Owner Pose
Daisy Johnson To say that Daisy doesn't like being in an hospital would be an understatement. It's never been a good experience in the past, at all. First when she got her powers and they were uncontrollable and now that she injured herself when overdoing her powers during the saudi arabia heist..

Wrists had been seriously injured, not fully broken but there was a weakness to the bone structure there, as if the vibrations had turned them more crystalline, or somehow taken her 'off-tune'. Regardless, she had expected to only been here for a few days and then go back home for recovery but then news had come there were complications. Namely in her powers, and her inability to actually call for them...

So she was staying in the medical ward, short tempered even if the nurse's patience was infinite towards her...

And once again she was complaining. "No, I don't want dessert. I am tired of this hospital pudding. It tastes like paper!" ranting at least keeps her mind out of the actual problems going on with her.
Bobbi Morse     Bobbi takes a moment outside the medical wing of the Triskelion to collect herself. Life in the fast lane of level seven simply never slows down and every now and then it catches up with her. Between Lance and now Daisy and the Mojave and everything going in her own life too..

    She takes in a deep breath and the smiles to herself in the reflection of the glass. Daisy saved the mission and the lives of everyone in that underground vault. She's a hero in the genuine sense of the word. The Saudi Arabia mission could have been the worst disaster of her career, all because of a small bit of dumb luck.

    She pushes off the wall and rounds the corner to spy Daisy and smiles to her, "Hey Vibrato. How is apparently the patient with the least patience doing?" She places a small chocolate muffin down on the side table next to her bed. Word got back to her.
Melinda May Agent May makes her way down the hallway outside of Daisy's room, noticing the nurse try to give Daisy one of those gawdawful pudding cups the commissary tries to pass off as edible. Personally, the elder agent is fairly certain they're actually some sort of concealed chemical warfare weapon kept on hand in case of Hydra attack. So, she can't blame the cranky younger agent for refusing the damned thing.

Her dark eyes dart over to Morse as the other woman collects herself, and she gives her a light nod of greeting. When Morse enters, May hangs back a beat. Thinking to save the nurse the struggle of another argument, she steps into the doorway and leans against the frame. "Hey," she says simply to Daisy, glancing briefly to the nurse. Her gaze invites the woman to beat a strategic retreat. She'll even step graciously out of the doorway to clear the way.

Once the medico is out of the way, May slips a bag out from beneath her winter jacket and tosses it on the bed beside Daisy, adding to Bobbi's offering. "Beats the hell out of pudding, trust me." Yep. More sugary contraband. Hers will keep longer than a muffin, however. The Level 7's are taking care of one of their own.
Daisy Johnson Suzie is the nurse handling Daisy, smiling patiently at Quake's words. It seems to be a dance they do often and before she can answer the other Agents start to walk in. It brings both the nurse's but also Daisy's gaze to them, the latter's going brighter. "Hey guys!" she greets, currently sitting up on her bed, wrists wrapped in gauze, the smile on her lips all too authentic and genuine at seeing her friends. "Good to see you here. Pudding anyone?" low blow! Offering the paper-tasting pudding to Morse and May..

Suzie lets out a faint sigh. "I will leave you to it." she takes the tray with the main plate but leaves the pudding. Just in case any of them wants them, doing that strategic retreat out the door..

As for Daisy, she immediately goes for the chocolate muffin. Or well, she goes sloooowly to it, those hands with clear difficulty doing precise motions, trembling as it takes the muffin up. And then more sugary contraband is produced. Another grin comes to her expression. "Don't worry, noone will know where these came from.." they are spies. They can deceive a nurse right? Right?!
Bobbi Morse     Bobbi grimaces a touch seeing those shakes on Daisy's arms instead of on the inside. "Ouch," is how she pronounces that and settles herself on to the side of the bed, side saddle style. "So it turns out, the newspapers about 'the hero quake' were right after all. You saved a lot of lives on mission. There's a thing we do for agents who do that."

    She smirks over to May and then from her jacket she takes out an ornate wooden case. She places it down on the table top and says, "This is the SHIELD Award of Valor, ...ahem: the Carter."

    She raises an eyebrow and lets Daisy open the case. Inside is purple velvet and a golden plate on the top half with names engraved on to it, including May's and Bobbi's. The first name is Agent Carter. The last name is Johnson. The award itself is a gilded silver star set on top of a stylised SHIELD eagle.

    "As with all SHIELD awards, it can't leave the Triskelion, but .. this is a thing, you did a thing," she says, "Fury sends his heart felt thanks by the way. I'm sure he'd be here if he could but.. well you know Fury."
Melinda May May's lips nearly tip up into a full smile as Bobbi pulls out that case. She completely ignores the pudding, however. Because... yeah. It requires a grenade launcher and a cigarette lighter to be truly effective.

The shake in Daisy's hands, however, the weakness and pain, those keep the smile from May's lips. If anything flits across her face, it's a brief pain that tightens the edge of her eyes. Otherwise known as guilt. But it's sublimated quickly and channelled into that zen stoicism she often uses to control her negative emotions.

