Owner Pose
Mystique It was in fact the middle of the night, most of the inhabitants of Asteroid M were asleep, which meant that privacy was an optimum thing. The message Clarice got was simple and blunt, a vocal message of 'Come to my room' from Mystique.

For this there is another chair in the room, not usual but Mystique did not want Clarice to have to stand around. There is a thermos of coffee, and Mystique is sitting at the computer.
Clarice Ferguson     Even with the message of 'come to my room' - there's a chime from the door, and Clarice waits for a response before she opens it and steps in. "You needed to see me?" she says simply. Is that a hint of anxiety on her features? Surely not. Could Mystique know anything about what just happened in Bushwick? The woman had //sources//. "What's up?" is all she says as she heads towards the chair she presumes is intended for her - dropping into it with a heavy, tired thud.
Mystique The response to enter was simple, "Come in." Nothing fancy nor was there any indication in the tone as to the mood.

The office chair was tall enough that Clarice couldn't see who was sitting in it until the cobalt mutant turned it around fully as Clarice entered the room. Mystique gestured toward the extra chair, "Have a seat."
Clarice Ferguson     Clarice was already dropping into the chair when the invitation to sit is offered - and amusement flickers across her features for a moment. She lets her eyes rake over some of the weapons adorning the walls for a moment, before her attention returns Mystique's features. "Something come up?" she asks, reaching up to run a hand through her hair, and pull some of it back from her features. She slumps tiredly in the chair - dressed in the same black-and-charcoal attire she'd been wearing when they'd found Nicolai on their patrol together.
Mystique Mystique has her legs folded up in the chair as she turns, but s Clarice sits, she unfolds them and stands up. "We need to talk, bluntly and plainly, are you prepared for that? I am not angry, I am not going to hurt you, but I am... frustrated."
Clarice Ferguson     "...ma'am?" Clarice asks. It's not her //usual// form of address for Mystique, but it certainly comes out as appropriate. "Is it later now?" she surmises. "I shouldn't have spoken like that in front of such an unknown quantity - I regret that, and I apologize," she offers without prompting, watching the other woman as she rises - her features set into a serious but cautious expression as she watches the other woman attentively.
Mystique The slow pace begins, Mystique moving from one side of the room to the other, a slow paced movement.

"I'm glad you realize that... now." She states first. "But there is more here, a great deal more, that you need to be fully aware of and accept." She stops right in front of Clarice, "When I say no, I mean no. You do not question it at that time, you do not hound it at that time. I have a reason for that no, and you challenging that no in front of anyone else... let me put it this way, I almost hurt you."

She starts pacing again. "There are a great many things that I /cannot/ tell you Clarice, because you insist on being around Jean and Emma, who are both mind readers, I cannot tell you the things I would like to be able to. So either you have to trust me, or you have to decide if you are staying here, because it can't be both ways."
Clarice Ferguson     The news that Mystique had been so close to harming her over that little gaff causes Clarice's features to go flat for moment and she stills completely - no idle movements of her fingers, or tapping of her toes, or shifting place. After a moment, though, she takes a breath, and that serious expression settles back into place. "I understand," she says when Mystique finishes. "And I have every intention of staying here. I- well, it's not so much that I //choose// to be around Emma. But I did encounter her again, tonight. In the course of my patrol. I had already determined to ask if there were anyway I could learn how to better shield myself from such intrusions - any training."
Mystique Although she hears the women speaking, the words sink in and are tucked into another part of the brain to continue that part of the discussion after, later in this.

"Do you trust me?" She asks this bluntly, once again stopping right in front of Clarice. "Answer that much before I say anything else, on any subject."
Clarice Ferguson     "Yes." It's said without hesitation - her bright green gaze locked onto Mystique's eyes. "Of course. I know I get a bit... rash sometimes. But I trust you," Clarice answers.
Mystique Mystique stakes one small step toward Clarice, "Then when in the hell do you keep doing the shit you are doing? Do you think that I don't care about Kick, or that I wouldn't want more help? Do you think that you are the only one with a good idea and thus have to rush into that good idea?" She studies the woman's face intently. "I don't like the X-Men, but I am /not/ going to let my personal feelings interfere with what is right for Mutants."

