Owner Pose
Irina-AS17 One of the most popular locations in the city, also one of the best spots to draw attention. With so many tourists and other attractions and activities to be done, it was swarming with people, and that is PRESUMABLY, the reason the attack happens there. With them being shown on the news and social media, the new strange taskforce dressed in black kevlar armor that has been targetting mutants lately, appearing right into the park.

Shots are fired around in the air to make people scatter, and they seem to zoom in for a particular person, grabbing them down. That's when, as usual, the hybrid chopper starts to approach to extract them and their "target". However it does take a while since it takes off from fairly far away, just enough time, usually, for one or two heroes to show up. The first people that show up tend to be someone in a news van or chopper.
Garfield Logan It doesn't take long for Beast Boy to respond. He enjoys the park, and it's often a place where he can take selfies with people and sign stuff for them. As such, he's already in the vicinity and in costume. People like it more when their picture with Superman is of him in the red and blue, with the cape. It's the same logic as far as Gar's concerned.

The shots that ring out draw an initial flinch, just one of those natural responses, before he works out the direction it's coming from. This happens to coincide with the area people run away from. "Sorry, guys. Looks like it's time to go be a hero. Stay back. I don't want anyone else getting hurt," he says, excusing himself from a few people he was hamming it up with, at least giving them the opportunity to take to the skies as a bird of some kind or another, flying in for a better view.
Irina-AS17 About twelve soldiers are standing around one tied up guy, they all have automatic weapons and seem to be on high alert, looking around everywhere for signs of incoming heroes. They actively trying very hard not to stare at any animals that could come by, from insects to squirrels, not to give away their intentions. So they just kind of glance around constantly with their weapons pointed out. In the far distance the pickup chopper can be seen flying towards them in plane mode.
Garfield Logan "Okay, so you know I'm gonna have to break this little party up, right?" Where did that voice come from? There's nobody close by in view, but they don't seem to be looking up right now. It's to Gar's benefit as he lands with a heavy thud as an elephant, another rapid change that immediately puts him in the middle of the group, but not to the point of endangering the one who's already bound. "Time for one of my favorite sports, Bowling for Losers! It even pays in peanuts!"

Lowering his head, the big green elephant plows into a few of the soldiers, intent on knocking them aside. "Hope your insurance plan covers any broken bones! You really don't look like you belong here!"
Irina-AS17 The soldiers all turn but they don't have time to fire as Gar starts knocking around, several of them go flying, while some seem to provide some strangely dense resistance. They all had different heightened attributes, some end up only skidding backwards. They were here to buy time mostly, and so about four of them close in, seeming to be the strongest ones, and tackle Gar's elephant legs from different sides. These in particular seemed bulkier with an amount of strength obviously way above peak human. Though how long they could stop a rampaging elephant for was up for discussion. The others try to pick themselves together and get off the ground painfully.
Garfield Logan The elephant starts shaking a couple legs to see about dislodging them. "Dudes, I like hugs as much as the next guy, but don't you think this is taking it a little far? I'm starting to feel like a piling and you're the barnacles!"

One way to get loose is to change it up and go small, which is pretty easy for him. Back to bird form, a hummingbird in this case, allowing him to flit away from the soldiers seeking to hang on. It also makes him a more difficult target. "Any of you wanna explain what this is all about before I call in the rest of the Titans? You clearly don't belong here. And make it fast. I have a sudden craving for nectar."
Irina-AS17 They stay firmly quiet, it was very bad form to talk about anything while on mission, as they risked exposing the business of the organization. All of them had been shown what happened to Irina, after all. It was a grave though. The stronger ones all swing around without being able to quite hit him, but soon one that seems to be another kind of bird with sharp senses comes up and tries to more accurately swipe for Gar, in an attempt to catch him beteen his hands. By now the plane was nearly there and only starting to slow down and shift to chopper once it was nearing the park itself, already way over the city.
Garfield Logan "Oh, no! Too slow!" the Garmingbird taunts, darting out of the reach of the one with the bird-like features. Just now, he's beginning to get a better sense of some of their visuals that aren't masked or hidden. "Wait, what the heck are you supposed to be?" he wonders. After landing again, this time as a tiger, he swats at two closest to him. He'd know better than anybody how powerful a tiger's 'punch' can get. "You're like a menagerie of mooks! That's a word people don't use enough any more. Mook. Now take this!" The sound of something approaching overhead starts to register.
Irina-AS17 The first of the three takes flight, a mixture of two types of species with incredible reflexes and swooping power in this case. His body is a lightly reflexive strange mix of feather and fish scale, with short wings that run under his arms, though that doesn't seem to matter with the power of his back and shoulder muscles. He darts out of the helicopter like a missile, heading straight for Gar, aiming to land on him with both feet. This one is nothing like the others and was the bearer of enhanced attributes across the table, but mostly on the speedier part.

