Owner Pose
Bobbi Morse The Japanese Appreciation Society is bustling today. People have come from all over the city dressed in their best attempts at Japanese clothing. There is an attempt to keep the mood up as people discuss food and favourite travel destinations in Japan itself, but the theme is the loss of their kannushi.

"Hashinari Ken gave a lot to this community and to this society. Smoked like a sunnova bitch though," one of the attendees in a yukata is saying to another attendee in similar attire. The rock garden is filled with people and the sound of its artificial waterfall drowned out by discussion. In the managers office is Shiro Hashinari, Ken's brother. He has the window open to fan out some of the old smell of smoke, but he has his head on the desk and is trying his best to ignore the goings on around.

Hayami, a young Japanese university student is dressed in her miko clothing and is bringing out snacks for people, staying busy trying to be a good hostess for the larger than usual gathering.
Kaminari Kaminari tends to make an entrance wherever she goes and today is no exception. While she passed under the radar on her last visit, today, while not actively announcing who she is, she isn't making any attempt to hide it either.

Kaminari enters dressed in a traditional black funeral style kimono. The only colored accents being a white under kimoni just barely visible in the neck area. Her white hair has been allowed to spill freely down the back of it providing a stark monochromatic contrast. The kimono is bound by a similarly colored black obi and on her feet are black traditional wooden geta clogs.

She's smoking as she enters, notably it is not the kiseru pipe she is so often seen with, but the same brand of cigarettes that Ken smoked. Together with her, perhaps for emotional support is one her few friends Heidi.
Heidi Ingerdottir Heidi is the emotional support Asgardian. She sticks out here just as much as she does anywhere else. The tall flaxen haired woman's hair is tucked up in its usual plait around her head, but she's wearing muted colors because she was informed it was a solemn occasion. Still, it's hard for her to mute the rest of her beyond the wardrobe. There's still an energy and chipperness hiding /just/ below the polite exterior as she remains nearby Kami, eyes taking in the whole gathering.

She looks out of place, certainly... but she seems as comfortable as someone who was expected there. The social discomfort simply doesn't exist.
Bobbi Morse The donations box is overflowing today. In the corner someone is playing a koto which adds to the atmosphere. On the wall are posters for Studio Ghibli movies and a poster for .. Kaminari. Hayami notices Kaminari first and walks over to them both, giving them both a bow. "Kami-san, I didn't... I'm glad you came. Please, come and meet Ken's brother, Shiro. He would like to meet the person who was with his brother when he died."

Hayami weaves through the throng of people as only a short lithe little Japanese woman can and emerges at the door to the managers office, which she opens. Shiro looks up, his eyes red from prior tears, "Hayami.. what is it?," he says emotionlessly. Hayami bows to him, "It is Kami, she was with Ken when he passed away." He sits up and tucks his tie back in to his business suit and awkwardly runs his fingers through his short hair making it stylishly messy instead of just messy. "Okay, thank you Hayami."

Shiro is the younger brother in the family. At 27 years of age he has managed to make life work in New York City but he was never as 'in' to the appreciation society as his brother. They were both third generation Japanese-American. He is a handsome man, though he is certainly not at his best right now.
Kaminari Kaminari finishes her cigarette and slides it back into the pack which disappears into one of her voluminous sleeves as she weaves through the crowds behind Hayami... right past the poster of herself. She looks at Heidi and takes a breath before following into the office. There is still a sea of mixed emotions in her but at least she is not so consumed with rage as she was in the heat of the moment.

"Thank you, Hayami-chan." she says as well after stepping into the office and giving Shiro a once over. "Your brother was a good man."
Heidi Ingerdottir Giving that she's there as emotional support, Heidi has, surprisingly, managed not to make a mess of things. She's on her best behavior--until she needs to be otherwise. For the time being she simply stands nearby, smiling charmingly at anyone who looks her direction, but she's mostly keeping an eye on Kami to make sure things are good. She's not certain how this will go. She's not even certain if she should be following into the office, but until someone tells her no (and that someone is named Kaminari), she's going to hover nearby like an overly curious hummingbird.
Bobbi Morse Spread over the desk is a now empty bottle of Japanese whisky and the glass he was using to drink it down with. There's a police report too sitting there. A ten year old laptop is on, open, logged in to the desktop. There are small little knicnacks as well as coffee circles and cigarette burns. Shiro looks up as Kaminari enters the room, Heidi hovering nearby. He realises they're here together and gives a little wave to invite her in.

"Thank you for being there with my brother when it.. happened. Thank you for the kind words. He was a historian you know.. you'd think that'd be a safe occupation but it got him killed. Hayami told me you are magical. I don't know what that means but I've seen people flying in the skies and aliens attacking this city so anything is possible I guess."

He frowns a moment stands up, bowing to you both and then offering his hand to Kaminari. "Hayami says you go by Kami but I see now you're.. her. I've seen you on tv." He sits back down.. slumps back down might be a better descriptor. "Hayami says you tried to save his life? Thank you again. I can't believe he got mixed up in some yakuza thing. He was not an adventeruous man."