Shaking her head she goes back to pacing, "Do you realize that there are a hundred things going on that you don't know about? That you can't know about? That there are plans with in plans with in plans constantly in motion, that the wheel is always turning and that my no doesn't mean find a way around it?"
Clarice Ferguson     "...ma'am?" A little dread sinks into the pit of Clarice's stomach. How could Mystique possibly know about the conversation with Emma? "Of course you care about the Kick, I just-" She was rash, as she'd already said. She lets out a sigh. "I don't know what to say."
Mystique Mystique sits herself back down now, "Of course you don't, because you assume that you know what you are doing to be right, and good, and since it was a great idea, just do it. I don't know what happened with Emma last night," she admits bluntly, not something he normally would do. "I know you were with her, again, that's all I know. You seem to think however that I don't give a damn about the Kick so you will just keep pushing and pushing and pushing because you think you're doing the right thing. You're not. Either you represent the Brotherhood or you don't and if you /do/ you stop, right now and clear EVERYTHING through me from now on, do I make myself clear?"
Clarice Ferguson     "Yes, ma'am, you do," Clarice confirms - her expression still solemn (and a little uneasy). She shifts in her seat before offering in response, "I suppose I should report on my patrol, then." She waits for Mystique's response - arms folded in her lap - her gaze never leaving the other woman.
Mystique One bare foot is tapping rather quickly against the floor, because when in her room Mystique doesn't bother with clothing. Nothing hangs out of course, it is all concealed by a natural layer of her own blue skin. She is watching Clarice closely with her amber eyes, her expression a mixture of annoyance and something else, but what that something else is she appears to be trying very hard to keep concealed, but emotions aren't her best suit so there is something there, almost sadness, perhaps pain?

"Tell me something honestly, did you really believe I didn't care about the Kick?"
Clarice Ferguson     Just for a moment, surprise flashes across her features, and Clarice is quick to shake her head. "No," she answers. "I'm certain you //do// care. It affects our people - so of course you care," she asserts fervently. "I just- You react so vehemently to anything that has to do with Xavier's that I thought - I mean, it could be interfering with an opportunity to put every resource available on the problem. But I never once, not for a moment, would ever think that you don't want it solved. That you don't care." She's silent for a moment before adding a big awkwardly, "...that's all."
Mystique Mystique looks toward the window that offers a view of space, and at times the earth. "All that matters to me are Mutants," she states firmly. "Kick is dangerous to Mutants, so it needs to be stopped. Do I care that this also helps humans? No, not a single bit." She waves it off then and looks back to Clarice.

"We can begin your training for mind shields, I will arrange some with the other mentalists here to start training you. If you are going to remain around Jean and Emma, you are going to need it." She stands back up now and walks over to the window to look out it. "I can't tell you what my plans are Clarice, but I had intended to take Kick to the school myself. Go a head and do it, I no longer care." She stares out at the stars, distant, alone, floating out there in the dark... she felt like them, pretty much all the time. "You wanted to tell me about your patrol?"
Clarice Ferguson     Again, surprise registers on her features - though this time it's followed by regret, and guilt. "Mystique, I..." She isn't sure what to say. She shifts uneasily in her seat, staring down at her hands. "I'm sorry," she finally says - her voice is quieter this time, her gaze still on her lap.
    She takes a deep breath in, lets it out slowly, and then offers, "I came across someone who was- their powers had gone awry, due to Kick it seems. One of Emma's people. So I took them to her, for her to deal with, and she's handling it. She's sending me a crate of the brandy as thanks." A smile ghosts across her features - just for a moment - then she adds, "And I asked her if she'd be willing to send samples to Xavier's. She said she would if I could get them to promise to share their findings with her."
Mystique Space was a wonderous place, despite the vast void of emptiness that it was. Earth had been introduced to numerous alien races that previously no one knew existed. It was one of the reasons for the changes to the Brotherhood really.

"What are you sorry for?" She turns to look at Clarice again, that mask she wears of neutral back on her face. A mask she wears to conceal everything, to lock it away as needs be done to do what she has to do.

