Owner Pose
Clark Kent Anthony Ivo is a genius.

Poor personal skills, flexible morality and a lack of resources all make for an ideal A.I.M. recruit. One of the most dangerous A.I.M. sects is hidden in the backyard of sometimes customer, sometimes rival Intergang; Metropolis is a rough town for any criminal enterprise, but A.I.M needs access to the minds and egos of the Avenue of Tomorrow. It's a place that an ambitious soul can very quickly make a name for themselves. Despite being invaluable in several A.I.M. moneymaking projects, Ivo has yet to climb the ladder. He's tired of waiting.

Eddie Teach was another ambitious soul; a washout from several Avenue labs, Eddie thought A.I.M. was just the group he needed to get ahead on life...and then he found out what A.I.M. was really about. Progress and prosperity at any cost, and the human element was old world thinking. So Eddie reached out to Clark Kent, quietly offering the reporter a chance to expose A.I.M.'s operations in Metrpolis in exchange for protection.

"The SCU found Eddie Teach's body this morning." Superman says, looking over the table at his colleagues; Metropolis's special crimes unit has lent the Justice League a room for organizing this operation. "They're still trying to find out what exactly...its pretty clear A.I.M. found out he was leaking, let's leave it at that. So we don't have long before they try to relocate, or move out of town entierly."

"Teach didn't know exactly where A.I.M. was located; they used some sort of secret tunnel to bring the new recruits in, but he'd taken some pictures and managed to narrow it down to somewhere in the park." Superman lays the pictures out on the table, showing bits and pieces of a complicated tunnel system and some notes on the investigation. "The problem is...I can't find it. My vision powers, my hearing, they've all been accounted for. So I need your help to find their base before they go to ground."

The park itself is almost suspiciously quiet. Idyllic, even. Where the heck do you hide a secret lab here?
Diana Prince Diana had listened to Superman's rundown of the situation and been a little confused about how such a base could be hidden in a park, but... such is the nature of why the League is called-upon to be utilized to help with situations like this. "We will get to the bottom of it." The Princess had ultimately said at the briefing before setting out to the park.

She arrived via the use of her Lansinarian Morphing Disc-- the same alien tech that powers her jet --now in the form of a pure white motorcycle. The vehicle rumbles up to the park before the Princess dismounts it and stands beside it with her dark blue robe waving around her armored body beneath it.

Her eyes sweep over the park as her armored boots start to carry her in deeper to it. She has heightened senses, and she's using them to ... just observe in the moment.
J'onn J'onzz J'onn J'onzz hovers above the ground as he descends, observing the park with his implacable, untouchable gaze. He takes in the space slowly, meticulous as he looks for clues or hints of what might be untowards or out of place.

"I will check below," he announces in a rich, deep voice, carrying easily without having to shout. And so he drops through the ground itself, going intangible and sinking beneath the earth as he tries to find hidden apertures or tunnels that might lead to the base in question.
Carol Danvers Carol showed up, she likes being called in on Justice League business and not ruthless SHIELD spy trade all the time....

Also technology is something she is pretty familiar with in a variety of high technology forms. "I have to admit Superman I am surprised that they are able to stay off the radar for your hearing and other.. gifts." and she honestly is. That has to be some very covert technology or a deep cover operation to manage that. Carol doesn't know all of Clark's gifts but she knows just enough to be surprised.

She will head over to park once they break up from the briefing room, and touches down wearing her usual outfit, a pretty notable unifor as she stands by Diana and observes quietly.

Just for a moment though, she brings her left arm up and touches her sleeve then as a holo display springs to life she starts to scan the park in front of her for unusual energy signals or communication signals.
Bruce Wayne For Gotham's Dark Knight there is not really any mystery to the criminal mind. And while the scientists of A.I.M. might find being termed nothing more then criminals a little denegrating, well, chalk Batman up as one who doesn't really care. Their pursuit of knowledge -- and more honestly, profit -- at the expense of the rest of humanity makes them nothing else in his eyes. He might be used to operating in a world that is filled with shades of grey. But somethings are still very much black and white for him.

