Owner Pose
Nico Minoru With the police taking care of the bound Hustler, Nico lets out a soft sigh and shakes her head. Naturally, all the people are drinking the really strong everclear-esque alcohol that magically appeared, and she pulls out her phone before muttering softly, "Soundproof and Rihanna's S&M used."

A girl's got to keep track of Staff of One spells, right?

It's only then does she close her eyes, as she takes the Staff within herself. It starts to plunge into her chest once more, and she winces, always feeling a little weird when it happens.

Glancing in the direction of the archer, she offers a weak smile and a faint wave. Yeah, he must've seen what she did, right?
Roy Harper The crowd does not seem to be particularly eager to call it a night despite the near brush with being hypnotically plundered of their stuff. Apparently the lure of a free party -- and now free alcohol, no matter the source -- is just too much of a lure to pass up.

For his part Roy is not quite so sure that he would be willing to be quite so trusting without knowing a little more. And the redheaded archer has definitely gotten up to some sketchy stuff over the years, so that's certainly saying something.

Still, it does seem unlikely that there will be any further need to let arrows fly, so he gives a little flick of his wrist and the bow in his hand starts to collapse back in on itself, folding up until he can tuck it away into his jacket pocket before retrieving his backpack as well.

Watching her weapon of choice simply disappear back inside her is a little... unexpected. To put it mildly. And Roy gives a small shake of his head before lifting his hand towards her in return. Oh yeah. He definitely saw.

Slipping through the thinning crowd -- at least this far out from the stage -- he joins her for a moment. "You can take a lot of staff for a little girl," Roy comments with a faint smirk. But no, seriously. Where does it all go? "Magic?" he asks quietly, his experience giving him a few insights.

And besides, what the heck else could possibly explain it?
Nico Minoru "I've already heard /all/ the jokes when it comes to the Staff of One and me taking it all in." Blame Chase. "And yes, magic."

Still, a sly grin curls onto her lips as she nods before running her fingers through her hair, the blood on her palm drying up now. If he looks he might see there are a fair bit of cuts along her hand and arm. Is she a cutter or something else?

Did she notice him with the bow appearing and disappearing? Most definitely, and she looks at his wrist, "I mean, I'm surprised a guy like you takes a bow all the way in as well." Two can play at those kinds of jokes, after all.
Roy Harper "I can imagine," Roy conceeds with a thoroughly unrepenetent grin and a shrug of his shoulders. Which is probably about as close to an apology he is likely to offer for his comment or behavior. "Still, it's pretty eye-opening the first time," Roy points out. Even for someone who has seen as much as he has over the years.

For his part the archer does seem fairly observant. It doesn't seem likely that he misses them, assuming that he didn't notice just how she brought her magical toy forth in the first place. Which is a little more of a question admittedly, given everything that was going on. Sliding the sunglasses perched on his nose free, those disappear into his pocket as well, eyes flickering briefly towards her arm. Maybe he doesn't think it's his business?

The fact that she takes the teasing in good stride and throws it back in his face only draws another amused grin from the redhead and he pulls out that collapsed cylinder from his pocket for just a moment. "Mine isn't magic, unless you count a little sleight of hand as magic at least," he counters. "And admittedly I don't have a cool name like the Staff of One for my bow either. Clearly I've been remiss," he says with a wink, casually spinning the collapsed bow in his fingers. "The one bow to rule them all?" he suggests archly.
Nico Minoru "Ancient artifacts that run through your family lines tend to have fancy names." she says nonchalantly, as if it's no big deal that she 'inherited' (or rather stole) the staff from her parents.

"And don't use Tolkien for your bow. Be more original. Or you can be like a World of Warcraft nerd and name it something like Nightslasher or something." Cause clearly, she has played games like that before. If she wasn't a Runaway, she would still probably have that WoW account active.

"Or, since it's red, maybe something fire related? Fire Force? THe Burning Arrows of Azatoth."
Roy Harper Chances are that Roy has played his fair share of games in his time, though just how much opportunity he still has is more of an open question. Still, at the very least he seems to catch her references judging by the sardonic grin on his expression.

