Owner Pose
James Proudstar James is working with the refugees here in MutantTown. He has been here for about week, having left the mansion under mysterious circumstances. He was just discovered by Negasonic this afternoon. But here he is, drilling with the refugees in a sort of self-protection militia
Danielle Moonstar Dani Moonstar had not seen James in a while and thought she look in on him. Plus some of the kids back at the mansion were grating on her last nerves to the point she was about to unleash some nightmares on the arrogant brats to show them who is boss. The woman is in snug jeans, boots, and a bright colored top covering her arms but a bit looser at the neck. "I was told you were out here. Just not sure what it is you are trying to do?" Casually inserting herself into the drill instructor.
James Proudstar James Proudstar smiles and turns to see Dani. "Dani!" The hug is big and firm, the kind that wraps you up. "It's good to see you Cheyenne, good to see a friendly face." He turns the training over to his second in command and ushers Dani away so they can talk. He snorts, "Yeah, these people need to know how to defend themselves." He leads you around the refugee camp giving you the tour. "They've been through a lot and it's going to happen again."
Danielle Moonstar     The hug is a bit of a surprise as he leans in and squeezes her. "You big goof," laughing as she will give him a shove after the hug. "So taking them under your wing to try and see if they got claws." She looks over to see how the training is going as they talk. "You think they are gonna pick up the important lessons that training never gives?"
James Proudstar James Proudstar laughs and gives ground after the shove. He gives Dani a sidelong glance, "A few have Claws? Most barely have teeth." He looks them over, "Wish they didn't have to, but yeah, most of the them have been through the grinder. So, we'll see. Hey, what brings you around? Next generation of mutants driving you batty you started unleashing nightmares on the brats?"
Danielle Moonstar     "The grinder will break some others are tempered." Dani laughs at one of James guesses as to why she is here. Putting her finger to the tip of her nose, "the kids were driving me to want to see mountains and not break the minds of some of the next gen brats. That and seeing the city is good for me at times. That and I wanted to see a face a bit like mine."
James Proudstar James Proudstar laughs, "Are quoting Scott? Cause we can never let that get out."

     Yeah, the mountains are beautiful. He groans and shakes his head, "Sister, you speak truth, they have no idea how trying they are."

    James snorts, "The kids! I took my survival group on the over night camping trip, one of the girls got her /first/ period... in the woods, in winter." He shakes his head.
Danielle Moonstar     "Spirits NO! Please don't tell me I said something he says often." Dani mock shivers and looks at James from the idea of being like Cyclops. "Not my style at all." She listens to James' story as she looks over the trainees. "That can be rough. Boys never get how much we have to plan around to deal with everything that being a woman entails. Hopefully you were able to help her stay calm and help her out?" She nods to one of the ones in the back. "That one's technique is sloppy but you can see the look in their eye. They clearly are picturing someone or something specific when they throw a punch."
James Proudstar James Proudstar smiles and nods slowly, "That why my Mom always said boys remain boys but girls become women. Yeah, keep her calm and surrounded by her friends, keep the boys busy boiling water." He follows Dani's eye and nods, "Yeah, I'll keep any eye on her. See if we can neaten it up but keep that edge."
Danielle Moonstar     "Wise woman," agrees Dani to James. "And sounds like you handled it really well. Good job," glancing over to James and away from the trainee. "I think both you and I have been where she is. It is easy to get angry at the world, especially if you been through what we have and they are going through. Not as easy is to make it work for you and deal with it in a healthy way."
James Proudstar James Proudstar nods, "Yes, we have." He looks at Dani side eye, "You think if she figures it out she'll explain it to us." He nudges you gently but good naturedly, "It's good see you Dani."
Danielle Moonstar     Dani nods to the trainees. "I got time. It will help me and be good for all. Why don't I spend time with some of them. Split the class up and focus on smaller lessons for a bit. We'll compare notes after." Dani doesn't wait for a full answer. She puts fingers to her mouth and blows a sharp high whistle. "You, you, you two, and definitely you. You're with me. Come one. Hurry up!"