Owner Pose
Peter Parker It CAN'T be Spidey's fault. How could it be?
JJJblames Spidey for half the stuff that goes wrong in New York, and Captain George Stacy blames him for the other half. Which makes it dicey when three yahoos and one yahoo-ette steal a Brinks truck with heavy ordinance, and then take the truck with them. Tidy bunch, if you ignore the two Brinks security guys currently riding ambulances to deal with the GSWs the crooks left them with.

But they just HAD to do it while Spider-Man was doing his daily run back fron the Bugle toward Midtown High when the truck barreled past him. Thank heaven he was acing AP Physics.

Spider-Man landed on the roof of the truck with a small "thump," balancing himself while looking for a good opportunity to derail this crazy train...

Gwen Stacy was out... shopping. Blonde hair with the frosted pink tips pulled back into a ponytail, she's wearing something simple like a sweater. Turns out interdimensional travel is not condusive to 'packing for the trip'. She didn't have a stitch of clothes other than her Ghost Spider suit and bad memories.

Now she's got two armloads of bags full of clothes.

And buzzing spidey senses when the Brink truck whips around the corner into a row of cars parked along the side of the street. "Huh..." Gwen watches the truck pass, but it's the red and blue hero crouched atop it that really gets her attention. "The spider guy in the picture..." Saying things out loud are for dramatic effect.

Gwen runs into an alley and.. /sigh/ ... puts her bags of clothes in a dumster. She's wearing her costume under the big sweater and sweat pants, so getting suited up isn't even hard... Mask over her face, hood up... *THWIP!*

Peter Parker Okay...they were heading for Central Park. Probably planning to drive across, based on the speed and the fact that one of these things can drive through downtown Hell.
He's hoping they don't see him. So, first things first.
He looks over the rear to spot the twin exhaust pipes. A one-two punch later, the pipes are clogged with rapidly-expanding webbing. Should starve the engine in the next half-mile. He REALLY didn't want to pull off any doors - JJJ would have a FIELD day with putting him front and center on being the ringleader. Maybe if he pulled it over on its side...
Gwen Stacy The white, black, and pink Spider- which is absolutely the color of spiders, don't judge- swings out of the alley at a high arch and whips into hot pursuit of the fleeing Brink truck and that dastardly ringleader: Spider-Man.

"God, I really don't want Jonay to put me on the front page..." Murmured to herself as she throws a web from either wrist and yanks herself forward like a missile to close some of the distance the truck made towards Central Park while she was changing.

"Well dressed spider assists dashing, but prime colored, Spider-Man in heist..."

*TWHIP THWIP!* Another two lines, one to either door on the back of the truck and Gwen is crouching against it, kneeling down at a horizontal angle. "Hey friend!" Shouting up towards the roof, "I saw you Teen Wolfing it up here and I thought you might ne-" The driver side swipes a car on the barreling path to Central Park and throws Gwen against her side with the force of it. "Okay, fella, now you're just being rude..."

After leaping out, a line attaches to the corner of the roof and pulls Ghost around the side of the truck where she fires a line at the left front tire to make the whole driving thing more complicated. "Don't drive angry!"
Peter Parker Spidey blinks as he looks down at the sudden arrival of...who IS that?
Well...Player Two seems to have entered the game.
"Hey, be careful!" He calls out as the truck driver attempts to scrape the new, female Spider-Person off like a barnacle, but she seems to have it well in hand. She's got a lot of moxie, he'll say that...

Then she webs one of the tires...but not the other. His Spider-Sense flares and he has just enough time to think, *HOO BOY...* before the tire freezes, turns as inertia and a few other kinetic forces come into play. The axle locks as the torque builds up, and then the back end of the truck skids around. On a level road, it would simply slide around, but when have New York roads EVER been level?

So, when the rear right tire hits the pothole, Spider-Man suddenly finds himself airborne, flying through the air with the lousiest of ease. A hastily-spun webline keeps him from doing the bug-on-windshield thing on the brick wall as the truck skids on its right side, stopping at the curb before the grass of Central Park.
Gwen Stacy Gwen watches the handy work of her web with a mixture of pride, working as intended, and genuine horror when the brink truck fishtail flips rather than going end over like she hoped. She lands in a roll across the side of the truck and knocks on the passanger side door once the smoking truck (Thanks to Spidey's exhaust pipe clog) comes to a sliding stop.

