Owner Pose
Thor     The evening after the Avengers returned to Midgard and the heroes had gone their separate ways, Thor left the mansion. His manner was not the casual jovial one he so often embraces, particularly when gracing this particular locale. No his was more somber. A lift of a hand and a nod spared for the bartender as he walked past, and when the waitress was in attendance he gave her a smile though his heart wasn't into it.
    "One of your best drinks, choose something you think I should enjoy, and keep it coming." That said he will settle into the corner booth seat with its two benches that connect along the perpendicular. It's there that he remains, partially in shadow and at ease as he'll monitor the culture through the flat-screen mounted near the ceiling.
Loki The drink is intercepted from the waitress on her way towards Thor. A different person entirely, tall and lean with light brown hair and friendly aspect, takes the drink away from her; one of the other staff of Josie's, Wesley, though he's not on duty tonight. At least, the waitress thought so. Merely since Loki's borrowing Wesley's appearance, that he's there, of course.

Wesley crosses to Thor and sets down the drink. It looks unusual for Josie's: mostly since it is, in fact, Asgardian ale. Wesley takes a seat at Thor's corner booth without asking, across from him, and waits, head tilted.
Thor     At first there's a nod given when the drink clinks and clatters upon the table and without looking Thor murmurs casually, "Thank you," As he extends a hand to the glass and draws it towards himself, fingers curling at its base as his thoughts have him miles away. But then he looks up to espy that this young Wesley has indeed joined him at his table, which garners him a quirk of an eyebrow.
    "Yes, do I know you?" He asks, at first trying to place the young man. But then he sips the drink without looking and his eyebrows incline as he finally looks at it.
    Then back to Wesley.
    It takes a moment to turn his thoughts and he finally offers curiously, "Loki?" Not entirely certain, but this does smack of one of his gambits.
Loki Wesley just stared back, watching him with the drink as if anticipating something. Maybe it's poisoned. That would also be a Loki gambit, of course.

But Wesley then just sits back when Thor asks about his identitity, to ask dryly, "What, did the Asgardian liquor from thin air give it away? I'll have to be more watchful of my generosity." The visual remains, as does Wesley's voice, but all of the /tone/, and the phrasing? Of course it's Loki. Loki's not in 'character', at least not at the moment. In that he's being himself. "Unsuccessfully drowning your sorrows here?"
Thor     "Not sorrows." Thor says quickly, hand lifting as if to check Loki's words, but then he adds. "More time to think and not intrude upon my comrades." That said he straightens up and thinks nothing of imbibing the drink his brother gave him, perhaps foolish or perhaps having at least that much trust still.
    "Though I thought you might be around soon." He says a little distantly before he turns those blue eyes back upon this Wesley.
    "What has passed that brings you before me?" As if he didn't know, or perhaps wants to hear the particular flavor of this why before he presents what troubles him.
Loki "All generosity, all the time," Loki sweetly answers, resting back in the booth, drawing his hands in to weave his fingers together on the edge of the table in front of him: steeple that isn't quite as elegant as it may have been had Loki looked like himself, but still carries it well enough. Wesley's a comfortable, easygoing face, which is helping to sell the emotion a little bit more than staring at Loki's frustrating face might have.

"I thought I'd give you ample opportunity to tell me things before I hear them from other places." Loki's tone is playful, cheeky. He already knows things. But, he could have approached this from an aggressive, demanding side. So there could be hope for a /real/ conversation! It's like a rare rainbow, unexpected and maybe only from one angle.
Thor     Around them, the way Wesley is just sort of hanging out and not doing his job isn't too horribly noticed. Perhaps one or two people in passing glance over and glance over again, some of the regulars. But it's none of their business so they keep on keepin' on. Though weird how that Wesley kid is acting.
    But Thor seems perfectly alright to be sharing words with the young server, gesturing to the side and speaking to him as if they were old acquaintances at last assuredly.
    "I am still pondering and considering what there is to do." he takes a deep breath and then murmurs, "It is also possible that we may give you an avenue to be of use if you still wish it so."
    That said he takes a sip of the Asgardian liquor and then adds, "Though it may be some time before I can come to you with it. I would counsel patience, brother."
Loki "You counsel it. I /see/. Then we'll table /that/ for now," Loki says, with a slippery quality to his tone. He isn't pushing on his 'usefulness'. At least he claims not to be, at least immediately. Which could be relaxing, since it is clearly what Thor wants: he wants patience from Loki.

But Loki going along with anything without resistance is sort of scary...

