Owner Pose
Jason Wyngarde Jason Wyngarde has been out of the action a while, and while his random jobs have made him fistfulls of cash, he simply lacks ambition to do anything truly megalomaniacal with it. When you can twist reality with a thought, both for your own perceptions or others, after a while fantasy becomes blase, which is the whole reason he joined the Brotherhood in the first place. If there is no counter to the Senator Kelly's in the world, sooner or later they would come for him and he knows it. Mystiques activities and the recently horrible bills have drawn him back. And so he is here, meeting with Mystique to see if he can get 'back in.' He knows that his talents are incredibly useful but unlike some, he never underestimates Mysique. He knows what she is capable of and knows his own reputation, solid...in its own way but he left Genosha under...tenuous circumstances. As it is, he is here, waiting and looking around, fully aware that anyone in the safehouse could be her.
Mystique Mystique is holding court in the Hotel she nominally runs out of Mutant Town. Most, if not all, the mutants here are beholden to her in one way or another. Either through extortion or outright loyalty, she can count on their assistance should someone come to apprehend her here. It would be foolhardy, to say the least.

Sitting in the heighest VIP booth, the blue skinned Queen of the Staints and Sinners is alone. One black clad leg extended out to rest her heel upon the table in front of her comfortably plush chair with the other crossed at the ankle. Both arms laid back across the cushion behind her.

The music is some kind of techno and there is every imaginable kind of mutant filling the club. From the grotesque to the truly beautiful.. none are barred save those who aren't patient enough to wait in the line.

All around Brotherhood mutants stand guard and any who bare their symbol are instantly granted access.

It is a new day dawned where the terrorist don't even have to hide.
Jason Wyngarde Jason Wyngarde beams WIDELY as he walks into the chaos. Well now this is interesting. He changes his appearance to be slightly less non human with three or four eyes on his head until he reaches the center and then shows his Brotherhood Tattoo on his upper arm, reverting his appearance to 'normal' which is still ten years younger than his actual age, and looks at one of the guards as he says, "Tell Mystique Mastermind would like to say hello." He could bully his way past the guards, set them on 'fire' or some childish thing but what would be the point of that? He's here to join the cause and might need one of them to save his life in a future job.
Mystique The Guard is one Fred Duke. The massive man is belly laughing at something another, smaller, mutant says when Mastermind comes up requesting an audience with Mystique. "What's that boss?" He wonders, glancing at Jason with a faint up nod. "Yeah, go ahead, she's expectin' you." Blob knows Mastermind well enough.

And aparently Mystique knew he was coming.

Likely surprising no one. She has eyes everywhere in Mutant Town.
Jason Wyngarde Jason Wyngarde hadn't exactly been trying to disguise himself, what was the point? But still, it is nice to be anticipated in the right circumstances. He walks up the stairs, almost in time with the music. He is not a dancer after all though if anything he does have a sense of pinache and timing. He meanders over to the table she holds court at, bows slightly and smiles, "I absolutely love what you've done with the place. Word about town is that you are rebuilding the brand."
Mystique Mystique remains where she was, no reason to move. She is watching Jason approach though, stretching out a little with a shift of her hips, exposing a bit more of her abdomen below her tanktop. It's hot enough to hatch eggs in here, despite the winter weather. "More like rebranding." She says with a smirk, yellow eyes glancing over his shoulder at the gathering of mutants beyond. "You here for the party or the after school special?"
Jason Wyngarde Jason Wyngarde doesnt seem to matter the skin. He's always been attracted to her, she knows it, he knows she knows it, but given their relationship over the years he keeps it...MOSTLY professional. He does enjoy the way she moves though and makes no attempt to hide the fact, "Now you have my curiosity. I'm here for everything," his eyes twinkle, "If it involves mischief and mayhem for the assholes that thought rebuilding those fucking robots was a swell idea, I'm in. If you're expanding."
Mystique "Always looking for a few good soldiers in the revolution." Mystique says soldiers like most people say pawn pieces. There's a hierarchy amongst her clan, a well established one too. Some people are sacrificed for the greater good, some are carried into greatness. Ultimately, it's a meritocracy. "You plan to stick around this time or cut and run when you get bored? I don't have time for half way.. plenty of mutants filling out time cards recently." One red brow perks, just slightly, above her yellow eye. A salicious grin spreading her ruby red lips enough to see the white of her teeth behind them.
Jason Wyngarde Jason Wyngarde sits unless stopped and spreads his hands, "Fair point, but the robots didint go away, did they? So no, this time, I want the people that made them, and the people that authorized them and until we know for sure they aren't coming back, I'm in it to win it. As far as soldiers," he shrugs, she can TELL he doesnt like not being an officer, but she can also tell he knows that until he reproves himself, that's what he is going to get. "Long haul." He shrugs, "Very long haul."
Mystique "The Sentinels are long gone." Mystique says with a cant of her head, picking at a few threads that stick from the back of her seat. She glances at the work of her fingers, but not so far as to completely take her eyes off Jason. "I wouldn't put it past the Friends of Humanity to have one tucked away somewhere, but they've not been so foolish as to field one yet.. and the government isn't //quite// ready for that kind of response. I don't want you thinking we're fighting something we're not." Which is a change, usually she'd just let him think whatever he wants and reap the rewards. "Suffice that there are plenty of gene monkey's to work your excellent little magic on." Wiggling her fingers at him, "For the ''greater'' good, of course."
Jason Wyngarde Jason Wyngarde says, "Meh." He seems relieved that she says that. The sentinels aren't affected by his power and he HATES that. "But the same crowd that would build them is crawling out of the wood work isnt it? And if we dont stop them the robots are a hop skip and jump away. So OK fine, they're not deployed YET, but these assholes aren't going to stop until we show them its a really really really bad idea. And lets be honest, I am VERY good at messing with gene monkeys arent I?" He chuckles at the greater good comment."
Mystique "I do not trust that these particular monkeys are capable of tying their shoes without falling on the end of their fists with enough force to shatter their own skull... let alone constructing sophisticated mutant hunting robots, but I cannot deny that their intent is there." Mystique is amused. Or at least she appears to be. "Either way, there will be plenty of people for you to fuck with and for it you will be held in quite high regard amongst your peer group." Pointing out to the mutants behind him with a nod of her head. "Soon enough, we'll stand where we were always meant to stand. Out in the open, unafraid... and on the throats of anyone who threatens us."
Jason Wyngarde Jason Wyngarde knows, deep down, that this is the most dangerous aspect of the brotherhood's belief. This SUPERIORITY is what really galvanizes the public against them and makes the heavy hitters target them over other groups almost every time. Rationally speaking, he even knows its probably not ideal for their cause. But at the end of the day, he doesn't care. He's always believed in the brotherhood's agenda because at the core of his being, he really believes that he IS superior to Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Look at what they elect, case in point re Gene Monkeys after all. He beams,"Well, if anyone deserved a little boot throating, I think the Friends of Humanity are at the top of the list." He orders a drink and raises it in toast.
Mystique Mystique is a creature of manipulative action. Violent at times, certainly, but it always serves some purpose. The truly wise know it isn't always for Mutants, either. Sometimes it's self serving. Her desires and whims are almost universally her own. It makes her dangerous. For everyone. Universally. But where the truth ends and her rhetoric begins? She reaches for her glass and raises it out to Jason. "Then welcome aboard."