Owner Pose
Reed Richards Reed Richards is sitting in the expansive lab, with his wife, eatting lunch. The two chat amicably, quite like the older married couple they are. So, maybe it's just a coincidence she's here at the time of Reed appointed meeting with Hyperion, though can't a husband and wife share a meal in a cutting edge lab facility, surrounded by the most advanced technology in every field for at least a three galaxies without raising suspicions?

    Reed stands as an alarm goes off, "Oh, the new one, Hyperion, was dropping by for a consult. Something about alternate dimensions. Could you stay, I could use your perceptive abilities." He smiles at Sue.
Ben Grimm The familiar sound of stomping rocky feet in the hallway heralds the arrival of Benjamin Grimm, who mutters curses under his breath as he enters the lab.

"Reed!" Ben bellows, one hand cupping his mouth. He looks around and manages to spot Reed and Sue amid his second "Reeed--oh! Oh, woops. Hey there, Stretch. Hey, Susie. I don't meanta interrupt, but I could use your help buildin' some sorta contraption that'll help me show those Yancy Street bozos what's what!"

He pounds one fist into the other palm, grinding his knuckles into the hand. "Well, I just need it to put 'em in their place. 'less you think it's better if I start nailin' together some of these doodads myself..."
Susan Richards      Susan Richards is enjoying one of the normal moments she cherished, among all the craziness that was the lives of the Fantastic Four. What could be more normal and homely than sharing one's repast with their husband? Okay, so maybe it was in one of the most--if not THE most--advanced laboratories in the known universe (or at least the planet). It was home, it was Reed, and that was enough for her.

     As the alarm blared, she rolls her eyes and chuckles to herself, shaking her head. There always seemed to be -something-. Right from the moment she'd met Reed, to the madness of their wedding day and throughout their lives together, it had been no different. But, as she had told him, one didn't need to be normal to have a family. And she would back him up, no matter what. Nodding, she kisses Reed sweetly and smiles. "Sure. Just don't take this as an excuse to forget eating while you get wrapped up in the lab again...."

     Susan's words trail off into nothingness, the silence filled by rocky rolling and rumbling, that grows louder and closer. "Ben! Come on in. We've got a guest coming by, they need Reed's help. What is this 'doodad' you wanted to work on?"
Hyperion     In his home universe, he -was- the one people looked up in the sky for, to see if it was a bird or a plane. Here, there are so -many- superhumans, mutants, mutates, aliens... on his world, his Squadron Supreme was like forty percent of the world's super types. And two of his teammates had no powers at all.
    But today, Hyperion simply descends silently from the sky onto the balcony outside as he was instructed. He lands there gently... being -overly- careful to do so as there is so much more ambient energy to absorb in this universe that his strength, speed, atomic vision. . . pretty much his entire active powerset is about sixty percent more potent here. So he is relearning the control he learned growing up.. and it is a bit frustrating at times.
    But he stands on the balcony, waiting to be invited inside because... it would be rude to just go inside, right? But his hyper-senses pick up the bellowing Ben Grimm, and he winces inside, trying to turn down the hyper hearing just a bit.
Reed Richards Reed Richards notices, Hyperion out on the landing and blinks, the colors, the cape, for just a moment, he sees someone else, but no, not him, not... who? Reed, shakes his head, getting older. He smiles and whispers under his breath, "Come in Hyperion. I have things arranged." He then turns to Ben, "Trouble with those Yancy street Yahoos again, old friend? I have just the thing", he pulls a metal baseball bat from what looks like an umbrella stand. "Here you go. Ben, Susan, have you met Hyperion? I've been reviewing his case, T'challs keeps such excellent notes and Karen is brilliant as ever."
Ben Grimm At Susan's question, Ben smirks and lets a low chuckle roll from his throat. "Well, now, that's the beauty of it, ain't it? I wuz hopin' that maybe I could rig up the kinda thing that would cut Johnny down a peg or two might put these yam-heads in their place. Zit multiplier, car non-starter, brown note amplifier--feel free ta surprise me. So long as it gets 'em back for their latest prank!"

