Owner Pose
Emma Frost Lavender and chamomile scent wafts from the thin mud in the spa room. Stripped down to just a lush white bathrobe, Emma steps off the elevator into the mud baths and breathes in deeply. <<Oh thank god. I could really use this.>> she telepathically notes to Jean as she pads out onto the sage-and-blue-and-ivory tiles. The spa attendant smiles at the two mutant telepaths. "What can I get you two to drink?"

Emma tilts her head. "A mimosa, I think. Jean?"
Jean Grey Jean smiles, "Midori sour, please. Feeling a little froo-froo today." She chuckles, soaking into the mud as she sends back towards Emma, <<You and me both. Though the past few days have been... pretty good, actually.>> She smiles a bit, satisfaction oozing from her thoughts as mud oozes around her, a light sigh audibly escaping her.
Emma Frost Emma chooses a spot to sink in as well, leaning back against the edge of the mud-filled pool. <<I've heard through the Alex-grapevine that he's fully going to try this mutant savior-hero gig, with you as his boss,>> she teases lightly. There's a slight edge of concern, but mostly her tone is light. <<I thought his brother cornered the market on that sort of thing.>>
Jean Grey Jean smiles, <<Not sure if we're going to be saviors or heroes, just doing what needs to be done, Emma.>> She wrinkles her nose a bit, <<Recent experiences have shown that the X-Men aren't... quite enough, to do what needs to be done.>> Which is a bit of an ominous note, at least coming from Jean, of all people...
Emma Frost <<Can't say as I don't see a need,>> Emma replies, stretching a bit, pointing her toes to feel a comforting pull of muscles under the heated mud. <<Just be careful with him. He's a good person. Probably //too// good for someone like me... I don't think he's comfortable yet with the idea some people just need to be handled... permanently.>> Emma doesn't seem remotely squeamish about the concept. Not exactly the sort to get her hands dirty herself, mind, but it's clear in their shared thoughts that Emma's morality is considerably more... flexible... than the folks Jean is used to being around.
Jean Grey Jean mmmms and stretches under the heated mud, sighing contentedly, << Yes, well, I have Piotr with me... on the team, so I think he can help keep our moral focus.>> Her thoughts catch a bit as she thinks about him, and she catches the lack of squeamishness, <<Honestly, with what my clone did... there's something that we need to be ready for. And dealing with someone like that.>>
Emma Frost <<There were several of them. I doubt you got them all. Though some seemed to not work right.>> Emma shrugs against the tile. <<I'm by no means an expert, and they had my powers blocked. I wish they hadn't. What your clone did to Roberto pales in what I would have done to them had they not taken me by surprise.>> One eye opens, glancing to Jean. <<A neat trick, taking apart a mind piece by piece.>>
Jean Grey Jean's demeanor changes, tensing at the mention of her clone, <<She isn't going to do /that/ again, nor anything else.>> She takes a deep breath, finding her center... then she exhales, relaxing a bit, <<I prefer to put them back together. Like what I'm helping with Car... Captain Marvel.>>
Emma Frost <<Mm. Well, you can put them back together then. If you need any help taking them apart, do let me know.>> There's a hint of viciousness there-- directed at likely the same sorts Jean might consider not holding back against, but still. It's there.
Jean Grey Jean nods, <<Noted.>> She sounds a little terse about that in her thoughts, not so much at Emma's viciousness as much as she isn't one to try and do that.

Maybe just squashing them with a steel door. She sighs a bit, sinking a bit deeper into the mud.
Emma Frost Drinks arrive, and Emma takes hers gladly, taking a long sip from the fizz-filled beverage. She sits the glass on the side of the spa, cracking her neck slightly. <<She deserved it you know. More than you know. I don't know if anyone will ever share everything that happened there... god knows I try not to think about it... but anything you did to her, she deserved a thousand times over and over again. Don't feel regret for it.>>
Jean Grey Jean sighs, <<I know. I don't regret what I did. The only thing that bothers me... is that I don't feel more bothered by it.>> She always was a bit of the moral one, moreso than most of the X-Men, which makes her forming X-Force a bit... unusual. <<Thinking of what I would be without any morals... such a vile thing would be terrifying. And there's only one thing that could be done with something like that.>>
Emma Frost Emma's 'voice' is cold and blunt. <<I think you went easy on her.>> She shrugs lightly. <<But then again, fast does mean sure, more often than not.>> The white-clad devil on Jean's shoulder seems indifferent. <<Pure evil can't be reasoned with or cured. Only destroyed.>>
Jean Grey Jean nods, <<So I've discovered.>> She sips from her drink, not bothering to hide it from Emma anyway, whether she got it from her own surface thoughts or if Alex told her. <<That's why I formed up X-Force in the first place. Because not asking the question doesn't mean it doesn't exist.>>
Emma Frost <<X-Force. Sounds really 90s.>> Emma rolls her eyes and smirks. She's teasing, and that's clear from the feeling Jean gets through the mental link. <<Radical and X-Treme?>> She takes another drink and lets out a soft laugh. <<I'm teasing, of course. It can't hurt, with everything going on in the world. I'm glad it's giving Alex something to feel like he's not helpless. I can't lie, I've been trying to talk him out of signing up for his brother's war... but I feel a lot better if you're the general here.>>
Jean Grey Jean snickers, <<Maybe, but it fits with what we're looking to do.>> She pauses, <<Actually, Illyana is going to be my field captain, though I'm pushing the changes. We have some experienced ones, and some fairly green ones. But this is going to be devoted to doing what we have to do.>>
Emma Frost Emma snorts. <<Well I'm glad I don't blast things,>> she chuckles mentally. <<Therefore I'm useless, as intended.>> She sighs. <<Funding, though, I might be able to have some stuff fall off a truck or slush out. I can't do anything... openly. With my position being what it is. But taking the fight to people like Sinister? I can get behind that privately.>>
Jean Grey Jean smiles a bit, <<That would be appreciated, Emma. Though I think you'd fit in fairly well there. But it'd be a shame if things got 'lost' somehow, but yeah, Sinister is our first target. I want to make sure his schemes are done, for good.>>
Emma Frost Shaking her head, Emma chuckles at her friend. <<All I do is root around in people's skulls. Not very useful in a fight. You fly and toss people around like ragdolls if you need to. It's kind of you to think I'd fit in, but I'd be a liability.>> She actually seems to believe that. <<And when you're working with the sort of money I'm working with... it's easy to 'lose' things. I have a team of accountants dedicated to doing so.>>
Jean Grey Jean snorts at that, <<You're a telepath of the highest caliber, Emma. Don't sell yourself short on that. I /might/ be more powerful, maybe, but you definitely have a lot more finesse than I do there.>> She actually does give Emma the fact that she's probably better at the telepathy than Jean is. <<Though losing things in our favor would definitely be welcome, just so we can keep ourselves a little separate from the X-Men proper.>>
Emma Frost <<Mm.>> Emma considers. <<Well, let me know what you need when you need it. I'll do what I can.>> She sinks back a little more into the mud. <<I love this stuff but I hate needing to shower for so long afterwards. It's like it never wants to come off.>>
Jean Grey Jean nods, <<No argument from me. I'll keep you posted.>> She smiles a bit, <<And yeah, the downside of a good relaxation I suppose. Still, an extended shower isn't the worst thing in the world.>>
Emma Frost <<True.>> Emma finishes up her drink. <<Massage after?>> She opens her eyes, lifting a brow.
Jean Grey Jean smiles, <<Sounds good to me, Emma.>> She finishes her drink, meeting Emma's gaze and nodding very slightly.