Owner Pose
Peggy Carter When they got the joyous news that she was pregnant again, Peggy didn't count the months. She wasn't thinking about the foolishness of the timing, or how absolutely miserable it was going to be to be this pregnant in late August. She's been fully off work, even out of the office, for two weeks now. Another two weeks and they'd say 'any day now' on the calendar, but the last month wasn't even worth trying to drive into the office. Therefore, she's waiting for him to get home tonight.

She's got every window open in the house. Every fan on. Another stand fan drug in from the garage and turned on to directly point at the couch. She's round as a beachball and wearing nothing but a pale peach maternity sundress. It'd be cute if she wasn't so damn warm. Her feet up on the coffee table and a large pitcher of iced tea, she's trying to read the analyst files he brought her home last night, but she can't even concentrate on them. Johnny Dollar is on the radio in the background, loud enough to be heard over the fans. Nothing is working as a distraction.
Daniel Sousa It was getting close to the big day, but Daniel had been keeping his head down and focusing on work during the day and looking after Peggy at night. It was busy but pleasant, though he could do without the sweltering heat. On days like these he missed LA and it's dry heat, that he could handle, out on the east coast, it's the humidity that gets you. So as Daniel parks the car, he's without his jacket and tie, both dumped next to the bag of take-out from Quons beside him. Now that he was out of the office the dress code could hang, he wanted to be comfortable.

Bag, jacket and tie collected, Daniel heads inside, pushing through the door to the kitchen and calling out over the sound of the fans and the radio. "Hey Peggy, I'm home, I brought Chinese," he doubted either of them felt much like cooking today.
Peggy Carter A little groan escapes her lips as she hears him and the thought of food. "...it is too hot for food. I am too pregnant for food. How did you even drive *home* with warm food?" Then she pauses, looking up from the files that are balanced on top of her stomach, though she's having to use one hand to hold them from blowing away in the fan's wind. It's more present than a desk top right now. "...wait. Did you get cold sesame noodles?" Some cravings will overcome the misery of the August heat. Besides, they'd be cold!

"I told the ice man to bring two bags tomorrow. I might just sleep with one in the tub." She confesses, finally giving up on the files. She closes them to set aside, slowly pulling her legs down from the coffee table and making some motions to get up and go to greet him. It just takes *time*.
Daniel Sousa Daniel chuckles about the food. "Who do you think you married?" he calls back to her. "Of course there's cold sesame noodles," he says pulling the bag open and fishing out the box. "Though most of the food is warm at best, hot car or no it's a long drive from Chinatown," he says lightly setting the rest of the food out. "Want me to bring you the noodles so you don't need to smell the rest of the food?" he asks as he comes out of the kitchen to go greet her giving her a kiss hello. "That sounds tempting," he says of the ice. "Or we could pack our things and drop in on Howard for a few week he was telling everyone at the office how he just installed central air," he jokes, before resting a hand on Peggy's belly. "How's little Michael or Melinda doing?" he asks.
Peggy Carter What had been noticable kicks and strange, almost alien-like shapes pressed up against the skin of her stomach had now turned back into uncomfortable shifts and pushes, the baby running out of room to be quite so active as before. But the faint motions are still there, stirring against his hand as he presses fingertips gently on her round stomach. "God. If Howard wouldn't be gloating about it for months after I am... ever so tempted to take him up on that. It'd be closer to the hospital, too..." Peggy confesses, a tired smile crossing her lips as she leans up and into that kiss. Maybe she doesn't have to stand up after all.

