Owner Pose
Jimmy Olsen Jimmy Olsen had done a guest spot at Nico's journalism class, talking about how the modern newsroom worked and the part of both photography and new media in the continuing health of what had once been merely print medium. He also answered a lot of questions about Superman. He always did and took it in stride and good humor.

He'd mingled with the students afterward and he and Nico had struck up a conversation and, in time, they'd ended up walking across campus together and ended up at a pizza place.

He grabs a booth and settles in, ordering a soda for himself, "I'm a traditional meat lovin' guy, but I'm up for whatever. I've learned not to say no to new experiences," he says. "I had kind of a sheltered upbringing - kind of traditional, very old fashioned parents. But at least they gave me a lot of independence when I got older," he says. "So, is jouralism something you're thinking about or do you have other plans?"
Nico Minoru "There's only two kinds of pizza." she says rather matter of factly. "Supreme and meat lovers." It's clear she was a pizza hut girl growing up.

Taking the seat at the booth, Nico ahhhs and nods, "Nothing wrong with a traditional, old school kind of way. I was pretty much left to my own devices."

At the question of the course, she shrugs her shoulders. "I mean, maybe? I'm still exploring options. If I were to go into reporting, I'd want to be an investigative journalist, exposing dark secrets, but that's probably not a gig everyone gets."
Jimmy Olsen Jimmy Olsen nods, "Yeah, once I got my first real camera, I was kind of running around chasing stories. Honest truth, I kind of, uh, skipped the whole college thing. But I got lucky, I got really good pictures of Superman just by luck and it got my foot in the door," he says.

"I'm sure there are a lot of dark secrets out there to be exposed. We've learned that there are a lot more...well, frankly evil people in the world than I probably believed growing up. As much evil in any human gangster or crook as there is in a lot of galactic despots and monsters," he says.

He orders the meat lovers, "I'm big on the red pepper flakes," he says. Clearly, another devotee of the Hut..
Nico Minoru "Have you ever met Superman?" It was one of the questions she's always been wanting to ask. "If so, what's he like? I mean, is he really that All-American guy or.." and she glances about furtively, "Is he totally some psychopath fascist underneath?" Nico wonders.

"And everyone has secrets. I don't subscribe to good and evil though. Morality is relativistic. One person's good is another's evil." she says, but of course, she's the apprentice to the Son of Satan, so...
Jimmy Olsen Jimmy Olsen smiles, "Met him? He's one of my best friends!" he says, honestly. "No, not a fascist, not even a little bit. He really cares about everyone and he really is trying to save the world and keep us all safe. I know, it's crazy, I get being suspicious. I, like, am kind of a conspiracy guy myself. Not in like a serious way, but, well, I guess serious. But like, UFOs were considered a myth forever and now we have a spaceport," he says.

The bit about good and evil kind of surprises him, "I don't know about that. I've seen some pretty evil bad guys. But I do think people should be...understood first. Like, a lot of people who hurt other people have been hurt themselves," he says. "I don't want you to think I'm judgey, I'm not, I promise."
Nico Minoru Her eyes widen at that revelation. A toothy grin curls onto her lips as she hrmms, "I hope it isn't too much to ask for a photograph? I mean, I'm not a huuuuge fangirl, but getting an autograph would be neat." Nico leans forward as she leans in and whispers.

"So, be honest. How do you know him?" a pregnant pause and then a gasp. "YOU ARE SUPERMAN, aren't you?" she asks teasingly, just seeing how he might react to an accusation like that.

"And I don't think you're judgey. I barely know you to where I could make any sort of assessment, you know?"
Jimmy Olsen Jimmy Olsen smiles, "Oh, uh, sure, yeah, I could get you one, no problem. I don't mind. I'm proud of my friendship with Superman. Duh, he's Superman. It's weird, I guess I am sort of a fanboy but I'm also his friend. Like, I've been him...he's the strongest guy there is, but sometimes even he doubts himself and that's just kind of like...whoa. It really makes you think," the redhead says.

At the playful accusation, he laughs, "No, I wish. I...sometimes I do wish," he admits. "I met him doing my job. Taking pictures. Being where things happen and capturing it in the moment," he says. It's true, young as he is, Jimmy Olsen has been on the frontlines of some massive happenings in the world and took the pictures to prove it. He pretends to wipe his brow, "Oh, okay, good. I...I'm kind of overenthusiastic, you probably noticed. Some people find it, uh, too much."
Nico Minoru "There's nothing wrong with being over enthusiastic. We have enough apathetic people out there." a beat. "You balance out the universe." Nico chirps, chuckling softly as the pizza finally arrives. With the supreme placed in front of them, she takes a slice and begins munching.

