Owner Pose
Jason Todd After the dumpling dinner with the family where Jason had implied, okay, straight out said, he and Rose had slept together, he'd texted her to fill her in on the ruse and to see if they should hang out. It'd been months, since they'd been working together on the 'Cause Chaos in Gotham' plan and with their former warehouse burnt down (long story) and the whole Rose dating Tim thing, it was probably past time.

Of course as it always does life gets in the way. In this case, ninjas, space invasions, taking out some mid-level mafia guys after their boss had a sudden heart attack (not Jason's fault!). So, basically events passed them by a little by the time Jason texts again.

> My bad. Got caught up in things. Hangout at Caron's Wonderland tonight? I'll bring the booze.

Assuming the plan is a go, Jason will be waiting on top of the Fun House with his legs dangling down the side of the decaying building, a bottle of Jack in his hand and another bottle in a bag just behind him. No costume this time, though he's still wearing his leather jacket, just jeans and a t-shirt, plus the usual load out of hidden weapons that he wears out of habit.
Rose Wilson Eventually an answer comes to the text. Just a yes. Which means that the plan is a go, right? Seems that way.

When Rose arrives she's dressed in her usual clothes, jeans, t-shirt, various weapons stashed places, backpack. The backpack is new, really. And it looks heavy as she heads for the Fun House, and begins to make her way up to the top.

It's true, she's not one of the Batkids, so she's not as amazing at climbing to roosts as they are, but she's no slouch herself. Which means that she climbs up quickly, and starts across the roof to where he's sitting on the side of the building.
Jason Todd Jason salutes with his bottle when he spots Rose, brows rising at the backpack. He doesn't call out, just waits for her to join him on the roof. When she's approaching his perch he looks back at her and upnods. "Hey, got the booze, what's with the bag? Don't tell me you've got Tim folded up in there?" he couldn't help make that comment off the jump.

He swings around so his legs are on the roof now not danging down below. "But seriously, it's been awhile. How goes?"
Rose Wilson There's a flicker of a smirk that crosses her lips at that, "Nope." She replies, sliding the straps of the backpack off her shoulders befores he swings it around, dropping it onto the roof with a heavy rattle and thud. "I brought you a present."

Rose drops herself down onto the roof, folding her legs before she reaches for the bottle, "It goes....normal. Ish. Sort of." There isn't an ounce of certainty in the response. "Doing what I always do...What about you? Besides trying to drive Tim crazy."
Jason Todd "Well, for the record folding Tim up so he fit in that bag, would definitely qualify as a present," Jason says glibly, his eyes following the bag now like a cat eyeing a bird.

His focus breaks for a moment to glance up as he slides the bag with the bottle over and puts his own down beside him. "Technically trying to drive Tim crazy is normal for me," he smirks before he pulls the backpack over to take a peek. "Seems like the two of you had an exciting date, heard you ran into Joker's guys," he says but then lest this whole thing be all business, he adds, "Also, spotted those hickies on his neck, in front of pretty much the whole family. It was great, so I owe you for that one."
Rose Wilson Inside the bag are boxes of ammo. Various different calibers and brands, and probably none bought. From stores. Or just bought in general. Good chance of various methods of getting them were had.

"It wasn't bad." Rose replies with a shrug, reaching for the bottle in the bag, only so that she can tug the bottle out and twist the cap off. "Overpriced burgers and shakes, but I wasn't buying. Then he got all..." She pauses, then makes a face, "He threw a fucking..." She mimes throwing one of the Birdarang things. "Then got distracted with the whole got to call the GCPD and find out what the Joker's up too...When it'd be just as easy to have dumped them all in the river." A quick sip from the bottle is taken before she adds, "You're welcome."
Jason Todd Jason grins broadly at the gift. So much ammo. He looks up to Rose. "The perfect gift for a guy with a list of people needing to be shot, thanks," he says without irony.

"Right, he said he took you to that Tin Cow place," he makes a face to show what he thinks of it. "And the rest seems like classic Tim, all work no play."

He grins at the 'you're welcome', then carries on. "So, got to ask, what the heck? Of all the people to go out with, why Tim? I mean, fully none of my business but you're you and he's," another face is made. "Him."
Rose Wilson Another swallow from the bottle is taken, a bit larger than the first one before she tucks the cap into a pocket in case she needs it later. Then she props the bottle up against her leg before she leans back on her hands.

Rose very carefully studies him, her head tilting to the side before she nods slowly, in agreement with him about the facts. He's he and she's she. No arguments are coming from her about that. "You never asked me."

It's delivered in a somewhat even tone, like she was telling him the sky was blue. But she doesn't stop there, just going on to the rest of her thought. "All work. He wouldn't even let me off them....like scum like that deserves to be left alive."
Jason Todd Jason's brows raise with a mix of surprise and a bit of cynical amusement and he takes a swig, when he lowers the bottle he says, "Wew, boy, Tim is never not being my replacement, huh?" he says, his shoulders shaking a little with contained mirth. He takes a second to let the amusement pass before he says more seriously. "To be clear, my whole thing with you and Tim isn't a jealousy thing," he explains. "More brain bending confusion. As for not asking you were my second in command, seen mixing business and pleasure fuck things up before, it's not pretty. Otherwise, yeah, I would have asked."

Now that the mirth has passed he delivers things matter-of-factly as well. He makes a face at that last part. "Yeah, not much point in keeping Joker's guys breathing, but you know how it is with the Bats, the boss has rules," he says with a bit of hesitation. "Speaking of, when I was away for a bit there, Bats and I we came to an accord at least for now," he says nodding to the ammo he'd be gifted. "Most of this will be going into kneecaps for the foreseeable future."
Rose Wilson "I never figured you'd get soft on me." Rose shakes her head at him, disappointment flicking across her face before she twists herself around, scooting to the edge to drop her legs over. "But sure, whatever makes you happy in this world. Who am I to judge?"