His question about the baby gets a more tired smile. "Fine. Restless... impossible to get comfortable today. I can't even focus on these..." And then it hits again. Peggy wouldn't call it the worst pain of her life, but most certainly uncomfortable as she braces against the tension across her stomach and her head bends just bit. "... files... you brought home..." She mutters through slightly gritted teeth.
Daniel Sousa "He would but it might be worth it," Daniel says, "That is if you can stand Edwin and Ana fussing over you the whole time," he grins, wondering if the nearness of the end of her pregnancy would overcome her resistance to be fretted over and waited on. Though feeling the movement of the their child inside Peggy's stomach stops his teasing. "Definitely feels like they're restless," he agrees, before his brow furrows in concern. "You okay? Need me to get you something?" he asks concern furrowing his brow.
Peggy Carter There's little that Peggy can't really talk through. She's even joked through bullet wounds before, but this? This is a challenge. She's still half bent over, suddenly quite glad she wasn't standing as she takes in a breath and tries to give his hand a little, reassuring squeeze. "F-fine... just fine. Dinner... maybe... This will pass." She reassures him, though it's certainly a touch longer than the uncomfortable kicks and rolls of normal. A faint line of sweat cuts down across her cheek and onto the edge of her dress.
Daniel Sousa Daniel's furrows only grow deeper, "Are you sure? Not going to lie Peg you look like you're going through hell right now. You sure you don't want to lay down, maybw get a wet towel for your brow?" he asks, and call the doctor, is the unspoken part but he knew better than to say it aloud. "At least let's get you comfortable, okay?" he asks reaching out to help her lay down.
Peggy Carter It's less than another minute where she doesn't dare even move, the thought of unfolding her body more agony than she cares to consider. "Just... 'mfine...give me... a..." And then it eases, her breath calming some as she practically bonelessly collapses back into the grasp of the couch. She's just catching her breath now, staring up to his big, concerned eyes. "Oh, darling... Daniel. I'm fine. The baby's just getting...Cramped. I'm certain." She reassures him between shallow breaths.
Daniel Sousa "You don't look fine, Peg," Daniel says, frowning now. "I'm going to call the doctor see what he's got to say, maybe he knows a way to make the pain less," he says not liking to see Peggy in pain, and it wasn't like he could just jab her with syrette of morphine from a medical kit in her present condition. "If he says you're fine then you can call me an idiot for worrying," he promises as he heads across the living room to the phone, picking up and dialing the number from memory. He might just ba an anxious prospective father. It's not the first time he's reached out to the man.
Peggy Carter "Oh, Daniel, it's nearly 8 at night. The man doesn't need you bothering him for this! Goodness knows we have been through worse..." Peggy then falls quiet, seeing him already working the dial for the man. She never wins this argument, but then she never fights back all that hard either. She just gives a slightly overdramatic sigh as she slumps back on the couch and keeps rubbing a quiet hand across her taunt side and round stomach. "Yes, I do not think he will get any better after you are born." Peggy murmurs to the baby, just loud enough for Daniel to hear.

The phone rings a few moments extra, but this late into the pregnancy the doctor is used to his house being called on occasion. Finally, his gruff voice comes across the line. "Good evening, Dr. Collins speaking..."
Daniel Sousa Daniel glances back at Peg to smirk at her little jab she threw his way. "Haha," he says wryly, before the doctor picks up. "Hello, Dr. Parker, this is Daniel Sousa again," he says shaking his head at himself. "We're having a bit of an issue here and I wanted to make sure there wasn't a problem?" he begins before laying out the symptoms looking ot Peggy as he does to make sure he's correct. "Uh-huh," he says. "Yes, that sounds right," he says before covering the phone to asks, "Peg, how often are you feeling the pain, all the time or little bursts?"
Peggy Carter Peggy's mostly calm now, settled back into the couch, quietly melting but not in near the pain she was before. She looks up and over to him as he asks that and says the possibly most oblivious thing she's ever said in her life, "Ah, more so little bursts... every so often. Like those false contractions but more, you know?" But, by the calendar, she still had two weeks. These aren't as bad as she dreamt it would be so, even as some creeping suspicion climbs the back of her skull, she doesn't offer him any thing more.
Daniel Sousa Daniel, tired from work and worry repeats Peggy's words to the doctor without really processing them. There's silence on the line for a moment before the doctor speaks, Daniel's expression becoming one of surprise before he casts around the room as if making a quick mental inventory. "Will do doctor, we'll see you there." He hangs up the phone. "He says we should go to the hospital, he says it's time."
Peggy Carter "... wait...*What*? No! No no, I didn't mean *THAT* bad. It's not time-time, Daniel. Time is in two weeks." Peggy insists, sitting up straighter again. Her eyes have gone a little defensively wide, the way she looks when she's hiding fear. "And you just brought home dinner. He's overreacting, this... It's not *time*. Call him back and tell him I'm fine." Peggy insists rather stiffly, though she's speaking a little too fast and stubborn for her to not be a little worried that it's time.
Daniel Sousa "I hear you Peg," Daniel says moving to the hall closet to get an overnight bag he'd packed for them weeks ago, and grabbing a few last minute items to stick inside. "But the guy with the MD says it's time, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, if he's wrong you can give the both of us hell."