Instead, she focuses on the award. "You earned that," she tells Daisy. "Earned it in spades. I'm only sorry I couldn't smuggle you in a bottle of Haig to celebrate it properly."
Daisy Johnson "You do realize Peggy does roll on the tongue better.." Daisy says, always the contrary! So she reaches to take the case, opening and inspects it, reading the names there. Her eyes do widen a touch, she indeed understanding the meaning of the gift so she nods solemnly while Bobbi explains. She is quiet for a few moments but then eventually lets out a, "Thank you." offering a bright smile up to the other two. Always the optimist, no matter the consequences.

"And we all did our job there. So we all deserve it." she carefully puts her PEGGY on the counter before then resuming her attack on the muffin, taking a chomp out of it..

"Have you two been well?" she asks with a mouthful of choc, "Any missions for me to get jealous about?" She asks with a bit of a tease even if there is a clear sadness that crosses her gaze. She is not the type to like being confined for too long.
Bobbi Morse     Bobbi smiles and pats Daisy on the shoulder and says, "Sometimes one of us goes above and beyond Daisy. That's what you did. Sometimes that earns us a name" she says glancing over to May who loathes the day she got this award with a vengeance. Bobbi absolutely cannot blame her. She saved a lot of lives that day though.

    "But you've already got a cool name so we won't start calling you Ali Baba," she says with a grin. "I didn't name it. I think Howard Stark did? I'd have to check the canon lore on that. These moments, they can burn in to your brain. Don't let them get to you k? Oh! Also..."

    From her other coat pocket she takes out a slip of paper and hands it to Daisy. Once unfolded, it is clearance to learn how to pilot a Quinjet. "I filed this away a few months ago and it just got approved. You and Peggy actually. This is a hard course, don't let the fact that almost every level 6 and above has passed it fool you, piloting a quinjet is a whole new kind of crazy for your brain."

    She considers Daisy's question for a moment and says, "Well, nothing I can talk about at the moment, but here's some tidbits for you - Pym Tech has delivered their dimensional breach detection device. It's being set up still, a stray pym particle leaked and shrunk some techs at one point. Also I've started training with Steve at this quaint little gym in Brooklyn, and a bit at the Avengers Mansion."
Melinda May May has only spoken openly about what really happened in Baharain with three people: Coulson, her ex-husband Andrew, and Peggy Carter herself. And most of it is redacted in her file, even for Level 7's and 8's. But that doesn't mean the stories aren't out there. And it doesn't mean astute agents can't guess why she hates both the name it gave her and the day it happened.

She listens to Morse's update and gives a bit of a shrug of her own. "Remember that old lady in the desert we met via Barton a few months ago?" Totally off the books, of course. "He and I are talking about checking in with her again, soon. Her neighbours are getting restless again."

Beyond that, she doesn't have much news. She's actually been pulling ridiculously quiet assignments, lately. Not even WAND has been chasing her. That part's good. The rest of it?

She doesn't say anything, but she does wonder about it.

Maybe someone thinks she's getting too long in the tooth.
Daisy Johnson When Daisy unfolds the paper and checks it out she lets out a, "Yeeessss!" all excited about that. It's a dream of hers afterall, and one that she had been nagging a few other agents non-stop for a while already too. Most of the times in tease but .., there was that desire. So that she finally sees it accomplished has her bobbing up a bit on the bed. Screw Suzie and her 'no sudden movements' policy! Also the 'no big excitements' policy...

"Maybe I will get out of here soon and I can go with you." This she says to May, "And start on those lessons on the way.." yes, she looks quite excited but maybe .., a bit too much? As if she was perhaps trying to force the happiness up, as if she didn't particularly believe being out of here anytime soon..

Though give it to Daisy to turn this into a 'Gossip Girl' episode when her attention goes to Bobbi and her talk about training with Steve. "Steve as in Steve Rogers? THE Capitain America?" a beat. "I wonder what Lance has to say about this..." said all too casually!
Bobbi Morse     Bobbi grins at the excitement and says, "Uh huh. Why am I already regretting this and you haven't even sat in the pilots chair." She rolls her eyes and grins at May. To the question about Steve, she nods her head, "Yes Agent Rogers aka Captain America aka Nicest guy in the world."

    She smirks, "Don't even joke about it with Lance. You know how he is, everything is an episode of Days of our Lives. Actually I realised the other day that because he assumes the most dramatic thing possible at all times, he somehow gets insight in to the lives of his marks. It's fascinating. But anyway.."

    She shrugs to May, "Sounds like she wants to learn from you. I'm not surprised. You are the second best quinjet pilot after all." She utterly grins at that tease and says, "I haven't had a chance to talk to Peggy about it yet, but given the kinds of missions she's going on, I'm sure she'd appreciate the freedom this'll give her."
Melinda May "That must make you the third best, then," May says blandly to Morse. "I wonder who the best is." Her arms cross over her chest and she leans against a med counter with a hip. "When you're cleared from med and your hands aren't shaking like a school boy on his first date, we'll talk about putting you in a simulator. Not before."