Ben opens his mouth to continue, but then the visitor from another world arrives. "I, uh, didn't know you wuz havin' office hours, pal. I'm real sorry 'bout that. I won't hold ya up."

Nonetheless, he takes the baseball bat and slowly examines it, including staring down its length. "Thanks, Reed. I take it this is, like, some kinda quantum-pranking-mega-lyzer-sort-of-thing?"
Susan Richards      "Sometimes simple is best," Susan says, grinning as she looks between Reed and Ben. She reaches out to clap a hand on Grimm's shoulder, laughing. "It's clobbering time."

     With their guest lingering out on the balcony, she smiles at Reed, and motions for Hyperion to come inside. "Welcome! I don't believe we've met. Susan Richards." She extends one hand in greeting. "I hope we can help you."
Hyperion     Hearing Reed's whisper, Hyperion nods. He approaches the door, and looks to the handle where he hesitates. A deep breath is taken, and he slowly reaches his hand for the handle... trying to not break it as he attempts to open it. Despite any reinforcement it has, and such... his hand crunches it a bit. It's not ripped off, but there is a tiny bit of damage... which makes his shoulders slump as the door opens.
    "Sorry." he says softly, sheepishly. "I'm really trying to work on that. I..." his eyes take in Ben, and he tilts his head. "Maybe you can help me learn this... I feel so much stronger since I arrived in your universe.... it is difficult to live actually. I also was told that you.." his eyes traverse back to Reed. "would be able to help me figure out how strong I actually am. I have no idea."
    But then he looks back to Susan and adds, "Thank you for the warm welcome. I would shake your hand but.. I do not want to hurt you."
Reed Richards Reed Richards watches the display with amusement and is a little impressed when the door actually seems damaged, "Not at all, happens all the time." Reed nods and starts taking measurments, "Yes, well, I set up the standard battery of tests, and Sue and Ben are barometers of their own sort. Interesting, more powerful you say? There could be any number of reason for that. Yes." Reed look a little sheepishly at Ben, we've dealt with that. Reed directs Hyperion to the first battery of tests, as he turns back to Ben. "Well, yes, that was a graviton wave bat, made of a vibranium alloy, choking up activates the graviton wave emmiter. Though if you wanted something more prank... I do have this, though it's still in beta." He pulls an item shaped like a credit card and one shaped like a key fob, "They wipe the person's identity out of every database that isn't class 4 shielded or better."
Ben Grimm As Hyperion looks at him, Ben frowns, his heavy brow furrowing. "Yeah, yeah, drink it in. Can't ever let a guy forget he's just a monstrous, terrible /thing/!"

Ben clutches the bat tightly and exhales deeply through his nose. "Thanks fer this, Reed, Susie. You got it right in one 'bout what time it is, at least. Yancy Street's about ta be reminded of what happens when they come ta tussle with Ms. Grimm's ever-lovin' blue-eyed boy!"

When Reed offers the card- and fob-shaped items, Ben begins to reach out but pauses. "Welllll--nah. No. Not today, at least. But let's keep those handy, just in case. Maybe as a reminder, in case they forget from this li'l baby." Ben chuckles and gets a feel for the bat's weight.

He plods back toward the door, taking an idle swing with the bat. "Yeah, this'll do just nicely..."
Susan Richards      "There's my forcefields, too," Sue adds, taking a cue from Reed and lowering her voice to nearly a whisper. "I'd be interested to see if you could get past those." For the moment, she watches Reed potter about the lab, also keeping an eye on Ben. A smile curls her lips upwards. These were her friends. Her family. If she could help them, she would.

