Owner Pose
Angelo Tampambulos     It was a Dark and Stormy night. Okay that's overused. It was dark and damp. Word spread on the streets of Hell's Kitchen that some dark haired b**** was a target. Whomever aced her got to move up in status on the streets. Call it a bounty. But not about money. Braggin' rights. Sure, she kicked the asses of a few of the guys. But... for most young man, that is a danger to anyone but themselves
    Old men however, know better. Achilles has been out among the lower rungs for the last few days. He's a philanthropist, but he has found that his work is best when he gets to know the people who need help personally. So this is a day that he spent volunteering at some places such as a soup kitchen this evening. He just finished his work and is a -bit- tired. Unkillable doesn't mean untiring. But he steps out onto the streets, his bronze bracers hidden under his long sleeve hoodie sweatshirt. His hood up, and his breath misting in the chill night air.
    Even as he does so, the -crew- is hunting. Cars cruising along slowly. Foot soldiers moving about armed to the teeth. He can't help but notice the lack of cohesive tactics, but the definite connection between them, and as such Achilles turns a corner and figures to aim himself towards where they are focusing.
Jessica Drew Mild mannered, let's not exaggerate, as mild mannered as a woman who would take on three thugs in an alley, Jessica returns home in the rain slick streets, tired after a 'photo shoot'. Her term for following a suspect for the not very glamorous job of proving that the man is a schnook and that yes, his wife could ask for everything he owned for going out on her. Listening without concentrating on the sounds around her - the splash of a passing taxi, the creak of a door opening and closing at a Bodega, she nearly misses the sound of feet trailing her. She stops deliberately, rearranging the scarf that is tucked into her lined trench coat, then resumes her walk, the low heels of her knee high boots nearly soundless.
Angelo Tampambulos     Let's be honest. Achilles isn't trying to be stealthy. But he's following the hunters. As you creep along and the hunters lose track of their quarry. As they do this, you hear a deep baritone voice with the hint of an English accent speak.
    "Excuse me gentlemen. I don't mean to be rude, but... whoa. That is some impressive hardware there. Please forgi.." and then the sound of a hammer being cocked on a handgun as it is aimed at the man who was speaking. "Please do not make this any worse than it already is." The voice does not seem to have any fear. Just mild irritation. "I just could not help but notice that you appear to be hunting, and as there are no game animals around, I assume that your... whoa!" A sound of a scuffle, and then the dismantling of a handgun with parts being dropped to the ground. "Now, as I was saying. I assume you are hunting a human being. I suggest you rethink your approach."
    And then there is the sound of footsteps running. Then a sigh. "I wonder if their leader is around here... oh hello there!" he calls out to a group as they approach.
Jessica Drew Foot poised to settle into the next step, Jessica weight shifts and turns on her heel heading back in the direction of that deep melodious voice. How a voice could sound that attractive at a distance will be a question that Jessica may be self-aware enough to ask herself later. For now, she concentrates on the unmistakeable sound of a gun hammer being cocked and a curiously unafraid voice sending the owner of said gun packing.

She doesn't have long to wait. The group running drugs hereabouts, part of a Columbian gang, has sent their seniors out to put a little 'medicina' down, flaunting their tattoos and guns. Jessica comes up behind the man clearing her throat. "Ah, those fellows are dangerous." Her voice carries more than a trace of an English accent, very U, it sounds quite prim, at the moment.
Angelo Tampambulos     "Only to themselves." says the Hooded man in the sweatshirt. At six three and well over two hundred pounds without -any- flab really. Achilles shakes his head and shrugs, "What about it?" he asks. "I assume this is the target you were all hunting? Pity. She sounds far more interesting than any of you. If you want my advice, it would be to run alo.."
    And half a dozen assault rifles are lifted by the thugs, with their leader holding a knife in hand.
    "Okay. I guess you are not being reasonable. Last chance." he says as he angles his left arm a bit forward. And just as the weapons open fire, he activates the bracer on his left hand, causing a large greek style shield to spring into being... deflecting the bullets as he says, "They are not being very reasonable, are they?" over his shoulder.
Jessica Drew They are on a public street, true it is late at night but taxis pass and there are late night returnees from bars and restaurants to the residences that loom over them. The clatter of weaponry being brought to bear makes a man duck back into door he had just exited.

"Buenas, qui chevere, qui Uds. estan tan stupidos. No dando papaya..." The woman's impeccable English has the slurred vowels of pure Columbian street Spanish.

