Owner Pose
Sally Houki Sally had laid down for a nap at Kaminari's. When she awoke, Kaminari was gone!

This is not unusual. Goddess' are busy, but the unexpected alone time in her penthouse suite has allowed her to get comfortable. Dressed in bunny slippers and a floofy white robe, because she had them brought to her, she is sitting on the sofa, video game controller in hand, headset on and playing actively.

But the thing is, she's not *alone*.

There's more of her. So many more. There's /seven/ identical duplicates to Sally, but they're not all lounging like she is.

Oh, no. Some of them are blowing up balloons. Others are hanging a banner that reads 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAMINARI!' in Japanese, others are laying gifts on the counter and another is putting frosting on a cake in the kitchen and...

She's busy, okay? Can't you see she's busy?

The last, is, of course, ALSO playing video games. With her. Against her.

It's hard to tell.

But the room is full of Sally.
Chizue Nakamura     Normal people send their friends birthday cards, or drop them a text or something. Kami isn't normal people of course, nor is Owari for that matter. So of -course- this is more complicated than it needs to be, and of course it involves infiltration because thats just how it goes.

    She slips in through the bedroom window, skulking into the hallway where she draws still for long moments. Then it's down the hall, and into the living room where she draws still oncemore. Standing just barely out of the way, as she waits for just the right time. She isn't perfectly invisible of course, but it's more than enough to stand unseen when nobody is expecting her.

    Carefully she slips a neat little yellow and black foil wrapped box from under her cloak, setting it atop the counter. Then comes the lightning outside.

    It strikes the building just across the street, and for a moment brilliant white light erupts through the window. It's enough to cast a brilliant shadow of Owari's cloaked form against the wall, and well even as the light outside fades that digital camo of hers struggles to keep up, bending light into unnatural hues before it just quits entirely. Rendered in perfect matte black, she freezes. <<Tsss, Shikata ga nai.>>That voiced through goodness knows how many filters, but well the result is almost a growl...
Sally Houki So, Sally doesn't immediately notice.

She's busy in video game land with... herself.

THey appear to be on a kill streak, see. Some of the other copies of her do, however, notice and start pointing and talkings amongst themselves about it, their eyes turning in the direction that the shadow surely must've been cast from.

The Sally hanging the banner is surprised enough to fall off the ladder with a loud thud and 'ow'.

Some of her fails to notice this.

Mostly the two playing the video game still.

But! Poor Owari. They are aware of her. Some of them, and that tends to arouse the interest of ALL of them eventually. Seven sets of identical eyes are now turning towards her, peering in her direction, if not seeing her specifically and exactly.

Various quzziical expressions. They may all look alike, even if their reactions vary to slight degrees.
Chizue Nakamura     Skate shoes and black leggings, some sort of almost fuzzy softshell all fade from their "too black" into a more natural shade of black. That waist length cloak resolves itself into a flurry of pixels for a moment, before fading into a dark ashen grey. Casually she rests a gloved hand atop those swords sheathed at her hip, as she flips that hood back with the other. Her mask a polgyonal Shibe, cast in brilliant hot pink for the moment. A cyber Ninja everyone.

    She peers about those collected for a moment, before lifting a hand to tweak that mask just a touch. Enough to pose the eyebrows and ears to create a somewhat more apologetic look. "My apologies for the intrusion, I heard it was the Goddess's birthday and felt it best to bring an offering."She gives a short little bow, before dropping back into a lazy slouch. "I am the Kunnoichi known as Owari, and serve at her lawful request. It is a pleasure, to meet you."
Sally Houki "It /is/? For reals?" says Sally.

One Sally. The other Sallies start looking questioningly amongst themselves. They're the ones planning the birthday party, though. Video gaming Sallies have stopped their game and taken off thier cat-ears headsets because of course they're cat ear headsets.


Oh no.
Chizue Nakamura     A moment in silence, as she struggles to hold her sanity together. "Intelligence suggests, some believe it is indeed her birthday."Theres a moment there as she lifts a hand to fiddle with her mask, flipping off the voice changing hoodoo for a moment at least. "If it is not, then clearly it was karma which guided gifts to her. Offerings are hardly something to be upset over, I'm sure."That mask is finally plucked free, if only to be replaced swiftly with another polygonal animal mask. Raccoon dog? Raccoon dog.

    "I apologize for the disruption never the less, It seems fitting lightning would reveal my trickery in this home. Never the less I don't want to keep you ladies from your work, sorry for the disruption. I can just, see myself out."
Sally Houki Sally is very confused. So are the other Sally's. All of them look at each other with a mixture of shrugs.

"Well, we're throwing her a birthday bash anyway so you might as well stick around and have cake. But not all of it. Some of it is for her."



They're nodding, and slowly, they're starting to get back to doing what they're doing.

"Hey, can you help hang the banner? Also, you can totally play a video game with me while we wait for Kami to show up!"