His approach to finding the base in question? He doesn't have super-senses and he certainly cannot simply phase through the Earth. What he has is technology. Lots of it. Satelitte coverage of the park going back weeks is pulled and run through his high power computers, analyzing and tracking each person, each heat signature. Looking for clues, those signs of people entering the park but perhaps never returning. Looking for the subtle signs that others might miss. Trees that don't change, don't grow. Geographical features that don't quite fit. All of it is run through, analyzed and distributed to the rest of the team.

The Dark Knight, for one, is rather indifferent to the idyllic surroundings, his attention entirely focused on the job at hand as he stalks along the treeline, flitting from one obstruction to another as he scouts out those places turned up by all that reconnaissance, slowly crossing off the possibilities one after another. Coldly. Methodically.
Arthur Curry     Arthur's approach when something requires thought and perception to such a degree that it can confound the likes of his teammates? Well it leans toward what he would do when in school at times. He'd find the most responsible member he knew, get into their group, and then follow in their wake when it came to a group endeavour. And if any one of them in that small gang of theirs was like the good straight A student in class who most likely wouldn't balk about having someone drifting in their wake...
    It was Diana.
    Strolling after in his now Winter regalia, which was some canvas pants, a heavy grey hoodie and a green flannel overshirt, Arthur Curry walks along a step to the side and slightly behind. She seems to be reaching out with her senses. Arthur holds out a hand and his amber eyes glow slightly.
    "My Atlantis senses find nothing." If that's even a thing.
Clark Kent Superman usually tries to be a source of optimism and good humor, especially on team mission. His friends sometimes needed it, he felt, but right now? Someone died, someone who trusted him, and they died so ugly the police are still trying to figure out how to separate his body from the pavement. Kal-El snorts a blast of super-breath out of his nose at Carol's question.

"Truth is, criminals too stupid to figure out how to at least distract me usually find it easier to just move." Superman admits. "It's almost impressive how creative they get. Dead drop systems, white noise machines, planned car accidents or bombs set to go off during jobs. And of course, a lot of them get a little help from the bigger names."

Clark looks over at LexCorp tower for a moment, before floating in the air to give x-ray vision one last try.

J'onn can find very little directly underground, though it looks like the dirt has been recently disturbed. It is, however, really cool. Diana, Carol and Bruce have the best bet; their abilities (or technology) can pick up some kind of disturbance on the far end of the dimensional spectrum. There's absolutely something here, right in the middle of the park, but it's not here at the same time.

Time...could that be the answer?

Meanwhile, inside, a coup is failing.

Evil people in armored yellow jumpsuits close in on Anthony Ivo, who's trying to catch his breath.

"Did you really think a jumped up Adapoid could overthrow me?" The cell's Scientist Supreme breathes through a mangled voice modulator, aiming an incredibly deadly weapon at Ivo's chest. "That we didn't see this sad little attack coming?"

"You don't deserve the power of the Micron Generator." Ivo hisses, holding his smoking chestplate with his good hand. "The power to fold space and time and you're using it to hide from a circus strongman and sell death rays to gangsters?"

"Hiding a second in the future has protected us from all rivals." The Scientist Supreme gloats. You know the type. "Even that leak you encouraged was easily plugged, Professor. As for you..."

"Not...all rivals." Ivo wheezes, seeing an opportunity. "Look out the window."

"The Justice League?! Here?!" The Scientist Supreme wails, and looks agast at Ivo's hand over the emergency escape valve. "You fool, you'll get us both killed!"

Ivo smashes the button. "Just you, Henry."

Justice League, your various devices and powers start going haywire as the A.I.M. base, a spherical building about the size of a small warehouse, complete with secret tunnel network, is phased back into reality, sending waves of tacheons and other time goo as it stabilizes.

"Great Scott!" Superman shouts, even as the side of the sphere cracks open, allowing the escape of Professor Ivo and his android; an eight foot tall robotic man who, for some reason, has elf like ears, a red cap, and striped black and green trousers. Half a dozen A.I.M. troopers follow suit, armed with bizarre weaponry that crackles, drips, sizzles, and in one case growls.

"I think we found it!" Superman shouts, visibly shocked.
Diana Prince Diana's eyes go to Jonn as he sinks in to the earth. Not much to say about that, really! <"Be careful."> She does warn for the MM as he does indeed disappear as such. Her gaze then goes over to Arthur who is with her in his very non-hero-y attire. She smirks at his comments. "Just stay sharp. We are unsure of what may come of this, if anything." She states, her stare now going to that of Carol when she arrives.