"Emma is not to be trusted," she then adds. "Mutant or not, she has her own agenda, do not trust her, do not be too open with her. She will read that from your mind as coming from me, but she already know it. Why would she give you a case of brandy for a random mutant you helped?"
Clarice Ferguson     "For doubting you. For not being more... forthright." That's one way to put it. "I hope I haven't messed anything up. I don't //care// who the offer comes from. I don't know the plan. If you think it's better, coming from you, then-" Clarice sighs and shakes her head. "I'm sorry," she repeats.
    She takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly before she repeats. "Like I said - she was grateful for my help. It was one of her people. I'm sure she has ulterior motives to it - maybe she thinks there's some advantage forming a positive rapport between us. I don't know," she says honestly. "But I don't intend to spend more time around her than I have to. I know she was hearing my thoughts... And I know how dangerous that can be."
Mystique Moving over to sit herself in the chair again, Mystique watches Clarice still. "Will you be avoiding Emma for the next week or so?" The other part she just leaves where it was, it doesn't matter any more. Hank will get the Kick one way or another, because Clarice will make certain it happens one way or another, either by going around Mystique and doing it for Emma or not.

"If you intend to avoid her, and the school, I can share some things with you, other wise you have to rely on me. Take the kick to Hank, don't take it to him and I will, it really doesn't matter."
Clarice Ferguson     "I mean - she told me to pick up the brandy at a warehouse," Clarice offers with a shrug of her shoulders. And - she //does// want the brandy. "But I certainly don't plan on seeing Emma Frost, herself. I didn't like her- I don't want her in my head."
    As for the school... "I can stay away from the Mansion for a while - if you need me to. But I can't get guarantee I won't get call. There aren't any telepaths on X-Force, though." She keeps her gaze locked on Mystique - a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I mean - of course I want to know, but... If you can't tell me," she shrugs her shoulders helplessly. What is she going to do?
Mystique Mystique sits back in the chair, trying to get comfortable, she never really was. "X-Force is another matter, I mean stay away from Jean. You see, Emma made a comment at a meeting with Erik that stuck with me. I know she has plans for Bushwick, and she doesn't want the X-Men poking around there, in fact her comment was something along the lines of them being too good to help out."

She turns to pour the coffee now, she had it there for a reason. Two cups, one for her one for Clarice. "I fully intend to get the X-Men and those at Xavier's school /into/ Bushwick to help out. I need Emma to not know that, and I need Jean to not know it until I arrive next week to speak to them at the school. Coffee?"
Clarice Ferguson     "...okay," Clarice agrees - a little surprise showing on her features again. She hadn't, she would admit, expected Mystique to pull the X-Men into matters like this. But that much, at least, should be perfectly clear. She takes the coffee - sipping at it, as she mulls over this news. "Is... that when you were planning on giving them samples of the drugs?" she asks uncertainly, completely unsure where Mystique is going with this.
Mystique Taking a sip of the coffee, she finally seems to find a comfortable position, "Yes, that's when I planned to do it. It was to offer up a joint effort against Kick thing, because we all need to be working to get that stuff off the streets of Bushwick /and/ anywhere else it might be."
Clarice Ferguson     "And I'm trying to steal your olive branch," Clarice concludes. There's that guilt again - written all over her features for a moment. //Great//.
    "So. How many bottles of brandy make up for trying to ruin your scheme?" she asks with a wry quirk to her lips. There's no real point in apologizing again - so instead, she takes another sip of the coffee.
Mystique Mystique shakes her head, "I don't want your brandy, Clarice, you earned it from Emma, not me." Not that she wants anything from Emma, ever. "You don't know all the plans in plans, you can't know them, so I don't fully blame you. You just have to be aware that the things you do /could/ effect other plans, other things in motion. You know as well as I do that not a single person at that school is going to trust me, they may not even bother actually listening to me because of it, but I have to try all the same for numerous reasons."
Clarice Ferguson     "Well, it's no fun drinking an entire case of brandy alone!" Clarice protests - giving Mystique an amused smile as a little of her humor starts to leak back into her features - now that it seems the lecture is over.
    "I will try to be more aware," she adds more seriously. "And- well. I'm not sure if it helps, but some of the people at that school do trust //me//." Some of them might trust her a litte less if she showed up at Mystique's side, granted, but if it helped the cause...
Mystique Mystique snorts, "You mean like Scott?" Yeah she was still pissed about what he asked Clarice to do, and a part of her still wanted to sneak into his room and stab him in his sleep... details, she'll let it go eventually.