She catches a metallic flash out of the corner of her eye as she steps forward making a curious little gesture: she balls her fists and then flicks them open. As she does, the first man pointing a gun at the two of them is bowled over in a flash of light that arcs between her extended fingers then wraps around the gun making him drop it like it was hot. In fact, he received a shock through the metal of the stock. A bullet zings past her head. She turns to the next man give him a "venom blast", her term for the discharge of bio-electricity that she discharges through her hands.
Angelo Tampambulos     "Looks like you ballers picked the wrong lady to target. Perhaps it would be best if I stepped out of her way and let her finish you all. What do you say?" asks Achilles in an amused tone of voice as he peers over his shield. He's not engaging right now so much as just playing good cop, bad cop.. casting you as the bad cop.
Jessica Drew Jessica glances sideways at the handsome man, one eyebrow cocked, then returns her gaze at the man he addressed. She doesn't look displeased. A faint haze of "venom" fills her palm which she holds up to the man's eye level. "Your choice. You just might make my day, hombre, if you decide to be stupid." Spreading her hands, both of which are surrounded in a cloud of blue, she shrugs. "Well?"
Angelo Tampambulos     The fact that Achilles had a shield he whipped out from nowhere and the fact that the woman has glowing hands that just blasted his buddy means that whomever is left of the gang has decided that the age old adage... discretion is the better part of valor.. applies.
    Almost as one, they turn and start to flee. Another old adage applies. They don't need to be faster than their enemies. Just faster than their friends. But Achilles does not give chase. He just shrugs his shoulders and his shield vanishes back into his bracer. "Well, that was at once refreshingly smart of them, but unbearably disappointing." he states. In fact, he doesn't seem worried that they might double back or shoot him in the back. He turns your way and offers a hand, "Good evening ma'am. I do hope that I did not get in your way. I had no idea that such unremarkable lowers were hunting such a fetching young woman."
Jessica Drew The blue disappears, without thinking Jessica extends her hand, she looks at her own hand and then his with a blink of surprise. "Good evening to you. How do you do?" She says bemused, giving a firm hand to shake while she examines his face curiously. "I wasn't too disappointed, I would have ruined another set of clothes most likely and I like my boots and shirt. Are you always so forward?"
Angelo Tampambulos     Shrugging once more, Achilles says, "I am Angelo. Angelo Tampambulos, but... I will not give you a hard time if you are unable to pronounce my last name. Greek names are complicated." But he inclines his head to one side, "It is not about being forward or not. It is about being honest to a fault. I call it the way I see it. And..." he gestures to the woman's hands. "I wager they had no idea what they were getting themselves into anyway."
Jessica Drew "Angelo Tampambulos." The name rolls off her tongue without effort. "Not the worst Greek name I've heard to say. Unfortunately, I don't speak it beyond the stock tourist phrases. But your English is impeccable." Looking up and down the street she nods satisfied, "I don't think they'll be returning this evening." Returning that curious gaze back to Angelo, "My name is Jessica, Jessica Drew."

The rain that had threatened to renew itself begins to pour in earnest. "Unless you would like to use that shield as an umbrella, shall we get out of the street? That was a shield, wasn't it?"
Angelo Tampambulos     "Indeed." says Achilles as he looks about for someplace to take cover. "It is a ... family heirloom you might say." he adds, "But just because my name is Greek does not mean -I- am from Greece. I grew up in London actually." he adds with a chuckle, "Any suggestions where we might repair to? I have a hotel uptown a ways, but... that would be quite the trek."
Jessica Drew "I was headed towards my favorite ramen restaurant. It's right across the street." She points diagonally to a large well lit window behind which a large bar with cooks behind it can be seen. "ICHIRAN" flashes on a neon sign out over the window. Jessica has already turned to take a step, then looks back at him.
Angelo Tampambulos     Glancing that way, Achilles lifts his brows, "That does sound promising. Perhaps I can find a way to dry off in there also." he states as he turns to follow. But he does seem amused at the very least. "If this is where you had intended to go, then please do not let me keep you from it."
    And in fact, he's not charging ahead to grab the door fot you. He seems to not have that patronizing overpoliteness in attendance.
Jessica Drew Jessica dips her head in approval at him not being over chivalrous but makes no comment aloud. A faint smile turns the corners of her mouth up. As they walk in, the cooks yell in resounding voices, "Irashaimase!" The young woman smiles and waves then heads for one of the vacant booths. Every booth has menus on the table, a jar of chopsticks, and napkins next to various types of sauces, above it on the wall is a bookshelf filled with manga and American comics.