Kneeling down with her arms laid down over her bent knees peering in at the driver laying against the driverside door with a few scrapes and cuts, "Hey, do you have a few minutes to talk about the laws of physics our Lord and Mathematical savior?" The gunshots will start soon, she knows that. It might be a differen Universe, but criminals are always predictable.
Peter Parker Spider-Man looks down and starts to say something but stops. Something about the voice. He doesn't recognize it, but the cadence, the pitch, SOMETHING is familiar. He takes a look at the guy in the shotgun seat pulling on a (yep) shotgun, aiming it at the Spider-Girl.
The driver YANKS the shotgun away, GLARING at him. "BULLETPROOF GLASS, MORON. You want to turn the cab into a lead Cuisinart??"
The passenger glares stonily at the driver, but slumps slightly as blessed reason keeps him from doing something stupid.

Spidey drops to a streetlight, then onto the side of the truck, waving to Spider-Girl (Woman? He'd have to ask). "Uhhh, hey there."
Gwen Stacy Gwen grins behind her mask as, at least, one of the pair of goons in the front cabin has the mental fortitude to figure out the glass on these things is bullet proof, "Is that a no?" She asks, carrying on with her own joke, because commitment in comedy is absolutley important. "I literally cut and paste an entire equation on calculating velocity..." There's a sad, almost dejected, lilt to her tone.


A ... well it's different.. but compared to Spidey, Gwen has spoken to Peter a lot more recently. That isn't to say she knows whose under that mask, but she glances up sharply when he speaks to her.. Blinking a few times. "Wow, you sound like a friend of mine. Have you ever been to the parallel dimension over on sixty fifth?" Motioning with a kind of knife hand chop in a random directly, since she's not actually meaning any ''streets''.

"So how do you usually handle this? I like to package everything up in a colorful bow of a slobber knocker... One or two quips, then swing away once everyone is webbed up, but I'll defer to you on it in this case." Pointing down at the door with two fingers dangling from her knee while speaking to Peter.
Peter Parker Again, that feeling of deja vu. It's not merely strange. It's not even pleasant, as good memories can be.
Something about it feels...like a half-remembered nightmare.
"Uhm, we can save the quips on these guys." Spidey webs the side door facing skyward, then looks at the rear door, which was slightly-crumpled in the crash. "I doubt these guys are going anywhere. Maybe we should..."
Then a police cruiser comes around, followed by another...
"...Yep, we DEFINITELY should get going. Cops don't like me." Especially one cop in particular...
Again, that feeling of nightmarish deja vu.
"Uhhh...maybe we should talk up there?" He points to one of the taller buildings bordering the park. "Less trouble that way...?"
Gwen Stacy Gwen picks up what Peter is putting down and glances at the sound of whirling sirens with a frown behind her newly repaired mask, "Yeah, they're not a huge fan of me right now either... Well, technically they probably have no idea who I am here, but..." Waving at her temple in flittering scissor fingers like motion. "You know how it is."

She trails after his glance, up the side of the taller building, and then back to Spidey, "Sounds good, yeah. I'll meet you up there?" Standing from her crouch, she waits long enough for an answer, and then leaps skyward into a swing.


She rockets upwards into a vertical run up the side of the indicating building. She's not /trying/ to race... but yes she is.
Peter Parker And, once again, a member of the fairer sex has caught him virtually flat-footed. He stares up at her, then fires a webline and she...vertical running? He's never done that...
He's more or less scampering up the side of the building while trying to sort out the logistics. Center of balance, gravity, force applied...
So it's a good four seconds after she gets to the top that he cclambers over the ledge to stand up on the roof of the building. Doesn't seem to be any roof access from inside the building, so there's that.

"So, uhm...I guess introductions are in order. If you don't read the DAILY BUGLE, first of all, I'm Spider-Man, and second of all, thank you?"
Gwen Stacy Once the force of her upward momentum dies, Gwen leaps off the building and fires another pair of lines to pull herself upwards, again going into a vertical run that ends in a side flip over the edge with a hand planted on the roof railing. Her feet tuck under her into a crouch over looking New York from her new vantage point, waiting the few seconds for Spidey to join her.

