Owner Pose
Stephanie Brown Stephanie Brown is over in one of the training areas. While Jason Todd and Tim Drake were missing, she'd forgone most of her training with Barbara Gordon to spend extra time searching for them. But now that they are back, she is not just back at it, but actually trying to catch up and make up for the lost time. Which is tough enough to do normally, but she also was letting her college classes slide while searching for the pair.

Today finds her over in one of the training areas, where crime scene mockups can be done, whether for training or in actual investigations into real cases. This particular one is of a robbery, the locale set up to look like a room in an expensive house. There's a safe that was cracked, and a broken window. Stephanie is going over the area, holding up to her eyes a pair of goggles that have magnification ability as well as checking some other light spectra, since her own costume still lacks those abilities.
Damian Wayne      Robin was making his way from the armory back to Titans Tower. The cache of equipment had been running low, so a refill had been needed.

  He had not been as freaked out regarding the missing Jason and Tim as the others were. In fact, he was plenty happy at the concept of two thirds of his peers just not being around anymore. Though upon further thought, he would have been upset that Jason wasn't around.

  Seeing as someone was in the training area, Damian decided to see what was going on, out of curiosity. The young Robin keeps his head on a swivel, looking at the room, and clues around to lead to the perpetrator. He didn't interrupt Stephanie, but he maintained a mental checklist of what was going on in the simulation.
Stephanie Brown Stephanie is examining the floor near the window. The hole in the window is not that large, not big enough for someone to go through. She gets out a pair of tweezers and picks up something from the floor, putting it in a little evidence bag in case it needs some analysis done on it.

Then she straightens and looks over the lock for the window. She leans in really close, almost putting her face up to it as she looks through the magnifier.

"What the heck. There's unbroken oxidation on the window lock, it hasn't been unlocked in years. So if they didn't reach through the hole to unlock it, why'd they make the hole? And how'd they get in?" she says aloud to herself.

She lowers the goggles and looks around the room again for any other bits of evidence that might shed light on the situation. That's when she spots Damian, lifting a hand to wave towards him. "Hey Damian. How're you?" she asks, though eyes going back to the crime simulation again.
Damian Wayne      Robin's case was put down on the ground before he made his way over to the window, and examines the hole in the glass. Holding our his hand out to give a size comparison. "What was stolen?" He asked, moving to the safe, squatting down to take a look inside and to inspect the damage done. Clearly, his interest was piqued.
Stephanie Brown Stephanie is examining the area between the window and the safe, slowly moving over it and looking for other clues. "In this scenario, I don't know. The owner didn't even report the theft, but was picked up talking to someone in the Maggia about it that we had tapped. So probably something illicit in some fashion, but no details on what yet," she tells Robin.

Stephanie motions to the window. "It's bulletproof glass. The edges of the hole look melted so maybe a laser or some kind of welder or something," she says. "I shut down the security system before entering the area. Couldn't tell if it had been tripped during the robber or not."

She looks from the window to the safe. "So assuming it isn't someone who could flow through a hole only big enough to fit an arm through, and they didn't use it to unlock the window, then something else must have used it," she says.
Damian Wayne      "I was thinking a small drone. Hold out your hand, it takes off, comes back with the loot." Robin keeps looking around the place trying to find all the dots before he starts connecting.

  Moving to the window, he takes a look at the construction, and the hole itself. "To melt this stuff, it has to get very hot. So, a miniature drone would not be out of the question. Any..." He looks to the floor underneath the window, using his mask to search for organic debris beneath it, it would at least rule out a mutant or other powered individual. "Could be mob-to-mob if it was not so...extra." to use the parlance of the youth of today.
Stephanie Brown Stephanie hrms and nods. "I couldn't find any signs a person was hanging outside the window. Usually there'd be scuff marks if they used robes, where it rubbed the roof, or where their feet were," she says. "So a drone making the hole makes sense. I found some material below the window but I think it is the melted residue from the window itself."

She goes over to the safe and starts examining all around it. "Oh, here we go. Some little marks on the wall," she says, leaning in closer to look. "Here, and here on either side below it," she says. After more searching. "And I think maybe above it too. So maybe it anchored on the wall to open the safe?"
Damian Wayne      Damian looks back to the safe and joins Steph there. Inspecting the marks that she mentions. "Anchoring to laser the safe...that makes sense. But then who would have access to a drone so small to fit in that hole, yet have enough power to rig a laser that powerful? I can only think of a couple companies that could make something like that. Then the clientele from there...is even less so."