"They make the best ramen. It's a Japanese chain." She doesn't open the menu but slides one over to Angelo. "I know what I want."
Angelo Tampambulos     Nodding his head, 'Angelo' reaches up to lower his hood. It's pretty wet, but fortunately his jacket prevented the rest of him from being soaked. He nods towards the booth as you indicate it and offers, "Would you at least let me buy the meal as thanks for the company?" he asks as he sits down and leans back in his seat, eyes closing for just a moment before he nods his head, "I can order as well. In fact, I will trust -you- to order the right ramen for me. I merely want some tea to go with it."
Jessica Drew A young waiter, obviously not Japanese, comes to take their order. "A Sapporo Silver, a genmaicha for the gentlemen, one gyoza, two chashu shoyu ramen, please," she says brightly and efficiently then turns to back to her dinner companion dragged in wet off the street. Jessica trusts her senses and has impetuously made up her mind. Besides. He has a shield.

"I should be offering to take you out to dinner in thanks, instead. You helped me out there. I had my head in the clouds and didn't hear them coming," she says, then rises to divest herself of the wet raincoat and hang it on the hook on the supports of the booth. The coat drips but her business suit of a chic cut, skirt above the knee is dry. Pushing back a tendril of black hair she reseats herself and proposes, "My treat."
Angelo Tampambulos     "Not necessary, but I will not insist." offers the blonde man with a warm smile. "I will instead say thank you. And I am sure you would have had zero problem dealing with those toughs. I recognized their pack behavior... amateurish as it was, and found myself wondering whom they were seeking. Sometimes it really is a matter of being in the right place at the right time."
    That said, he removes his own jacket and hangs it on the edge of the booth before he looks to the server with a smile, "Thank you for being here on such a dreary night." he says, having learned over the centuries to respect the laborers whose job it is to be of service and not treat them like scenary."
Jessica Drew Unspoken approval for his manners warms her eyes. The waiter returns with two tea cups, a glass, a beer beading with condensation and a large celadon green pot with a bamboo handle that he places between the two of them.

When he is gone, she offers, "Destiny? You happened to be in the right place at the right time? That was payback for a stunt...well, it wasn't my stunt that happened last night. Now, that is a curious story but first..." She fixes him with a penetrating stare, "You own a hotel and you own a shield. Which one would you prefer to tell me about first?"
Angelo Tampambulos     Laughing softly, Achilles shrugs, "I have always said... in this world, calling an event coincidental is merely a way of saying that we do not understand yet how it was arranged. But... I have never been accused of being -entirely- sane." he adds with a shrug before reaching for the cup of tea. He takes a sip and on his face there is a combination of.... well, not disappointment. Just that his brain equates Tea with the English concept, not the asian one. But he -does- like the flavor. Just didn't match up in his brain for half a second.
    "Oh, I did not say I owned a hotel. I meant to imply that I had a room. I live in Metropolis, but travel to New York every couple of weeks for business." he explains, "And as for the shield, as I said.. it is an inherited heirloom. Comes in handy from time to time to be sure."
Jessica Drew "I won't press you. Inherited." Jessica pours her glass of beer and takes a sip just as a plate of six Japanese dumplings, gyoza, are placed on the table as well as plates and dishes of dipping sauce. She slips chopsticks out for the both of them, tears the paper off of hers and breaks them apart. With a dip of her head inviting him to take one, she picks up a gyoza, dips it and bites it in half. The other half in her chopsticks, she hums over the flavor, swallows, "These are divine. What kind of business brings you to New York?"
Angelo Tampambulos     "Thank you." Achilles says, regarding the not pressing. But he sips his tea thoughtfully as you eat. Sure, he observes. What red blooded male wouldn't? Duh. Either way, he just observes as previously indicated.
    But when you eat the dumpling, he nods his head and reaches for his own chopsticks. He deftly snags a dumpling and takes a bite himself. "You are right." he admits. "These are fantastic. Authentic even." he adds before he smiles. "My company has offices in New York City." That said, he reaches into a jacket pocket and pulls out a wallet which he sets down and reaches with one hand to open it and slide a business card out before sliding it your way. The card reads:
    Angelo Tampambulos, CEO.
Jessica Drew Jessica does not have the self consciousness of many beautiful women, she forgets the effect of her own face and figure on others though she is well made up and well dressed. It is part of her job, she has learned how to dress the part, her friend Lindsay had drummed it into her. "They /are/ authentic. Ah! Someone who likes to eat and knows there food. Bravo." She finishes her gyoza and slides his card over to look at. Holding up a finger she dives into her purse and brings out a card case from which extracts a card; it is much simpler than his, only saying:
            JESSICA DREW

