Owner Pose
Nick Drago It's looking to be a great day to grab lunch in the East Side. Now outside Shaw Studios! #whereTheSandwichesAre #canYouSaySoup #comeAndGetIt #hashTagAbuse

It was such a simple pair of sentences sent out. But upon the tweet making its rounds to those impatiently awaiting there's an awakening in the East Side. Businesses near the blue and white decorated food truck experience a small show of doors opening and people stepping out. A line already starting to form for the truck that is sizzling away at their wares.

Such a reaction for a solitary truck that only seems to be advertising sandwiches and soup cups. But- It's not just any sandwich and soup. THESE are Dip N Sips' gourmet sandwiches and cups of soup meant just for that. Plenty to dip, Plenty to sip, but not so much you get a stomachache trying to finish off the container. All that flavor for a reasonable price.

If you can find them.
Cindy Moon Is it an abuse of power to use it to find the best soup and sandwiches in the New York Metropolitan area?

Not according to one Cindy Moon. Then again, she never really got the whole 'great power/great responsibility' speech. For her, with great power comes a faster way to get great food.

It didn't take too much to find out where the food truck parked itself. Swinging around at high-rise level makes for no traffic to dodge. Though, once found, the little spiderling did had the common sense to change into mild mannered young person Cindy Moon. And...she's in line like a good person. Not first....she wasn't that lucky....but pretty close. No fear of running out of food before she gets up there, that's for sure.
Cain Marko Nearby...

The arrival of a certain Citizen Cain Marko to any given area is something of a mionr spectacle unto itself. It probably has something to do with the fact that, even at his most restrained and most svelte of times, he's still got more in common with a wrecking ball that has decided to sprout arms and legs and then proceeded to dine on a diet of the biggest of bodybuilder, wrestlers and strongmen it could get ahold of.

Thus, as he emerges from the depths of a nearby subway station, the overall look is something akin to watching Godzilla crest up through the surface of the ocean, so massive is the man and so small the wide eyed people that are at present encompassed around him, quietly praying that he doesn't trip and flatten them in the process. The cartoonish grinning Godzilla emblazoned on the tee shirt on his monstrous torso probably doesn't help much here either.

Or it's just hilarious and ironically fitting. Take your pick.

For his part, the colossal red head disregards most around him with the dismissive attitude of a sequioa not paying attention to the grass at the forest floor. He swivels his head on his tree trunk of a neck, looking about, gaze hidden by dark shades, until his eyes settle on the foodtruck and the growing line. His nostrils flare, taking in the scent even from this distance and he pauses any intended forward momentum towards his original destination. Instead, just standing on the sidewalk as the crowds move around him. He glances at his watch and then back to the truck and then back to his watch again.

Finally he rumbles, "Yeah....I got time...."

And with that, turns and begins a slow inexorable approach towards the food that is apparently the stuff of legends.
Nick Drago It takes a bit longer but eventually the door leading to the very building mentioned in the tweet opens up. From the opened portal a group of persons blink in the newfound light before shuffling over. Near the front of the group leads two men seemingly engrossed in conversation. The taller of the two, sporting short blond hair glances over to the line, giving a slight frown before looking to his watch, seemingly debating. "...That session ran longer than I thought. Meeting's soon. Might have to skip."

Taking note of the change in demeanor, the shorter one, with his long brown hair pulled back gives a slight frown and then looks over to the menu. "...I have a longer break. I could just get it and bring it to your office."

The taller man nods, looking to the menu once more. "...sounds like a plan. Thanks Mike." Cash is tugged out and handed over to the musician. "Just whatever you're having. No change needed." With an added thanks, the blond exits the line, leaving Mike to glance to the departing figure for a moment before turning back to the line. Cindy's height doesn't hinder the ability for the man to see the listing but as a general shadow starts to cast over his section of line, Mike turns his head to look for the source. He certainly hopes it's not about to rain.

When Cain comes into view, he finds assurance that the skies are indeed clear. The non money holding hand lifts, giving the shadow maker a wave and a slight smile.
Cindy Moon Good thing Cindy is shorter. She doesn't have to worry about blocking viewing access.

There is a bit of a bounce to Cindy's step as she bops in line. She certainly looks rather normal, with sneakers, jeans, and a long sleeved shirt of what appears to be an anime series. Nope, nothing to see here. Just a normal, every-day person waiting for really damn good grilled cheese and tomato soup. All good here.

The darkening behind Cindy does get noticed. Not just by her, but by a couple others in the line as well....with a low whistle from one next to her. She turns to see what all the fuss is about...and just keeps looking up. "Wow...." The comment slips from her without warning...and to her credit, she is embarrassed by it. At least, by the way both hands quickly fly up to cover her mouth, followed by a nervous smile before turning back to face the food truck.

