Owner Pose
Meggan Constantine Coffee. Who doesn't love it?

Especially after a gruelling ordeal with the last project of the semester, a final exam, and a long rush of activity before the whole kit and kaboodle is done. Summer lies ahead but even a scholarship student can't expect not to work, toil through classes, and other sorrows.

But why not have a fancy, expensive coffee from Europe? So here she is at the least likely of spots. Meg's a prominent enough activist that no doubt the Latverian intelligence apparatus has a Doombot spying on her now and then. Unfortunately no phone is being tapped. She's writing in a proper book. Old-fashioned things then might be required. The golden-haired girl has her hand under her chin and a pen in her hand, every sign of being pretty perky and content. One of the marble tables is piled under a few things, and her empty seat opposite it has a place right close to the piano for a lovely performance. The waiter keeps his nose up where he goes. She isn't dressed fancy; her t-shirt literally has the Union Jack on it, but maybe it's more tolerable because the bottom part is burnt and fades away into ashen swirls on cotton.
Adam Brashear Adam walks into the coffee shop. His posture is upright and confident yet his demeanor is quiet and unassuming. He doesn't make an effort to talk to people. Adam just quietly makes his order.

He's dressed well in a dark navy blue suit and gray shirt no tie very neatly put together but his face shows exhaustion and worry. He wears an expensive watch and a modest chain.

His voice is deep and smooth as he meekly orders regular coffee with cream and sugar. Not an overly ambitious order. something simple and classic made the better by the high end ingredients of the establishments. he sits at a table and tries to read a newspaper.

He looks no older than his mid forties but he carries himself like someone much older. Sitting like an old man at a coffee shop reading the paper for an excuse to get out of the house.
Meggan Constantine There's some notoriety to Coffee of Doom for the obvious reasons, considering the nearby Latverian embassy with its devastatingly terrifying overlord. Victor von Doom may well be in residence, and he is known to drop in here from time to time for a beverage.

If the masked man were about, however, a fair chance at least one person outside the staff might take note of it. That degree of malicious pride and inflexible, insufferable excellence tends to bleed -- nay, shout -- over everything else. Meg can't ignore a beacon like that anymore than she can overlook her coffee cup being empty. Bummer.

She peers into it, and then sighs, setting it back on its tray with a click. "Bother." A slow uncoiling from her cozy seat forces her knees to pop, the joints cracking, her body shaken once more into motion. The polite servers meander through the place and even doubtful of her British accent and attire, one gentleman comes over to inquire after an order. Hopefully he's really imagining she'll move on or order something worth the real estate she occupies. "I'll have that coffee with the orange liqueur in it, please?" she asks. ID is a harder thing to come by, since the alcoholic kick demands it. A sidelong glance around her marks newcomers and those leaving, but she beams with a friendly smile to Adam same as nearly everyone. "If it's no trouble, extra hot?" It has to last a while.
Adam Brashear Adam politely smiles at the polite and very pretty young woman. For a moment there would be eye contact and there would be a powerful sadness and swirl of negative emotions in his eyes. He doesn't realize he's giving off these emotions Adam tries his best to not let everyday people know how he is feels. He tries to stiff upper lip like he has for the better part of 60 years.
Meggan Constantine The polite smile in return meets the sunshine of a boundless summer. The papers in front of her are covered in notes, blue handwriting looping across the page. Not the most even handwriting but functional nonetheless, giving some indication of environmental matters of interest if anyone sneaks a peek. A campaign to deal with encroachment on important wildlife refuge zones along the coastline in southern New Jersey, not thrilling.

Her blink follows, those sharp leaf green eyes widening a little. Not exactly noticeable, though she ducks her head and reaches for the missing cup. Oh, right. Lacking that, better to pluck up her napkin, like she meant to do that. "Hullo there. Fancy music, innit?"
Adam Brashear Adam smiles, the accent getting a genuine smile out of him. "Yes it is , Doom has very unique tastes but it is rather relaxing. Helpful for peopletrying to focus on research papers. Like the one you seem to be hard at work on."
Meggan Constantine In turn, she's bound to smile, though the particular currents stirring behind his still remain to her like a sore tooth throbs, a streak of colour through a painting that the artist never intended to show. It's a bit uncanny, and she waits for the waiter to return with that orange liqueur-dosed coffee, almost greedily wrapping her fingers around the mug in its dark, smooth contours. "He has created a comfortable space, if this is his work. I am not familiar much with him. I guess this is sort of a glimpse of his country?" Or the ideal of it, but no one needs to say that. "I'm trying to organize my thoughts more than anything. My brain's been turned squashy from all the studying. All well?"
Adam Brashear "Doom seem to genuinely be a good ruler. But its the fact that it is a autocratic government run by an ego maniacal super villain that makes it unpalatable. Its a comfortable and safe cage but still a cage" Adam explains.

"what are you studying if I may pry?" Adam says figuring keeping conversation to learning would be a safe way to converse with this much younger lady. Perhaps he can help. Perhaps he just needs distractions.