"We might have some overlapping interests, Mr Tampambulos."
Angelo Tampambulos     Glancing down at the card, Achilles smiles. "Indeed we might." he offers. "I -do- contract investigators from time to time in order to look into potential clients... or to look into potential threats -to- those clients."
    "May I keep this?" he asks as his fingertip presses your offered card to the tabletop. Though, he takes another bite, finishing the first dumpling with a slow savoring chewing of the thing.
Jessica Drew Jessica looks quite proud of the fact and nods, "Yes, take it. I'd like to keep yours as well." The waiter appears with two big bowls of ramen. Both bowls steam from the hot broth and are topped with perfectly sliced roundels of pork, bamboo shoots, sprouts and halved boiled eggs.

"If you need anything else, let me know," the waiter says, looks at them both and walks away.

Without preamble, Jessica dives into the soup, edging out a stream of ramen noodles that she slurps into her mouth, Japanese style. "After living in Kyoto for a year, I can't eat without slurping. Have you ever seen the movie, Tampopo?"
Angelo Tampambulos     "I can't say that I have seen that movie." remarks Achilles as he inclines his head. "You lived in Kyoto? That must have been quite the experience." he says as he nods to his card, "Keep it for sure. I plan to look you up professionally in the near future."
    He delves into the meal himself, having had a ton of experience with international citizenship. It is truly amazing how many places he spent a few years at a time living. "I spent some time in Okinawa and Tokyo myself."
Jessica Drew "I love Japan!" She speaks unpretentiously with all the enthusiasm of the young and his knowing the country sparks it more. "Especially Kyoto because there are no high buildings and so many ancient temples and old buildings. Beastly hot in the summer and cold in the winter though but you can't have it all. Were you there for your work?" After another stream of noodles is demolished, she adds, "The movie is about two truck divers who save a ramen restaurant in modern Japan like the ronin that would arrive and save a village. It has some great comedy in it."
Angelo Tampambulos     "I must admit, I am more a fan of Ran. Drama and history." admits Achilles. He grins at your enthusiasm though and leans back in his seat to take another bite. He closes his eyes to enjoy the flavor before he adds, "I actually really enjoyed visiting the mountains."
    "I must say that I really -do- enjoy history." he adds, "Youmight call it a passion of mine."
Jessica Drew "History? I don't know enough about it." Jessica shrugs, an inward look darkening her face for a moment, "Bad home schooling you might say. But, I love to read," she adds brightening. "What kind of history? Or rather what part of the world do you like best? Maybe you could recommend something I might like to read. I just finished Barbara Tuchman's, 'A Distant Mirror' which I really enjoyed."
Angelo Tampambulos     Shaking his head, Achilles smirks a bit, "Well, I have studied the history of my family... ancestors and such. But my specialty is general European history." he offers, "Interestingly enough, if you find original journals from the time periods, they tend to contradict the established texts."
Jessica Drew "/That/ doesn't surprise me." The waiter passes by the table with the check and lays it face down in a tray. Jessica slides it to herself, fishes a credit card from her purse which she lays on top of it and smiles at the man, studying his face - the prow of his aquiline nose, the line of his strong brow and jawline. It is a very pleasant face indeed, Jessica drops her eyes, picking up her bowl with both hands to finish the broth that is left.

"You might like "A Distant Mirror" then if you like European history. It is woven around the story of one family in Picardie in France, the de Coucy, beginning in the 14th century."

Pushing back her bowl, she wipes her mouth, "Ah, that was good. I skipped lunch and was getting mad thinking those boys were going to keep me from
Angelo Tampambulos     "Really now?" asks Achilles. "A Distant Mirror you say?" He pulls out a cellular phone and presses the stud. "Siri. Please remind me to pick up a copy of.. A distant Mirror." he says before looking back your way. "History is great. But today is here and now." he says.
    "But you are right. A meal was a good choice. I spent all day watching other people eat and never took time for myself. So thank you very much."
Jessica Drew "You are more than welcome." Jessica salutes him with her nearly empty glass of beer. "What were you doing watching people eat without eating?"