     At least, until it came time for pranking. "Reed Richards! Don't you DARE give him that card!!!"
Hyperion     Grimacing at Ben's reaction, Hyperion shakes his head, "Sir. I was not implying anything about your appearance. I merely assumed because of it that you were stronger than normal, and that you had a period of having to learn to control that strength so that you didn't harm friends or family."
    He shakes his head, "Please accept my apology if I offended you."
    And then he shakes his head, "You do not need to whisper. Normal speaking voices are not painful. I am quite happy to converse at whatever volume you prefer. But.. where would you like me?" he asks. "I am told that my energy is slightly ... off.. being from a different Universe. But I have also been told that I am starting to acclimate to -this- universe, like my vibrational frequency is shifting to match yours?" he asks. He's not stupid. Just not Reed. And then he shakes his head, "Forgive me. I am Mark. Mark Milton." he says to the group. "Aka Hyperion. But among friends, I feel that the given name is more... appropriate."
Reed Richards Reed Richards blushes and gives his wife the most innocent of looks, "It's purely a theoretical exercise, a bet between Tony and I ... Sorry, Ben." Reed puts them away. Reed has of course but puttering about through all of this and when the loud asychronous squakiing starts. He doesn't even break stride as he reaches up and silences the alternate dimension alarm. "Sorry, we've been dealing with an incursion from an alternate Earth for weeks and I set up the alarm to detect anomalies. Interesting that it works on you as well as them, Hmm, let me download that information. Reed also does a search on the name Mark MIlton in all known databases, just out of curiosity. "I have a thorough battery of tests that shold take about a few hours and will tell us everything we need to know... Are you ready?" The smile is so so innocent and... montage!
Ben Grimm From out in the hall, Ben calls out: "Hey! Reed! You said to choke up on this, right?"

There's a silent pause, and then a loud WWWWHHHHAAAAMMMMOOOOO! reverberates into the lab.

An indention in one of the lab walls adjacent to the hall appears, roughly Ben Grimm-shaped, and then the sound of falling rocks onto the hallway floor follows.

"It ... works ..." Ben calls out, far more weakly than he'd shouted moments beforehand.
Hyperion     Nodding his head, Hyperion glances at Reed. "I would be happy to learn all that you can tell me about it. About myself." he says. And then Ben has that issue with the gravibat. That's an official name for it now. Done. I have spoken.
    He hears the grunt and for a split second, he begins to accelerate into hyper-speed. But then he lets it go. Ben looked tough. He doesn't want to step on toes or offend anyone. So he just asks, "Everything okay over there Mister Grimm?"
Reed Richards Reed Richards grins and narrows his eyes, "I designed it specifically so he couldn't do that... amazing." He raises his eyebrows at Sue and smiles, "That wall will give before he does, it's safer that way." Then the tests begin, speed, strength, energy, stamina, background radiation, decay, quantum spin, flight, graviton degradation, omniversal derivative, hyperspace signature. quantum degradation. And so many others. He is working constantly as he puts Mark through the ringer, quite literally at least twice.
Ben Grimm Out the window, one of the older models of the Fantastic Four's patented flying bathtubs goes soaring off toward the Lower East Side, an orange pilot wielding a metallic bat overhead in one hand.

The battle-cry of the hard-headed might be heard on the wind: "YAAA-HOOOOOOOOooooooo....!"
Susan Richards      Susan's attention is momentarily caught by Ben's test of the newly christened 'gravibat', followed by his flight off into the city. Shaking her head, she laughs. "I don't want to know."

     Reed's work, as always, fascinates her, one half of the power couple admiring her husband's work as always. It never ceased to amaze her, his brilliance, his drive, his intelligence and creativity, not to mention his great heart which was the driving force behind everything he did. "Find anything yet, Reed?"
Hyperion     Shaking his head, Hyperion says, "I envy you." softly. His eyes close for a moment of emotion before he opens them again, more in control now.
    "Everyone I knew. My fiance. They must all think that I died in the energy discharge that brought me here. I can only hope that they are safe without me there." A moment of emotion, but then he shakes his head, "I've no idea how the time stream flows in my world compared to this one, but it seems that I have been here for just over two years already."
    And then he nods to Susan, "That is the fifty four thousand dollar question, isn't it?" he asks. Yeah, he's ten thousand off. Chalk it up to universal differences.
Reed Richards Reed Richards let's out a low whistle, as he goes over the results. "Yes, quite a few, It seems Mark that out universes is much more energy rich environment that your was... is. So, yes, you are more powerful here, about 60% more. Based on the quantum fluctuations and power gradients I'm seeing in your hair and nails. It really is fascinating. Also you're not from a near universe, for a number of reasons. You're actually from an entirely new omniversal branch. I'm actually rather shocked that AIM was able to pull you in. They either got absurdly lucky or I have to upgrade their threat level. It seems there was an alignment recently that might account for the transversion but something like that won't occur for another 200 year in this multiverse. It's actually only 75 years from Limbo having an alignment but I would make sure to talk to it's Ruler, Magik, before trying anything from there. He pulls out a holographic map of the known multiverse and display where you world is in relation to this, the distances are unfathomably vast.