Likewise watching him, as he watches her.

Spiders are notoriously territorial right?

Apparently not these spiders.

"I... try not to actually-" Read the Bugle. "I saw one headline of you fighting the Lizard, though." Which hit her right in the feels, if she's being perfectly honest. The irony of it would not be lost on her, either. "I'm Ghost Spider..." Extending a smaller hand out towards the red-blue variant. "I'm from a different dimension." Which is super cavalier of her.

How's the weather, also I believe in ghosts.
Peter Parker Spidey steps forward when she drops the first of what will be many bombs. "Wait...? A different dimension? Like, the Fifth Dimension, or another one entirely?"
He does pause for a moment, but only long enough to sort out that interacting with the Third Dimension isn't causing any adverse effects.

So, he shakes her hand. She's got a firm grip, too. "Ghost Spider? Okay, then. Like *Hibana gracilis.*" Yes, he MAY have done a little study of the arachnid class since the Spider-Bite. "So...if it's not too personal, how did you get here?"
Gwen Stacy "I think it's more like the sixty fifth dimension, but it's all relative science.." Gwen says once she's brought her hand back to lay wrist against bent knee. She doesn't look like the position is uncomfortable, nor the proximity to spidey, but she's already figured out that she has no inherently adverse effects being near people of this particular parallel.

"Ayup.. The exact etimology of the name genesis is super personal, mind you, but the geneticist in me was clamouring for arachnid accuracy." Bouncing her shoulders in a little shrug, looking down at herself, then up at Peter. "It's kind of a long story.. but suffice to say, I was in a fight with someone-" Guilt pangs inside her like a hammer against anvil, "- police chase followed.. some snotty nosed security guard took a shot and hit a dimensional warp gate generator at the lab were I was interning.. bing pow boom, bobs your uncle, now I'm here.."

After a pregnant pause, "That's the less long version."
Peter Parker Spidey blinks. "Wow. That's rough." He has no idea how rough, but..."Wait. Maybe it's the wrong term. Not 'dimension,' but 'alternate universe,' by the way you speak of it. Quantum mechanics aside, that has to be difficult. How long have you been in this universe?"
He's not faking the interest. He's honestly intrigued.
Gwen Stacy "Maybe, my expertise isn't quantum physics, it's genetics." Gwen admits her own scientific shortcoming and bows to the superior mind in this particular department, "Suffice to say it sucks donkey balls." That's a scientific term. Obviously grinning behind her white/pink mask.

"A few days.. about a week now." Glancing out over New York, "Long enough to know that there's a whole lot more super heroes in this universe than mine.. Can you believe that there's enough heroes to make /entire teams/? How insane is that?" Hands up in a 'double u tea ef m8' gesture.

"I was all by myself where I'm from."

She can see the intrigue, though.

"Anyways, the device was in a wing I didn't do much work in... as I said. I've done research on the weather anomoly happening /here/ that night and it coincides with a lightning strike to the Oscorp tower at roughly the same moment that the machine explode around me. It was instantaneous. One minute I was being shot at, the next I was laying in a puddle bleeding.. so, all the movies are absolutely wrong. Which was super disappointing, I was legit hoping for some Buckaroo Bonzi action."
Peter Parker Spidey blinks. "Jeez Louise, Ghost...where have you been living since then? I mean, it's still winter. I hope you haven't been freezing your...uhm, spinnerets off." He looks around, shivering slightly as the endorphins settle down and he remembers it's going to be cold tonight.
Gwen Stacy "Geez Louise..." Ghost repeats that in a quiet voice, sounding a lot like she just got punched in the solar plexus, "God you sound so much like my friend..." There's... a lot of sadness there. Shaking her to clear the thought away, she hadn't really considered how cold it actually was. Or the fact that it's snowing. Or the fact that this costume isn't well insulated. "Yeah. I was out shopping for clothes when I saw you Michael J Foxing... I didn't get to pack an overnight bag. Kind of lucky I ran into a good samaritan night one."
Peter Parker Spider-Man hmmed. "Well...I know a guy who might be able to put you up for awhile. His house in Queens has a spare room. I might be able to convince him to let you stay there. I guess the amenities would depend on how much you want to trust me. It's a good place, too."
Gwen Stacy "Not gonna lie, I'd much prefer being back in Queens than Bludhaven. I appreciate the person giving me a place to stay, but I want to be back home..." Gwen says with a slow nod, but there's scrutiny behind her mask, almost certainly felt. "I know it sounds incredibly trusting of me to say yes when we just met, but.. I don't have a whole lot of options do I? Not exactly like I can go down to the DMV and get a replacement licenses or fill out a resume."