Smooth, Cindy. Real smooth.
Steve Rogers Up the street a man is walking down the sidewalk. He's got a light jacket on and a baseball cap, and a pair of glasses. Carrying what looks like some kind of warmer bag with a logo that says "Mongo's Pizza", at a glance he likely looks like just another pizza delivery man.

Though in actuality there is a vibranium shield inside the warmer bag, and despite the name tag from Mongo's Pizza that identifies him as "Chet", the man under the hat is actually Steve Rogers.

Steve lets out a little sigh as he stops sweeping the apartments and businesses on each side of the street. The piece of intel that the Punisher might be in the area had been not the most credible. But having been hunting Frank Castle for months, Steve couldn't pass it up. It was just such an unlikely lead that had led to him missing the infamous gunman by just a few moments in one of his safehouses a few months back.

His stomach growling, Steve spots the food truck and the line forming there. "Must be good," he deduces from the gathering, and begins walking over that way.
Cain Marko "Heeeey... Look who it is.."

The giant's deep voice drawls out with a bemused and cordial but friendly enough tone. Frienldy enough as there's always that veiled hint of menace in his deep heavy rumble. It's part of his charm even if he's not really meaning it.

Michael would know better though, and the brute's slow creaking smile is probably a sign that he's pleased to see the other man... Shark like though the grin may be. The sort of feeling a friendly smiling great white shark on steroids might invoke.

"Fancy meetin' you here... I guess this stuff must taste pretty good..."

Cain's heavy voice trails off as he indicates the long line and sweeps his gaze over them before looking back towards Michael...only to then have his shaded gaze be dragged from him towards the embarrassed Cindy.

To be fair, he's not unused to these sort of reactions. Even without being 'on the clock' so to speak, in full armor and magnified size, he's not exactly someone who doesn't command attention or drag reactions from people. Both a benefit and probelm of the enchantment that makes him what he is. It's his lot in life so he's not put off by the looks at the moment though he does arc one eyebrow slightly above the rim of his shades as he studies Cindy.

"...Don't worry about it.." he finally drawls languidly and unbothered, "....You should see me trying to get on a plane.."
Nick Drago Although the voice may be a bit disconcerting for those not used to it, Mike has been exposed to it a few times at various cookouts involving interesting guest lists. If there is anything odd at all in the encounter, it is more the chuckle Mike gives off to Cain's comment. "It was bound to happen when they parked right outside of where I work." He replies back, tilting his head in indication of Shaw Studios. His connection to the place is not a closely guarded secret or anything of that nature.

The musician gives pause as he looks over to Cindy, brows raising to her comment before watching he mortified expression afterwards. Hearing Cain's comment, his smile returns, looking to the shorter sandwich patron. "Saying stuff like that happens to me too." He offers up to Cindy before turning his head to look back to Cain, "So how're things with you? Things going okay?"

A glimpse of a certain figure walking towards the line causes for Mike to blink. It appears a pizza delivery guy is getting in line fo-

He gives another chuckle.
Cindy Moon "S...sorry. It just kinda slipped out."

The Korean-American is being completely honest. She gives a quick glance back towards Cain and Mike as she offers her apologies. And it is sincere. The bright red flush on those cheeks of her cannot be faked.

There might be a chuckle from the person in front of Cindy...but the line is moving fairly quickly and that laugh at the expense of Cindy's dignity is cut short as the person gets called to order. And....that seems to calm Cindy, too.

The promise of good food can do that.

There is a sideward glance towards the pizza delivery person. But...not too close of a look. After all, grilled cheese awaits! And it won't be long now for Cindy. Far be it for her to judge pizza delivery people wanting something other than pizza to eat. Makes perfect sense.
Steve Rogers Steve Rogers walks up to the back of the line. Though he is pretty sure Frank Castle isn't in the area, so he lets the warmer bag dangle from a hand as if it is empty. The regular glass making up the lenses of the glasses don't prevent him from being able to read the sign.

In front of him, between Steve and the others, is an older woman, her hair turning grey. "Anything you recommend?" Steve asks her, though the question could be heard by Michael, Cindy and Cain easily enough if they wished to add to the woman's response. "Oh, the grilled cheese with rosemary, dipped in tomato soup is my favorite," she replies to the Mongo's Pizza deliveryman. "Tired of pizza are you?" she asks him.

Steve gives a quiet chuckle and pushes the glasses up higher on his nose. "You know it. Even pizza can get old after awhile. Just, a really long while."
Cain Marko Pizza? Get old? Impossible!

