Owner Pose
Conner Kent It is a nice evening for Gotham, which means it is merely cloudy instead of raining, and the contamination levels are not quite into the toxic level (which is where they tend to be when Summer is close).

It is Sunday and the kids that once upon a time were the most awesome teenage super-hero team ever (as most of them will remind you) have gathered for late dinner and maybe hangout. At Rose's suggestion, today they will devour Chinese food. The choice of the restaurant is... maybe sub-optimal. But it was Rose's turn to pick, this one is close to her place, and she said the dumplings were great.

And that comment was decisive. That the restaurant is not even in Google maps would only delay Conner and Bart about half a second. Conner arrives in time for once, pauses for a second at seeing the rundown ambience of the restaurant and then looks for the others. "There are dead chickens. Weeeird."
Bart Allen Bart Allen is here on time, but he ends up a few moments late, as he spends a moment looking at the live chickens and frowns up at the dead ones. He ponders for a moment, and then quicker than the eye can see he is off, gathering spare change around a couple cities and is turning it into bills.
     He walks in all smiles and whistling to innocently. He looks around and forces himself to walk to where he sees friends "Heyhey." He will smile to the others "How is?"
Rose Wilson Just inside is Rose, camped out at one of the tables with a pot of tea and a cup next to her. It is possible that she's a frequent enough visitor that she doesn't bother the staff, and the staff don't bother her, because there is a very distinct aura where she's very aware of them. But not //looking// at anyone that works there, and they aren't seeming to be waiting to hear her order. "Nothing wrong with those chickens, Conner."
Conner Kent "Besides being dead?" Conner flops down in a seat next to Rose and pulls out his Starkphone to see if Tim or Cassie have responded the invitation already. Seems not. "I mean, this one seems out of one of those old movies about the archeologist guy with the whip that fight Nazis, y'know which?"

Conner is bad at names. And also, at old movies.
Bart Allen Bart Allen nods his head a bit and says "Or the one where they reanimate the cop, and they have the machine in the shop, and brings all the animals, back, and they have to fight the undead side of beef." He adds in as he takes his seat, and puts his money on the table and looks over to Rose. "Know how much they charge for the live chickens?" He looks around a moment making sure none are looking and super speed sorts the money. Seems he is learning a bit about trying to fit in.
Rose Wilson "Indiana Jones..." Rose offers to Conner, assuming that is the one that he is meaning, "And only one of those movies was even in Asia anywhere." She shakes her head at him, reaching for her cup of tea before she freezes. Bart's question doesn't seem to compute for a moment, and then she stares at him, eyes narrowing, "Are you going to want it for food or as a pet?"
Conner Kent "Food," replies Conner. Oh wait, that is a question for Bart. And it is a good question. "Yeah, unless you are living in a farm it sounds like a bad idea. Unless you want to eat them alive. Now, that would really be weird." Even for Bart!

Idly, he reaches for one of the menus, finding it written in Chinese only and therefore... wait, he can understand what it says. Just don't ask him to pronounce it. But the plan was just dumplings, right?
Bart Allen Bart Allen looks to them and says "Take them to a no kill farm where they can fly, and swim, and stick their heads in the sand.. wait thats ostriches... " He gets side tracked for a moment, but then back to on subject "Where they can move around, I mean, I know animals have to die for us to eat, and that sucks, but it has to happen, but they got them in the little cages like they are in the chicken matrix, and don't even have the hook up for the virtual scratching. I am gonna be their neo and free them to the real world."
Rose Wilson "You should try the chicken." Rose points out, then she leans over to point to a few different things on the menu, "The hulatang is good here, and the har gao." Then she glances back at Bart, leaning forward to rest her elbows on the table before shaking her head at him, "They are in the cages because they are going to be slaughtered soon. No need to let them roam free...besides, birds are nasty animals. And cannibals."
Conner Kent "What language is this? Cantonese or Mandarin?" Asks Conner, still surprised he can read it. "Pass on the soup, har gao it is," he came for the dumplings after all. "Also, there are plenty of dead chickens already. So maybe Bart can buy a few and become Neo-Chicken. I have heard worse codenames."
Bart Allen Bart Allen looks over to Conner and says "It would be The one to you." He smirks, but looks back to Rose. Yea, but even if they are going to be ate there is no reason to keep them cooped up, I mean they can get the frozen chicken, or the freeze dried like Chicken Whizee uses and it is good, I mean maybe not as good as Chicken Chicken Chicken." He looks at the menu, and hmms and says "I want this this and that, and and some of those." Yea he orders enough their table is going to be filled with food,
Rose Wilson "Cantonese." Rose replies, glancing at the menu once again before she shakes her head at Bart, "Real, just slaughtered chicken, is way different tasting." She then glances towards the ones hanging, "Or dried." She shrugs a bit, slouching back into her seat, "How you been, Bart?"
Conner Kent "Besides, they will just replace the chickens you buy with new ones," points out Conner. "We live in a man-eats-chicken society, man." He is not sure keeping chicken in small cages is even particularly cruel, considering the typical industrial chicken farm.

