Owner Pose
Mary Bromfield It was another busy morning at the Rise 'n' Grind, and Mary was, as she tends to do, leading from the front. Even though she doesn't have a lot of 80s clothing, the "Hawkins Indiana A/V Department" shirt definitely got some kudos from the customers.

Currently, she's taking a bit of a breather by going over... paperwork, on the computer in her small manager's office. Sipping on her turtle mocha, she hmms a bit and taps a few things in. The door is ajar, and the sounds of the 80s are ever-present throughout the coffeeshop.
Marie-Ange Colbert Life has been hectic for Marie as of late; her cards failed her for the very first, undeniable time (...though, little to her knowledge, as a direct result of Jenny's slight of hand) and many of her friends had been kidnapped! Add that to the turmoil that Stryker was causing in the city and... the result was one little redhead who didn't feel brave enough to come out of her room very often.

However, with Sinister's plot foiled and said friends returned, even if not all in one piece physically and mentally... it was time to strike out into the world and reconnect with those she'd been away from. Jinny, she found out, had checked out of the hotel that she was staying in... probably off on another adventure in that old pick up truck of hers, but at least Mary hadn't gone anywhere!

Well. To a new place of employment, yes, but not to a new city as so many of her non-mutant friends kept doing. Plus, the brunette very likely even told the redhead about her new gig via text or phone call! So it was easy for Marie to make the visit, heading straight for the front counter; she politely orders the coffee of the day -- a handy feature for one who's not the fondest of making choices -- and asks the barista at the counter to let the manager know that she's here, before moving to wait for her drink.
Mary Bromfield Mary perks up immediately once Jane tells her that Marie-Ange is here. With that, she comes out of her office and waves, "Marie!" She moves quickly over and gives the redhead a fierce hug. She didn't know ALL that was going on, but knew Marie was having a rough time of it. So, hugs!

Then she looks over at Jane, "Put Marie's drink on my tab, whatever she gave you is a tip for you, okay." She then smiles warmly at Marie, "Hey, want to come on back? I can show you my office... such as it is." She then takes Marie's hand and leads her towards the tiny little office, offering her a chair as she sits down behind the desk.
Marie-Ange Colbert Indeed! Marie wasn't able to share exactly everything that was going on in /her/ life due to the secretive nature of the school. Not to mention not wanting to put even more of her friends in danger! The hug is returned in kind, and chased with a bright smile. "It is most wonderful to see you again, Mary." she greets honestly, sounding better than in any of their recent phone conversations.

The offer to be shown the office gets an eager nod, as she collects her drink with her free hand and is led by Mary with her other. The coffee is set down first, then she sits demurely on the chair, smoothing out her blue sundress as she does. There's a moment to look around the office, admiring her friend's stylistic touches, and then she speaks again. "I am grateful you were able to spare some time to see me... I am certain that your new duties are keeping you quite busy, non?" she asks -- though the soft giggle at the end implies a bit of teasing, too. She knows Mary's the type to /make/ time for her friends!
Mary Bromfield Mary grins warmly at Marie, "Yeah, but I'm never too busy for you Marie. I'm glad things are starting to settle down for you." She gives Marie a bit of a wry look, "Though, in retrospect, I'm glad I didn't get any predictions about what would happen between Bart and myself. Or rather, maybe I should have, then I could have..." She pauses, then shrugs.

"We broke up last week. I didn't want to text you about it, and it was pretty nice all things considered. Just... well, he wanted more time and I just didn't have it, between the new job and school and..." She pauses, "Well, everything else. So I guess I've been dumped. Or I dumped him. It was a mutual dumping. But not //that// bad, I guess."
Marie-Ange Colbert When the news is broken? Green eyes go wide, and Marie's up to her feet once again to go hug her friend. Sure, she said it was a mutual thing. A breakup is rarely a fun thing, though, and she understands this first hand. "Oh, Mary... I am so sorry." For what? "I should have been around more... and had hoped that you would be happy with Monsieur Bart, but... these things are not always to be, it seems. Just as Julie and myself, your lives conflicted and you both chose the paths you needed to move forward, even if it led you apart."

The hug might linger for just a bit longer than necessary, but she does release it in time, and moves to retake her seat. "But, you are a most lovely young woman, in mind and body alike." ...there's a hint of a blush in her cheeks, there. "When you are ready, you will surely have suitors lining up around the block!"
Mary Bromfield Mary snorts, "I think Freddy and Billy are planning on setting up traps outside the house for just that eventuality." She lets the hug linger, enjoying the comfort of her friend, then she smiles, "Thanks, Marie, I really appreciate that." At the blush, Mary blinks a bit, not quite sure how to take that, but...

"So, how have you been? I know things have been a little crazy for you, and I know you couldn't talk specifics, but... you're okay now?" She slides her chair around the edge of the desk, sitting next to Marie as she places a hand over hers, "I was... worried about you, when you went a little incommunicado there."
Marie-Ange Colbert The idea of traps outside of Mary's house is one that makes her giggle, "I will have to remember that the next time I visit then, oui?" Marie asks rhetorically, lips curving into a grin. "Besides; you still need to introduce me to your brothers... and no thanks are necessary! I speak only the truth as I see it; the same I would ask of any of my own friends."