A singular decisive nod is given to Carol, folloowed by another smile. "It is good to see you. As ever."

The Princess walks further in to the park, following her senses but not yet speaking of any irregularities if she senses them at all.

Over the comms she adds. <"We offer competition a stiff bar to get over, but our enemies will always try to find ways to clear it.">

It isn't long there-after that the base materializes and Diana's eyes raise up as her robe waves around her body in the atmospheric pressure changes that occur upon its sudden appearance.

"Well... well..." The Amazon states, watching this odd display indeed develop before them.
J'onn J'onzz J'onn J'onzz quickly assesses that the immediate physical threat of the robot will be well within the capabilities of his equally superhuman allies. Superman and Wonder Woman alone should be capable of defeating any artificial intelligence short of a world annihilator.

But that outburst of emotion he detected, the one that coincided with the emergence of the robot. Human often get very agitated when they get to play with their toys. He will let the others tussle while he manhunts. He floats through the earth towards those psionic signatures, in the hopes of nipping this particular problem in the bud Barney Fife-style.
Carol Danvers "Nice to see you too Diana" a smile, and well she means it.

Carol hmms at the readings on her display, turning lightly to point her arm here and there a she listens to Superman's explanation of criminals and how they go to such great lengths to evade him. "I'm surprised there is much crime left in the city.. guess it is still too lucrative to be worth the risks..." she thinks "I mean at least with Gotham it is a lot of insane asylum inmates. Isn't the whole trying somethign that doesn't work again and again the same way a definition of madness..."

She peers at her screen. "There is something here for sure, it seems to be shifted though ... out of phase.. dimensionally maybe.." she taps the air a bit on the holoscreen.

"Tachyon risidual readings... "

Which is about when the whole damn place materaiizes phased back in with the current temporal landscape and spills time goop. "I... did not do that..." and then look bad guys. "Okay we definitely need to impound... all of this" she hand waves towards the entire base and the troops with the various deadly hyper-science weaponry now. She shifts her footing and launches a photon blast on low medium intensity at one of the bad guys with the... growling gun lets say.

What it growls, that can't be remotely good.
Bruce Wayne He studies that display in front of him, just a hint of a frown curling over his features as he does. Not that it lasts long, wiped away into that stony-like visage that gives so very little away. He definitely has a default setting and that setting makes his entire face as much a mask as the cowl he wears.

Tachyons are not something that he has to worry about very often in his usual patrols of Gotham. He runs into a lot of strange things there, but nothing like that. Fortunately the Wayne Industry satelittes in orbit are tasked for a great deal of scientific research, not just his personal spy grid so while it might be unexpected, his systems do pick up that sudden surge of unlikely energy as it begins to radiate through the park, his gaze immediately flashing towards just where that surge of energy is noted on his scans -- where that temporal displacement is about to come to an abrupt end.

There is no time to call out a warning -- not that there is one needed. This is the Justice League that they are dealing with afterall. Still, it is possible that even the Dark Knight's eyes widen a little behind that cowl as he surveys the sudden appearance of that hidden A.I.M. base. And the fact that there is an apparent running battle in the process, the fleeing man and his unlikely companion escaping from an angry beehive of yellow-clad troopers.

Lingering amongst the trees as he is, the Dark Knight is further from the center of the sudden storm of trouble emerging into the otherwise idyllic park and he does not immediately race to close that distance. Instead his grapnel appears in his hand, fired off in an instant -- taking him up into the nearest tree instead, crouching amongst those limbs, the added height giving him a better view of just what is going on.

Information is his power, and best sort of information comes from first hand observation.
Arthur Curry     In the middle of the park alongside Diana, Arthur is surprised at the appearance of the AIM base with its due pyrotechnics of temporal nature, his hand still extended as he murmurs quietly, "I think my Atlantis senses are tingling."
    That said he doesn't really hesitate. A big sphere-like base, robots, weaponry. He steps to the side and grabs hold of the trunk of one of the really rather old oak trees standing nearby, ideally not the one that Batman is hiding in, and /wrenches/ it up out of the ground with a cascade of falling dirt and debris, then whirls it around and like some great caber he tosses it at blurring speed straight at the AIM people, his aim not entirely precise but more aimed at them as a whole.
    Yet that projectile is only there to cause an initial burst of chaos which gives Arthur a chance to break into a run and charge toward the AIM troopers, leaping at the last moment to /dive/ into them.
Clark Kent Superman takes one look at the idyllic, peaceful park. People are already starting to scream, to react, to try and get the hell out of the way. It's a tiny miracle the base's reimposing itself in the proper second didn't crush any picnickers or those nice kids playing volleyball. Maybe the presence of the base subconsciously...