Rose's question to Bart, though, makes him pay attention. Last time they talked Bart told them he had a girlfriend, and he has been scarce.
Bart Allen Bart Allen frowns a bit about the chickens, but then looks to Rose, and says "Ok, I guess, I had to do some ... traveling and did not know when I would be back so that sorta put things into a whole different mode, and am a little crash about some things that had to change, there is chances for other things to grow." He looks sad for a moment, but hides it quickly, and says "So, I got loads of free time, and was thinking maybe I should write a book and call to the Past and Back again?" He looks to them and says "May need to have a time travel vehicle... maybe a Time travel stationary bike. It is not where you go but when?"
Rose Wilson "You could." Rose agrees slowly, looking like she's not quite sold on the book idea. Or maybe not on the time travel bike idea. Or just, ideas in general. She glances at Conner, smirking a moment at him, "And what about you? You tell Bart all about the bangin' college parties you've been going to?"
Conner Kent "I'll read your book," offers Conner, nodding at Bart. Hopefully he won't find a real time travelling bike, though. Chances of messing up are high. Oh, and Rose reminds him about the parties, "er... not as good as the last one," he smirks.

"Well, college life has some pros and some cons. But I am enjoying it more than I expected," he offers. "The college life is pretty full. Always something to do, some group or event to try, I keep busy."
Bart Allen Bart Allen looks to them, and says "I really should right the book, and maybe I should go to college with you this fall, Jay and Joan think I should go to college, but I am not sure about it I mean what am I going to study history, or maybe how to make video games that might be cool but I aint sure." He seems to be getting excited a bit and then his phone beeps "Oh um sorry, I need to go." and soon his part of the food is just empty dishes and there is money on the table, and yep money instead of chickens in the cages, and ball of possibilities is gone, only to pop back in a moment and says "Oh and great to see you guys lets do it again, and he hugs them both, even Rose,super speed possibly keeping him from eatting a sword, and then he is gone again.
Rose Wilson It is probably a good thing that Bart is fast, or he might honestly have eatten a sword. Rose tries to not look grumpy about missing the chance to stab someone. Then she swings her attention over towards Conner, shaking her head, "Always keeping busy."
Conner Kent "Woah, we have been Bart-ered," comments Conner at the super-speed exit. "He hadn't done that in six months," he adds with a smirk, probably at Rose's expression about the surprise hug.

"I gotta catch up for all those missing years in virtual reality, Rosie," points out Conner, finding a dish of dumplings that survived Bart's appetite and setting it between them. "What about you? How has been Gotham lately?"
Rose Wilson "You don't have to catch up with anything." Rose points out before she reaches for a dumpling to pick it up, dunking it into the sauce, "I've been fine. You know me."

She shoves the dumpling into her mouth, adding something else but it's lost with the mouthful of dumpling.
Conner Kent "I know you just a little bit," replies Conner. Because, really, Rose has a way to behave that makes her pretty much unpredictable and Conner just can't figure what goes through her head most of the time.

But he wouldn't say she is 'fine' in many regards.

"Ah well, I feel I do. What would you do if you knew all you remember before being fifteen is not... well, not much, and it was fake?" He shrugs. "A lot of the the things I know, I have not really learned. I just found out I can read Cantese. I can't remmeber learning it. It happens a lot." Pause for dumpling. "Those are great, you were right."
Rose Wilson "Of course I was right." Rose replies with a very faint smirk, then she starts to get to her feet, "I don't know, Conner. I wouldn't know how to handle what you have to handle." She starts towards one of the staff, pulling out some money and speaking quietly to them. There's a few gestures in the direction of a chicken while she talks.