Owner Pose
Sebastian Shaw The Hellfire Club is bustling in the evening, but this early it's not BUSY yet. Even on a warm and sunny Thursday night, but the upper levels of the club are mostly vacant. The staff have gone home, and for the most part the floors that are not accessible to the public or VIPs are empty. All but the eighth floor, where the conference rooms are. When Jovian arrives, he is escorted by a security guard to the eighth floor, where he finds one conference room lit with two individuals inside.
Seated at the head of the table is Sebastian Shaw. He is tapping out a message on his cellphone, and while he IS typing a text message, he is not the fastest typist, so it's taking a few moments. He frowns a little bit, and then leans over to murmur something to the woman sitting nearby, before he seems to finish the missive, and sends it off.
Jovian Anderson Jovian Anderson is not expecting to meet Sebastian Shaw in this instance, and knows who he is, and while not normally intimidated by people, in this instance he is immediately cautious, not out of fear but echoes to friends. That stops quickly, since memories not his own make being used to VIP as easy as breathing and he adjusts. Nodding politely, he approaches, "Good evening." He is more than able to make small talk but since at the end of the day this is likely some form of interview, he will let them ask the questions. Goodness knows the circumstances of his being here are unusual enough.
Tessa     The attractive, bespectacled woman beside Shaw, wearing a skirtsuit that's curiously color coordinated to Shaw's outfit, looks up from her laptop when he leans over to speak to her. She squints briefly and gives a hint of a rueful smile as she straightens her tie with a short tug. Glancing at Shaw's screen, Tessa softly says "That should suffice. As well, I believe Mr. Anderson should be arriving-"

    When Jovian enters the room, Tessa flatly finishes "-shortly." Before she shuts her laptop and stands up, folding her hands in front of her and politely bowing her head briefly. "Mr. Anderson, we've been expecting you. Thank you for joining us. This is my employer, Mister Sebastian Shaw." She's got the 'perfect professionalism' tone down to an art, it seems.
Sebastian Shaw Sebastian Shaw waves a hand to the seat across from him. He does not stand, but he does say, "Welcome Mr. Anderson. We received your application to...reactivate the membership that your grandfather used in the 1920s and 30s. Is that correct?" he asks, looking down at some papers set before him, "While, generally, this is taken care of by our membership department....I must say this struck me as of peculiar interest. In fact, it is because I was unaware that your family had the resources to afford membership. Have your fortunes changed for the better?" he asks, getting right to it it would seem.
Jovian Anderson Jovian sits and says, "Its more complicated than that actually. Archibald Lott is not my blood relation, but the circumstances of his will stipulated that whoever matched certain...arcane conditions...won the entirity of his fortune, which included among otherthings, membership with the Hellfire Club. Part of the conditions of this inherantance involves me personally claiming each property and and privlidge. Its not a part and parsal deal, though I do say I find the clubs grounds formidably glorious and have enjoyed the two magnificent events I have attended here. The stars, as they say, have changed." The latter turn of phrase disturbs him a bit and he wonders precisely why he said it that way. He ignores it for now."
Tessa     Tessa's brow raises very subtly as Jovian speaks. Clearly his... candidness surprises her, but it's not her place to provide running commentary these matters, instead giving Shaw a look that conveys as much as 'This is highly irregular.'
Sebastian Shaw Sebastian Shaw considers Jovian for a long moment, and says, "I am no lawyer, so I shall assume that the papers are all in order for your inheritance." The high irregularity of the situation does not seem to bother him all that much. Rather he asks, "I would ask: will you be taking over the account permanently, or shall this remain in Mr. Lott's name? And, if it is meant to go into your name, can you provide proof that you have control over enough of the estate to continue to pay dues?" He does not mention that the dues have been faithfully paid for the last ninety years. That would be gauche.
Jovian Anderson Jovian Anderson nods and reaches into his jacket pocket. He's worn a suit here, and is dressed for the part. "It will be in my name. You'll find all the papers in order." The Nazca Brotherhood might be impersonal, but they were fastidous for dotting every I and crossing every T down to the last molecule. It outlines both his control, and the continuance of the dedicated apartment complex in Nebraska that pays for the dues. The implication in the nature of the paperwork is that Jovian controls it, but it is more complicated than that.
Tessa     When the papers slide across the table, Tessa stops them with the tips of her fingers, before taking them into both hands and bringing them closer to her face. She either reads them with remarkable speed, or just skims over them as far as the outside observer can tell. A moment later, she adjusts her glasses and looks to Shaw. "... Everything appears to be in order, Sir."
Sebastian Shaw Sebastian Shaw nods once to Tessa, "Thank you Ms. Fox." He then stands up and says, "I will reinstate your status as a VIP immediately Mr. Anderson. You will have run of the club as a VIP does. Do you have any questions?" he asks.
Jovian Anderson Jovian Anderson considers this question carefully. Its a moment when he instictively knows "no questions" is the wrong answer but has things to do as do the two of them. Still, he is curious. "Where do you see the Club going?" Its an open ended question but its more than that. The Nazca are always talking about directions and he doesnt believe its an accident he is here.
Sebastian Shaw "Going? Well, we are the premier premium club in New York City, London, and Tokyo. We boast a membership of the elite of society, politicians, businessmen, artists and athletes. I do not believe we shall be going anywhere." Shaw replies with a bit of a bemused smile at the question.
Jovian Anderson Jovian Anderson considers this. "Lott," he uses his last name since he was certainly not on a first name basis with the "Man of Action" ,"invested in things that last. Frankly, its obvious from his will he expected it to be ten years, fifteen at most but its a testament to surviving a world war, the atomic age and the fall of communism and still almost entirely intact. It definitely sounds like an opportunity." The opportunity cost in this case was...something else. Was it his cost? Sebastians? That seems odd, but something...happened...even if Jovian didnt understand what it was.
Sebastian Shaw "I am not entirely sure what you mean, but I can guarantee that the HellFire club will be here well beyond all of our lifetimes. It is a...very well established institution." Shaw replies, before he says, "If there will be nothing else?" It's not much of a suggestion, as he is making a motion to the door as if to escort Jovian out of it, "I look forward to seeing you at the Club Mr. Anderson."
Jovian Anderson Jovian Anderson nods, "Of course. Thanks for your time." He heads out, nodding to Tessa as he does. He is curious about the curiosity but does understand why Lott generated it. He had best get used to it.