Owner Pose
Jethro Glass      It's a typical day in the medical ward like so many others here in the medical ward. Many of the beds have filled up with agents having returned from missions across the globe seeking out the terrors that lurk and bump in the night seeking to overthrow the right way of the world.

     Nurses and doctors alike in shield jumpsuits push carts and check charts looking down into their own little worlds as they deal with patients in varrying states of disrepair from laser fire and the after effects of super powered combat to worse.

     One of the side rooms has been adjusted slightly to something a bit more different then the norm, something akin to a bit of theater production more so than what one would normally be used to. Coverings have been placed over the bulbs to make them look like old oil lamps, and the general apparel of the place takes one back in time a few hundred years. Of course there's still more than a fair bit of high tech monitoring equipment hooked up to the man on the bed but the attempt has been made at the least to make it a bit less of a shock.

     In the bed lays Captain Jethro Glass of the 1st Texas CSA Sharpshooters. His body is covered in so many scars, bruises, cuts and stitches that stretches of it barely look human. The man is covered in bandages to keep him back together with the chart describing the damage done by his more recent sword fight and the electrical damage sustained on his one way trip to the modern day.

     Soft classical music plays over an old record player to keep his nerves soothed as he lays with his head lifted up against a pillow looking up towards the ceiling.
Phil Coulson Having heard about their visitor in the medical ward, Phil Coulson makes his way there to check on the visitor. Opening the door, he comes to a stop to study both the adjustments to the room and the patient in the bed. "May I come in?" he asks, words kept rather softly for now.
Jethro Glass      "Reckon you can." The mans voice is low and grizzled with all the gravel of a long dirt road speckled with glass. He adjusts himself on the bed looking over towards the door as Coulson walks in trying not to pull loose any of the wires running out from himself.

     "I don't mind a jugfull." He further adds giving a smile of slightly yellowed and worn down teeth as he settles down into that pillow clearly not the most comfortable to be here in this hospital bed. "Jethro Glass."
Phil Coulson "Phil Coulson," Coulson introduces himself as he steps further into the room. "I heard from Mr. Barnes that we had a visitor from..." A brief pause as he considers the words briefly. "From the past, I belive?" Another moment of pause, before he adds, "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir."
Jethro Glass      Jethro offers a bit of a low nod of his head adjusting his positioning again still trying to get comfortable on that bed. "Not a juggfull an inclination as to how, but that's the size of her." He looks over that outfit of Coulsons for a long moment taking it in. "Afeared I look a spot backards brung agin you future folk." He shakes his head.
Phil Coulson Phil Coulson nods a bit slowly as he hears that. "No idea about how it happened. What was the last thing you remembered before it happened?" His voice a bit curious, before he adds, "And when was it?" There's a brief smile offered to the last part. "It's okay. That part can be handled once you get back on your feet, after all."
Jethro Glass      "Well" Jethro starts off grumbling a bit as he grabs at his torso where the biggest gash had been stitched together closed. "Was January 1865, on Mt Juarez, I'd been sent by the Confederate States Government to hunt down my brother Union General, and war criminal Jack Leonidas Glass, along with the city of El Dorado" He scratches the back of his head. "Last thing I remember is him holding up this medallion to shield his face as I brought my sword down to end him at the entrance to that city." He shakes his head slowly. "Next thing I know there's a flash and I wake up with that Spider-Man feller looking over me." He shakes his head one side to the other. "Man had a look in his eyes what weren't none human. Like the soul spark what god given him done been sucked out and nothing were left inside, just a.. husk"
Phil Coulson Phil Coulson nods a little as he hears that, taking note of the various details. "Did your sword strike the medallion?" he asks, before he nods at the mention of Spider-Man, then again at the last part. "Who had that look in his eyes? Your brother?"
Bobbi Morse "No, thank you doctor. I appreciate it really I do," she says casually lying through her teeth. She's sick of having to explain every minor little blip in her heart rate.. but that's the nature of chronic illness sometimes. She smiles and shakes their hand as the door shuts and she's free once more.

Though, a pause as she walks down the corridor. The back of Phil's head and a stranger in a bed. She turns and knocks on the door, "Hey there. Am I interrupting something interesting boss?" Not that she works directly for Phil, but she certainly pulls agents from Ops a lot. Having a good working relationship with Agent Coulson is a must.
Jethro Glass      "My brother and his men." Jethro closes his eyes for a moment. "We staked out their camp for several days, thought it was the greed driving them mad at first but there was something.. More" He shudders slightly thinking about it before opening back up those cool eyes of a killer that belong to him. "It was more than just the look of men who'd gone down the path of riches Mr.Coulson, something took what made that man my brother, and it almost killed me." He motions down to the horrific gashes along his chest which had to be stitched up on his arrival to the medical ward. "They weren't human no more." He pauses for a moment's thought looking off into the distance as he tries to think back to yesterday's events. "You know I did make contact, and that's when that flash happened.."