When Mary gets closer, Marie takes the moment to use her for support, leaning her head against the other girl's shoulder and just kind've settling in. "Life has been... difficult. I had issues with my visa, until the Headmaster at my school sorted them out. Some of my friends had run into troubles of their own, but... those seem to be solved, now. That Pretre who comes on the television is a frightful man to watch, as well. So much hate, for a man who claims to be of God." Frown. "...but, things have been looking up in recent days. Some of the other graduates from school have spoke of a vacation over the Summer, I may have a new job coming myself, and may look into getting an apartment a little closer to the city, as well."
Mary Bromfield Mary smiles, "I would /love/ for you to come over for dinner sometime, Marie! And don't worry, they're setting pit traps for boys, so you'll be safe." She makes a face when Marie mentions Stryker, "Ugh, that jerk... how do people claim to speak for God and then say the exact opposite of what He meant? It's dumb."

She puts her arm around Marie, helping support her as Marie tells her more about what's been going on. She smiles, "Well, if you're moving into the city, I'll be glad to help with that! Honestly, it'll be nice to have you close by. You've been a great friend." A bit of a sigh, as she just seems to relax sitting next to Marie.
Marie-Ange Colbert "Well then, simply let me know when to come and I shall be there... how you say... with wings on!" Well. It's 'with wings on my feet' or 'with bells on', but... she tries. The comment about boys makes her laugh, though there's a bit of self-depreciation to the tone. "Aha -- oui, that makes sense, as they would not need fear you falling for a girl. Wise, your brothers." As for Stryker? A nod, "It is, oui. I spent much of my youth raised by people of religion, and while I do not /agree/ with them... they were usually nicer about it." Except when it came to her cards, anyways. But Stryker's a low bar to limbo under.

Marie allows the increased support without complaint, definitely cozy in this position -- and becoming increasingly fond of such things. A far cry from first arriving on these shores and tensing up whenever anyone would touch her at all! "I will let you know as soon as we pick a place, then! The help would certainly be appreciated, if it is no imposition." Another blush. "And I try to be at least as good a friend as you have been to me, Mary."
Mary Bromfield Mary nods, "Well, they /clearly/ haven't seen me play through Dragon Age. Probably for the best." She grins cheerfully at Marie, not minding the proximity at all, "For you, I'll definitely clear the time to help you move. And it's so good to hear that you've got your visa and everything straightened out. I... well, it'd be so weird not having you around."
Marie-Ange Colbert "Dragon Age... je ne sais pas... oh, wait, that is a video game, oui?" Marie asks, turning her head to look over at the brunette, but not moving away, either. "...why would it be bad for them to see you play it?" she asks, before a lightbulb goes on in her head. Sadly, it's the wrong lightbulb. "Oh! Is it super bloody, like that... Eternal Horizon game?" ...that's either Doom Eternal or Animal Crossing. Unless someone made a fan mash-up!

As far as the visa, there's a slow nod. "Oui, and I hope you can forgive that I had even considered allowing it to expire without trying harder to prevent it... it was very thoughtless of me, not considering how my not being here would affect those who care about me..."
Mary Bromfield Mary shakes her head, "I think thoughtless is the last thing you're capable of being, Marie. You've had a lot on your mind, it's not a big deal." She sighs, "I wish I could have been around to help more, too."

Then a soft laugh, "Dragon Age, well... it's violent, yes, but more than that, it's got a lot of romance elements to it, with the other NPCs, er, non-player characters." She chuckles, "If they knew the number of times that I had my character romance Leliana..." She gets a bit of an impish look, then snickers lightly under her breath.
Marie-Ange Colbert "You had a job, a boyfriend, and other friends to occupy your time, Mary. I would never presume to force myself in when you had so many other things vying for your limited time!" Marie points out, returning her head to Mary's shoulder. "I am just grateful for the time we do get to spend together." As she is with all of her friends. People who like her are an especially valuable commodity!

As Dragon Age is explained to her, she nods along... slowly, two and two are being put together in her mind, but between the look she catches out of the corner of her eye and that snicker, she can't help but ask. "...did I miss a joke, Mary?" Because to /her,/ it sounds like a lovely game!
Mary Bromfield Mary gives Marie a quizzical look for a moment, opens her mouth to say something, then hmms, "Well, I play female characters, and Leliana is a female NPC, /so/..." She gets a bit of a wry look, blushing quite brightly as she explains it. Particularly with Marie's head resting on her shoulder!

