Owner Pose
Thor     Traveling by the Bifrost is a unique experience. The roaring rush of reality dashing past in an almost hallucinogenic stream of consciousness can be disconcerting even the first few dozen times. Yet the first time? It is likely an eye-opening thing. It is space travel without the ship, it is witnessing the birth and creation of the universe all in the span of seconds, and it is... fast.
    The Bifrost chamber appears in all of its golden majesty. The great sweeping hall with the needle tower that points upwards and upwards, the great dais before them and the tall dark-skinned man holding the blade embedded in the pylon.
    "Greetings Odinson, word has been sent ahead of you and your visitors."
    "Heimdall, this is Captain Steven Rogers, and Lady Natasha Romanoff. They are my comrades in arms and my friends true. We are here to speak with mine father."
    The tall armored man with the sword in the pylon nods slowly. "I bid you greetings, heroes of Midgard. You are welcome in our land."
    And as quick as that they are accepted. For now. And then they set foot upon the way to the large golden double doors, epic in majesty and wrought of gold. Doors that swing open slowly in their presence, the light blazing through that thin opening at first, then rushing forth in a crescendo of color and brilliance. For it is the Golden City that lies before them, the rainbow bridge beneath their feet, the great ocean of Asgard around them, and then... the universe.
    A spectacle worthy of appreciation. Breath-taking in its majesty.
Steve Rogers Upon arriving at the chamber, free and deposited by the glimmering experience that is the frenetic auroral-travel of the Bifrost, Steve somehow manages not to stumble...but barely. He looks around, openly in awe, and from Natasha then to Heimdall at his post.

"Thank you, we're honored to be here." This he says to the all-seeing chamber-keeper with a curt nod of his head. Ambient light gleams off the silver star and bars at the chest of his deeply-blue stealth-suit and off the rounded rim of the shield tucked neatly overtop his shoulderblades. He falls easily into place beside Thor, matching the Asgardian royal's strides with relative ease, and when the doors open to reveal the world beyond them?

"Wow." It falls from the Captain's mouth without thought. "Pictures don't do it justice," he continues, glancing over at Thor and beyond to Natasha, wearing a smile almost boyish in his wonderment.
Natasha Romanova     A lifetime of mental conditioning has served Natasha well! She's still kinda, sort of, completely overwhelmed, but she doesn't scream *or* burst into tears! When she arrives in the chamber, though, she closes her eyes and takes a very deep breath, fingers splayed out, wrists tilted backwards aiming her palms at the floor, as if steadying herself. "... You *did* warn us." She says, as much to remind herself as anything. She's dressed for work; which is to say, the matte black catsuit, gloves and boots she wears during operations, complete with the subtle gadget-laden gauntlets. A side-arm is resting in a holster strapped to her right thigh. She elected not to wear Tony's new goggles in the interest of transparency, but they're hooked on her belt.
    Natasha nods once as she is introduced; and when Heimdall accepts then, she bows her head with a gracious "Yes, thank you." seconding Steve's sentiments and just... absorbing the size of Heimdall with a solid poker face.
    The mission statement is to negotiate lasting peace and cooperation with a timeless god who believes - with sound reason - that your people are noisy children without upsetting him enough to, I dunno, give Loki his powers back or punish them some other way. Surely the overwhelming part's over! Given they were just shot through space.
    The door's open on the rainbow bridge and the view of the golden city, and Natasha is proven soundly wrong. She was already standing up straight, but she finds a way to tstraighten up more as she takes it all in, nearly dizzied with the scale and grandeur of it all. "This is..." Natasha gives a short huff and shakes her head. "... Thor, your home is beautiful."
Thor     A small smile is there on Thor's lips as he looks back and to the side at his friends, his smile gentle as he rests a hand on Steve's shoulder and gives a gentle affectionate squeeze. "I am pleased to have been able to share it with you on this day, my friends." A look is given to Natasha and he nods once, but then he sets off, walking along the Bifrost, footsteps quick and purposeful. "But come, Avengers. For we must bustle." And off he walks with that steady stride, along that glistening gleaming bridge and its so many colors.
    Around them the water near falls off into the void below, starts twinkle and shine so close, almost as if one can reach out and touch them. But while they walk Thor moves along as well, striding by their side. "First, when we are presented, we are not to speak unless spoken to. This is not meant as belittlement or the like, it is primarily procedural so mine father can address what issues need addressing in the manner to which they should be so addressed."
    More strides, more walking, then he says. "I will speak to the Royal Guard to have us announced. We cannot pass the Auctoritan, which is the golden line before the throne room. Once we step past that line we are considered to be in the Court and are held accountable for those we represent. There are many bylaws connected to it but sufficient to say, simply behave as you do, Steven. That will make things work best."
    Then he looks over at Natasha and tells her, "Natasha... behave as you feel Steve would."
    With that they continue onward. Until they enter the city proper. The tall buildings, the spectacle of the spires. There are the flying horses that one might glimpse, the great ships that float on rudders in the air. Even as this one path seems to lead straight to the castle. And once they reach the castle they are shown inside.
Steve Rogers The Captain's grin briefly deepens at the friendly grip at his shoulder. Again, the man falls into place beside Thor and listens as they walk. Granted, it's somewhat difficult to pay attention to the wisdom being shared when one appears to be walking on a pathway made of conductive crystal whose colors shift with every breath and motion of living itself, but Steve does an excellent job in the end. He's able to yank his wandering eyes back to Thor through that impeccably mulish concentration so lauded and dreaded alike.