...no time for theories, Superman thinks. "Guys, you got this for a second?" Kal shouts, and then is a blur of light and motion, snatching panicking parkgoers out of the line of fire and depositing them about a block away, which Clark judges as far enough to be out of any real risk. Hopefully.

Meanwhile, AIM;

Batman; you can count about six AIM troopers suddenly realizing they're fighting the Justice League instead of just the guy in the bathrobe and his robot. They're moving with some professional skill, positioning themselves apart. A few press switches on their helmets. There are more inside of the sphere; you can count, quickly, about fifteen who seem to be hedging their bets and seeing who'll win.

Martian Manhunter, you can get close to the escape tunnels and the battle. You sense...some of these men have psychic blocking equipment, others are typical criminals, venial and grasping and angry with the world. Ivo's mind in particular is strange, almost comprtmentalized, something is happening to him he does not understand. And AMAZO.

AMAZO senses you. The android looks at the dirt, and frowns a little. "Sup-er power detected." The machine speaks, which causes the AIMites to do a collective double take. "Adapting." Amazo's head grows a little, and it gains a high necked collar not unlike some of J'onn's cape designs. J'onn, you feel a clumsy but potent psychic force grope at your mind, as if trying to determine how all of this actually works.

The Growler is targeted by Captain Marvel! "Hah!" Wheezes its weilder, who looks as much like a beekeeper as the rest of them, "My living evolvo ray cannot be defeated by a mere lightshow Captain..." He tries to think of an appropriate insult and is shot off of his feet by the photonic blast. Recovering, he fires a blast of strange green slime at Carol! "Enjoy being a hundred million years younger, nyeh heh heh heh!"

Then Aquaman throws a damn tree. This is actually a very effective way of breaking up the little firing line, as angry nerds fly every which way and a hundred year old oak is shattered as it's lanced into the ground. AMAZO looks up at Aquaman, his strange head still glowing. "Sup-er powers detected." AMAZO says, "Adapting."

It reaches down, grabs a piece of modern art shaped vaguely like a sea urchin, and chucks the heavy metal statue at Arthur and Diana's position.

"It copies superpowers?!" The Scientist Supreme shouts, visibly shaken.

Ivo groans, as he feels his skin writhe and rebel. "Y-yes...only one from a subject at a time, right now, but AMAZO's potential is limitless! He is the key to immortality! And the Justice League shall pave my way to godhood!"
Diana Prince Diana's blue and gold robe is dropped off of her shoulders. She has weapons on her back, but she doesn't reach for them at this time. There's enough power here already that she doesn't feel she needs to immediately engage with the enemy.

<"I am going for the civi--"> She's cut off when a statue is thrown at her, instead electing to just let what she managed to say be enough!

Where once stood an Amazon Princess, now there is not! She lunges forward across the park toward where those children and playing and slams her boots down in to the soft earth to skid to a halt. The children are watching the display but Diana is moving to gather the youngest of them up and carry them to safety, urging the others to come with her as she takes them further away toward some of the onlooking adults who are further back near the edge of the park's play area!
J'onn J'onzz J'onn J'onzz feels that massive faux-psyche start to batter down on him, like a clumsy weight bogging him down. Fascinating. He's encountered artificially generated telepathy before and mostly found it quite clumsy and this is no exception, but its sheer force is something to take note of. Recognizing that mere resistance may not be futile, but certainly inordinately taxing, J'onn instead tries to confusing, making his mind race, projecting his consciousness to and fro, as if trying to tie together the shoelaces of a giant with poor coordination.