Though, to be fair, Cain has to admit to himself that if he was stuck delivering it day in and day it....then yeah, perhaps, its very likely it'd get old. Even he would have his limits and he doesn't even need to eat or drink to begin with.

His gaze had settled on the deliveryman and the older woman but then it returns towards Cindy and Michael..

"It's fine." he says once again as he gives Cindy a sidelong glance. "Maybe I like 'wow' as a reaction..." With an ego like his, affirmation of him being a walking tank is never a bad thing as far as he's concerned. There's surely been worse reactions. Screaming among them.

""Just made it back to town.... Had some business that took me across the pond for abit. Work stuff...." he says towards Michael now, turning his head back towards the man. That sharkish grin returns, probably leaving little to the imagination as to what sort of 'work' he's referring to though seemingly nothing that was noticeable enough to make the news. Thankfully.

"Needed to get back involved in things over here so....I'm back in town... What's the latest? Anything that needs my special brand of attention?"
Nick Drago "Hmm..." Mike nods to the reference to work stuff but doesn't dig further than that. It's a general agreement that was made back when he initially befriended Thomas. Certain types of work, you just don't share the details of. Certain conflicts, you leave to others to deal with. "Well, travel usually leads to interesting things." Mike comments, "I'll also be doing it soon. Also for work stuff."

Most likely not the same type. He pauses, "...Most of the things that have come to my attention have been smaller things. Nothing that merited your area of expertise. But it's New York. I'm sure something will turn up."

The familiar voice of Steve causes for Mike to look back to the pizza delivery man a bit longer. Combined with the speech-

Mike bites his lip, seemingly stifling a chuckle.

Small world.

"Well. If you want a break from the cheese and tomato on bread I guess the cheese in bread dipped in tomato's not a bad option."
Cindy Moon Special brand of attention?

Completely missed by the young person in the line. Because...it's her turn! Cindy gains an extra couple of inches of height as she walks on her toes like some sort of ballerina. Is it the excitement or merely so she can actually offer her order more clearly to the person at the window?

Both. It's probably both. Though she is never going to admit to the height thing. Much.

"Grilled cheese with tomato soup and basil, please!" Oh yeah....so worth swinging in from Harlem for this. Literally.

Wait, didn't that voice sound familiar? The guy with the pizza bag...there's something about that voice. Nah...couldn't be. Just Cindy's ears playing tricks.
Steve Rogers The comment from Michael Hannigan gets a chuckle from the pizza deliveryman, as well as from the elderly woman that he was talking to. "True, very true," the woman agrees with Michael. "The roast beef with the beef soup always sounded good. Kind of like a French dip," she says to both men.

"Thank you," Steve tells her politely. "Maybe I'll give that a try then." His eyes search it out on the placard on the side of the food truck.

An old van rumbles past, the dark blue paint containing a few spots of rust on it. It draws Steve's attention, knowing Frank Castle escaped an attack in an old van, the color too difficult to make out at night. But the van pulls into a spot and the driver and passenger doors open. A pair of dark-skinned men climb out, going around to the back and opening the doors to pull out some musical equipment. Perhaps planning to go record in the studio.

Definitely neither of them is the Punisher. Steve turns back to the food truck, watching Cindy as she goes over to place her order. His eyes glance up at Cain Marko's immense size, but only for a few moments.
Cain Marko Cain's heavy brow knits together. There is indeed something familiar about that pizza delivery man but he can't quite put his finger on it. He waffles between just staring at the man or playing it cool and dismissive. After all, what's he got to worry about. Right? Right??

It should be clear to Michael, however, that something has begun to unsettle the giant. There is a slight shifting in his stance and mood as he purses his lips and wrinkles his nose. He eventually nods his head, acknowledging MIchael's words before simply saying, "Well I guess I'll have to just make something interesting happen then. Can't go around being bored...."

Before that can be dwelled on for too long, he lifts his voice and raises the volume abit - sending a rumbling tone towards the vendor as Cindy gets up to it to place her order. "I got these two...."

He gestures with a thick sausage dwarfing finger to indicate Michael and Cindy. Looks like they looked out. His treat.

Steve's glance his way isn't missed but the huge mand oesn't return it just yet, instead focusing his attention on the menu and then looking to the vendor once again.
Nick Drago Neither of them of them is the Punisher, but there is some general recognition going on within the line. A couple hands lift in greeting to the newcomers, including Mike's.

Cain's comment about looking around for something to do gets a nod. "Well, The first traveling thing is kind of small, but we could give you a call next time I go touring and need to put together some security. There always seems to be one spot at some point in those tours where someone's causing trouble."