Pantomiming writing with a pen, because people still do that okay, "List qualifications? Died a couple months ago.. got better..." Pantomiming tapping the point of the pin against her tongue. "Look rad in pink."
Peter Parker Spidey looks a little puzzled about the being dead part. It bothered him, but in a way he couldn't define.

"...Okay. I'm going to go out on a limb. His address is 20 Ingram Street...and his name is Peter Parker."
Gwen Stacy OOPAH!

Gwen visibly flinches at the name.

"Petey is alive?" It takes her a solid minute to muscle up enough sense to ask the question. Is this a joke? Did Dick put the Spider Guy up to this? She breathing heavy, a hand up to her chest just over the small spider symbol, "Wow, I'm hyperventilating.." She is, and her brain is going a mile a minute.

She's also staring at Spidey more critically.

"... Yeah.. yeah Okay sure.. I... wow.. this is crazy." Hands out, shaking her head trying to clear the irrational thoughts. "Interdimensional (or universal) travel, amirite?" Make a joke, Gwen. System failure. Critical system failure.
Peter Parker It's not his Spider-Sense, but SOMETHING is suddenly aware, and his nerves seem to be replaced by razor blades.
Being dead.
The pen gesture.

His heart is suddenly pounding, his pulse racing. It...it COULDN'T BE.
But there was a way to be sure.
Spider-Man lifts up his mask part-way, exposing the lower part of his face, nose to neck. He doesn't want to block ANYTHING that would disguise his voice this time.

"...Gwennie?" Peter Parker asked, almost afraid to know the answer.
Gwen Stacy A shiver runs right up Gwen's back, standing the hairs on her neck when Spidey lifts his mask and says her name... Both hands come up, hesitantly at first, and then urgently tugging at the mask until it falls down in her clinched fist.

Her hair is different. Undercut and dyed pink at the tips.

But it's still very much Gwen Stacy.

Tears are welling up in her eyes, "..." Chin curling, jaw clinched to keep from sobbing. The sudden surge of emotions, the sudden relief. It's not the Peter Parker from her universe, the one she held as he died only a few days ago... but he's alive.
Peter Parker Spider-Man is, uncharacteristically, at a loss for words. His mouth drops open, but nothing comes out. Then he looks around before tugging the mask the rest of the way off.
That same dopey hairstyle, that pole-axed look whenever something confounded him completely. Except here, he was not some monster. Here, he had been the one, not her.
For a moment, Peter's mind is filled with the visage of Gwen Stacy, with the puzzled, lifeless eyes. The eyes that had chased him into a dozen nightmares.
And then he say that Gwen's eyes were alive. Glassy with shock, but alive.

In the next moment, Peter had lunged forward to wrap his arms around her, holdimg her tightly, almost desperately.

"Oh, God...Gwennie...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry I failed you..."
Gwen Stacy It was a mirrored expression. The wound was still fresh, fighting Lizard, holding the dying man in their last moments before her world turned upside down(er), that was days ago.. That's not enough time to even process it. Not even enough time to come to terms with the fact that the situation had been real at all... and now here he is, dolled up as a spider like her.

And hugging her.

And she's hugging him. Clutching to him as if he might suddenly turn into vapor and dissipate into the atmosphere like every dream she's had in the few hours of sleep she was able to wrestle away from anxiety. Her situation /is/ desperate.

The tears wont be held back. They spill out of her in long trails down her face and into his shoulder. Holding him with every ounce of strength she can muster, likely making it super appreciative that he's so resiliant.

