Owner Pose
Bobbi Morse SHIELD summoned Nadia. The Triskelion has been a place Nadia has both wanted to go to but always seems nervous to go to of late. They are spies, but some of them are cool spies. They're not like Red Room spies at least. This is probably about the Red Room raid, or may be about going in to space, or perhaps the missing Titans, or.. who knows how many other things.

The agent leading Nadia through the Triskelion seems friendly enough, but has no information regarding why she has been summoned here. He leads her through the corridors that don't take her to the fun bit - the R&D bit - but back to the unfun bit - the security bit.

Here he leaves her in the room. There's security cameras and listening devices. It's got a nice table and chairs. This isn't where prisoners are put and you weren't arrested or read your rights (not that SHIELD needs to do that). But there's no one waiting for her when the agent leaves.
Nadia Pym-van Dyne Nadia knows better than not to show up when SHIELD calls. Not that she couldn't likely lead them on a merry chase if she really wanted to evade them, but she rather likes her current life. She is also rather likes some of the SHIELD agents she has met and occasionally they let her do cool science. There's the other times though, when she winds up in a room like this leaving trips to the Triskelion very much a mixed bag for her in the end.

By now she has learned however she gets taken more seriously if she shows up in her Waspette armor instead of her street clothes, clearly labeling her as both a member of the Titans and even a second string Avenger when the situation calls for it, so that is exactly what she is wearing.

She allows herself to be lead away from R&D, a longing look cast in the direction of the really neat labs with all of their bleeding edge equipment, and into the Secure Interview Room where she flops down into one of the chairs. She then produces her StarkTech tablet from somewhere and scrolls through more wormhole data from the T-Jet's recent space escapes while she waits for whoever will eventually show up. In the back of her mind she's really hoping it's not another lecture.
Bobbi Morse The building itself is undergoing a lot of work. The contractors all appear to be agents though - no outside contractors. It looks like a battle fought its way through the building. There was news footage of the attack - a big drone in the sky shooting some kind of pew pew laser at the building. Inside it appears there was a battle too.

Now that it's been a few weeks, it looks more like home renovations are underway. The door opens and in walks Agent Morse wearing long pant legs, jacket, a white blouse. She's got glasses on and generally looks like a bad arse business lady with her hair tied in to a bun.

She smiles as she sees Nadia and asks, "Why are you wearing your armor?" There's a small shrug at her shoulders and she takes a seat down next to Nadia. "How are you doing? what's been happening with you lately?" They are, effectively, business partners now that GIRL is a thing they're doing for real.
Nadia Pym-van Dyne Nadia looks up from the scroll of wormhole data on her tablet when Bobbi enters, tapping the screen to pause it. "Oh this?" She looks down at her armor, "Adults seem to take me more seriously when I wear it." she notes matter of factly. "Just some recruitment, Valeria, Shuri, and Vivian are going to join GIRL, oh and I went into space looking for my missing friends and we met some more aliens, some of them seemed to be space pirates, but we made them run away and the ones searching for the Forever Dark helped us put a psychic beacon into Hyperspace." She peers at Bobbi for a moment, "You look like one of the ladies that work in Janet's office, what's up?"
Bobbi Morse Bobbi has to take a moment as all of that spills out of Nadia's mouth. He head cants a little forward and to the side and she furrows her eyebrows. "Right. Typical trip to space then," she says jokingly. Having never been to space herself she can only imagine. One day.. one day she will get a reason to need SWORD.

"And thank you. This is my business wear when I'm not going out on the field and thus significantly less likely to be shot at or kicked off of the top of a building while fighting a Tibetan kung fu master for the antidote to cure a rare diseased Fijian royalty flower," she retaliates playfully.

"Nadia in light of prior actions, helping those children on the bus. Helping Bushwick. Helping against the Warzoon. Trying to help that civilian Mori. And now the founding of GIRL. I have received a response for my petition to accept you in SHIELD as.... a Consultant," she says and takes a lanyard out of her pocket. It has Nadia's new name on it, as well as a photo of her face, some biometrics in a chip and the title CONSULTANT in bold letters. The SHIELD logo on the back is holographic and very nice.

Bobbi offers the lanyard in her left hand while offering a hand shake in her right. "I hope this is still what you want. Congratulations Nadia. You're up there now in the league of Tony Stark, Caitlin Fairchild, and Dr. Banner."
Nadia Pym-van Dyne "And my Dad!" Nadia adds with a big smile, not wishing her hero of a father to be left off the list. For all that actually meeting brought him down off the pedestal she'd had him on for years, she has learned to accept that he is only human and still admires Hank's scientific achievements. Even if he barely leaves his lab at all lately.

She quietly oooohs at the lanyard for a moment, "I just want to help people, and your labs are pretty great. Also I could totally fight a kung-fu master for a rare flower! Thank you Bobbi!" At some point her use of formal address for Dr. Morse seems to have fallen by the wayside in favor of a warm familiarity.
Bobbi Morse Bobbi rises up from her chair and opens her arms to give Nadia a hug. "You're the niece I never knew I wanted Nadia. Also, business partner which is strange but sure why not. You are a super genuine alien fighting Titan after all. It's incredible you know what you want out of life. I had no idea at your age."
Nadia Pym-van Dyne Nadia practically jumps up out of her seat to hug Bobbi, she is not one to turn down a hug, usually she is the one initiating the hug! "I'm not really sure that I do, but I'm doing my best to figure it out. I think Lady Scientist Adventurer Hero is a good start though. I'm just lucky to be surrounded by so many amazing people."

She looks down at the lanyard for a moment, turning it over in her hands before putting it on, "I won't let you down! Oh! That reminds me," the most random things seem to spark events that have slipped her mind with her, "You mentioned Mori. I talked to Carol, I think she works here too, and she said she'd look at the alien looking star patterns for me. I think it's probably more aliens." Because on some level her mind never really stops working on the problems that have been set before it.
Bobbi Morse Bobbi chuckles, "You're one of those amazing people Nadia." She snugs and then lets her go. "Agent Danvers," she says with a slightly far away dreamy look, "What an excellent idea. Send them through to her once you have your consultants account set up in administration. You won't have access to everywhere in the Triskelion, and some places you'll need to be as a guest of an agent - but you are officially a SHIELD consultant now. Expect we'll be asking you and GIRL.. which is us.. er.. for help on certain cases from time to time."
Nadia Pym-van Dyne The expression on Nadia's face is one of 'oh am I?' as if it had never really occurred to her to think that way. She nods her head several times as Bobbi explains more about what she will and won't have access to and getting in touch with 'Agent Danvers'. At the end she makes a little salute with her right hand, because that's clearly what she thinks they do at SHIELD. "Okay Bobbi! I will solve all the cases, like that Sherlock Watson guy!" She goes to hug Bobbi again, she really is a hug person. "The suit really does make you look pretty badass."
Bobbi Morse Bobbi chuckles, "Sherlock Holmes. And you have it back to front Nadia - I make the suit look good." She winks and returns the hug.