"Family artifact, huh? Nice," he agrees. Which just goes to show that he doesn't know anything about her family right? "Unfortunately I do not descend from an ancient order of bowmen going back to the forests of Sherwood or maybe I could show off something equally impressive," he admits with a heavy sigh. Ah well, opportunities lost.

"I do like me some of the classics, but you might have a point I guess," the archers agrees, the corners of his mouth twitching ever so slightly. "And I do have a few flaming arrows in my quiver. But then I don't limit myself to just that so maybe I shouldn't tie myself to any one element," he muses playfully. "Appreciate the suggestions though. Clearly you're a natural at the name game."
Nico Minoru "Bow and Arrow: The Last Airbender." she says, snerking for a few moments to gauge his reaction as she waggles her brows.

"Well, I didn't name the staff. Like I said, ancient." Nico says as she purses her lips and then gives him another look over.

"So you got a name? You're kinda cute after all." a beat. "Only kinda though."
Nico Minoru "Bow and Arrow: The Last Airbender." she says, snerking for a few moments to gauge his reaction as she waggles her brows.

"Well, I didn't name the staff. Like I said, ancient." Nico says as she purses her lips and then gives him another look over.

"So you got a name? You're kinda cute after all." a beat. "Only kinda though."
Roy Harper That draws another smirk and a quiet snort from him, Roy's eyes glinting under the lights. "I can make my arrows do some pretty impossible things, admittedly. I'll think on that one," he offers up with a grin. Though he had probably be careful to avoid the copyright infringement if at all possible. Ollie's the billionaire afterall.

"I'd say that it doesn't look a day over five hundred," he offers up in turn before giving a low laugh. "But I guess when there's magic involved you never know," he adds wryly.

The compliment -- or at least half of one -- makes the redheaded archer give another grin, leaning in a little closer. "Well clearly you are a woman of refined and distinctive taste," he counters lightly. "You can call me Roy. Or Arsenal when I'm playing hero," he says, finally making that introduction. "And seeing as you're not so bad yourself, maybe you'll favor me with your name too, hmmm?"
Nico Minoru "Nico." she replies, as she flashes her pearly whites in his direction. "Though when I've heroed in the past, I've gone by Sister Grimm." Mainly because she was a bit of a dour sourpuss in the beginning.

"I'm mostly retired from that life." she explains as she sighs and looks out for a few moments. "Getting brought to a Murderworld in a Hunger Games type scenario and seeing people get killed is never fun." And with that said, her hand that was cut rubs her other arm, tracing up and down over it, giving a gentle squeeze. PTSD perhaps?
Roy Harper Demons are a little something that Roy knows a thing or two about.

The personal kind of demons. Less so the hellfire and brimstone version. But right in the moment he is fairly confident that the first kind are the more applicable.

"Well Nico, it's nice to meet you and your ancient mystic relic. With it's alcohol and bondage gear summoning powers." Clearly it has a diverse poweret with many unusual uses. But hey, whatever works, right? Sometimes the ends justify the means.

He does dampen back on the levity at least a little, dipping his head. "Gotcha," Roy says quietly. "That sounds like a pretty good reason to me to take a step back and reevaulate a few things," he conceeds. "I've done something similar now and then," he free admits. "I'm just glad that you decided to lend a helping hand here tonight. Not that the guy was the biggest threat. But you did some good here tonight."
Nico Minoru "Well, the guy was really lame. I wouldn't of gotten involved if I didn't think it was original the cabeza taco that made me feel sick." she says with a soft chuckle, trying to bring the mood back to something less depressing.

"And the pleasure is mine, Roy." Nico says with a bit of a curtsy.
Nico Minoru "Well, the guy was really lame. I wouldn't of gotten involved if I didn't think it was original the cabeza taco that made me feel sick." she says with a soft chuckle, trying to bring the mood back to something less depressing.

"And the pleasure is mine, Roy." Nico says with a bit of a curtsy. Glancing about to see the people still partying, she furrows her brows and motions to the crowd, "You want to join them? I think I could probably summon up some better drinks for us though."

That smile remains on her features, as she did want to see what all the disco fuss was about. "What do you think? Wanna dance?"