Owner Pose
Alexander Aaron     It was nice to be a little buzzed. That slight loss of equilibrium when the world seemed to react a little bit slower to your movements, and how sometimes those movements were larger that they should be. It was interesting, kind of fun too. Alexander could understand why people did it. But not the all consuming draw it had for some folks. Still, as he walked down the hall and withdrew his keys from his pocket, he paused by the door and listened for a moment. Likely hoping to hear the hint of someone inside. Well, a particular someone.
    That said he inserts the keys, twists, then leeeeans into the door to shoulder it open and reveal that spartan apartment once again. "Hey!" He calls out, announcing his presence. Perhaps hoping someone is there to hear it. Though... if it was his father he'd wonder how he'd react to the current state of his son.
    "I am home bearing gifts." He smirks a little as he speaks, a little quieter, perhaps in case he's ust talking to himself. The keys rattle into the bowl, the door is shut with a click and he leans back against it for a bit.
Melissa Gold     There's definitely someone home. The TV is on and blaring loudly. A war flick. Dammit, it's probably Dad!
    "Yeah!" a distinctly feminine voice shouts in time with a massive sound of an explosion. "TAKE THAT YOU JEW-MURDERING FUCKERS!"
    She's cheering on a war film like it's a football match. It's probably facepalm time.
    Other signs of who it is include the kit bag with her heroing outfit in it, the spandex portion of said outfit hanging from the ceiling to dry, and the carefully folded leather pants, jacket, and strappy leather harness thing she wears lying next to the kit bag.
    "BLAMBLAMBLAM! Go get 'em!"
Alexander Aaron     Wearing his usual fare of jeans, white sneakers, and a black t-shirt that has upon it what looks like if a xenomorph had implanted an egg into a pikachu and hatched on out, he seems at ease. Even as he wanders along, footsteps quiet but not toooo quiet. But then there's also the matter of his cheeks being a little flushed.
    Strolling into the living room, Alexander pauses to leeean against the archway separating it from the foyer. His lip twists up in amusement as he looks at the television, then back over at the cheering football hooligan he calls his significant other. A smirk lights his features further, hazel eyes dancing as he gives a nod. "Hey, Mel. Whatcha watchin?" A little cheery, a little playfully as he squints at the television but so far it's just explosions and gun fire.
Melissa Gold     Herself clearly a couple of tins deep, Mel looks up when Alex walks in and waves, probably in the most cheerful mood she's been in days. "Saving Ryan's Privates," she says, voice ever-so-slightly slurred. She toasts Alex with the can in her hand and tosses back another mouthful. "I cracked the six-pack. Still two left if you like." His six-pack. In his home. When he wasn't here. Watching his TV.
    Wonder of wonders she isn't laying claim to one of his shirts.
    Not yet.
    "C'mon, grab a brew and pull up a seat," she says, patting a section of the sofa she just vacated a bit, next to her. "It's nice and warm from my ass on it. We can watch the rest. Great movie."
Alexander Aaron     "I, have had Asgardian Mead tonight," Alex says as he walks over and then promptly lets himself faaaalllll in slow motion over the arm of the couch to land on his back and his head in Melissa's lap, sprawling all over and streeetching for a bit, features bright and flushed with a warm smile there on his lips and there in his eyes when he opens them to look up at her upside down.
    "Called you like six times and you didn't answer. We went to a bar thing, and I actually got... I dunno if you'd call it drunk. Tipsy maybe? Oh and a guy wanted to get into a fight. And that same guy hit on Heidi." He just casually chatters away, chipper and relating, "And aww man, Mel I learned why Heidi is so guarded and was so upset that other day. And man. You guys should hang out,"
    He finally takes a breath and then smiles, "How was your day?"
Melissa Gold     Mel takes another pull off the tin before crushing it and tossing it over her shoulder. The sound of crumpled aluminium hitting more heralds that she's selected that part of the room as the trash area for the duration of the movie. (In her defense, she always does clean up after herself, just not when she's busy.) "Yeah, sorry, went to the warehouse to lift things and they're really strict on that one about personal effects. No phones, cameras, recording devices, etc."
    Which isn't suspicious at all.
    "I earned enough today to afford a decent dinner." Beat. "And isn't that mead shit like great?! I still have my flask. I won't be cracking that open until I wanna get well and truly blitzed!"
    Wait, you met someone who wanted a fight, and you ... didn't?"