The offer to get his food causes for Mike to glance to Cain and the indicating finger to confirm the offer. "Thanks man, but as a heads up, I'm getting a friend's order as well. So If you see me paying for something regardless, that's why."
Steve Rogers The two musicians see the food truck. One nudges the other in the chest and motions to the truck. The other nods and takes the instruments from the first, then continues inside. While the remaining musician goes to step into line. "Wa gwaan, Mike," the Rastafarian says with an up-nod towards Michael.

Steve waits patiently, the smells from the truck truly delightful as they waft out, or people who got their orders walk past and pull the lids off their cups of soup for dipping, adding even more aroma to the air.

"I'll have to remember this one," Steve says of the truck.
Cain Marko "Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it. I put myself out there now. Get his as well, I got it." Cain grunts this last part out but seems ready to make good on it. "I aint about to do the whole line though."

Reaching into his pocket, the large man pulls out a large wad of cash! Big rubberbanded stack of green. Looks like he's not one to slign plastic around.

"Go on." he assures Michael, "It's all good...."

He steps aside to allow Cindy easy departure as well and now turns his attention on full to the friendly delivery man and takes a moment to really study him.

"Careful..." he advises as he looks Steve over, "..Y'might end up wanting to switch jobs if you get a good taste of what they're selling.."

Att he last, he gives Steve one of those big cheeky grins of his before he turns away to look back to the truck and to watch as Michael orders.
Nick Drago Mike returns the up-nod. "Doing good. You?" Whether or not he gets an answer is up in the air. This is the way of the greet. Both parties ask how the other is doing with both parties more or less set to the pre-defined options of 'Great!' and 'Doing Ok.' Introduce phrases other than that and all flow of conversation comes to a staggering halt.

With the permission given and the general flash of cash shown, the performer doesn't argue with the giant man. The two sandwiches are ordered. Keeping true to Wade's instructions they're both of the grilled cheese tomato soup combination variety. Being that the cost of the food is being covered by the one behind him, he's left with the quandary of what to do with Wade's money.

The tip jar ends up gaining the cash he was initially going to purchase the sandwiches with.

He did say no change after all. Once the food is acquired, he shifts to the side, waiting for Cain to get his order in. Glancing over to Steve, he smiles. "They provide location updates through their twitter account." He supplies, "Different place each day."

Ah. Culinary Nomads.
Steve Rogers Steve lets out a soft chuckle and replies to Cain Marko, "If it tastes as good as it smells I probably should. Though from the looks of it they probably deliver already," he says, giving one of the tires a little kick as if to emphasize what he means.

When it's his turn, Steve places his order. "Ah, I'm not the best with social media, but I'll have to check it out," he says. Making a note to ask one of the other Avengers who were born in this century to help him with that.

He receives his food, dropping some extra money in the tip char, and then stuffs the warmer bag under an arm to carry it as he takes his food off, walking down the street, off towards where he left his bike a block or two further down. Eating as he goes, dipping the sandwich in the soup.

Cain Marko The colossal red-head nods in approval of both Michael's order and Steve's words. As Steve makes his way down the road, he turns away and levels the full weight of his attention onto the vendor.

The man blinks, nervously, now getting a good look at the sheer scale of Cain who simply rolls his eyes and says, "What, you want me to say Fee Fi Fo Fum or something? Relax kid.. Give me two of what he got.."

He jabs a thumb in Michael's direction and then busies himself by counting out the money that will be expected for covering their orders and his oversized one.

"We'll have t'find a place to really talk about current events.." he asides towards Michael. "I should let y'get back to yer band mates."
Nick Drago Mike watches quietly as Cain finishes off the orders and gets his own food looking to the double mirrored order, the difference of course being. Mike's ordering for two. All of what Cain got? Most likely for him. He nods to Cain's comment about finding a place to talk. "...The Wick does some pretty good French Dip sandwiches. They have BOGO on Tuesdays. Maybe we can catch up there?"

He gives a nod to the larger man. holding up the food with the carefully packaged soup set in tray. "Thank you for the food. And it's good seeing you."
Cain Marko "I'll keep in touch with you about that bodyguard stuff. You know how t'reach me..." rumbles Cain with a nod of his head and a lowering of his dark shades to allow his ice blue eyes to be seen for the first time as they stare, piercingly, at Michael.

That sharkish grin returns now as well, creaking ear to ear as he holds the other man in his gaze for a few seconds and then pushes them back up onto his nose slightly -just- as the faintest hint of a red gleam starts to show...

Surely that must have been the reflection of a passing car or nearby sign of similar color.

"Laters chum." he rumbles, nodding as he lifts his hand up and then he turns and begins to step away and slowly wander into the crowd like an elephant wading into a herd of sheep.