Bag packed he ducks back into the kitchen to put the food in the fridge. "Dinner will keep, want me to get your shoes?" he asks her.
Peggy Carter Of course, the more stubborn Daniel gets about the matter, the more stubborn *Peggy* decides to get about the matter. She huffs out, her brows furrowing as she finally forces herself to sit fully up and grab the back of the couch so she can push herself up to properly standing with just a bit of a groan. Sure, everything hurt, but that was just being so pregnant. She's finally on her feet and starts waddling in his direction, one hand on her hip. "Daniel. This is no sort of panic. Will you calm down if I say we can go to Howard's? Have a nice night in the cool air? Edwin and Ana can fuss and everything will be-"

Then it hits again. It's certainly been a handful of minutes, but not really that long, since the last round. On her feet, Peggy's words abruptly cease and she catches herself on the door frame into the kitchen, her knuckles white, half bent across her stomach again. She's probably just lost her argument.
Daniel Sousa Daniel goes and gets Peggy's shoes as she protests coming back to see her catch herself on the doorframe to keep from falling. He makes no comment, but his expression clearly says 'see?' as he reaches out an arm to help her to a chair so he can get her shoes on. "New offer, we get you to the hospital and we call Howard, Jarvis and Ana to fuss over you there." Yes, he's fully aware that's the worst of both options rolled into one.
Peggy Carter It's hard to argue with him when her entire midsection is contracting and a small part of her would like to scream. Besides, he's right, no matter how much she avoids saying it. Peggy leans over there, panting for breath quietly as he gets her down into that chair. She doesn't even fight him on the shoes, though she has in the past. "Two weeks...I... I still had two weeks. If... you call them, they... they'll all be so... worried." But then her shoes are on and she's just leaning her head against his shoulder, trying to get through these last few seconds of pain before they start moving again.
Daniel Sousa "Okay, that's fair," Daniel says sliding a shoe on. "We'll see the doc first and then call if it's the real deal, that work?" he asks as he slides the other on before, he pauses to hug Peggy gently as she leans against his shoulder. "Tell me when you're ready, I'll help you up and we'll get you out to the car."
Peggy Carter Leaning against him in that hug, Peggy's almost feverish face just buries into his throat for a moment, breathing raggedly against him as she just tries to get through the pain. Somehow, knowing it's the real thing has suddenly made things worse. She couldn't try to explain it away and she let herself fully feel it. "It...it's not so bad. I promise." She half lies to him, taking another ragged breath.

Then things slowly ease. She slumps, tension leaving her body. It takes her another moment or two before she nods and reaches for his hands to help her up. "Alright. Hospital it... it is. You can call after. They won't let you in anyway..." Which Peggy hates, but she knows the rules. She leans against him as they head out to the car for one of the longest nights and days of their lives.
Daniel Sousa "Liar," Daniel says fondly, "It's okay Peg, we'll get you to the hospital and they'll help you out and I'll worry less," ha! fat chance. Frowning he nods, "That's a stupid rule, think Howard would buy the hospital and make them change it?" he asks lightly as he helps her out to the car, getting her into the front seat before he limps his way over to the driver's side and gets them going.

Somehow the rules of time seemed to bend on the drive over allowing it to seem like it took no time at all and also all the time in the world, but they got there, Daniel getting out of the car when they arrive to let the admitting nurse know what's happening before he returns to the car with a nurse and an orderly with a wheelchair to get her inside.
Peggy Carter It all happens fast. So fast. Peggy's contractions are close enough that they take her back nearly immediately to a delivery room, some steely eyed nurse giving Daniel a glare about how dare they wait so long! As if it was his fault. Then he's show into the waiting room. There's two other men there already, an array of ashtrays, cigars, a radio playing and a whole lot of pacing. The doctor ends up coming to see him in about twenty minutes, confiming it's certainly time. He'll have to call the others.