Alexander Aaron     "Ah, he was..." Alexander curls up and tilts his head, "Wait, you know you can have anything in the fridge? It gets restocked each Monday and I never can eat all of it." There's a pause as he wonders what is done with the leftovers, but then he shrugs and continues his story.
    "But yeah, I haven't ever sorta felt that way, still feeling it. Not like drunk drunk. I might try that sometime down the line, save it for when we're all together. But..."
    Then he keys onto her last question, a little blearily. "Oh yeah, like... there was this guy that had been making eyes at Heidi the whole time we were there, then he pushed off the wall an made his run." His lips twist, "You shoulda heard her. He said something like 'c'mon baby don't be like that.'" He drops his voice an octave or two and then adds, "And when he pushed she was all, 'Please stop, I'm rejecting you politely.' And I offered to like buy him a drink, but he threw a quarter at me and was all, 'go call your mom kid!' or something."
Melissa Gold     "See, this is where you clock stupid bitches like that," Mel says emphatically. "One punch is usually all it takes. If you don't land it quite right, maybe a second, but I'm generally a one punch, one asshole down kind of gal." A bit of pride in his little football hooligan's voice. Then...
    "OH YEAH!" She's half out of her seat with excitement at some of the more bloody and violent parts of the film. "Whoever they've got," she says, sitting back down, eyes fixed on the screen in amazement, "doin' the fake injuries has seen real ones. That's fuckin' amazin' work!"
    At least she knows what she's cheering on is fake, though ... she does appear to be missing the point of the film.
    "So, you were sayin'? I mean to be fair if I walked that side of the street I'd hit on Heidi too. She's fuckin' hot. But c'mon, muscles like that? You don't push your luck or you wind up one-punched man."
Alexander Aaron     "Well he sorta started swinging, but I didn't let him hit, and eventually he gave up and left. I was..." He crinkles his nose and looks upwards, "In too good of a mood to really hurt someone, ya know?" Which might be surprising for her to hear. He shrugs and when she rises up out of her chair, Alex affects the grumpy mien of a cat dislodged from its place of rest. Though he, unlike a cat, does something about it and /pulls/ her back down onto the sofa to replace his head back on her lap and then points at her with a threatening point.
    "But anyways after that he left us alone and we talked about stuff." And then his eyes soften, "But aww man, we talked and... she's so guarded, because she's sorta like us. She feels self-conscious about things. Like she considers herself just a valkyrie in training, hasn't done anything of remark, feels like she's a second class citizen in her realm."
    "So I thought maybe we could show her she's not alone. I dunno."
    There's a pause as he adds, "She really likes you I think."
Melissa Gold     "Hell, I like her too. I felt like shit when I made her so glum. Still don't even get why, but, you know me. Clumsy and ham-fisted and prone to breakin' things."
    Yeah, someone's own insecurities are showing.
    She hunches forward to kiss Alexander on the forehead impulsively.
    "I love how you keep sayin' you don't care, but then here we are with you splainin' how you feel bad for Heidi and want us to make her happy. Yer a lousy liar!"
    The next kiss goes lower down, wetting the tip of his nose.
    "But a loveable one, so ..."
Alexander Aaron     "I think..." Alexander smiles as she gives him those kisses, lifting a hand to squeeze her knee as he sits up. "You probably messed me up and have let me start caring about people and the next thing that happens I'll be crying at Disney films or some shit." He smirks and gives her a side-stink eye as if she was to blame. Which, to be fair, she is. "Or maybe it's just that she's a person who is worth it?"
    He gives a small shrug and looks away, "I still feel like I'm just muddling through the world as best as I can and crazy things keep popping up."
    "Like shoot-fighting vigilantes." Another squeeze then he smiles, "But I dunno, wish we could help her somehow."
Melissa Gold     "Well, I'm totally down with helpin' her," Mel reassures Alexander. "Two reasons, no three. One, it's kinda what I decided I like doin'. Two, she's hella nice. Three, you like her too. What kinda friend would I be to either of you if I didn't help?"
    The hand on the knee is rewarded with a hand atop it, squeezing in turn. "And where did you meet a crazy shoot-wrestlin' vigilante? He sounds like he'd be my type totally! Could you introduce us? Does he have a brother? I'd totally do a solo tag team match against two crazy shoot-wrestlin' vigilantes!"
Alexander Aaron     Snorting once Alex turns the squeezing hand into a small slap at her knee, but he's smiling as he looks away over at the television screen. "Ass." He calls her, but affectionately so. Turning over on his side he takes a deep breath and then sort of settles in lying there with her, watching the way.
