Owner Pose
Natasha Romanova They've been in an engagement with Hydra that involved an old Soviet weapons depot and hangar. Which in turn has lead to the seizure of some Afghanistan War era Soviet helicopters. As the resident expert, Natasha has deferred to Yelena when it comes time to taking them out for test flights as a trio are on the tarmac.
Yelena Belova Yelena has a headset on, and it looks as if it belonged to someone a great deal larger than she. Still, she's got it to sit mostly straight. Walking around one of the birds, the 'white' widow makes some appreciative noises. "Not too many cracks," she begins. "Rust will wear off once some oil is put on in place." Huh..

"This one will not drop from sky." There's a moment before, she mutters, "Probably."
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanova would glance at Yelena, "The point is to have it drop out of the sky without you in it most of the time. And Soviet engineering tends to work. However, maintenance can be spotty." With the general corruption, alcoholism, butt-kissing.. It's not that different than any other military in the wrold beyond the Soviets having come to an understanding of that and made most of thier arms for peasant draftees.
Yelena Belova "That is good trick," Yelena agrees with a quick nod. "Like riding horse, I have dismounted in the middle of run." Weaponizing helicopter crashes!

Still, Natasha is right. "True," and she pulls on one of the door handle, hoping that it doesn't break off in hand. "Mostly work. If treated poorly. Like Urals," Soviet motorcycles, "Keep them in cold, rain, snow, they work. Put them in garage, they break. Not used to nice things."
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanova would glance at Yelena. "Yes, you have gotten good at extricating yourself from helicopters when they land. It's a talent." Being able to get out of things crashing and exploding is a useful life skill! ... Even when you're the one that's mostly to blame for the crashing.

ESPECIALLY when you're the one that's mostly to blame.

"Exactly. It will never outperform anything the West makes.. But it won't require you to spend two hundred thousand dollars per flight hour of maintenance and have every vehicle be taken offline if they can't make the cockpit window untint."
Yelena Belova "I will take solid," meaning, of course, Soviet. "I can fix in air, or on ground." When (not if) it goes splat. "Though, the American aircraft is sexy." The compliment is grudging, though Yelena does offer up a quick grin before she goes back to her task, that is, opening up the canopy and climbing aboard.

"Not flying. Just going through checks. See if all lights go on."
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanova would take a moment to glance over the panel, "We've confirmed that the lights work?" Something that she'd learned to check. Or that they were too covered in deritus to be visible. Soviet technology might in theory be reliable, but it also had ag reat more.. Questionable activities.