The rest of the soldiers start to scatter, the ones Gar just swiped away from him are grabbed by the others and carried off as they begin dispersing through the park. The chopper starts to come even closer, gaining a hover over Gar. It was a drop off, not quite a pick up.
Garfield Logan Gar Logan is not there when the thing lands. The tiger shifts to the side and growls, "Did I just level up without getting to pick my upgrades before facing a new guy? I'm gonna have to ask you to stick around and wait. It's an important choice, picking between increased speed or strength."

Then he begins to wrap the creature up in multiple arms, having turned into an octopus. "I decided to mix it up and go with extra limbs. Told you I'm a hugger. Now, does someone want to tell me what this is all about, or am I gonna have to squeeze?"
Irina-AS17 Most of the soldiers are gone, the next one that appears lands heavily behind Gar, a very large man indeed, this one was obviously shaped like after a hippo with matching destructive power, except he was also covered in some kind of insect chitin. He reaches in from behind to grab Gar's octopus body by the center and then, should the grab connect, display a level of strength much higher than the soldiers that had been around so far, launching him and the other hybrid at the opening on the side of the chopper, with the inside being seemingly empty. The hawk hybrid man doesn't seem to struggle or mind in face of this, allowing himself to continue wrapped if it were the case.
Garfield Logan As Beast Boy and the hawk-fish-thing are grabbed and thrown, Gar calls out, "Hey! You know the Free Candy van? This is feeling kind of like that, only without the van and definitely without the free candy! Where's Chris Hansen when you need him?"

Just because he's en route to the inside of the helicopter doesn't mean he's ending up there so easily. He slithers away like a snake..rather, /as/ a snake, still injecting his brand of humor into things. "It'ssss almosssst like Ssssnakessss on a Plane, but different! You! What did Arnold ssssay? That'ssss right: Get to da choppa!"

What will happen first, an end to the fight, or an end to the bad puns?
Irina-AS17 Gar makes a fortunate choice, turning into a snake. Now being able to sense infrared he's able to see there's a third person within the plane with him, only completely camouflaged. More importantly he can see her right arm pull back, squishing itself backwards very unnaturally, then launching off like a spring towards his head, accelerating with also a very strange whip-like sideways effect to it, as it it was boneless, to try and catch the side of his snakey head and rattle his brain enough to knock him out. In the meantime the hawk man soars up to the side, aiming to latch on and whip out a high-pressure dart gun, which would be used to fire into Gar. They weren't counting on the attack taking him out, so they weren't letting up and going for the tranquilizer a second later.
Garfield Logan It was coincidental, but Gar is not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. "Oh, you're invissssible? That ssssuckssss!" he hisses, suddenly turning into something that could take a swat like that more easily. "What does an 800-pound gorilla on a helicopter do?" the green ape suddenly asks. "Nevermind the fact I only weigh about half that, but you know the answer: anything I want!" With an opening still there, the impact from the attacking arm is lessened, but a side effect of going big is that he presents a much larger target for the other one to catch him with a dart. "Not cool! I'm not anti-vax, and I'm guessing that's gonna be a tranq, so.." Realizing time is more of the essence here, he strikes out at the previously invisible creature while trying to get off a signal to his Titans pals. If the tranq is strong enough, he might need the assist now.
Irina-AS17 The hawkman launchs backwards, flapping to get him off the suddenly destabilized chopper, the pilot needing to keep it from spinning out for a moment. His next choice of animal is less fortunate, as the giant powerful fist goes straight for the invisible woman and hits thin air, he can hear a strange squishing, twisting sound. With this much stirring in her body she briefly flashes with some bioluminescence replacing her invisibility. Her torso is bent impossibly out of the way, then twisted around quite a bit.