Granted, Thor's little aside to Natasha about behaving as Steve might has the man himself twitching against a smile and a laugh. He doesn't have much to add other than another low whistle of admiration as they approach and then enter the castle itself. He looks over the Einherjar on guard with a practiced notation of armor and weaponry alike, this all melded through with honest curiosity. It's so...singular.

"Can't be anybody but myself anyways," he seems to say mostly to himself as he glances towards the vaulting ceilings of the vast entryway.
Natasha Romanova     Natasha listens intently as Thor speaks, trying not to be too distracted by the endless wonder around them, lest she suddenly awaken to the soul of a poet or something else inconveniant and unprofitable, and says "Makes enough sense. Kings get first and last say."
    Natasha's face betrays nothing of the unimpressed scowl she wants to give Thor, and she simply sighs "Yes, sir." a bit distantly, putting on a bit of a bemused expression.
    She'd try to say something cutting about apple pie, but she's pretty sure that'd be behaving the way she feels Tony would.
    She enters the castle, and just... turns off her face for now. It's easier. Her expression is perfectly neutral as her eyes cast about, unable to turn off the part of her brain that tries to keep a mental blueprint in her head and assess tactical angles.
    "That's how you got the job, I think." She replies to Steve's last comment, her face expressing little of the humor that was intended even if her voice does.
    Natasha can kinda be lots of people, but she doesn't know that that will do her any favors around here.
Odin As Thor and his cohort approach, one of the guardsmen steps forth from the closed chamber doors and immediately takes a knee before the Thunderer. His eyes downcast but spear still upright and clutched in one hand. The other guard maintains his post, eyes set upon the group with a detached but not unkindly curiosity.

"My prince," says the kneeling guard, "It is well that you have returned. The All-Father foresaw you. Bid me announce your coming."

The guard who remains standing does not move to open the doors, though he does turn more fully to face the group. His armor is immaculate, polished to a pristine shine and the haggard visage beneath the crest of his helm suggests a battle-hardened veteran. As he watches, there is a caw from above and a raven the size of a small cat flutters down to rest upon the guard's shoulder. The warrior pays it no mind as it caws loudly in Steve and Natasha's direction, tilting its head to surveil them with a beady, black eye.
Thor     "You enjoy my thanks, Hragn." Thor addresses the kneeling guard and speaks solemnly as he stands there, awaiting the needed time and the announcement given. Thor, in his armor, stands out on Midgard assuredly. With the great cape, the plate pieces, the leather and metal. But in this crowd of Asgardians he still looks resplendent, but more fitting the surrounding warriors.
    That done he will turn to address his party, "Once we have been announced and bidden to come forward we shall then advance." He motions with a nod to a place of gathering to the left. "If we are not immediately addressed we go to stand there, with the petitioners until we are bidden to come forth. Depending on the business before us and my father's mood... this could take some time."
    After that Thor then turns his attention back to the Court itself. From their vantage point they can see it, can see the nobles gathered, and even the dais with the tall man on his throne.
Steve Rogers Steve eyes the raven right back with a mostly neutral expression. That is a big, big bird. He looks back to the kneeling guard after a moment and then to Thor, his brows lifted, attention intent.

"Sounds like the old SSR meetings," he says again, quietly, in a mild jibe at potentially standing around for a while before getting to a specific bulletin. Another glance towards Natasha is accompanied by a small smile before he seems to compose himself fully. The Captain falls completely silent as he stands there, patient as the hours, feeling only //slightly// outlandish in his spangled gear. It is a stark comparison against the refined garb of the Asgardian Court.