When Howard comes, he's already got cigars in hand, some rimmed with pink and some with blue. He's also got an entire bottle of good scotch and a beaming smile on his face, "Come on, old chap, can't be much longer now! Just have a drink...They'll tell you soon!" And the hours... They march on.
Daniel Sousa Daniel watches Peggy be rolled away until she's gone through the doors of the delivery room, and the nurse directs him to the waiting room where he joins in the pacing until Howard arrives. Before too much longer the mood in the room has shifted, at least for the other men, everyone has a drink in hand, cigars are lit. Daniel for his part is the picture of quiet worry nursing his scotch and looking up at the clock from time to time or when a doctor enters the room to talk to one of the other men. Daniel shakes his hand in congratulations as Howard suggests: 'Howard is a fine name for a boy', but that's only a distraction. Even the arrival of Jarvis and Ana each with a care basket in hand just gives him momentary relief from the waiting, though Jarvis' words give him comfort, "Director Carter has survived many things in the time I've known her, and she's never left a job unfinished, it's only natural that you'd be worried, Director Sousa, but I have faith that she has this well in hand, just as she always does."
Peggy Carter Ana's smile is softer, but immediate and unafraid, "My husband is right, Daniel. And are you surprised that your child is taking their time? I have never known two more stubborn people!" Ana teases him lightly, but she stays sitting next to him nearly the whole time. She can see that worry in his eyes and the quiet tension that even reassuring words cannot cut. She won't let him worry alone.

It's nearly two the next afternoon, all of them have taken some shifts sleeping and he's the last father in the waiting area. But, of course, he was the last to get there, so maybe it makes sense. A still rather neatly coiffed nurse in her white hat comes back into the room, smiling widely, "Mr. Carter," She assumes wrongly, of course, "Congratulations on your son. Both he and your wife are resting, if you'd like to come see them. I'm sorry, only one at a time, right now," SHe looks to the rest of the room that's already ready to break into cheers. Howard practically knocks Daniel down with a wild hug, "I KNEW IT!"
Daniel Sousa Ana's words bring the ghost of a smile to his lips, "You've got a point," he says to Ana, patting her hand in thanks for the kind words, before he settles in to wait with the others, barely sleeping except for little moments where he drifts off only to wake again as his head begins to sag. His head rises as the nurse enters, and he barely notices the mistake about his name, all he can hear is that Peggy and his //son// are okay. "Thank you, I will..." is all he has time to say before Howard nearly bowls him over in a hug. He claps Howard on the back and returning the hug before slipping free and hurrying on after the nurse, smoothing down his shirt as he walks, smelling of whiskey and cigars.
Peggy Carter And, of course, Howard has shoved a cigar into the pocket of his shirt as well. The one with one of the glimmering blue labels that he's been hoarding for a while because he 'just had a feeling'. But no one stops him from leaving the room after some loud congratulations. The hospital isn't quite used to THIS big a party.

The walk isn't too far. Down two corridors, through a set of double doors, and then into a corner private room. At least she got that much. Peggy's sitting half propped up in bed and looks as close to the most exhausted he's ever seen her. A sweaty, mussed wreck, her brown hair matted to her forehead and in one of those awful, stiff gowns. But wrapped up against her chest is a tiny little bundle with a sweep of dark hair peeking out from the little blue bonnet they've put him in. A single, wrinkly fist is curled against her shoulder. "...We missed you." Peggy rasps out to her husband. But she's smiling. She's smiling ear to ear. "Would you care to meet Michael?"
Daniel Sousa Walking in the doors of that little private room Daniel doesn't know where to look first, Peggy or the bundle in her arms, so he just stares a second before he can process and steps fully into the room. His eyes go to Peggy first, smiling with an almost dazed expression on his face. "Missed you too," his eyes glance down to the face under the blue bonnet. "And I'd love to," he say approaching the bed, eyes still fixed on the tiny person in Peggy's arms.
Peggy Carter "Mrs. Carter, you really should..." And then the nurse goes silent because the LOOK Peggy is giving her could murder weaker women. The white cap clears her throat after a moment, "I... I'll give you both some privacy." And she dares to duck out the door and do just that. Peggy can still command a room sometimes, it seems.