As she untwists he finds the torsion being used as a way to drastically increase her striking power, one leg being used to try and strike him in the torso and send him flying out of the chopper. If that was the case he'd then find himself being targeted by the hippo man below, his grasshopper legs launching him upwards to slam into Gar, some impacts ought to help the tranquilizer knock him out faster. It was quite strong, meant for very large animals, but it was assumed his unique biology would make him resistant to those to some extent. Due to that exact reason he might be able to make out the hawk man reloading the gun.
Garfield Logan Beast Boy tries to keep the helicopter from regaining control. Some people are surely recording this. He misses with the punch and strikes the inside of the chopper, and the sounds aren't the easiest to make out over the general noise, but he is struck in the midsection as the 'bird' goes more sideways for a moment, then as he falls out, he's suddenly struck hard enough to knock the breath out of him. "Oof!"

That stings, and while he lands he does so with a step or two slower in his reactions. The other 'bird' is busy with the tranq gun, and the gorilla grimaces..then begins to grow, taking on the qualities of an actual dragon. "Okay..done playing with you guys." He sends a burst of flame in the direction of the helicopter. FWOOOSH! Being larger, it may also delay the tranq's effects, but sensing this going in a bad direction, it was the first thing he thought of rather than retreating.
Irina-AS17 A vaguely glowing form launches out of the chopper, though Gar can't quite see how that was achieved. The fire hits the vehicle and it starts smoking and spiraling, with the pilot crash landing, immediately hopping out and starting to run. There's the fwoop sound of the pressurized dart gun firing again at this form, the hawk man focusing on reloading and firing multiple times now that Gar was in a bigger and less agile form and he was the most agile and precise of the three. The hippo man puts his full power to work, smashing into Gar's side, and lifting with your legs, as they say. His massively thick grasshopper-powered legs make craters are he attempts to flip Gar and slam him on his side. The last of the trio goes foor her own independent attack, which comes in the way of sticking herself somewhere around his neck, approaching invisible. In such case he'd find that now with prolonged contact with her, she seemed to be a type of jellyfish-octopus hybrid, because poison starts to seep into him via tiny stingers.
Garfield Logan Try as he might - and the Gardragon scores a nice takedown of the chopper - the combined efforts are starting to get to him. Even big, and in this case slower, what he gains in power he sacrifices in speed and the ability to evade additional attacks. The 'hippohopper' proves to be more of an annoyance, but he sends a warning burst of flame in that one's direction, kicking at him as well. All the same, it actually gets him teetering as more darts pierce his skin. The combined strength of the tranqs, along with a faster heart rate due to the exertion, leads to a more rapid spreading of the effects and it's amplified further by the stinging barbs that come into play along the neck. "Ow..!" Smoke is snorted out, and he swipes/paws at her, but the three of them can see it now: he's definitely swaying more, and he finally goes smaller again, back toward a human shape as he tries to make his fingers work deftly enough to send out the alarm on his T-Comm.
Irina-AS17 Hopper man has to hop his fatass away from the flames, so he's way too far to stop the signal. The hawk tries shooting the device with a final dart to knock it away, but it was going to be a close call whether that would stop the signal or not. He was sharp enough to catch on to Gar's attempts but not necessarily to stop them, which would affect the Titan's reaction time. Though in the end it would only matter a bit, even if Gar were able to tell them exactly what happened after he got caught, it still would only matter little. The matter of great importance was securing samples from all of his tissue types.

With him now weakened and the octopus woman returning from the far away location she landed after unclinging and springing off his dragon neck, they could get going. She was almost fully visible now, a shifting array of colors changing patterns and shining on her skin, as well as a nasty gash along her back dripping with yellow blood. They wait for him to be fully knocked out and then the extraction starts. Hippo man, the 'slowest', returns last, but the correct term was the least agile. He crouches down, tenses, grunts in effort, Gar held between his arms. Then he launches off at absurd speeds, flying over buildings. This process is repeated again and again all the way back to a safer extraction point.
Garfield Logan In the end, by the time the animals are gone and Beast Boy is left, the toxins and tranqs do their job. There are a few seconds where he attempts to take the shape of a mongoose - the first thought he has for standing up to the toxins and venom - but he can't maintain the focus long enough to hold the form. He slumps down now, dropping the T-Comm where his thumb slides away from the 'red alert' button before pressing it, and it makes it a simple task to do a grab and go.