Owner Pose
Ted Kord Ted Kord has a rare night off. Kord Co frowns on people working late but that does not apply to the CEO. His love of the company extends to the Kord Co blue jumpsuit he is wearing at present. He finishes signing off on several new hires, has a slice of Mrs. Parker's apple pie and a cup of coffee and is almost ready to turn on the episode of Penny Dreadful he'd recorded when a whirring sound raises in volume.

Ted runs outside to see a helicopter, plainly in distress, trying to reach his helipad. He grabs a couple of landing strip torches to try tov guide the wounded bird in. "C'mon you can do it, come on! Nearly there!" He turns to a drone and says, "Go get help!" The drone scurries off. The helicopter noses in and lands with a thump. "Actually, that was a pretty good landing... " He walks over with a grin to congratulate the pilot when the door opens and a horde of garishly costumed and made up men pour out and charge him.

The Mad Men.

As in the gang that HATES Blue Beetle, not the TV show. A dozen of the creeps and... Ted gropes for the gun he has locked up in his desk. Then he goes down under numerous fists and feet.

The inventor recovers as he is yoinked into the air and brought to the roof edge. "You messed with the Mad Men one too many times Mr. Kord. See yu in Hell, but not if we see you first!"
Koriand'r     Starfire was flying to Kord Co (she likes that name, it sounds alien if you say it fast enough), minding her own business when she saw all that business. Naturally it made her angry and had her soaring in to do the hero thing but then one of them said, "See you in Hell, but not if we see you first," and that just nailed her in place fifty feet away from the roof with furrowed brow and open mouth as she tried silently to process that. It so flummoxed her it actually stopped her in her tracks. All she can think to do is shout over the sound of the helicopter rotors, "...What does that mean?"
Ted Kord Ted Kord is about to answer when he is hurled off the roof. In fact his scream is oddly reminiscent to the sound the humans made in Them when crushed by the mandibles of the giant ants. The Mad Men start to gamble and cavort back to the helicopter. "Look it up in your Funk and Wagnalls, bimbo!" "Yeah spend a dollar to blue a clue!" Come down here and we'll hit ya with a clue by four, Ginger!"
Koriand'r     Starfire's brows come together and she opens her mouth to argue with the crazy people, but Ted falling to his death has a focusing effect on her attention. She cries his name and soars parabolically over the helicopter and down the side of the building to catch him before he can ruin the shoes of the people on the ground with his death.
Ted Kord Ted Kord has had a good run. He's lived, died, lived again, loved, lost. He made millions, lost millions. He doesn't fear death. Perhaps its nets deployed from the sides of his building to provide additional safety from a crashing helicopter? The nets remain unused before whumpf, he is caught by strong hands across his shoulders and under his knees. Superman! He got lucky!

He opens his eyes and stares into glowing green eyes. Eh Superman doesn't even return his emails.

Actually this is even better! He throws an arm around Starfire to give her a hug. "Thank you thank you... I wasn't sure about those nets. Take me back up please. I want a rematch with those ****ing ****s! I'm going to kick their ****ing ***es!"
Koriand'r     Starfire, burning hot, clenches Ted carefully as not to break him as she swoops down, angling into another parabola to avoid breaking Ted's bones with a sudden stop. She slows as she swoops into the dip and asks Ted, "Do you wish for help, or is this a private battle?" Her eyes are too bright to look at directly. She's angry.
Ted Kord Ted Kord gestures grandly, "Please, help yourself. Plenty to go around. Or just ground the copter. I was going to call the Bug but why not get a little exercise?" As they rise over the penthouse Ted Wiggles free and drops into the group still outside the helicopter knocking several over. He tumbles to his feet and begins lashing out with feet and fists. The Mad Men are shaken but soon fall into their double teaming tactics... which delays being kicked in the crotch. But not by much.
Koriand'r     Starfire has never wrestled a helicopter before. It ends up being more fun that she expected. She holds onto its landing strut and pulls it down while tossing a few weak starbolts at its rotors to try to damage them beyond use. She's still quite angry at the murderers but, the more she thinks about it, glad she's not fighting them. They seem to be mentally defective, so beating them up would feel weird.
    She doesn't mind Ted doing it, though. He deserves vengeance. She focuses her attention on grounding the helicopter whose primitive form of propulsion is turning her six feet of hair into an impressionist sculpture of a tornado.
Ted Kord Ted Kord is apparently working through a mad of his own, perhaps they picked the wrong night to try to kill him? In any case the mixture of adrenaline and skill lets him mow a path through the felons, most of home get thrown bodily into the swimming pool. "Hunh. Now I gotta bleach the pool! My own dang fault."

The Mad Men are about to gather their battered forces for another rush when as if on cue a number of drones appear over the edges of the roof. "Sic 'em!" Ted yells.

The drones engage 'sic protocols'. It isn't pretty. It's nonlethal... but you'd be amazed what you can live through.
Koriand'r     Starfire finally forces the helicopter to land mostly by punching through the windshield and throwing out the pilot onto the roof. She is less concerned about the effect impact will have on the Mad Man than she was about Ted. She forces the machine down, then crawls awkwardly up its side, using both hands and a lot of downward flight thrust to keep the stupid primitive machine pressed down, until she can reach the twirly part of the rotors and punch the helicopter's shell until her fists reach the soft gooey machines inside that make it go.
    Starfire is not very well educated on how Earth machines work. Cogs and gears are so prehistoric.
    She finishes breaking the helicopter until it can no longer fly, then, satisfied, flies over to the party to help wipe up the Mad Men. Just because she feels bad about beating up people with cognitive declines doesn't mean she can't do it for a friend.
Ted Kord Ted Kord wipes at some blood on his face and examines his split knuckles ruefully. "Take these dimwits to the detention facilities and file a report to police. Are you okay Princess... good grief, I got rescued by a princess. Thank you again for the save. Superman couldn't have done any better. In fact I think I prefer you, you wear perfume or some such." He watches as the drones grab the felons and dive over the side of the building with them with accompanying screams. "Hey if it was good enough for me... lump it ya bums!" He plops down on a lounge, a little winded.