A plate of Japanese kit kats is being passed around and passes near Heidi, the curious flavors such as pumpkin pudding, uji maccha green tea, shinshu apple, strawberry, fujisan.. they certainly aren't just "chocolate" kit kats.
Kaminari "I was hung over and didn't feel like being the center of attention, Kami was perhaps not the most creative name choice, but I was on the spot and it is still accurate. If you've realized though, then that makes things easier." Kaminari shakes his hand when it is offered though it is a bit awkward like she's still not really accustomed to the gesture.

"I am Kaminari. Yes, the one who makes it rain and go boom." she points up as if towards the sky when she says this before reaching for one of the kit kats, shinshu apple. "Your brother was both kind and quite devout. Not even knowing who I was he did me a kindness before he was abruptly attacked and killed. I am not one to leave a debt of kindness unpaid. Tell me, does the name Henry mean anything to you?"
Heidi Ingerdottir With the kit kats as a dangerous temptation, the hummingHeidi can't help herself. She slides one of the kit kats her way, then boldly grabs one more before the plate is sent on its way. She takes a moment to nibble on one, being careful as to not hold the other one where her hand will accidently melt the chocolate. She listens, letting her mind fully puzzle through what's going on--but she's never far from making sure that everything's comfortable emotionally. There is, of course, always a chance of things going horribly wrong. That's why friends exist.
Bobbi Morse Hayami peeks her head in to the room and says, "We are almost out of Pocari Sweat." This is the least of Shiro's concerns, "Pocari Sweat. Great. As if this little society has ever made any money anyway."

When the name Henry is mentioned he does a small double take. "Yes actually. My brother was having an email discussion with someone named Henry." He taps a key on the laptop and the hard drive audibly unparks itself and spins back up. He is an index finger typer and is awkward with the mouse as he brings up Ken's email and scrolls through it. "I thought this was just someone he was doing some history research for, but he was asking about specific weird things."

Shiro leans in to the dark screen, faded with age, reading the text. "Mm. Yes, the tale of the snow maiden. An oni stole away a maiden from the nearby village. The villagers fearing the spirit of their lost will roam the mountains forever without peace made weapons from their trowels and marched up the mountain. Blah blah blah the maiden under oni's spell, the villagers cut the oni in to pieces and sealed the pieces away in four jars, but the oni had hidden away his most important piece inside the girl, his heart. The oni returned to the village and spread a misery amongst them all until they were dead and the oni and his maiden host were never heard from again."

Shiro taps at the LCD screen making rainbows appear where he pushes too hard, "This Henry person thinks the story is real and wanted my brother to find the jars."
Kaminari "Your brother's attacker shouted 'Henry says your time is up' before shooting him." Kaminari steps around the desk with a clacking of her geta, eyes narrowing at the screen over Shiro's shoulder. "Some fool wants to bring back an Oni, lovely." the notes of sarcasm hang in her voice. "I am going to give you an email address and I want you to forward all of these emails to it." she pauses, "And you might have a little more faith in 'this little society'. The Kami have certainly taken notice of it." There is the ghost of a smile there.
Heidi Ingerdottir While Heidi is no expert in the Japanese mythos she has been, thanks to having friends whose tales figure into certain mythos, doing a little reading. So when she hears the word 'oni' there's at least a little recognition as to what's going on. She raises an eyebrow, but then grins. She catches on to the wordplay now where she might not have months ago.
Bobbi Morse Shiro scoffs and frowns. "Too late? Too late!?.. he killed my brother because he didn't hit send on an email?" Tears start form at the corners of his eyes and he takes in a deep breath. "My brother wrote.. I have found one of the jars, it is being flown in to JFK Airport for someone named Yukioni Ai, next week." He wipes the tears from the corners of his eyes, "Sorry, excuse me I am very tired. I have not been sleeping well. Ken never hit send on the email... and this Henry person must have thought he had ... I.. I don't even know. I need to tell the police about this. Look, if you really want these emails.. fine. I'll forward them to you." He dips his head and looks back to Heidi. "I'm sorry I'd.. like to be alone again now, thank you for coming. Please stay and enjoy the music." He pats his coat and takes out a business card, offering it to Kaminari with both hands. It says on it Hashinari Shiro. Financial Services. It has his email and phone number on there.
Kaminari Kaminari rests a hand on Shiro's shoulder, it is a warm gesture, as she produces a cigarette from the same brand his brother smoked and offers it to him. There is an anger burning beneath the surface of her, but it's not directed at anyone in this room. Divine Retribution is definitely going to be served. "They will pay. Though I doubt the police will be much help if there is an Oni involved." she accepts the business card and then produces one of her own offering it to him in return. "If you find out anything else, please let me know. Also do not worry about the finances of this place, I've already told my agent to see that it is taken care of." she turns to Heidi, "Let's go." and with that, the Goddess of Thunder and Noise turns to go and leave Shiro to his grief. A smile is offered to Hayami on her way out but she has other things on her mind.

"Thank you for coming with me for this." she tells Heidi once they are outside, "I can be a bit.. unstable in emotionally charged situations." At the very least she has a modicum of self-awareness about these things.
Heidi Ingerdottir "No need to thank me," Heidi replies, cheerfully. "I do very much enjoy seeing all aspects of different Midgardian cultures. So if I can see that /and/ somehow aid a friend, it is worth it." She grins. "Besides, you like to make an entrance and I'm /certainly/ strange."