She does continue on, "But hey, I could always show you how to play it, it's got different difficulty settings, so it isn't that hard. And it can be a lot of fun playing through the story."
Marie-Ange Colbert Yup. That was the conclusion that she was reaching - Leliana /sounded/ like a girl's name! There's a little smile to herself for that fact -- and the blush does not go unnoticed, either, though Marie quickly looks away. Free hand slips into that little pouch of hers, pulling a card out far enough to spy the Hierophant peeking back at her. /Well then./

Looking back up towards the brunette, "I would like that very much. I... have played very little of video games, and this one sounds most wonderful." A pause, and a brief moistening of her lips as she considers, and then speaks. "So things are better for you now, then? The pain of the dump has passed?"
Mary Bromfield Mary chuckles, "Well... it really /was/ a mutual thing. Just, sometimes it doesn't work out. And I just had too much going on and he was, well..." She shrugs, "I guess he just didn't get that my life wasn't revolving around him. I suppose that sounds mean, but it just felt like I was there for him, and we weren't there for each other?" She hmms, "Does that make sense? Or do I sound totally heartless? I mean, I would want a partner, someone to share my life with, and vice versa, you know?"
Marie-Ange Colbert Marie nods slowly in response, letting her eyes close and her mind wander for a few moments. "It... does not seem heartless at all. In many of the romance novels I have read, that is /exactly/ how relationships work, non?" she offers, moving her free hand now to rest on top of Mary's, sandwiching it between her own. "I... would like that as well, I think. Someone who can encourage me to be my own person at times..." she tends to be a very dedicated follower, afterall. There's another pause, before green eyes look up thoughtfully.

"...Mary, do you think that I am pretty?"
Mary Bromfield Mary blinks, then looks at Marie, "Well, yes, you're gorgeous, Marie-Ange Colbert." She smiles warmly at Marie, absently giving Marie's hand a squeeze as Marie places her hands over Mary's. "I mean, wait..." She pauses, then looks again at Marie, a bit of a blush touching her cheeks. Not necessarily objecting so much as...

Well, if Marie is hinting at what Mary thinks she is, this isn't something she expected!
Marie-Ange Colbert Marie bites her lip in thought for a moment. It isn't like her to step out like this... but the cards have been pretty clear, and she's followed them her whole life. One bad reading won't stop her here. Giving Mary's hand a squeeze back, her eyes go a little wider and focus on Mary's face, watching the other girl like a hawk.

"Would..." she starts, before shaking her head. "Do you..." Another shake. "Perhaps you would consider being... how you say... 'more than friends'?" she asks, blushing red. Then quickly adding in a stammer. "N-not that you h-have to, of course. I... I would totally u-understand, oui."
Mary Bromfield Mary blinks, "Wait... you'd... want to be... with /me/?" She looks... well, does not compute seems to be the primary expression on her face. She didn't think anyone would be really interested in her, especially with Bart falling through...

And then Marie says that, and she smiles a little, "I... wow. That's definitely the best offer I've had all day, Marie." She looks at Marie with a shy expression, but her fingers entwine with Marie's as she nods, "I mean, I've never... I've only dated boys, before. But..." She looks at Marie, thinking about it, and just how good Marie has been to her, and how she's been with Marie.
Marie-Ange Colbert "...if you would consider it?" Marie replies, shutting her eyes for a moment, before opening one to peek at Mary's reactions. She's quiet for a while herself, as if braced for a negative reaction before it doesn't seem to come out in the end. That's when she cuddles a little closer and opens the other eye, too.

"Before Julie asked me out, I had never dated at all... and only read about dating with boys." the redhead admits, choosing her words carefully. "...it turned out not to be that much different dating a girl, and girls can be as lovely as boys can be handsome, so..." she shrugs a bit, and smiles. "...I can try and teach you that which you have questions about?" she offers, although how much help a girl with only one relationship under her belt -- and a short one -- can really offer is debatable!
Mary Bromfield Mary grins, "Look, I care about you... a lot. And..." She pauses, as Marie cuddles closer, and gently embraces the other girl, holding her close. Which is enough of an answer right there, really.

Mary then says, "I definitely want to try it, though. You've been so good to me, and I just love hanging out with you, and..." She blushes a little, resting her cheek against Marie's as she quiets, a sigh escaping her as she grins, "Be patient with me? I'm still figuring all this out."
Marie-Ange Colbert Marie's arms slip around Mary in return, and she'll even lift her head to press her lips softly against the brunette's cheek. Very chaste, very French, but still a step for her. It's definitely a good answer, and the one she was hoping for -- and expected, looking at her cards.

"Oui. I do not object to... how you say... 'taking it slow?'" she points out, and pulls back slightly to smile at the other girl. "...and if you decide you do not like it? We will always be friends, whether we are also more than that or not."
Mary Bromfield Mary smiles over towards Marie, "I'd like that. And yes, no matter what, we're going to be friends, Marie." She then pauses, hesitating a bit, then leans in and returns the gesture, a light peck on Marie's cheek. Then she grins warmly at Marie, "So... should we go get some lunch? Suddenly, I'm feeling famished." She tilts her head, looking at Marie, "I think the coffee shop can manage without me for an hour or so, right?"