     One of the many medical rooms has been slightly transformed into a bit of a theater set of sorts. Little lamp shades are put over the light fixtures to make them look like old fashioned oil lamps, and other small tricks to make it look far more turn of the 20th century than anything else. Soft classical music playing from an old record player. It's not an in depth set dressing but it is enough to make the thing feel a bit different.

     On the bed rests a man who's so covered in scars, gashes, stitches and bandages that he looks on the edge of human tore up something terrible. Like a man who lost a fight with a woodchipper. Though he certainly looks more comfortable hooked up to medical equipment now then one would guess from prior medical conditions.
Phil Coulson "Sounds like they were possessed by something," Phil replies, a bit thoughtfully, before he nods at the rest. Looking about to speak again, Bobbi's words makes him pause and turn to offer her a smile. "Nothing that couldn't need another brain," he replies, before he adds, "Mr. Glass here was just telling me the story about when he was sent forward in time."
Bobbi Morse "Time travel," Bobbi says with a touch of surprise. Not that she can talk about it in front of Jethro, but she is in charge of an active site right now where their Agent May disappeared in to the past. It's been only a few hours since another case walked out the doors of the Triskelion leaving her angry and agitated. Dressed in suit pants, suit jacket with white blouse. An ICER at her hip, she looks the modern day ranger part if only she had a wide brimmed hat.

Entering the room she pulls up a seat and joins them. "From the past," she adds as her eyes take in his wounds and then offers him her hand, "I'm Agent Bobbi Morse. It's a pleasure sir. I'd heard we had a guest. Judging by your accent it sounds like you've made a long distance journey across country too."

A device dances on her wrist with a small digital display measuring numbers and a graph with a small heart symbol making a rhythmic animation to the beat of her heart. Weird future stuff, she wears her heart on her wrist? "And you've landed yourself the best listening ear in the business. Agent Coulson that is, not me. I'm terrible," she says trying to inject a bit of light hearted humor and a friendly smile.
Jethro Glass      Jethro nods his head once more closing his eyes in thought. "Sun'in" He confirms before opening his eyes to look back over towards bobby. "Captain Jethro Glass 1st Texas Sharpshooters, doubt I kept my commission though." He offers a light smile of slightly yellowed teeth. He takes a moment reaching his arm over to his bedside and grabs an old style wooden pipe from beside the bed and leaves it unlit in the corner of his mouth just resting there to relax as he sets and talks with the two.

     "Aint one to wake snakes but I'm sour on the lack of smoking." He rolls his pipe around his mouth moving about in his bed half ready to stand up before he thinks better of it.
Phil Coulson Phil Coulson smiles, "Don't let her fool you, she's a better listener than she claims," Phil offers to Jethro at Bobbi's words, along with a grin, before he nods again as he listens. "Old habits die hard, right?" he offers to the part about the lack of smoking, before he looks thoughtful again. "If you made contact with the medallion right before the flash, it sounds like the medallion had something to do with sending you here."
Bobbi Morse "Captain Glass. Texas. I love Texas. Georgia born and raised," she says about herself. Three states between them and many many years, but the south is the south. Well, not the south he knew and not necessarily a south she's always proud of. She is catching up with the gist of what's being discussed.

"Well, if you don't mind a bit of future paper? perhaps we could sketch out this medallion." From her thigh pocket she takes out a thin tablet and unfolds it. The insides light up as the device activates. She draws a stylus from its spine and taps until a graphics program comes up.

Besides which, if it existed during the civil war, then may be it exists somewhere they can get it in 1948 and use it to send May back home. A long shot, but she can't help but ponder other potential avenues of rescue if Stark and Fitz fail.
Jethro Glass      "Have a mind you may be right." Jethro affirms as he rolls around that pipe for thought chewing on the end lightly. He throws his legs slightly over the edge of the bed. "And knew my share of folks and find those what claim to be biggest toad in the pond, most oft barely size for tadpole and vice versa." He gives a bit of a friendly chuckle.

     He looks over to that strange padd for a long moment confused before it's explained to him. The comments that it's just future paper do enough for him to get the general gist of the thing.