In the meantime, he emerges in those tunnels and casually swats aside a few of the minions. "Please do not distract me. I am doing something important." he says as he pinballs a yellow-suited flunkie down the hallway.
Carol Danvers "Evolvo Rare...." she mutters with just a hint of alarm there as the guy gets back up. "Next time.. I will hit him twice as hard" not really happy as the growling gun is pointed out her and then fires a growling green slime blast. "Ew."

She doesn't dodge with superspeed though, instead she just fires a large photonic blast of cosmic energy to vaporize the ooze before it hits her, pouring it on to hopefully trace back the arc of the ooze from the gun to ... to the gun and the shooter.

She honestly isn't pulling her punch nearly as much as she did the firsst time she shot the scientist in his armored science bee suit or whatever they are supposed to be.

It is so darned hard to gauge how hard to hit people, even AIM people.

"Wait .. is is copying powers?" okay that is more alarming than the Elvovo Beam.
Bruce Wayne Fortunately for him -- and perhaps Arthur as well if he wants to avoid a fierce glowering at -- the Atlantean does indeed manage to find a tree besides the one that Gotham's Dark Knight happens to be inhabiting to hurl. Which in turn leaves Batman free to assess the battlefield and see where all the players are.

Fortunately there is no need to worry about his allies knowing what to do, what the priorities are. The bystanders, caught up in something so completely unexpected, threatened simply because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Clearing the scene of their presence, insuring that they are imperiled by the mad scientists and their minions running about is ever priority one.

And clearly under control.

So Batman lingers in his perch a little longer. Noting the A.I.M. forces that do not emerge from the previously time-displaced base. Noting the troopers -- more conventionally armed no doubt -- their less formidable weaponry balanced out by the fact that they almost certainly have better training when it comes to this sort of thing. And most particularly noticing Ivo and that adapting robot of his.

<< Nice of him to let us know exactly what weakness that android has, >> the Dark Knight says through that mental link that makes these sorts of confrontations so much easier. Few appreciate just how important good communication is when the chaos of conflict his. << Superman, I would advise you don't go anywhere near that android. I'm guessing it is too late for J'onn to disengage, but try to insure you're not attacking it one on one. If it can only absorb one power at a time, try to make it choose by coming at it with multiple choices, >> he suggests, eyes narrowed behind that cowl.

Here's hoping that Ivo never gets the chance to start ridding his creation of that particular limitation. Facing a one-man Justice League could easily be a nightmare scenario.

The Dark Knight instead swings his gaze away from Ivo and his robot, instead turning his attention back to the trained troopers. A handful of gelatin capsules fills one gauntleted hand and as he leaps out of his perch, that grapnel appearing in his hand once more, he tosses them ahead of them, in amongst the troopers. As they hit the ground they burst open, clouds of billowing smoke suddenly blooming, rapidly spreading out.

Right down into that smoke, right down into the middle of those troopers, that's where Batman drops.
Arthur Curry     Having to leap to the side to get out of the way of the hurled modern art, Arthur rolls with it, narrowly avoiding the heavy /thud/thud/wham!/ of the statue crashing into yet more trees behind him. But it does allow him to close the distance with the firing line.
    Now amongst the beekeepers, Batman's smoke billowing about them, Arthur grabs a pair and thumps them together then hurls them aside into their comrades, but it's the Amazo itself that draws his attention.
    "So this thing mimics powers, and right now it's doing mine. You're all doomed." Delivered deadpan and steady, Arthur makes the likely brilliant decision to /rush/ it. Using those few strides needed to build up a monstrous speed in a few steps, then hurls himself like an aquatic human cannonball square at the thing, likely trying to clear it away from its support mainly.
Clark Kent "Hey, Di." Superman says, smiling a little as he watches her drop some kids off in the little safe zone Superman's set up. "Thanks." His eyes narrow a bit at the AIMgents wreaking havoc and whatever the heck the elf robot is. "You know, I was a little worried about losing my temper."

In the fight;
Captain Marvel's cosmic blast incinerates the Evolvo Fluid, and then the gun itself. "W-what's goin on?!" The AIMgent shouts, and is blasted in the arm with the force of the universe, sent flying into a tree with a sickening crack. Fortunately, his suit is armored and impact resistant, but it's a bit of a shock!

AMAZO is looking right at Carol. "Road to immortality." AMAZO says, as its right arm shifts and warps into Captain Marvel's color scheme.