"No.. no, Petey.. you.. no." She cannot think about the fact that she's dead here. That is a whole bed of snakes she's not even gotten her head fully into. She knows, of course, but.. knowing and believing.

There's a sharp laugh that could sound like a vain attempt to stop sobbing. "So all the stories about Spider-Man being a menace /are/ true... that's comforting." Jokes for the Joke Gods.
Peter Parker Peter holds her for a long moment, many long moments. Ten minutes ago, he would have thought it a con job. But alternate universes...there's a LOT of data for that, now.

Finally, he draws back, to just look at her. Jesu Christus, LOOK at her. He always knew she was a strong person, but...another universe, there's...
Wait...SHE is alive there. But...her question... <Petey is alive?>

Oh, dear God. Variables and constants.
"I'm dead in your world, Gwennie?"
Gwen Stacy When they pull away, Gwen leaves her hands on Pete's shoulders for another half a minute. Finally she lets him loose, satisfied that he's really, actually, genuinely there. The question, though. That hits her like a freight train. Her face coils with the flinch and she... yeah. She nods slowly, a few times really, but always with that same deliberate slow motion.

"A few days ago." She says with a frown. Blue eyes flicking down to the gravel.

"Hah.. you know.." Rubbing at the back of her neck, trying to inject levity because that's what she does. It's the only way she can cope sometimes. "The only article I've read about you- Spider-Man I mean- is one where you're fighting The Lizard.. and /that/ is really ironic to me. It makes sense, I mean.. look at you." Waving her hands at his costume, "But.." Shaking her head then.

"I don't know how much I should tell you, it's not exactly time travel, so I guess there's no chance of a paradox effect, but I don't want to paint a crazy narrative about something that has no effect on you, ya know?" And it hurts to think about.

It hurts a lot.

"How old are you?" That's a super odd question. Then again, for another scientist, it probably isn't that odd at all.

"I'm eighteen." How many facts are constants.
Peter Parker Peter nods, then looks around. "Maybe we'd better get masks back on. For one, our faces are showing, and two, it's kinda cold."
He sets the standard by putting his mask back on, and when he speaks, he sounds...different.

"I turned eighteen about a couple of weeks ago. The 8th." He takes a deep breath. "It happened when I was 16. I wanted to find out how these powers could make me rich. And then...I let a guy go, because I didn't want to be bothered. Three weeks later...he killed Uncle Ben."
He suddenly sits down on the roof, looking down. "...It's my fault he's dead."
Gwen Stacy Gwen follows suit. She normally wouldn't have taken it off at all. Like Pete, when her mask is on there's more confidence in her voice, sliding down beside him with her hand son eitherside of her thighs resting on the edge of the roof as he tells her about how it happened... and what followed.

"I was 14." She mirrors, nodding slowly, "I .. yeah.." Hand up to rub at the back of her neck, just at the base of her skull, coiling her fingers against the nape where the epicenter of the spider-senses always seems to originate.

"I didn't lose anyone at first, not for a few years.." Until a few days ago. "..but my dad, he kept saying how much Spider Woman could help people if she used her powers for good. I was a showboat, trying to leverage my abilities for social media hits. It was digusting and I'm not proud of it."

She had heard him say Uncle Ben died.. and after a moment her hand is resting on his shoulder. There's no sense trying to change his mind, that Parker guilt isn't unique to this universe and she'd known how close Peter was to Uncle Ben.

"I'm sorry. About Uncle Ben. I always loved him and he always treated me like I was part of the family. I can't imagine how that feels, to lose a father."
Peter Parker Peter sighs, then looks up. "Oh, my God...YOUR FATHER. Captain Stacy. He...he thinks I *killed* you. Or at least I'm responsible." He takes a deep breath. "How the devil...okay. Look, if you still want to, I can let you into the house. There's the basement lab. You can sleep there. I had to soundproof it, anyway, after the Incident,"
Gwen Stacy "The ''incident''... Peter Parker, were you trying to build a sound activated time machine for the purposes of betting on major sporting events?" Gwen jokes, because how does she explain this to her father? How does she explain this to anyone... She really is a Ghost. "Well, I guess we should probably tell him you're not. Have you tried sending him an email? Dear Captain Stacy, not responsible. XoXo -Spidey?" She even says the dash. Dash Spidey.

