Owner Pose
Mark Grayson The headquarters of the Lizard League had been accidentally discovered by Bunny and Mark several months ago on one of their first dates. Not that they had realized that they found it, but with Cecil Steadman's help, they had marked and tagged the location for future reference. But with news coming out that the Lizard League had planned something /big/, Cecil had contacted Mark to see if he could do something about it.

That is what led to Invincible contacting the Young Avengers. Supposedly, this is one last favor. The young hero was not pleased with what had happened with his father and that whole mess. Young adults can totally hold grudges.

As the Quinjet comes into the airspace of the base, Invincible stands up and draws in a breath. "Vivian has offered her assitance in the best way she knows how." he explains. "So hopefully, we'll get in there without much interference."


Inside the Lizard League base, which is a large cylindrical building that looks like an uprooted missile launcher, but on a much grander scale. Within? Queen Lizard is standing upon the stage, looking over the rows and rows of rank and file soldiers. On the stage with her is the large and powerful Komodo Dragon, the swift Salamander, and the toxic Iguana. And near them, Prince Lizard. But where is King Dragon?

Queen Lizard takes the stage. "Proud members of the Lizard League!" she starts, "For far too long, we have languished and suffered setback after setback! Failure after failure! The Statue of Liberty was the final straw! I, Queen Lizard, have decided to inact a plan to create a /new/ Lizard Leader. Not a King Lizard, but a SUPERIOR..."

"WHAT MADNESS IS THIS?!" King Lizard throws the doors open to the meeting room, armed troops with him as he waves pages of emails. "You dare usurp me?! You dare think you can do better?! I will have you know, if it were not for me, the Lizard League would be..."

And that's when the lights flash and go out.

"...nothing." he says in confusion. "What's the meaning of this?!" he declares.

And as the reports start to come in, it only sows confusion. Systems that aren't supposed to be on, suddenly are. The air defenses suddenly shut down. The armories go on lock down. Any type of defense that could have been used against the Young Avengers is suddenly gone. And on the screens of the presentation, is the infamous meme of Wayne Knight wagging his finger going, 'Nuh Uh Uh'.

That would be Vivian Vision launching the first strike for the team.

"We're under attack!" King Lizard cries out, a shreik in his voice.

"What was your first clue, you idiotic DOLT!" Queen Lizard roars back. "Lizard League, prepare for the attack!" Not that they have any information on it.

Queen Lizard turns from the others and snarls. "Whatever may come, we /are/ prepared!" Pulling back the Lizard League banner that had been hiding a large tube, within is a massive, hulking beast. It's a terrible lizard, one made from a mix of human and lizard and /dinosaur/ DNA. The creature is well over ten feet tall and as it's eyes open, the small yellow pupils roll around before a massive fist slams into the glass cylinder, sending cracks down it.


Outside, as the Quinjet comes in, the door of it opens up. The lights of the Lizard League's terrordome shutting off is the cue that Mark had been waiting for. "That's our signal! Let's peel back the lid on this can of worms and go fishing!"

He probably doesn't have the metaphor downpat, but the spirit of it is there as he leaps out of the Quinjet and catches flight on his way towards the island.
Bunny Macleod     Prisma was clinging to the side of the Quinjet's insides, looking a little green about the gills since she's facing backwards. She has her poise set so that she's up on the toebreaks of her skates, adjusting her helmet with the avengers A sticker that's begun to pill, and she breathes out. "We're good, we're good, we're good --" she murmurs, to herself, looking at the others who have gathered to felt on the island.

    "Think they have my beachbag? I kinda want my sunglasses back." she states to Invincible in a manner that indicates humor.

    And then it's go time. She takes a deep breath, and as Invincible hops out of the quinjet, Prisma is quick to follow behind. She has a little flasher on he left skate for Red Arrow and Silverdane to follow, and in that moment, as she's falling, she gives a grin.

    Mark's the only one who doesn't have color to his name.

    The island is quickly approaching as Prisma freefalls towards it.
Belinda Gutierrez "If we catch little ones, do we have to let them go and get larger?" the wolf-woman asks, grinning cheerfully-- the better to hide the groan. Punnery, get thee hence!

Leaping from the Quinjet as it veers in close enough, Silverdane follows Prisma from the opening of the craft, landing (heavily) in the backwash of sand and dust and mist the jet's engines kick up. She taps the side of her head, for all the world appearing as scratching her ear; her commbead squeals quietly before Vision 2.0's guidance sweeps away the brief flicker of interference. She fights down the urge to howl triumphantly-- especially since the battle is only just begun! But her pace slows, pauses, instinct and habit and the urge to draw in new smells quivering at the edge of brain.

<< "Silverdane-- radio go!" >>
Emiko Queen Close enough, and it's the thought that counts. It was more important that they were here, taking a proactive approach to the matter instead of sitting and waiting for the enemy to actually unload whatever nefarious scheme they have upon the world.

At the signal to go Red Arrow just smirks a bit, and jumps from the Quinjet. Wait, she's not one of the people here that fly!... and shortly proves that it isn't a concern as she pops open a small handheld glider to control her descent down. With the power out and systems down it's a steady soundless approach that would make any owl proud. So she can get her feet on the ground and into the shadows while the confusion is still prime for doing so, and the powerhouses get everyone's attention on them.