"I can understand how /busy/ you must be. Things that cause father to look at me. Parties in Asgard. What -are- you up to? I would counsel you to remember that this is an area I'm good at." Let Loki help....
Thor     "I know you are good at these things, brother." He shakes his head, "Just as it stands if I ask you for help now you would damage the situation further. I do not care for holding this... this obligation over you. But I have been so tasked, I must see it through."
    He takes a deep breath and shakes his head, "Come, join me at least? Drink with me? For now let's forget all that has passed? Can we..." He turns his head away and then looks back, "Can we not simply be brothers here who have not seen each other in some time?"
    It is a foolish suggestion, considering all that has past. But Loki can read his brother and read him well, and can see this is his heart's wish. Even if it is not a realistic one.
Loki Wesley's eyes narrow, and he unlaces his fingers to drum them slowly against the tabletop, skimming Thor visually with his ...rather pleasant brown eyes. Wesley lets out a slow breath through his nose.

"I would damage the situation, would I," Loki repeats, tone not pleased, but there isn't a direct combat in it. Loki looks out across the bar.

"It is /difficult/ not to take that as directly being strong-armed out of a situation that matters. What I see is father /expertly/ manipulating everything. It looks like an 'agreement' where father made all of you think you're getting great things, whereas I think the situation is /so/ much worse than your Midgardians fathom. But yes. We can entirely not talk about any of it."

Loki releases a sudden laugh, soft and disarming: in that it's Loki laughing at the ridiculous situation. Like he'd use watching someone try to erect a fence out of twigs instead of the lumber clearly provided.

Loki seems to create another drink, summoning it, and extends it with a lift of brows, expectant of a click of glasses.
Thor     "I understand Loki." Thor says as the topic turns to his father, "I do. But we cannot ride roughshod over the wishes of the mortals. And in this case if they are going to accept your aid then we need to give them time." He takes a deep breath and then murmurs, "And accept the possibility that even then they may not wish your aid."
    A hand uncurls, "Perhaps if you can make things easier somehow without hurting those involved or hindering efforts, then that would be a good show of faith. Otherwise, just... grant me time. Please."
    But then his brother summons the drink and he looks at it warily, as if it might b another dagger. Not a serpent, if it was a serpent that would be another thing entire. Then back to his brother. The glasses clink, "Thank you."
Loki Loki snorts a little, smile wry. "Funny, that, when what I've said actively is on the /same side/ as the mortals," Loki comments. "In that we're both being unjustly punished by father." 'Unjustly' may be pushing it. ... in that the mortals probably deserve it!

"To not hinder efforts, you need to say what I'm not supposed to hinder, you know," Loki teases, then, with another soft laugh, enjoying his drink with a seemingly relaxed look.
Thor     "Loki." He says that name with such disappointment, or perhaps recognition, realization that his brother assuredly is already several steps ahead of him and instead just shakes his head. "There was a celebration in Asgard and much came of it, though it is not likely all such news about it would please those of Midgard."
    Thor can do subtle. Somewhat. That said he straightens up and takes a breath. "In any case, come. Let me tell you what other news I have of Asgard and the gossip that might please you."
    It's a small offer, but made sincerely.
Loki "You /do/ realize I'm restricted from untruth? I want you to listen to what I'm saying, without giving me that /look/," Loki says, with a flick of tongue up against the inside of his teeth. The 'Loki' look with disappointment and frustration in it. Loki knows it well, and it riles him some, due to feeling.... ineffectively trapped.

"What I've said is that I think the 'deal' that was struck was done quickly and efficiently against the Midgardians whilest they were unprepared. Elegant, really. There's a mischief to the outcome I appreciate. But the part I want you to /hear/ is that my direction is on the same 'side' as Midgard's benefit, at this time."

Loki finally shrugs, and refills his own drink just a little, topping it off. "I think this is why father placed that restriction. A means to make it difficult for you to brush me off easily."
Thor     "Very well, brother." He gestures with his drink and says, "I know you wish to be of use and I /do/ think our goals are along the same lines. But I cannot request your aid or put you to use on this until I have the acceptance of the others. Otherwise I run the risk of being cut out from the decision making process entirely."
    A touch of exasperation enters his voice as he adds, "And I would not disagree with them. So bide. Hold your time for now."
    That said he takes a deep breath, forcing himself back to the more calm end of things, and then nods. "If you think there is aught you can do, however, that will aid things. Then do them."
Loki It appears that Loki was, perhaps, just looking for the emotional rise or reaction out of Thor. A clue that Loki hit home in a way beyond just mild irritation.

Loki, mollified that he was heard perhaps, deigns to refill Thor's drink.

"Done. Now, your gossip? What do you have, then? Has Uldrect continued to stumble through the court gatherings?" Loki queries, slipping topics as easy as a snake sheds a skin.

At least, on the surface.