The frown is .. deep. Knowing of ones own mortality, even in an alternate universe, is not at all comforting. Where Peter doesn't have to deal with his, that's Gwen's alone, here on in this reality, Gwen is constantly going to have to face hers. There'll be questions, there might be exhumation of bodies that leads to more question.

"Then the disection in government labs begin.." Speaking her internal monologue in the middle where there's no context.

"I.. want to. Yeah, of course I do. I've got concerns about being seen in the street, though. Someone recognizing me coming out of Peter Parker's apartment might be problematic for you, ya know? At least until I figure out how to start figuring out all this stuff."
Peter Parker Peter suddenly chuckles.
"In the back yard, there is a copse of trees. The leaves haven't come back yet, but there is some cover. Along the outer edge of the deck is a heavy bag. Uncle Ben...taught me a few things about boxing. The thing is, I did a little work on the deck. If you lift the edge of the deck under the heavy bag, you'll find a trapdoor. The trick of it is, with the heavy bag on it, it weighs over 400 pounds. For Aunt May, it's not a trap door because no normal person could lift it...and if *I* can, then *you* can, too."
Gwen Stacy "Aunt May.." Gwen grins behind her mask, lifting up on the palms of her hands. "You know she's the first one to tell me I was..." She drops back down and shrugs, "She's a special lady, that one." Still grinning, side glancing at Peter, feeling a sense of renewed vigor that was sorely missing since she got to this universe. "This is pretty exciting for me... what do I call you while you're-" Finger wiggling up at his mask, "Wearing that.. Spider, spidey, Webbikins? I'm definitely calling you Webbikins... it's canon now." Trap door, hidden lairs. "A hatch spider.. I get it now. Clever."
Peter Parker "You can call me Spidey, or Webhead. There's others, but I'd feel terrible if I heard them coming out of your mouth. I can call you Ghost, then, if that's okay..."
God, the old feelings. Steady on, Peter Benjamin Parker. She may be Gwen, but she's not YOUR Gwen, and you would be doing her a terrible if you forgot that.

"Anyway...I eat down there, anyway, and charging you rent would be the WORST. You can sleep on the couch. There's an old fabric couch down there. Harry set up an entertainment center down there, complete with a 70-inch TV and about a jillion game consoles. We play down there sometimes, when he comes over." He smiles slightly. "Look, Ghost...you know we have to be careful now. But...you're not alone."
Gwen Stacy She's far removed from the Gwen of this universe, if only because she's alive. It's terribly morbid, of course, but Gwen has to tell herself that. There's so many variables built into this situation that concern her, like the string theory, how much of who she is here will bleed into her. So far there hasn't been any odd memories, aside from the occational building not being what it was in her universe of course, but the concern exists that she'll slowly fade away like the anomoly she is.

"Harry, god I haven't seen him since he went to School.. I'm glad you two are still friends." Grinning as well, another thunder strike hits, "How about MJ?" Nope, shouldn't have asked, "Nevermind, don't answer that. Some things a person doesn't need to know."

That last part though. That gives her a lot more relief than she'd have imagined possible in this situation. "You have no idea how glad I am to hear that. I'm usually pretty careful.. I haven't listed ''Spider Woman'' on my tender account in almost a year." The hits keep on hitting.

Balanced on her palms with her ankles crossed, she slowly rocks like a pendulum, back and forth. "Which, obviously, means I'm going to totally destroy you at Mortal Kombat. There better be Mortal Kombat here, Pee Bee Pee... I'll completely lose my mind otherwise. A girl can only take so much loss."
Peter Parker Peter exhales. It takes supreme effort to avoid falling back into the old connections he had with her.

"I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Part of my training was to rein in my reflexes so I wouldn't layeth the smacketh down on Harry every time we played." He takes a deep breath. "We'll figure this out, Gw...Ghost. I promise." He has to remember that, using code names when in costume.

And he's REALLY trying not to think about that costume of hers...