    "She also said she'd like to train with you some time, and I thought you'd get a kick out of that." He sprawls a little more, resting his arm on her leg and then reaching over for the remote, grabbing and trying to get a hold of it. Then bringing up the menu to check the title of what they're watching. Then closes the menu.
    "Oh neat."
    Then he tilts his head back to look at her, "She wanted to train with me some but I sorta told her that might not be a good idea."
Melissa Gold     "Yeah, I agree," Mel says. "You got a serious problem bein' beaten by women, and if a second one was gonna toss you around like a sack of wet flour you'd lose your shit completely."
    The block is effortless, and reflexive, knowing she was going to be swatted for that gag. A giggle is paired with it.
    "I ever mention that you're a cute drunk? 'Cause you're fuckin' adorable right now. Why you figure it's a bad idea? Think I'd be jealous?"
    It probably doesn't help that she can't stop that little edge of jealousy from sneaking into her voice. Which is strange when not that long ago she was pushing Alex at Heidi...
Alexander Aaron     Another snort and another slap though this one is blocked rather easily as hey, his reflexes aren't exactly up to snuff at the moment. He shakes his head and smiles, "I dunno, I sorta..." He crinkles his nose, "I feel like that's our thing ya know. Training and improving. Though I should get a handle on it since I'll need to learn from other people. Just will need to remove the connotations we built up around it and all."
    There's a pause as he takes a deep breath and murmurs, "Not that I can't control myself, because shit. I've had to deal with fighting and training with a lot of crazy people. Just more..."
    A tilt of his head, "I worry about giving her avenues for her feelings to grow if she does have them." He scritches his chin and frowns, "Though I'm trying to figure things out, like if you came home one day and told me you had slept with her, I'd feel hurt I'm pretty sure."
    His eyebrows lift, "Which surprises me on some level."
Melissa Gold     Mel laughs at that, with her whole-body laugh that shakes every limb and her whole torso. Alex's head gets a bit of a ride. "If I came home and told you I slept with her, sleep'd be the only thing what happened!" she hoots. "I tole you before, I don't walk her side of the street. I mean yeah, I can see she be smokin', but that don't mean I wanna latch on to that! I just got eyes!"
    She looks down at Alex fondly, framing and his cheeks in an odd Yin-Yang-like way with her hands. "I'm fine sharin' you with her, but that don't mean I wanna piece of her."
Alexander Aaron     "Nooo," Alex shakes his head and murmurs, "Noo. No."
    A beat, then quieter he murmurs, "Nope."
    "I'm not a prude you know?" Alexander glances up at her, "I've had some... crazy things go down in the past. Participated in some wild things. Some of it because of who I was to some people, some of it because some people think I'm attractive."
    He slides his arm under her leg and curls his touch around it, holding her close as he looks toward the television. "But I know I'd feel bad if you told me you came home after. I dunno, sleeping with like Thor or Captain America or somebody."
    Then he uncurls a hand towards the screen, "But then do I have a right to? I'm not like your keeper or anything."
    There's a beat, "Is this normal? Does everyone go through this sort of thing?" Jealousy. Nah.
Melissa Gold     Mel goes a little quiet, thoughtful, at this. "Yeah. I think everybody does. I mean ... I'd share you if that's what it took to keep you? But ... you sayin' no? Made me feel real good inside. 'Cause me sayin' I'm Ok with sharing doesn't mean I WANT to share, if that makes sense?"
    She looks away for a bit. "I haven't had much luck in this, though. First person I really loved... turns out he thought we was just friends with benefits. Fucked around all the time. Didn't really care about how I felt. Just cared with how I felt wrapped around his dong."
    She lets out a bit of a bitter laugh. "I didn't know any better, natch. Only men I'd been with before paid for it. They didn't want no relationship and I sure as fuck didn't want one with those fuckers!"
    She snorts lightly. "You're the ... God ... hundredth guy or more I've been with, but only the third I loved. And yeah, much as I'm willin' to share ya to keep ya, I'm happy you don't wanna be shared."
Alexander Aaron     "Well good," Alexander says as he smiles upwards at her, "Then I think we're on the same page. Right?" His lip twists and he turns back to look at the television. "I'll get you like one of those letter jackets or something and you can wear it around while you're fightin' crime. So you can be all, 'This is my man!' and everyone will start calling you..."
    "Triple H! Happy Harbor High."
    A beat. "Oh wait think that's taken."