She seems entirely too familiar with the Goddess.
Chizue Nakamura     Theres another pause, before granting a slow nod. "I do not eat cake, but thankyou greatly for the offer."And a slow bow, and well she's about to try and sneak out when one of them asks for help. "Oh well, of course I can help. It would be an honor to help decorate, obviously."She gives her shoulders a roll for a moment, before she gets right to it. She snags one end of the banner and peers towards the ceiling for a moment, before nodding silently.
    She produces a pair of slender needle like lengths of glass, and whips them at the ceiling with a satisfying -whunk- as they strike home. Then she tugs free a length of fine string from somewhere under the cloak, ties it to either end of the banner and throws one end up over those shuriken with practiced ease. From there the banner is raised into place swiftly, with the long end of the string secured neatly with a thumb tack for each side. "Videogames, oh goodness I'm not much of a gamer really. I look at the world through a screen all day long already you know, everything already looks like a videogame to me."
Sally Houki "Why don't you eat cake? You should eat cake. It would be rude not to eat Kami's birthday cake at her birthday without a good reason. Do you have like coeliac disease or something because the cake is trotally gluten free..."

Several of the Sallys get back to the work of preparation. Prolonged examination will begin to show that something just... is... /off/ about them.

More off than one would think. The banner being raised so swiftly, however, does earn some clapping applause from those of them athat are actually paying attention.

"Then I bet you're really good at it! Come on, help us beat up on racist thirteen year olds!"
Chizue Nakamura     "I do not eat artificially processed foods, such things are not good for me."Casually she double checks the banner's level, before giving a little nod. "Consider it a Ninja thing, we're all a little different than normal people. My kind of Ninjas, especially."

    The invitation draws a blink though, and a glance at the screen. "Thirteen year olds are beyond redemption, especially the boys. I've spent long enough dealing with young fans, than to have the stomach for dealing with them in my off time."Theres roll of her shoulders as she finds a place to sit down never the less, pulling those swords over into her lap. "Always intollerable, and desperate for an autograph."
Sally Houki A game controller is handed over to Chizue. Surely, Kaminari won't mind, right?

"Wait, ninja thing?"

Has... has she not noticed that? She seems honestly bewildered for a moment, the one on the sofa talking to Chizue now, gives her a once over.

"I just thought it was a crazy party night somehwere."
Chizue Nakamura     "You've never met a Ninja, like ever? I mean I get we're rare, but you hang out with Kami right?"And finally a slow shake of the head. "What on earth did you think Ninja normally looked like? We're not all Kitsune or vagabond chonkers like the Hand."

    That polygonal mask is tugged free with an audible clack, and lifted free to reveal the armored faceplate below painted with stereotypical Raccoon dog markings no less. The image shimmers for a moment, before resolving into a white circle with three diamonds. "I'm Haga, the best of the Ninja clans obviously. Has Kami never met with any Ninja in your presence, even Inari's Kitsune?"
Sally Houki "...I've never met a Kitsune either, thankfully. I imagine they're unbearable special snowflakes."

Sally puts a finger to her lips, tilting her head. "Weren't ninjas played out in the eighties?"

She's musing aloud now even as she stuffs a controller into the ninja's hands and leans over to slip a cat-ear headset onto her head.
Chizue Nakamura     The headset doesn't fit over that helmet very well, but well Owari's trying to be a good sport. So sure she takes the controller with a peer at the alien thing. "Not really, I'd describe them as chill when they're not telling dad jokes."So how good is Owari the super duper hacker cyber ninja when it comes to videogames? She's, ok really."I dated one ages ago, smoking hot in human shape."

    "Oh I dunno, I really only watch westerns and Samurai movies. I mean they're basically the same thing I suppose, but every Ninja movie I've ever seen is just pure nonsense."
Sally Houki "They're shapechangers. For all you know she was totally like 12,000 years old and looked it, too."

Sally shrugs her shoulders. "I don't really know anything about that. I just help out Kaminari, anyway." Sally is not much better. She's prone to getting tunnel vision in first person shooters because, well, of course she is.

Meanwhile, the other versions of her running around seem to be finishing up birthday prep!

They pull a tray of cupcakes, freshly baked, from the oven. "Good thing Heidi helped with the cupcakes," she muses.
Chizue Nakamura     "Appearances are mutable for most Ninja, and most of us are only human in appearance. She was single tailed though, and didn't have her radiance yet so young for sure."Theres a humm there as she plays "Not about how she looked though, they have something about the way they carry themselves."And well she starts fiddling with guns finally, already trying to find the most ideal combo for whatever play style she's developing towards.

    "Well I'm a Haga Ninja, we're the gadget ninjas. You'll likely run into me again, sooner or later. The other clans too, depending. It's not my place to pry into what business she conducts, so I'm not clear on what other Ninja if any she's working with."
Sally Houki "I mean... okay?" says Sally, giving Chizue a somewhat confused look for a moment. "Sure, okay. Shapechanging ninjas are a thing, I guess!" She seems to find that entirely believable. AFter all!"

She's distracted and gets killed. The other her also gets killed. They both utter swear words.

She's barely paying attention, really, to much of anything.
Chizue Nakamura     Theres a snap of the head towards the west, and for a moment Owari seems frozen. "You'll have to forgive me, I've Ninja business to attend to."Carefully she deposits her cat eared headset and game controller aside, before rolling up to her blacked out chucks. "It's been a pleasure to meet you, please do not be shy if you've need of my services of course."

    That mask erupts into a dull blue glow, as her gear powers up. Slowly fading into near invisibility as she slips over towards the balcony. "Be safe and well, of course yes?"That hood is flipped up, as her mask flashes dark and off she goes. Two steps and a graceful leap up over the railing and off into thin air. Ninja vanish, yo!