Owner Pose
Aaron Stack Aaron Stack came across the lost drone early in the morning hours, just about four. Humans were mostly still asleep, so Aaron often found it a relaxing time where he didn't have to bother with too much fleshy chatter or annoyance. He's in Metropolis acquiring some supplies for the SHIELD safehouse, which is top secret, of course, especially given certain circumstances. But, obvious robot or no, he's not deeply associated with the group and won't necessarily even trigger any interest if he gets spotted.

The drone had apparently lost its little tiny computer mind, peeping through the windows of a building and spraying laser grids all over the place. God knows what it was scanning. It didn't take much for Aaron to hack in and steer it down to him, soothing it like a lost pet and finding out where it came from.

Which is how he finally arrived at S.T.A.R.'s door with a drone in tow. "I think this belongs to you," he says, holding up the drone for the cameras.
Harrison Wells Of course, security wasn't expecting a robot to bring the thing back. So, when they informed Harrison as he was in his office, there was a bit of a commotion on their part... which Harrison deftly cut off with a "I'll handle it."

It takes about thirty seconds for Harrison to step out of the building in his lab coat and black casual clothing and for his eyes to size up the drone... and Aaron. "Well... this is surprise." His right hand comes up to adjust his glasses, before Harrison centers his gaze on Aarons' eyes, and gives the robot a warm smile. "Thank you. My team hadn't found it yet."

He offers a hand. The robot might be programmed for social graces, after all. "Harrison Wells, I'm the Director of this facility."
Aaron Stack Aaron's eyes are the least human thing about him, obvious sensors blinking with a dot of crimson at the very center. The face is human-ish, but stiff and kind of uncanny. Not likely to put humans at ease.

"I'm familiar with your work, Dr. Wells. I am Aaron Stack, sometimes called Machine Man. I am...an adventurer," he says. He inwardly cringes at that term, but it's the only one that seems to work and he can't exactly disclose his allegiance to SHIELD given current political winds. He's very glad he made sure he could lie in his programming now. That period of compulsory honesty sucked robot balls.
Harrison Wells The hand is not taken... programmed for humans, but not in depth. Primitive robots from this era were so... antique.

"An adventurer?" Harrison gives a humorous laugh, "Is that what they're calling it these days? Goodness, that's interesting." He gestures with a hand inside the building, and a man with a forklift drives out through the doors and over to Aaron. "My people can take it from here." Harrison assures Aaron.

Then, he looks back to those sensors. "Care to come in? We're just about closing out the day, so we have a bit of time for you, if you wouldn't mind. I'd love a scan of your structure."
Aaron Stack Aaron Stack sighs. "I bet you would," he mutters. "Honestly, nothing is going to surprise you about me. I've been scanned many times. I think they might even have copies of me at the patent office, so when people try to say they invented a robot, they can send them home broke."

He reaches into the pocket of his longcoat and pulls out a long-neck Budweiser, twisting off the top and taking a long sip of the beer. "I'm good, dude. I've had a lot of super genius fleshies like you twiddling around with my wires over the years. I'm definitely not doing it again. Not for free anyway."
Harrison Wells "I can see that you've dealt with abuse or somesuch before. That's perfectly understandable." Harrison notes as he starts to walk back into STAR Labs. "I appreciate your willingness to bring this back to us. It's a prototype that would have been expensive to rebuild. If you ever change your mind, I would be happy to give you a limited tour of STAR Labs, at least."

He looks over his shoulder towards Aaron, "Good luck out there."
Aaron Stack Aaron Stack considers. He really isn't doing anything. "I wouldn't mind a tour. Just don't put your hand in my robot brain. At least buy me dinner first," he says. That's a good human joke, right? That gets the chuckles.

"Actually, my creator was the best human being I ever met. Guy literally died for me. Problem is, the other humans I've dealt with have mostly been the kind who killed him. I think they're probably the more typical of the species, wouldn't you say, doc?"