Owner Pose
Keagan Nichols It was an odd thing for Keagan. He wasn't exactly a known hero or a great one. Not experienced or anything. He was not used to, however, being unable to help. He stands before the edge of the area that was once dubbed Mutant Town. An area that was once thriving with life and people trying to make their way in the world with people like themselves. He stares, his feathers bristling under his outfit a little. He is trying his best to keep them hidden though.

"I can't believe this..." He then looks down at the ground and then back at the sight and shakes his head, "And I could do nothing...can do nothing." He frowns a little and grinds his teeth slightly.
Landry Lugar Landry Lugar was doing what so many others had likely done before him. Stopping by to see what was left. Landry made his way along the sidewalks in dark jeans, a black hoodie, with STAFF written across the back, with the S being a Treble Clef. He was watching his phone, using the map app to lead him there, but he didn't need it to recognize it when he got there.

He stopped and looked around. The buildings gone. The people gone. Even the trash it seems, gone. "I still can't believe it..." He muttered after seeing it with his own eyes.
Keagan Nichols Keagan reaches down to pick up a small rock on the ground and look at it, staring at the thing as he stands up before he over hears what Landry says. Frankly, he could easily hear what everyone here was saying. It was second nature for him and he often drowned it out but those words catch him. He looks slowly over at Landry and then he nods to him, "Believe it." He states simply and then drops the rock and looks toward the area, "Remember it, too."

Keagan puts on a sad smile, "We can't let this be forgotten. Whoever or whatever is responsible will be found but never let the terrible or horrible things that evil does be forgotten or gotten used to." He smiles, "Cause if you do that, then we lose." He nods and then smiles a little wider, "Instead smile and know that things will be better."
Landry Lugar Landry Lugar gave a nod, "Right... Yeah. I mean, definitely. This is big. Like, 9/11 big." He mulled over what Keagan said, "You think so? I suppose it doesn't do much good to wallow in the dumps. Better to err on the side of hope?"

He chewed the inside of his cheek a moment as he thought on it. "You think they'll get rescued? Probably ever hero in the country has their attention on this now, but, you don't think it's too late already?"
Keagan Nichols A chuckle and then Keagan looks back at the emtpy space before him, "It's not an option." He nods and looks back to Landry again, "To think like that is defeatist." He smiles and nods his head even as he looks down at his own feet, "You can't let it happen." He then looks toward the area again, "Is it too late? Maybe but I can't believe that. None of us can. We do and we lose." He shrugs, "There's heroes, like you said, acting and trying to do things. So, it is the job of people standing by to hope and not give up."
Landry Lugar Landry Lugar looked out over the space again, and then back to Keagan, "I think that's a good way to look at it. There's not much I can do, but, I wanted to come and see it for myself. You never know when there's need of that one more candle against the darkness, you know?" He grinned, "I think you do, and you seem to be one wanting to light them up."
Keagan Nichols A grin and then he nods his head, "I try." He states and simply shrugs, "Keagan Nichols." He nods his head and then shrugs, "I run a small news blog called 'The True Flight' that I do things on. I like to keep people's hopes up." He nods his head and then looks over at the area again, "Those that fight for the people have to be shown that they aren't fighting for nothing. People want hope. They want symbols they can see and look up to." He nods his head, "In a way, if you lose hope than you are hurting the heroes." He then chuckles and nods his head, "Everyone seems to think the heroes are here to save us but it is a two way street." He laughs a little, "Sorry, I'm being a little weird."
Landry Lugar Landry Lugar thought about it, "Nah, it's not weird. I'll have to check out your blog. I'm Landry Lugar. College student. Still trying to decide how I'll help save the world like everyone else." He chuckled at that, glancing to his phone to type in the name of the blog to save for later. "I mean, I get that and all. I think there's probably a lot of unknown and unthanked heroes out there, who's work never really gets seen. I mean like, if a ninja takes down another ninja assassin and all, it's not gonna make the evening news, right? Ha! No one would ever hear about it. Cause ninjas!"
Keagan Nichols A smile and a thumbs up and Keagan nods, "You get it. Not everyone is like Superman or Wonder Woman. Not everyone is seen or even heard of. They still do it and often for no reason other than to help." He then turns his gaze to the hole again and nods, "And people being happy means that those hidden heroes are still winning." He nods again and then shrugs and turns to walk off, "Anyway, I gotta get going, but..." He looks back a moment and smiles, "I don't think I got your name?"
Landry Lugar Landry Lugar grinned and gave a nod, "Landry. Landry Lugar. Was good to meet you. Keep doing what your doing. If the good vibes keep rippling, they'll make it all over eventually." He gave a wave, "See you around." And started off as well heading back the way he'd come.