Martian Manhunter comes up with a clever strategy to hold off AMAZO's newborn teleapthy, and manages to take out a few goons while mentally battling. There's a problem, though. While the psychic attack is easily distracted and confused at first, AMAZO's psychic influence grows more agile with every second of contact. While AMAZO is not more powerful than J'onn, the Martian can clearly sense that the machine is learning, picking up on psychic disciplines and techniques every second contact is continued. Meanwhile, an AIM trooper tries to sneak up on J'onn, holding a decidedly low tech boot knife in his hands.

Batman throws smoke in the middle of the day. It's super effective, actually, as the AIM troopers are already rattled by the Justice League showing up on their front door. "Where is he?!"

"Heat synchs on, men!" One shouts, touching a visor.

"In the middle of the day? Idiot!" A smarter one shouts, just turning with a sonic cannon with the intention to fire directly behind him. Can Batman react in time?!

Arthur charges AMAZO. AMAZO is currently just as strong as Aquaman, and digs its heels in as it senses being flung away is a danger to its creator. Unfortunately, it is not as used to this level of strength as Aquaman, and is forced away halfway across the park until it can force a stop, wrapping arms around Arthur's waist in an attempt to squeeze the Atlantean's spine! His Carol-arm starts glowing with cosmic light, AMAZO trying to use the heat from its new power to dry Aquaman out!

"<I'll keep that in mind.>" Clark thinks to Bruce, as he hands in front of an unsuspecting Scientist Supreme, who was trying to slip away in the confusion.

"You...you want Ivo, not me. He's..." The Scientist Supreme panics, and fires his pistol at Superman, the weapon giving off a bright enough blast of stored radiation to damage the eyes of anyone who looks directly at it. The heat melts some of Superman's costume, as he reaches out, grabs the pistol, and takes an enormous bite out of it.

Superman chews the gun, spits the mangled metal and circutry on the ground, and uses his free hand to punch the Scientist Supreme so hard in the gut the terrorist slams into the ground and bounces nearly up to Superman's hip, before landing again in a wheezing heap.

"Murderer." Superman says, before floating towards the base.
Diana Prince Diana is there when Kal speaks to him, she's holding a young blond haired girl who has her little arms wrapped around Wonder Woman's neck. Diana's eyes are on Kal and she nods her head softly once at him. "You won't. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for." She reassures him before he floats off again.

The Princess' eyes go the battle as it unfolds, still holding the young girl who doesn't want to let go of her. "I must go help now." The Amazon tells the child as she offers her toward her father who was just beside them. The girl protests but relents and Diana steps away from them. She takes to the sky and is just there behind Superman's left shoulder.

At her side now she holds her lasso, unraveling it and letting the golden rope glow brightly around her arms.
J'onn J'onzz J'onn J'onzz does something similar to a kung fu technique Batman had taught him once. While his physical prowess meant he rarely had to rely on such strategic methods, he found the human fighting styles fascinating and felt as though he could understand terrestrials better if he learned how their tactical minds worked.

In this case, he uses Amazo's psychic strength and adaptability against it. He builds up the pace a bit, keeping his trademark calm through it all, dodging and weaving. If he were caught, it would be very dangerous for him, but he simply decides not to be caught and, for J'onn, that is enough. Then, when Amazo's mind lunges for his, Manhunter doesn't so much dodge as channel, taking that mental energy and projecting it into the mind of the henchman with the knife before he can strike.

J'onn's green hand clamps on the man's face as the artifical mentality overloads the circuitry of his cerebellum. "Stay down," J'onn says, beginning to seal and trap the outside of the victim's mind, essentially as if Amazo had stuck his foot in psychic quicksand, anchoring Amazo in place.
Carol Danvers Carol narrows her eyes and tilts her head as it adjusts the structure of it's arm while copying her power like that. "Oh. Shit."

She is not a small town girl from Kansas, cut her some slack.

"That.. is really bad. Arthur what yourself." because Carol isn't quite sure if the thing took her cosmic energy manipulation or something far worse. She does relax though when it starts to manipulate the energy there and blast Arthur wth cosmic generated heat.

"This thing is a serious problem.... do we hit it all at once or ..." she squints. "Superman stay way back from this thing..." she is thinking. It has her energy manipulation, J'onn's telepathy, and Arthur's strength. Right now it isn't invulnerable though so they have a chance to deal with the thing.