Invariably, Steve's true-blues make it to the far rise of the throne itself and upon its occupant, they linger. Considering, the subtle moue of his face now.
Natasha Romanova     Natasha gives a courteous nod to noble Hragn. The court is so much to take in, but Natasha does her best. There's a lot of little things you need to know to maintain any given cover, and while Natasha is NEVER going to blend in with these people, you see the world the way you see the world.
    Speaking of seeing things in ways others don't... Natasha eyes the raven as is calls out to them, and briefly feels distinctly... uncomfortable.
    She does her best to shake it off, however, and joins the other. At Steve's comment she gives a little reassuring smile and says "There's always a hierarchy. Maybe we've gotten too relaxed back home." Like Steve, Natasha is tempted to feel... under-dressed in some respects. Make no mistake: The Black Widow looks rad, but she doesn't match anything around her; and this is not an outfit that was intended to be used holding still in broad daylight. Noticing Steve's slight self-consciousness, though, Natasha leans towards him and softly says, "If it makes you feel any better... I don't think we'd have done any better with tuxedos and dresses." with a hint of a wry little smile.
Odin "Your plight is known to me," Odin speaks from the throne as the trio are shown into the audience chamber, addressing a slender petitioner with tapered ears dressed in elaborate finery, "And the deeds of Geirrodur are ill-done. You shall have warriors brave and true to aid your cause."

From his place atop the throne, the All-Fathers raises the haft of his great spear before lowering it noisily upon the dais. The sound seems to reverberate throughout the court, felt more than heard. The man before the throne seems pleased and bows deeply, stepping backwards before he rejoins his fellow petitioners.

"All-Father," the guard calls during the lull, "May I introduce - "

"Yes," Odin's voice booms from the vaulted ceiling, waving a hand impatiently at the guard's announcements, "Break thee off, herald!"

The guard, if he is affronted, does not show it. He simply bows and steps back, allowing the trio to go before him. From the throne atop the dais, the All-Father gestures them forward urgently.

"Thou bringest two envoys of Midgard?" the great, bearded king asks - his tone much more familial when addressing Thor, "What if they quarrel?"
Thor     His companions have never seen Thor like this, never seen his manner so stiff and formal as they are brought forth and presented to his father, the Thunderer's mien changes. His back is ramrod straight, his eyes focused entirely upon the man on the dais. And when he speaks, it is so strong, carrying across the throng as if it took no effort at all.
    "Father, I would present to you Captain Steven Rogers, Hero of Midgard, The Soul of the Land of America, and a warrior true. He stands as the one I would choose to serve as envoy and ambassador. I have never met one more worthy of this honor, and I vouch for him fully in accordance with the laws of our land."
    That having been said he takes a formal step to the other side, gesturing now to Natasha. "I also present to you father, Lady Natasha Romanoff, Hero in Defense of Midgard, Avenger in the service of her people, I would ask she be granted the role of attache, to serve should there be a time when Captain Rogers is unable to do so."
    That said he steps back and awaits his father's words.
Steve Rogers "Nah, we're more a democracy at home," murmurs Steve back to the Widow. His eyes flicker to her. "'nd I'd rather be in the suit than a tuxedo, so good to hear we're functionally fashionable either way." An innocent lift of his brows stands in for a grin. When the spear thuds upon the surface of the dais, the Captain takes on a stiffer stance, as if he could feel the vibration of it up his steely spine.

They're gestured forward. Carrying himself tall, Steve walks beside Thor until they stop and the Asgardian addresses his father. His chin lifts at the introduction granted of him and it seems appropriate to stand at parade-ease, hands behind his back, an air of quiet diligence to manners on display.
Natasha Romanova     Whatever Natasha was going to say vanishes as the simple impact of spear on dias commands her full attention. Standing before the king of Gods, Natasha can certainly understand Thor's demeanor, though it is no less jarring to see their normally high spirited ally so... deliberate in his every action, if not cautious.
    The stated reason for *her* purpose here requires a bit of discipline not to visibly react to, as she's still not sold on representing humanity to a world of gods and sorcerors who could... well. Who knows what they could learn, or how.
    For the moment Natasha stays respectfully silent, hands clasped at the wrist behind her back, chin up, expression serious.
Odin "Prithee come before the All-Father, bold captain."

From his place on the throne, Odin leans forward to more carefully examine the group with a single glinting eye. The crown he wears catches the light, glinting gold as though the very essence of the sun were captured within it. He gestures towards Steve and then towards the empty floor before him with his free hand, regarding him in silence for a long moment before finally he speaks again.

"It is true mine son speaks well of thee," Odin begins, "And it is no trifling honor that he hath seen fit to bestow upon thee. But I would hear thine own words. Why is it thee who would best serve as envoy of thine realm?"
Thor     This is no longer Thor's show and he knows it. He steps back to stand shoulder to shoulder with Natasha. Well... shoulder to elbow. He keeps himself standing there tall and stern, his hands at his sides and his expression carefully cultivated and calm.
Natasha Romanova     Natasha gives Steve an encouraging look, hiding any worry even as her heart rate picks up, watching from behind as history plays out in front of her, stood next to a man who dwarfs her, and, all told... feeling unusually small.
Steve Rogers Upon being addressed by the All-Father, there's a small movement of the Captain's throat. Alright, time to face the music. Steve takes in a deep breath and lets it out even as he takes his first steps. Boots make quiet sound as he approaches to the lowest dias and pauses. Then, with fist pressed to his chest over his heart, he drops to one knee with head inclined. Ambient light shines upon his golden hair and the starry shield upon his back.