  "Could be third party high end..." Meaning a professional thief job, but the suspects there would be an even shorter list.
Stephanie Brown Stephanie nods her head. "Probably not another Maggia family. Not unless they hired someone. They just don't work with that kind of technology," she says. "So, probably need to identify who else might be enemies of his. And maybe try to figure out what kind of laser would be needed for the window and the safe," she says.

She gets out a tool to scrape some of the residue from the safe, no doubt to use one of the machines in the Batcave to do a spectrographic analysis of the metal and try to determine whatever can be gleaned about the laser in questions. "Not sure there's anything else at the crime scene here to get," she says, looking around.

The blond gives a sigh and a soft laugh. "I'm just realizing this one simulation probably costs Bruce more to have done than my college education is going to cost me," she says. Or cost those who gave her scholarships. She still hasn't been able to confirm if it was Barbara, or Bruce.
Damian Wayne      "The list is going to be extremely short." Robin adds, before he returns to his case, lifting it up before exiting the sim.

  "You're not the only one who uses them. So the ROI is greater. Plus, he can watch you and chide you on where you missed without contaminating an actual crime scene." He turns his head, looking at her. And in Batman's voice, he adds. "You missed the one millimeter marking in the corner of the room. You FAIL!" Then the coup de grace, a harrowingly evil laugh, in Batman's voice.
Stephanie Brown Stephanie Brown breaks out in soft laughter. "True. And you never know the price of something missed," she says. "Especially in our line of work, it can be... immeasurable."

She glances over at the vehicle bay, where the old bikes that Jason and Tim returned on can still be found. She shakes her head clear of those thoughts of what could have happened. "How are things going with the Titans?" she asks him, moving over towards the lab portion of the Batcave to begin the analysis on the window and safe where they were cut into.
Damian Wayne      "The Titans? Are fine...for the most part. Some of the newer members...I do not think are actually in it to be heroes." But that was for another day. "Hawkeye, has been proving to be not just an archer, which is good. Then four of our members were lost in space. Now it's myself and her leading the team. And someone going off on her own like she doesn't have to be a part of the team, to be a part of the team." There was frustration there, of course. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

  "So, overall. Somewhere between screwed and in a bad place." Robin concludes, before going back to the batcave's forensic labs.
Stephanie Brown Stephanie perks up just a bit. "Hawkeye. Kind of cute girl, great purple and black color scheme? Rides a motorcycle?" she asks. "I ran into her when I was in New York and someone stole some chemicals from the port. We stopped one of the trucks, but I guess two more got away in other directions," she says.

"Didn't really get to talk to her much after. But then I had a car that had civilian plates, needed to get away before someone could use it to ID me," she says. "I was lucky I had my gear with me at all."

She crosses her arms and leans against the counter. "Can't say I really have much advice to give. Other than gymnastics, this is about the only team I've ever been in," she says. She glances around the Batcave. "And, well, yeah. Still earning my way and all," she says self-consciously.
Damian Wayne      Damian turns his head as she asks him if she's cute, giving a shoulder shrug. He didn't really see people in looks. "Correct." He mentions, once she mentions her equipment. "She's green, but capable." He mentions, before he places the case down and watches Stephanie do her thing with the mass spectrometer. "Then there's others..." He comments, before he shrugs off commenting further.
Stephanie Brown Stephanie Brown turns back to get the first sample into the spectrograph. She gets it into the chamber and then closes it up and then makes a few selections on the computer that runs it, and then fires it up.

She turns back to Damian while it runs. "Well, I'm sure you'll work it out. Just, you know. Hopefully without stabbing anyone. Or knife fights. We don't actually do those to decide leadership," she tells him with a teasing smile. "How's the pet doing, by the way?" she asks.
Damian Wayne      Damian looks back, then giving a smile. "He's fine. It was heavily suggested I name him Ace." Of whom had been having a grand old time running around the grounds right now. But he had been well trained. "He listens to commands well." Of course, when people weren't around, he talked to Ace, and showed him just as much love as he showed Goliath. As many of the family have seen, Damian thinks animals much more highly than humans. It was probably the one thing that made people think much more highly of him than if they didn't know how much of a softie he was with them.