While she is thinking though she does blast a couple more AIM scientists almost thoughtfully. "Ideas?"

Bruce Wayne It is true of most of those that he fights; they tend to rely on their sense of sight far more then any other sense. Take that away from them though? And their threat level goes waaaaaay down. Fair fights. Honor. That's for others. The Dark Knight is very much about the end result -- that being his foe incapacitated, out of the fight with no innocents harmed in the process. Whatever gets him there is perfectly alright with him.

Like say, smoke bombs. It's not flashy compared to what most of his teammates can do. It's hardly even all that impressive compared to many of the items in his arsenal. But it's still one of his most useful tricks.

Misdirection. That is a big part of it. But part of misdirection is not just to confuse and take away a foe's senses. It also means being where they don't expect. Even as that AIM soldier brings the sonic cannon up behind him, Batman has long since vacated that piece of real estate. But a few feet behind him, another trooper is very nicely in the line of fire.

The weapon shouldn't be deadly, not a short burst of it at least so the Dark Knight allows his foes to whittle their numbers down themselves, only lashing out seconds after the sonic burst has already fired, rising from his crouched position in a rush, bringing his elbow straight up with him to catch the trooper in the jaw and knock him backwards.

Can't see? That suits him just fine. He doesn't rely on his eyesight alone and even as a pair of the troopers go down, he is already crouching low, out of the obvious field of fire, listening for the tell tale signs of where his other two opponents are. As they funble with their weapons, as they call out they give him all the information he needs and a pair of batarangs fly from his hands, discharging their bust of electric energy as the taser contact points hit home.

Quick and efficient. Just the way he prefers.

Striding out of that cloud of smoke, cape billowing out behind him he eyes the increasingly formidable android. "Overwhelm it and keep it off balance. Keep switching tactics," the Dark Knight urges, hurling a trio of circular objects towards it. << Flashbangs incoming >> he thinks, counting on J'onn to relay the information to the rest of the team.
Arthur Curry     It was a good run. Clenched with Amazo and /puuushing/ across the park, digging up a furrow of earth and debris as the two beings smash their way forward, until Amazo is able to focus and start to resist, which is the time when they're locked together, straining.
    The Atlantean eyeballs that glowing arm and grimaces, "All the tools, right? None of the practice." Arthur grunts, features straining as the thing gets its arms around his waist and starts to squeeeeze. Which has the Prince of Atlantis glowering as he feels the slight cartilaginous crackle of his back as he growls, "Off balance, roger that."
    And as Arthur says that he executes a quick series of strikes that might make Batman mildly pleased that the underwater hero at least paid attention to all those fights of the past. It's a quick triple shot, smashing palms to the ears, thumbs to the eyes, and then a quick /whabam!/ of a head butt all striking in the same fraction of a moment meant to overwhelm and unbalance the attacker for when they're released it's not brute strength that counters them. But balance and their own body weight with Arthur trying to grab the adaptoid and fall backwards, foot slamming up toward the robot's gut, in a judo throw of some skill, though nowhere near as good as Bats would do it. All in an attempt to send the thing flying, hopefully toward those flash bangs.
Clark Kent "Help me out with this. It sounds like the more people swarm this 'Amazing Android' the worse it gets." Superman says to Wonder Woman. "I want to dig this base out of the park before anything awful inside of it gets switched on. If you can get the tunnels, I think we can scoop the rest of them up."

Superman dashes over to an important looking support on the building, starting to struggle. "Woah!" One sideliner AIMgent shouts.

Meanwhile, at the fight;

Batman all but clears up the Scientist Supreme's guard. He's like a surgeon of knocking the hell out of guys in a cloud of smoke. Flashbangs are prepared. Carol's blasts are also deadly accurate, and quickly disable any AIMgents trying to rally.

AMAZO is designed to handle multiple super-powered assailents at once. Mental and physical judo, at the same time? That's a little much for its first time out. "C-cproblem." It groans, as its mind is wrapped in J'onn's mental quicksand just as Aquaman hurls AMAZO into Batman's waiting flashbombs.

The robot is confused, off its guard, stumbling. Ivo, looking less and less human as the injected mutation ravages his body, runs over to his creation, panting.