"So how did he become your best friend? Did he save you?" And then a gasp. "Or did you save him?!?"
Jimmy Olsen Jimmy Olsen grins, "As Bill Murray says in Caddyshack, I've got that going for me," he says. "I think balance is important. But I have a lot of passion. It's what's made me, like, succeed and get the things I have. Which are the things I always wanted. Well, mostly," he says.

At the questions, he laughs, "Oh, he's saved me, like, fifty times. He gets mad about it, because I put myself in danger, trying to get pictures. But Lois does the same thing, more than me. He's had to rescue her more than me, by, a lot. Er, Lois Lane, I mean," he says, casually referring to the world's most famous journalist, the elite investigating reporter of the Daily Planet. "She isn't afraid of anything. I'm not like that, I'm scared as hell. I just...do it anyway."
Nico Minoru Pursing her lips, she hrmms for a few moments. "Fifty times? Doesn't that put you in dude-in-distress, category? What did he need to sae you from?" Now Nico definitely needs to know the story in this case as she continues to listen. At the mention of the reporter, she lets out a hearty laugh.

"I am willing to be a million dollars that she wants to fuck Superman. Oh woe is me! Save me Superman! You are so strong! Look at your muscles! Oh no, my clothes are torn off! I will have to show my appreciation to my rescuer." That latter bit is said with a high pitched clearly mocking tone.

"I mean, I'm sure LOTS of women would do that anyway."
Jimmy Olsen Jimmy Olsen almost does a spit-take at the bit about Lois. He swallows hard as his face goes very red and sucks in a breath really fast, "Oh gosh!" he laughs, "Damn, I mean, that, uh...I mean...I think it's safe to say, yeah, they....I mean, I don't want to spread any rumors or anything, but, um, I'm pretty sure that they are...yeah," he says.

He nods, "Superman's got groupies, sure. Most superheroes do, I think, one way or another. Some worse than others, I'm sure. There's got to be, like, some sort of evil superfan, right? Like a Super-Stalker?" he says. Sounds like a possible story idea.
Nico Minoru Nico Minoru can most certainly be rather vulgar at times. Blame it on the supervillain parents, the lack of adult supervision, and having to grow up on the run.

"Oh, they are?!?!?" Her eyes widen as she lets out a hearty laugh. "Well, I mean, good for them. But, isn't he..." and she squints for a few moments, not wanting to think about alien-human coupling.

"Super-stalker. Now that would be a villainous arch-nemesis, but I don't think they're that cheesy. I mean, there /are/ supervilains that probably have normal lives, kids and all that."
Jimmy Olsen Jimmy Olsen grins, "There are some things about Superman even I don't know. He seems pretty happy so I'm guessing he's got that part all, uh, figured out," he says.

"Oh, for sure. I bet there are a lot of supervillains in some of the big companies, too. Scientists, greedy executives. They get exposed to radiation or infected with experimental tech and next thing you know they're Graviton or Master Pandemonium or Dr. Polaris or something..."

"Plus, if I ever tried to talk to Lois about such a thing, she'd throw me out the window. And tell Superman to let me fall."
Nico Minoru "She has him that whipped, then?" A soft chuckle can be heard escaping from her lips. "Well, I'm sure you'll be fine. If Superman won't save you, some other hero will." Nico says with a cheery grin as she finishes her first slice.

"So what about you? Have you ever wished you had powers or something? I mean, in a world such as ours, it's almost as if being a hero is the norm."
Jimmy Olsen Jimmy Olsen takes a sip of his drink and eats a couple of slices of pizza, "Oh, sure. I think that's pretty natural. Even just so I could help - one of the worst things in seeing things ihappen sometimes is how helpless I can feel. Like, Superman's basically a god. A lot of the superhumans, heroes and villains, are. It can be humbling. Intense,' he says.

He doesn't know, of course, about Nico's own experiences or that she has powers and abilities of her own.

"But jealousy's kind of poisonous so I try to fight that kind of thinking. Should lbe grateful for what I have, right?"
Nico Minoru "Yeah, but considering people are hanging because of radiation or other things, it seems like anyone can get powers if they want it hard enough." Or are reckless enough to just throw themselves into it really.

"But I wouldn't recommend it. I think having powers would be a bit more trouble than it's worth. You know, there's always an arch-nemesis or some elder god wanting to destroy the world that you end up having to deal with." Is Nico speaking from experience on this?