Owner Pose
Jovian Anderson The occult expert Bane has hired to go over the manuscripts and stolen item presents a large scroll of parchment, "Its one of the most valuable hauls I've ever seen. These fellows were sitting on a veritable occult arsenal. The most interesting find was a suite of these" he motions to an armband and takes out a book on Mayan Astrology, "I dont know where the Nazca brotherhood got these, but they're quite powerful.
Bane Bane smiles beneath his mask. "They should be quite powerful, the untold souls and rivers of blood spilt to imbue them with power were not for nothing. this isnt mere astrology friend its tied to the very real spiritual world"
Jovian Anderson He nods, "That is not inaccurate but more importantly the Mayan culture understood the hidden world better than few save perhaps the Atlanteans. These are items of immesnese power but I do think that for a limited time you could have a strike force of normal humans with tremendous occult power, but it would take some time to recharge them.
Bane "Super soldiers. that is what you think of when you see these tokens of power? you know much but understand little" Bane says with some annoyance. "you know the native people of Santa Prisca, The Taino or Arawack tribes, they were related to and descended from The Maya people. And parts of those traditions were passed down. Including that is one could master all the aspects of the soul that they would ascend and gain the power of a god. these are not to make super soldiers these are the tickect to being all powerful. together they grant this power not sperate or diluted among many."
Jovian Anderson The consultant shrugs, "You can have a normal human exhibit any three aspects of these items, which can be physical or mental or spiritual power, but it all lasts about a month at most before taking almost a full year to recharge. I did not know they were descendant from the Maya but that would...explain some things. I should imagine your affinity for these items would be high then. Perhaps this might interest you." He shows Bane a large page from a grimoire, "There is another Mayan item hidden somewhere in Gotham of tremendous power.
Bane "imperialism at its finest. Taking something not knowing its true purpose." Bane says under his breath at the mention of a maya artifact in gotham of all places.

"Very well if you want to recharge them you will need to find practicing Nahual preist. One with a strong stomach and a willingness to do things the old way. Like I said many souls and rivers of blood"
Bane hesitate and asks "Did there happen to be an obsidian mirror among the artifacts?"
Jovian Anderson "I dont see the harm in returning the favor" he chulkles at the irony. "I may know a man who can do this thing." He checks the sheets, "There is one, yes, I wasnt able to discern what this one did.
Bane "Tezcatlipoca... The Smoking obsidian Mirror. ITs a sacred and powerful object. I will keep that under my personal care." Bane speaks in very reverent and hushed tones about this object.

"If you like sufficient sacrafices I'm sure we can make arrangements." Bane says returning to his normal demeanor.
Jovian Anderson The man nods and writes down the location in the inventory where it can be found. He can retrieve it but suspects Bane will want to retrieve it himself, "I do not deal directly in such things myself but I have clients who most definitely do