AMAZO looks up. "Shifting. Martian Flight, active." The cape-collar shifts to another design. "Force shielding, active." Carol's wristband takes on a more defensive look. "Arsenal...active." AMAZO's chest takes on a gray and blue design as a row of rocket pods form along its shoulders. "Launching Bat-flashes."

Half a dozen flashbangs of AMAZO's own, complete with Bat-symbol, fly out of the machine as it scoops its creator in its arms, trying to fly away!
Diana Prince Diana's lasso is at the ready but she's reluctant to put it to use due to it being infused with an Divine power... that could be bad if this 'thing' had some how found a way to copy even that level of strength.

Superman's words draw her attention back to him, she nods her head lightly and rushes toward where he is, but moves past him. She hears the 'woah' on her way by, with her lasso wrapping itself around her body while she finds another support structure.

Now, the base/building has the combined strength of Superman and Wonder Woman working to dislodge it from the park grounds!

Meanwhile, Arthur is making a lot of growling noises and attacking with all his might. He is punching things and doing very Arthur-like stuff to help take down this... very dangerous threat!
J'onn J'onzz J'onn J'onzz focuses on keeping the mentality trapped with one part of his consciousness, able to perceive what's going on as he relays Batman's words as he does almost routinely, communicating the Dark Knight's imperious but practical suggestions. They were not commands, of course, because, as Robin had so eloquently taught J'onn to say once upon a time, "You are not the boss of me, Batman."

Of course, that was a couple of Robins ago.

Anything in the underground area keeping the HQ from being dislodged will be subjected to quick blasts of Martian vision, making Superman and Diana's jobs easier as they get hefting.
Bruce Wayne Interesting.

It has taken on J'onn's mental abilities as easily as Carol's energy based powers and Arthur's sheer physical might. Now it proves that it can even adapt and spontaneously incorporate technology into it's arsenal of abilities. Nor does it seem to manage whether those gifts are alien, terrestial or Atlantean in origin. Formidable indeed. Keeping it away from Diana's lasso and it's source of power might be very wise indeed.

Of course, a more practicaly evaluation of it's abilities might be horrifying. At least if it, or it's creator, manages to overcome some of the limitations it presently has. Even with those it is proving distressingly adept at finding ways to avoid being taken down for good.

It is apparent that they are making inroads, the android increasingly off balance. Which is when it shows that it is more then a mindless machine, at least when it is paired with its inventor. Retreating might be the most practical -- and dangerous -- thing it could do right now. As those flashbangs scatter across the nearby field the Dark Knight quickly taps at his cowl, the lense inserts in his cowl almost immediately polarizing even as additional security percautions take effect. So when AMAZO's little presents go off and fill the park with an intense burst of light and noise, Batman is not blinded though he still grimaces slightly, draping his cape around him for a little more protection.

As that assault to the senses fades, the Caped Crusader focuses his attention on the retreating android and master. He has no easy way to catch them, though perhaps one of his teammates might have more luck. But his hand does dart into one of the pouches at his waist, emerging with another device. Bringing it up with one smooth motion, he aims it carefully before firing a tracing dot after their fleeing forms...
Clark Kent A tracer is fired. Does it hit?! Will it be found?! Excellent questions!

Superman pulls; with help from Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter, he manages to lift the entire A.I.M. Base out of the ground. "Alright, alright I've got it!" Superman shouts down to his superfriends, proud of the team for pulling this off. No casualties, that's a good number for an impromptu science terror attack in the middle of a crowded civilian area.

Clark literally scoops the remaining AIMgents into the broken base, winking at the rest of the Justice League as he kicks at the air, building momentum and taking the structure out of city limits; he quickly finds an empty lot to set the place down so the SCU can pick the A.I.M. agents up.

And flying away, the mutated Anthony Ivo holds onto a motherboard he stole from the base, shaking hands talking into a communicator. "Morrow? I've...I've got it. It only cost me everything. This scheme of yours had better be worth it..."

And somewhere far away, the world's deadliest futurist sips a martini, enjoying a few faint strings of the poet James Buffet. "Ivo old sport." T.O. Morrow murmurs into his side of the communicator, watching an impression of outer space on a monitor. A comet roars through the void. "The payday'll be positively cosmic."