a fluke. But yes... the wedding."

He glances at Older Kian. "Oh yes. The wedding. The wedding! Tell us! Does it go smoothly? Is there anything we should worry about? Surely -that- you can tell us. You know, unexpected villains somehow making their way to Wonderland. Reality wrinkle. That sort of stuff."
Kian     Elder Kian smirks, and strokes Terry's cheek.  "Tarik /tenar'h/, all your weddings, Earth and Wonderland and Akiar are... memorable."  He adds, after a moment, "Good luck with that."
Garfield Logan "I don't /really/ need to make out with myself, especially if that's my way of doing it, like it's some animal thing where I just can't get along with myself," Gar states, after a kiss he returns. "And I'd rather focus on you guys." He begins to hold up a hand to get Kian to avoid saying anything regarding various weddings, but what he hears is no real spoiler to be concerned with. "Let's just enjoy the rest of the time we have and get back to what we need to do to save everyone again."
Terry O'Neil "Agreed..." Vorpal says, though his face shows a little unease. 'Memorable' for Kian was... a loaded word. Of course, his wedding would be loaded- after all, Harley was coordinating it so there was bound to be a lot of booze involved. But it was probably loaded in a diffrent way as well. "Let's go and have some nice together, and then get our heads into saving the world. Or the universe. Or time itself- what the hell ARE we saving, again?"
Kian     Elder Kian gives Vorpal a tired smile, and answers his question quite simply: "Everything."