The bottle gets repositioned, then she's digging around in a pocket to pull out her cigarettes, tucking one into her mouth to light it. "I figure Tim's already told the Boss all about what he found, and they'll sort it all out. Or knock the clowns around, and everyone'll be right where they were in the beginning. But it's not my circus, right?"
Jason Todd "Just need time to assess things," Jason says, though even to him his protest sounds hollow. Still once he's committed he sticks with it. "Trust me, there's no joy to be had."

Jason nods at the pack in a wordless request for a cigarette. One of his pre-Robin habits he never quite shook. "Yeah, there was a big family meeting on the Joker stuff, all very super serious, but you're right more or less nothing changes, unless Joker pokes his head out, then deal with Bats or no, one thing is going to change," he says with deadly certainty. "Speaking of Joker, if Tim gets it in his head to go after him, and I mean this literally, break his kneecap. Joker will eat him for breakfast."
Rose Wilson The pack is held out towards him, then the lighter is offered right after, "If Tim gets it into his head to go after him, first...I'll take a minute to stare with my mouth open. Then I'll break his kneecaps and lock him in the closet." She glances over at him, her expression serious, but also curious at the same time. "So what'll you give me to not tell him that you care enough to have me break his knees to keep him from becoming the Joker's next meal?"

Probably not serious about needing something in payment. But there are a few things mentally rearranged over it all. "So if it's not what you want to do, that'll make you happy....why are you doing it?"
Jason Todd Jason nods thanks and takes a long drag once the cigarette is lit, eyes closing just a bit at the first hit of nicotine he'd had in awhile. There's a grin at Rose's comment and question. "He's part of the crew, looks bad if one of us gets taken out," Jason says, lying again this time without any effort to hide it. "As for price? I am willing to spill embarrassing dirt about Tim."

"Good fucking question," he says, ashing his cigarette over the side of the building. Good or not he doesn't volunteer an answer. "How about you and Tim? I mean, you know you doing what you do isn't going to sit well with him, or is it just a big deal on his side of things, cuz wew boy, is it ever a big thing on his side of things." Totally not deflecting away from his situation with the Bats. Nope.
Rose Wilson "He sleeps with a teddy bear, and still has his baby blanket?" Because those would be embarrassing secrets to be shared. Rose takes a drag, tucking the pack and lighter away before she blows the smoke out. "Feel free to share, I'll never reveal my sources."

Deflection is a tactic that she knows, and is familiar with. It's one she's fairly good at herself, so she doesn't poke further. Instead she gives him an amused look, "He hates it...no killing is a very big deal on his side. I think he likes to live in denial about what I do and who I am. Or thinks that he's going to somehow save me from myself....it'll last right up until I come home with blood on my hands and a dead body in the trunk."
Jason Todd "I can't be 100% sure that either of those things aren't true," Jason admits with a bit of amusement shining in his eyes. "Was going more for his sexual experience and his thoughts on sex and love, which he was more than happy to share all self-righteously the other night. The second bit anyhow."

He takes a drag from his smoke, before nodding. "Yeah, that's going to be a day," he says of when Tim realizes Rose is always going to be Rose. "I mean don't know what he is expecting is going to happen, but yeah, that might be another time you're going to need to break something of his and stick him in a closet. Speaking of, your Dad going to want to take his head off? We weren't sure at the family meeting."
Rose Wilson "He's a virgin and he thinks that love is important and sex should be...Something something...love?" Rose makes guesses at these things, judging by her thoughtful look before she flicks the ashes off from her cigarette into the air. "But tell me in his own words."

Dad. She just shrugs her shoulders, reaching for the bottle to take a swig from it before answering, "Why would my dad care? He vanished again...haven't heard a single thing from him in months." Or longer. Maybe less.
Jason Todd "Damn, that takes the fun out of it," Jason says when she tells him pretty much what he was going to say. "Yeah, still has a mint condition V-Card, he didn't say it but, yeah, it's pretty clear, as for the other, I think he said something about he doesn't separate sex from love or some nonsense. Or can't. One of those. He was seething and being all self-righteous at the time I was too amused to remember the details."

Jason shrugs when it comes to Slade. "Never quite got a read on you and your pops, but sounds like my bio dad, so yeah, too wrapped up in his own shit to care or likely notice. Don't mention that to Tim though, it's fun to watch him sweat." A smile for that. "So," he lets his cigarette hang from his mouth while he takes a swig from his bottle. "Speaking of family, I guess I should do the big brother thing, for my little bro and ask what your intentions are with our little Timmy," he says with a smirk as he puts down the bottle to take a drag from his smoke.
Rose Wilson The frown that flicks across her face is there and gone in a few seconds, and she covers it up with a roll of her eye, "Intentions? I don't have any intentions. Like I said, it won't last. He'll get upset I killed someone, and that'll be it."

The cigarette is pulled from her mouth after she takes a final drag from it, then she flicks the cigarette out away from where they are sitting on the roof, "The right thing to do would probably be to let him down easy, because sex and love aren't the same thing."
Jason Todd Jason's expression says neutral except for a slight brow raises suggesting he might have caught that frown, but he doesn't comment. "Fair enough," he says of Rose's intentions or lack thereof.

As for the rest, "Probably," he says, "But you do you, sounds like Tim could use an education in how things really work, so if you're game to teach him," he spreads his hands, as if to say Tim could do worse.