     Your power levels are at the upper end of the spectrum, near the levels I've seen from Eternals. "You are quite frankly as strong as you need to be. I can help with recommending materials and items to make you life better. For starter's these." He hands you what look like a pair of earbuds, "They are made from neutron star residue and should help to stabilize your hearing until you can do it yourself."
Susan Richards      While Reed is talking with Hyperion about science, sounding as excited as a schoolboy, Susan heard something else entirely during the exchange. She heard the pain of loss, the heartache of not knowing the fate of loved ones, worry for their safety and wondering if one will ever see them again. Reaching out to Hyperion, Susan gingerly touches his hand. "I am so sorry to hear all that." What else can be said, in a moment such as that?
Hyperion     Nodding to Reed, Hyperion turn his eyes alone towards Sue, and those eyes warm with thankfulness and a connection of a sort. "The sort of comradery that I saw between the three of you, when Mister Grimm was still here... reminded me a lot of my team back home. Nighthawk was our techie.. and one hell of a prankster too. Power Princess.." He grins, "Everyone thought we should be a couple, but... that was not how it went."
    But then he shakes his head and shrugs once more. "I imagine that Nighthawk has the Squadron running safe and strong. But either way, I am here now." And he looks to Reed. "You said Eternals. I've heard that term before. And... thank you." he says as he reaches for the earbuds. "I don't suppose you could come up with something I might use to actively turn -off- my increased strength. So I could safely shake hands, open doors... while it was active? Some active shielding or whatever? I could turn it off when I need my full power?"
    A pause and he adds, "It might be good to limit my ability to -emit- nuclear power too. The last time I tried it, I vaporized about a half mile long, thirty foot wide swath of seawater without trying."
Reed Richards Reed Richards smiles and nods, easily, "I'm Sorry for our loss Mark, but... while the energy requirements necessary to pierce that kind of distance with something the size of a ship or even a human are far beyond me, a smaller package might be possible... "He nods and considers, opens a white board in empty space and jots a few equations down, "Yes, yes, give me some time to work on this."
     Hmm, to adjust your strength, well, that would be a simple affair if we just block or pre-absorb some of the cosmic rediation." Reed pulls out a basic multi suit and offers it so Hyperion, "You can wear this under your clothes and it should be fine. Go try it on and I'll make some calculation. I can use Johnny as a base, invert it and play with the wavelengths, easy peasy."
Hyperion     Nodding, Hyperion accepts the suit. He inclines his head and then in a blur of hyper-speed... because he doesn't do SUPER Speed? Why? His name has the word Hyper in it. It was trademarked back home. What? So with that speed active, the suit effectively vanishes. In reality, he is wearing it already now... and he nods, "Just tell me how to turn it on and off please." he states.
    "And I will have to think about whether or not to send word home."
Susan Richards      Susan smiles warmly at Hyperion for a moment. "Sometimes, things don't go how we plan. I'm sorry you're away from the ones you love. But you're here now, and you have us. Meantime," she continues, stepping back and wrapping her arms around Reed for a moment, squeezing him in a fond embrace. "...we'll see what we can do to help you find ways to control your gifts. Until then, we'll count on a lot of mistakes. Don't be angry with yourself. We won't be."