"I don't know what you do there, clearly you aren't a student, though perhaps you should be." She takes another sip of her coffee. "I know Lorna is there, and that is why you are there, correct?"
Clarice Ferguson     Clarice just //groans// - and yet she confirms, "Yes, like Summers. That idiot," she agrees. "But others. Kitty has a better head on her shoulders, for one."
    As for her presence there... "She is my Queen - and we are working to rebuild Genosha," she points out. "And- to be honest, sometimes it's just nice to be somewhere so... peaceful. It's beautiful there, and it's our kind, and they're safe... It's nice to see." She shakes her head as she adds, "The students are just //kids//, though. And I don't have time to take classes like that." She shifts a little uneasily in her seat - hiding her features behind her cup as she takes another sip.
Mystique Mystique snorts, "/YOU/ are just a kid, and you have all the time in the world." She leaves it there though, because anything else would just be another lecture in Clarice's eyes and she's tired. Tired of being the lecturer. Peace would be nice, a place of green and comfort, a place to just relax... not something Mystique gets to do.

"It's up to you. If you want to arrive with me, then you're welcome to, but I don't want it to effect your stuff with Lorna, and apparently that involves the school."
Clarice Ferguson     "I haven't been 'just a kid' for a long time," Clarice counters quietly, her gaze on the cup in her hands before she takes another sip. She doesn't linger in that moment, however, instead quickly moving on to, "I don't think it'll affect things too badly. So if you think my presence will help - I'm more than happy to oblige," she promises. She gestures with a hand as she adds, "Really, the timing of all this is pretty good. With the metal for Genosha starting to come in - I'm going to be putting a lot of effort into getting that where it needs to go. I'm not going to have much time of energy for much else this week, I imagine."
Mystique Mystique lifts a brow as she stares at Clarice a moment, "You're a kid Clarice, accept that, doesn't mean you have to be a child however." She finally offers a hint of a smile, then takes another sip of her coffee. "You don't have to drink alone, I'll share, but it's your brandy. As for this... I think it might ease their minds a little if you arrive with me."
Clarice Ferguson     Clarice simply shakes her head. "I'm young," she's willing to relent, however. But by her reckoning, she stopped being a 'kid' a decade earlier. After another sip of her coffee she adds, "It's a plan, then. Just let me know when - so I can make sure I'm ready for it." And plan for doing any shipments of supplies for Genosha //after// the meeting on that day. "And I'll let you know when I pick up the case. I'd offer to share it with our new comrade - but he drinks too fast." It would be a waste.
    And speaking of Nicolai... "I took him home - to his castle. He wanted to pick up a few things. Musical instruments, mostly, and I wanted to get a handle on its location. It's... incredible. Huge. You should really go take a look at it, sometime. If he really does stick with us... I'm sure we can find a use for that place."
Mystique Setting the coffee down now, Mystique eyes the computer screen closest to her... there are three of them after all, then looks back to Clarice. "It belongs to him. I'm sure Erik will want to have a look at some point, but uses for someone elses property isn't in my job descriptions. I know he offered it as a safe haven, but that remains a thing to see depending on how well he gets on here. I don't foresee any problems, but you never know. He might get the urge to go elsewhere." Turning back to her she adds, "It's getting late, you should sleep. I intend to go to the school next Tuesday."
Clarice Ferguson     "I am pretty beat," Clarice admits. She rises to her feet, setting aside her coffee. She lets out a sigh before adding, "I know I said it already, Mystique - but I really am sorry, and I hope I'll be able to make up for my mistakes. I just- I really want to do the most I can," she tries to explain - a bit sheepishly.
    She gives a nod of her head before asking, "You'll arrange for the training - on mental defenses?" Then after a small smile she adds, "Goodnight," and turns," and turning to leave. That could have gone sooooo much worse.
Mystique She offers a nod before standing up, going to the door with Clarice. "You don't have to make up for anything, just learn from it, that's all I can ask." She opens the door for Clarice as she intends to lock it after the woman leaves. "Yes, I will arrange it. Sleep well Clarice."