Now that she won't be lectured for daring to hand her new born son to his *father*, Peggy shifts just enough to try and transfer the tiny bundle to his father's arms. She's got enough training to carefully support his head and bottom, "Here. Just... crook your arm like that. He's mostly calmed now. He should eat again, soon, then both of us sleep but...I demanded they get you first." The baby is wrinkled and pink, still faintly fussy at this whole world thing, but alive. Whole and healthy.
Daniel Sousa Daniel barely spares the nurse a look as she departs under Peggy's withering gaze, though when Peggy hands him his son, he attends to her every word on how to hold him. It's been ages since his little cousin Agnes was born and back then he was barely old enough to hold her, so this was all but new to him but he absorbs it quickly his eyes never leaving his son, widening at every little movement and a smile that'd equal part proud, adoring and amazed spread across his lips. "Hey there Michael," he says, offering a finger to one of those wrinkled fists, "I'm your dad," he looks up as he says that word the sudden reality of the situation settling with it. He was a dad, they were parents. His smile couldn't be prouder.

"He's amazing," he tells her softly.
Peggy Carter Peggy doesn't cry a lot. He might not have ever really seen her cry in joy. A touch of glassiness at their wedding, but that was it. Now, however? She blinks quickly against a tear that still manages to escape, cutting down her cheek at the utterly perfect sight of just how good he is with that tiny blue bundle she's only let escape her arms into his. "He is. Perfectly... perfectly healthy. Just a little over eager to meet us, it seems. And all that hair..." Peggy breathes out softly, one hand coming out to cup against the back of his head and then rest fingertips on his arm. She gingerly shifts over on the bed, though *everything* hurts, to make some room for Daniel to sit with her.

"I want to sleep for five days..." She confesses with a tired laugh, but she still doesn't take her eyes from them both.
Daniel Sousa "Good, good," Daniel says of Michael being healthy, eyes not lifting from his son, as a tiny hand grips his finger. "Messing with us already huh, big rush to get out but takes forever to finally do it," he says. "Ana said we shouldn't be surprised he's stubborn," a smile. "Whatever that means."

When Peggy shifts over Daniel carefully climbs in beside her still holding Michael despite the sensible thing to do being pass him to Peggy and have her pass him back. He doesn't want to let go.

Peggy's words about sleep get him to look her over, "How was it?" he asks. "Are you okay?"
Peggy Carter "Lonely. If...if we do this again, we're having Howard buy the hospital, dammit." Peggy mutters, her voice utterly exhausted, but still stuck in that happy drowsiness of having finally accomplished what she thought they'd never truly manage. Her body sinks down a bit more against his side. She missed him so much and now their family is complete. Together. Safe and healthy. She turns her head to kiss his arm before letting her head fall a little against him. "I'm... alright. Everything hurts. They said it's normal. I just... I want to sleep. Hold him until he wakes up? I'm just going to shut my eyes... five minutes."
Daniel Sousa "I'm with you on that one, not knowing was hell, I wanted to be there for you, hold your hand, do something to make things just a little bit easier for the both of us."

Peggy snuggling against his side gets a smile the same relief flooding through him as floods through her, his worry replaced with pride and contentment, their new family was all together for the first time. He smiles and kisses Peggy's forehead. "Glad you're okay," he tells her quietly. "And sure, I'll keep an eye on Michael, close yours for a bit, we'll be here when you wake up."
Peggy Carter With that, it's not much longer before she falls rather deeply asleep, her body exhausted to its very limits and the relief of his presence is almost a drug. She leans as much against his side as she does the stiff bed behind her, but contently leaves him holding his tiny son for the moment. It'll be about twenty minutes before fussing starts up again, but for those 20 minutes, Daniel gets perfectly privacy and calm contentment with his family. Michael's little fist remains habitually around his father's finger, blue eyes shut against the exhausting world, breathing the slow, belly deep breath of a baby as he sleeps in his father's arms as deep as his mother does now.