Owner Pose
Spiral There's no doubt that G.I.R.L. has all manner of safeguards. Contingencies and failsafes probably aplenty. However, the storm of magic that breaches the facility is like a thunderbolt thrown from a God. The spear of occult power is as erratic as it is desperate, in that it acts like the chaotic bullet that took out a certain President in their motorcade. It rapidly surges through 3 rooms, knocking things from tables like some invisible shit-disturbing cat, and rolls through 3 others, which thankfully arrest its progress completely in the sixth.

Perhaps some happy accident is that the magic involved, because this is no technologically ushered transportation, has allowed the intruder to phase through most of the solid objects. Though the almost cartoonish silhouettes left through floors and ceilings may require some serious seeing to later as they reek of sulfur and cotton candy.

The area of G.I.R.L. that the phenomena comes to relative rest in registers odd-as-frig energy readings, and then starts flooding every available channel with a SPAMsplosion of advertisements: Grow pills, Apocalypse buckets of mac'n'cheese, spring-loaded eyeballs, Pogs, the latest card-creature-capture-game and how all 666 streamable channels are available now for the low low price of eternal servitude.
Vivian Vision When her Great Aunt Nadia established GIRL she had the full support of the Avengers and, as a result, the facility is well shielded against Avengers level threats. This does include magic but... magic tends to be tricky to protect against. Technology and magic don't mix amazingly at the best of times!

They might not keep Spiral out entirely but they do stop her breaking into any of the really secure locations. And give everyone time to evacuate the local area. Except one Vivian Vision who, as a Titan and ally to the Young Avengers, is generally rushing into danger instead of away from it.

As much as Viv rushes in person. It's really more of a brisk walk. Her mind is racing though, purging all the spam from GIRLs computer networks, and putting in calls for re-enforcements. Locking down all the high value research labs remotely.

As she approaches where Spiral has magicked herself her holographic systems kick in. Making her vanish from view to allow for a discreet approach. Better to study the anomaly before deciding on a plan of action.
Spiral The damage control that Vivian initiates is effective, though the source of the problem continues to radiate throbbing amounts of persistent advertisements, like it was some sort of literal info bomb that keeps detonating. Every pulse of it is like a rolling tide, ebbing and flowing, with the storm increasing. It rattles what isn't bolted down in the room, and starts unscrewing what is, albeit slowly.

The pan-dimensional poltergeist that's punched into the room gets to her feet unsteadily. Too many limbs for most, the six arms wave about, and more than half have scalpels. A set have definitely clamped onto her helmet. The samurai-aesthetic, silver metal with head flair seems to have adopted a chinstrap recently. And it is this that Spiral desperately tries to her all her fingers around. Her attempts to wrench and cut the headgear off looks like an octopus or crab trying to throttle itself. And it isn't helping that she's drunkenly dancing around the inside of this room while she wrestles with the cacophony of ADs sent into her brain as well as coating the room with grotesque commerical jingles and songs and proclamations.






Vivian Vision With the flood of spam coming in Vivian takes drastic measures. All links to the infected area of the building network get cut. Systems are physically shut down in the surrounding area in such a way that the only way to re-enable them and restore the connections is to physically re-connect everything including the power to the rooms. Wireless is disabled building wide. It's a lot like fire fighting as Viv carries out a controlled burn to stop the spread.

Sadly some research data will be lost but it'll be less work in the long run to fix everything! Hopefully she kills the wireless before anyone hears about Plesiosaurs or she's in trouble...

She stands in the doorway to the room Spiral has appeared in considering the situation for a moment. Working out her approach. De-escalation seems preferable. And from the way Spiral is flailing around. She's going to need coffee. Lots of coffee.
Spiral Spiral's hip connects with a wall, and then a desk, each time producing another ploof of Fairgrounds cotton candy scents and short-lived will-o-wisps."


Spiral audibly groans and wedges herself into the corner of the room, some of her hands latching onto the walls like a webcrawler, looking for anchoring purchase. "I'm gonna hurrrrl!" she screams and headbutts back into the corner, teeth bared. Most of her scalpels jam into the wall and those hands come up to help force her own head back into the corner. The helmet adopts another chinstrap, whipping over the intial into something about as pleasant as a Clockwork Orange. "Rrrrrrrrrr! Help meeeeee!"