True-blues then rise to look upon the King of Asgard, hoary in his old age, sporting his single eyepatch and yet the super-soldier knows in his heart that Odin is not at all blind for the loss of one eye.

He thinks for a moment before he responds. "Because 'm one of the realm -- of the people who need a voice heard not only on Earth, Midgard, but here on Asgard 'nd in other worlds beyond. 'm not royalty...'m not a politician. 'm just a kid from Brooklyn, but 've got a voice that can speak for those who can't. Midgard has changed 'nd is changing, seen it myself first hand, 'nd still a place of beauty -- of wonder 'nd full of cultures so varied that it boggles me. We're young yet, compared to other worlds, but we're one people willing to look beyond ourselves for friendship beyond our world. 'm willing to advocate for our respect 'nd recognition in a bigger universe than even we know. Can't think of many things more humbling to me than being able to represent the people 'nd the place I call home."
Odin When Steve speaks, Odin regards him silently. There is something almost unsettling about the All-Father's stare, as though he sees not only what is laid before him but the myriad layers beyond. There is an ancient wisdom in his eye that is little rivalled, and it watches Steve Rogers intently.

Finally, Odin sits up a little straighter in his throne. He leans back a little, head tilting so he can stare down his nose at Midgard's envoy. The silence of the court is palpable, as the petitioners - perhaps even all of Asgard - seem focused on him. Waiting with bated breath for his reaction.

"I hear thine words, bold captain," Odin begins, tone even before his mouth twists into a thin smile beneath his bushy beard, "And I am well pleased. Thou art a soul bereft of vainglory, who sees fit to rule with wisdom over pride."

The All-Father rises suddenly from his throne, stepping out on the dais. Even not standing upon it he would be taller than almost everyone who have gathered before him, but the raised platform allows him to tower over all.

"I name thee Lord of Midgard," he announces, "And that realm's envoy perpetual to my Court."

He lifts the haft of the spear, driving it down once again with that authoritative thud.
Thor     Standing still there at the place where Steve left them, Thor will give a single nod and then yells, "Hail, Lord of Midgard!" The voice resonant and loud, carrying across the crowd. And as if they all shared the same sentiment, the other Asgardians in attendance shout equally aloud but seconds after Thor's shout of praise.


    To which Thor gives a nod and seems to do naught else. Save to lightly elbow Natasha very gently, as if to say between them simply 'yay'.
Natasha Romanova     The breaking of that palpable stretch of silence causes Natasha to release a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, her heart briefly pounding as if it hadn't beaten in that entire time and needed to catch up. She shares a pleased - and relieved! - look with Thor and smiles warmly.
Steve Rogers Boy, that's quite a stare. It's almost enough to make Steve want to swallow again, but he schools himself to that even-keeled neutrality so useful before those in power. When Odin rises, the Captain himself moves as well, out of the kneel and back a step, hands shifting to the small of his back. He keeps his chin tucked regardless of the poise in respect. The ground vibrates beneath the bottoms of his bootsoles and he allows himself a small sigh of relief.

When Thor raises his voice, it makes Steve glance over his shoulder and then out at the collective beyond them. Now -- yep, there go the tips of his ears, pinking in pleased embarrassment.

"Thank you, sir -- your majesty," the Captain amends towards the All-Father. "'m honored to be named as such. I look forward to speaking with you 'nd your Court again as the voice of Midgard." With that, and another deep bow to show the back of his head and the starry shield again, Steve makes to back away from the dais in order to return to his fellow Avengers.
Odin "And the Lady Natasha," Odin continues, the protocol of court seeming to have fallen by the wayside given his good mood, "Thou shalt be thy bold captain's loyal bondswoman and vassal true. I leave the nature thine demesne and title to thy lord, accustomed as he is to the culture of Midgard."

The spear is lifted, the haft is lowered. Another pronouncement from Odin's golden throne. Satisfied he steps down from the dais, approaching Thor and clapping a hand upon his shoulder. There is a broad grin behind the bushy white beard he sports, and a glint in his eye. For a moment, one can almost see the wellspring from which the old myth of Father Christmas was borne.

"There shall be festivities," he says pointedly, "A feast befitting the bold captain's entry into my vassalage and his new lordship. Thou shalt preside over it."

That said, and in a jolly mood indeed, the All-Father strides from the room and disappears from the Court. The remaining petitioners who had yet to plead their case look awkwardly at one another then begin to file out.

Hail, Lord of Midgard!