     He looks over the pad for a long moment before taking the stylus and starting to draw out the complex design from memory. For some it would be difficult but being as he just got a very good look at the thing yesterday and for several days he's able to draw the highly intricate incan amulet just down to those finest of details. The thing is made of platinum and gold and gemstones abound something worth a fortune even in its own weight let alone what it would likely unlock.

     Jethro explains. "Was supposed to be part of the key to the City of gold, according to legend." He shakes his head. "Not sure if it worked proper but if it sent me here it's obviously got some other tricks."
Phil Coulson He keeps silent for a few moments longer as he watches Jethro draw thedesign on the pad. "Quite detailed," Phil offers, before he nods to Jethro again. "It's impressive that you managed to catch all the details."
Bobbi Morse Bobbi gives a nod of agreement to Phil and when he's done she takes the tablet and stylus back. "Steady hand. Sharpshooter indeed," she says and slips the stylus back in to the spine, then sends the drawing as an attachment over to WAND. Palamas will likely assign someone to it quick smart. Incan artefacts that are keys to the lost city of gold don't pop up every day.

"How did you come upon part of the key to the city of gold?," she ponders aloud as she shuts her tablet and slides it back in to her thigh pocket.
Jethro Glass      "I caught the details because I'm the one who helped him steal it from the natives in the first place." Jethro offers looking off to one side down towards the ground as he sets on the side of the bed. He fiddles with his pipe lowering his shoulders into a slouch. "I'm a musician, not a soldier, but I'm also the single best shot in america." He pulls out a small faded photograph of a group of soldiers standing in front of a set of incan ruins in explorers gear and sighs, before tucking it away.

     "Before that war business started, hell before even that Texas revolution business started, it.. We took it. Lost everything when our parents were murdered by bandits outside of the Burgendy Playhouse, and city of gold sounded a nice way to make back cash." He shakes his head.

     "That's all past now." Pushing to try and stand himself up he reaches over for his cotton pants from the far table off to one side of the room.
Phil Coulson "You did?" Phil's momentarily surprised, before he nods a bit as he hears the rest of what's said. "Understandable,2 he replies to the part about losing everything andmaking back cash, before he looks over to Bobbi again for a few moments.
Bobbi Morse "Well.. not everything in the past stays in the past. Sometimes these things came back to haunt us. Like it did you apparently yesterday. But the sins of the past have a way of coming back again.. and again.. and again," she says and looks over to Phil. A lesson SHIELD has learnt the hard way.

"May be the damage is done for you, but we should try and track this object. Sometimes returning it to where it belongs is enough, but it could have left a wave of destruction in its path since your time to ours."

She lifts up a hand, "May be I'm being over dramatic. It's probably fine. We have a whole department that specialises in this kind of stuff. Phil may be we should have Palamas or Croft come talk to Mr. Glass?"
Jethro Glass      Jethro throws a cotten jacket over one shoulder and then the other taking his time to get himself at least somewhat presentable. "Even if you are, doesn't preclude being right." He throws on a pair of pants under that medical gown cotton as the rest of his outfit. "Still got a firing range?" He looks over towards the two of them. "Could do with blowing off steam."
Phil Coulson Phil Coulson nods again. "It's best if we could track the object, to maske sure it doesn't do any damage," he agrees, before he nods as he hears Bobbi's suggestion. "Sounbds like it's a good idea to have one of those dropping by for a talk with him, yes. They might have a better idea on how we could proceed finding it." He looks to Jethro again, nodding a little. "There's a firing range, yes."
Bobbi Morse Bobbi smiles as he seems eager to be up and about - so soon after all those injuries. "You should take more time to heal, but if you need a bit of soul healing then firing the big iron on your hip will help. Not to mention all our fancy futuristic fire arms," she adds and waggles an eyebrow.

Bobbi slips off of the stool and offers an arm to help him up if he wants it. "Come with me, I'll take you to our shooting range. It's indoors and a little different to what you're probably used to." She looks to Phil and says, "Shall I message Agent Keenig to organise a guest pass for Captain Glass?"
Jethro Glass      "Always fine for jawin." Jethro comments throwing on his CSA belt and tightening it into place till it holds up his pants right into place without much more in the way of effort. He rolls his shoulders grimacing a bit as he takes a few steps steadying himself as he takes a few steps more into his simple shoes. As he collects his things he holsters a very simple looking belt with a simple well worn colt walker. Nothing fancy just good enough to work and get the job done. "Well, time for some range time."
Phil Coulson Phil Coulson nods as he listens. "Please do," he offers to Bobbi at the part of the guest pass, before he moves with the others toward the range.