One hand does still have a scalpel, one of her cybernetic limbs, coming in trying to cut and slash at the helmet. That stupid headgear is such a wonderful acoustic speak horn to blather out noise pollution. Perhaps Vivian has done something in her firebreak though, the dampen how much the nonsense can spew out.



Vivian Vision The first sign Viv is actually in the area is the bitter sweet aroma of coffee. Strong, strong coffee.

The synthezoid puts the cafetiere on the table and frowns. Making herself visible. No need to holographically hide from someone who is... fighting her own hat?

There's a little polite cough. "Ahem," she says. "Do you need some assistance? It looks a lot like you're a little stuck and you're going to injure yourself waving sharp objects around."

Thankfully her perfect control of her emotions means she doesn't sound even remotely amused by the sight of someone with enough magical power to breach their wards flailing around. Even if she is. Shhhh don't tell anyone!

"I could phase the helmet off but first you have to put the scalpels down. Please?"
Spiral It's probably that Spiral trusts Vivian, but the urgency that she needs the darn thing off that she's willing to entertain the idea of unarming herself. Besides, she's going to lose an eye with her current attempts. The scalpel is flung to the floor and is sent spinning. Spit flecks Spiral's lower lip as she practically froths at the mouth. "Getitoff getitoff getitoff..."

Her face scrunches up and she tries to remain still, but she seems to have some arcane ants in the pants, where complete immobility is a fate worse than whatever the hat is doing. The headgear gets even more shrill with its promises, the pitch of it going higher and higher like the speaker has taken a inhalation of helium.

Little bursts of mini-fireworks go off, sizzling little streamers, minor phenomena.
Vivian Vision Approaching carefully, although with a degree more haste than when she was heading into danger, Vivian steps in close enough to reach up to the troublesome headwear. Tentatively she taps a finger against it, making sure it's not going to electrocute her or suddenly explode, and then phases it.

It doesn't matter how tightly it's gripping Spiral if it's out of phase with the rest of the matter in the universe!

Her synthezoid nature means she can split her focus. While she's studying the helmet and phasing it a portion of her mind focuses on those fidgety motions. Shifting effortlessly out of the way.

Even as the hat gets phased she brings it to the side. So when it unphases it'll land safely on an office chair with padding. No sense in subjecting it to a sudden impact with the floor. The unexpected visitor might want it removing but she probably doesn't want it /broken/. Right? Besides breaking peoples things without good reason is rather rude.
Spiral The difference between the two women, beyond the synthetic, is how calm Vivian appears in contrast to Spiral. Her eyes widen, following the Young Avenger, and while she's quite accustomed to weird stuff, seeing her helmet be removed like that is still pretty wild.

When the helmet is no longer in contact, it has the lovely effect of immediately shutting the hell up. Like the plug was pulled. Like it had been flung beyond that firebreak. Spiral is left panting and four pairs of four digited fingers rake up into her hair and scalp to muss and fuss, shaking all those silver gray locks loose and over her shoulders. "Jesus bald headed Christ on a crutch...That was bad. That was real f'ing bad..."

She needs a few more moments to compose herself, and she keeps a healthy distance between herself and the now inert helmet. Spiral gives her head a shake, bopping one hear to the side like she needed to eject some water from swimming. She squints and seethes. "I thought I'd managed to remove most of his spyware, but guess I was unaware of a backdoor or crawlspace. Fuck! Where the hell am I?"
Vivian Vision "Quality control is an important step in.. ah.. product development?" Vivian notes, making a slight shrugging motion. "Unless it's supposed to do that."

Although if that's the case presumably Spiral stole it. Who would put something like that on knowing what it does? Then again you never can tell with organic life forms.

Ah yes. His spyware. Statistically it'll be stolen then. Especially considering the data she's downloading on the unexpected visitor. Although with no official reports that mark it as stolen foods. Innocent until proven guilty.

Besides starting a fight is an unnecessary escalation. And with no on site back-up that could prove unwise!

"You're in New Jersey. On the GIRL Campus. More specifically in one of our office spaces." A beats pause. "That is now designated as out of service for repairs. We're close to several major public transport sites and if required I can call a cab for you?"

She frowns.

"Given the manner of your arrival if you need more technical location data such as dimensional co-ordinates or stellar cartographic data I'll need to have a data storage and transfer device brought in." No chance she's going to try upload anything directly to Spirals systems. Ew!