But she's quietly pleased that Peggy will get the training. "I know she will," she says to Bobbi. May has, in recent weeks, become Peggy's unofficial field partner, after all. Or, at least, they seem to keep ending up on the same rotation. Which works just fine for her.

She listens to the chatter about Rogers, of course. But, really? The Avenger she'd like to spend some 1:1 time with is Thor. Because... it's Thor. C'mon.

Does anyone really need an explanation?
Daisy Johnson "Me." Daisy immediately replies about the question on who the best pilot is, "After the training, that is.." a bit of a smirk though she does nod slowly about having to get past the trembling hands first, eyes turning down to her arms and she wrapping them about her waist. "Soon .." she says with a small smile.

"It's not like it will be worse as when I first started manifesting my powers..." Daisy says in a bit of an hopeful tone. It was quite the ordeal those two years ago, but she got through it. She will do it again! And so her focus goes to the hot topic of the moment. Avengers!

"I mean..., I'd get bristly too if my je ne sais quoi was hitting the gym with America's best backs--" she stops herself from finishing, "Look, I have pictures." she does. She also has the internet. But then she relents and lets it go. Enough teasing!

So instead she pops the rest of the muffin into her mouth. Certainly beats that damn pudding!
Bobbi Morse     "I met Thor once. When we were looking for Banner after Brainiac's attack," she smiles and glances off in to the distance for a moment and then ahems, "Yeah that's fair. Best quinjet pilot in SHIELD is easily Agent Danvers. If you ever get the chance to fly with her Daisy, I highly recommend it. Insanity."

    As Daisy mentions Steve's derriere she laughs out loud. "So what aren't you telling us Daisy? or are the pain meds just _that good_ ?," she asks raising an eyebrow. They can all see the subtle little mismatches between smile and eyes. Something is going on.
Melinda May As much as she wants to, May really can't argue with Bobbi's assesment of Danvers. But since none of the three of them have had an honest fly-off, yet... Who knows, right? Probably best they never really know.

"I met Thor, too," May admits. "During the Ice Palace affair." They were both preoccupied by giant ice snakes at the time, of course. Just her luck.

She listens to the banter about Rogers, nonetheless, and doesn't even bother to roll her eyes. What? Like she can't appreciate America's backside? Is she still alive and breathing? Of course, she is.

"How long have they told you, you still have to wait, Daisy?"
Daisy Johnson Since it's all about sharing when they met certain Avengers Daisy does the same. "Met him during the shadow attack on Metropolis, when we came up with the disco truck of doom.." look, it was a strange night for everyone.. But the truck is still available for intrepid agents to use in the future! "And I can confirm. Dreamy." a sagely nod. Daisy is already taken by a certain blind lawyer though so the Steves and Thors of this life? All outta luck!

"I am not sure, they need to run tests..." which she doesn't seem to enjoy at all. "I am hoping Jemma will come by soon with some results. They tell me I need to rest more, as if lying here in bed isn't resting enough already. But you know.., doctors.." she rolls her eyes.

"But the wrists should heal up soon enough, just not too sure on the powers apparently. I haven't tried getting the gauntlets on yet, but I already could do quite a few things without them by now..." it implying that right now she simply can't.

She starts opening up the sugary contraband to distribute with the other two. Big heart of course! Noone comes for a visit and goes away without some chocolate in the stomach.
Bobbi Morse     Bobbi simply nods and says, "Don't push yourself then. Take your time, let your body recover. You did hole up an entire desert after all. We pulled off an impossible heist. And really, it was more impossible than I had thought. I guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach on that one.. and then you did the impossible and we pulled it off."

    "Analysis is still sifting through the plethora of data we got off of that server. Lots of unsolved questions are getting answers and I'm waiting for the report on what we found out about Naasif el-Lodi. I'm eager to get to the bottom of this before more people get killed."
Melinda May May listens to all the updates. She doesn't pursue with a lot of questions, now. Most of her questions will either be answered via reports or a conversation with Bobbi away from medbay later. "I'll be interested in that report, when it's available," she tells her.

She gives Daisy a sympathetic look, however. "If anyone can figure it out for you, Jemma can." Fitz-Simmons are the best for a reason. She has no reason to doubt them. That Daisy's powers are fritzing isn't a good thing, but... Simmons is the woman for that job, not May.
Daisy Johnson As the conversation proceeds nurse Suzie has been prowling about. Not exactly listening in but just paying attention if there are too many excited shouts or anything that goes into the no policies that she had exhaustedly explained when Daisy was admitted here... But with time also passing on eventually she does open the door to the room..

"Visit time is over. We need to let Daisy rest now." The contraband is noted, but ignored. At least that much the nurse can allow..

So with that Daisy looks up at her friends, "Thanks for having dropped by. I will get out soon, and powers or not I am still the best hacker in the building so...!" a toothy smile given.

She looks back to Suzie, "Would it hurt to have chocolate instead of pudding? Really, we need more budget down here on med bay..." she laments.