Owner Pose
Daniel Sousa Later today Daniel would be heading out to the house in Long Island with Peggy, for vital meeting and a little bit of time away, but before all that he was sneaking in a coffee break and a bit of extra study time in the lounge. He's seated in one of the comfortable chairs by the TV, a package of cream and jam filled cookies open beside him along with a mug of coffee. His focus however is on the binder in his lap with all the pre-fall SHIELD regulations, tapping a pen against the rings as he reads and pausing here and there to underline passages or make notes in the margins
Phil Coulson Phil knows many things. He has his fingers on the pulse of the Playground, which allows him some much needed time away and out of his own head. As a result, he's more than aware that one Daniel Sousa is working hard to qualify to (re)join the ranks of (not)SHIELD.

The be-suited agent enters the Lounge, tailored jacket buttoned, with pressed white shirt and tie impeccably secured in a Windsor knot. The only thing that is missing in terms of 'stereotypical spy' are the aviator sunglasses. No far, however; they're not far.

As he steps in, he does take the opportunity to scan the general environs before casually heading towards the coffee pot. Once the dark black liquid is poured into a paper cup, he sniffs it first before taking a sip, then another swallow before he wanders over to where Daniel is seated.

"Mr Sousa."
Daniel Sousa Daniel's pen taps faster now as he's eyes seem to just be staring at the page but not reading the regulations printed on the page, his mind is definitely somewhere else. Though at the sound of Coulson's voice, the pen stops its staccato beat on the ring of his binder and he looks up, brows raising even as he smiles. "Commander Coulson," he greets. "What can I do for you?" he gestures with a nod towards the empty seat across from him.
Phil Coulson Phil looks down at the work, the readings on the pages and nods his head sympathetically. Of course, he knows them all- up, down, left and right. "Dry reading. I used to listen to music while studying. And lots of walking around and seeing where each would apply."

He sets a hand into pants pocket, the paper cup of coffee held casually in the other. "I was just thinking about you. Well, more the Chief specifically. She's pretty much gone straight back to work. Doesn't really seem right."
Daniel Sousa "Huh," Daniel says, twirling his pen in his fingers as he considers the advice. "Hadn't thought about the walks, I'll have to be give that a try," he says before making a face. "I'd try music but I'm afraid I'll get flashbacks to my time at the SSR Academy, one of like the guys on my training team would play polka music while he studied, we all hated it, and I think the volume on his record player was stuck at full, t but the guy was six-five, so we really couldn't say too much about it," he explains smiling before his face takes on a more quizzical look for a moment and then he laughs.

"That's just Peggy for you, hell she was doing paperwork in bed before they fixed her. Sort of like the guy with his polka music, it's better just to let her have her way, it's best for everyone."
Phil Coulson Phil looks around the room, a casual gesture, before looking back at Daniel, a hint of a smile on his face. Again, he nods in empathy. "Could have put a scratch at a spot on the record where it's the most annoying. Either he'd have to rub it out, or throw it away." Just a suggestion. "Or, they're great for target practice." But, being the guy was 6'5", it probably precluded a great deal.

"As for the Chief, I'm pretty sure this second lease on life shouldn't be completely spent on work. She looks great, and there's time enough for her to get back to it. Besides, she actually has people that are doing their jobs under her. She shouldn't be doing her job as well as stuff we can do." And have done. After all, the job Peggy is doing now had been Phil's at one point. He takes the moment and his voice lowers to something a little more confidential, "Besides, I understand it. I don't want her to make the same mistakes I made. She's got a way out, a way to an actual real life. No one offered it to me, and I never saw it." There's no question that Phil is a company man; SHIELD is his life, with all that entails. Just ask anyone.
Daniel Sousa Coulson's advice brings a grin to Daniel's face. "Not bad," he says. "I especially like the scratch idea, it's subtle." Definitely something even by the book cadet Sousa would have tried at the time. The music really was that bad.

Another chuckle as he closes the binder, the conversation has his attention. "Good luck selling her on that," Daniel says. "She gave up SHIELD in the Framework," he doesn't mention it was for their virtual kids, their loss still cuts deep. "I think if anything, that plus what happened to her after has just made her want to work more, it feels like she's been away forever and she's always loved her work." They both did, like Phil, Daniel and Peggy both lived and breathed SHIELD. "But if you're worried, I can see what I can do about getting her to take a few more breaks, can't guarantee they'll be long ones, but I can try."
Phil Coulson "How about this," Phil begins slowly, deliberately. He's at ease, the conversation coming naturally, his manner and mien friendly. There's absolutely no reason for it not to be, of course. "I'm offering a night out and away. No chance of work. Disconnect for a night. One night. Dinner and a Broadway show. Or, I have it on good authority that the Baltimore Philharmonic is ramping up their concert evenings." He takes another swallow of his coffee before continuing,

"Even the Director unplugs once in awhile."
Daniel Sousa The easy demeanor and what Coulson offers has Daniel smiling. "No kidding?" he says. "Yeah, I think I can sell Peg on that," he says. "What's the timeframe on this? We're going to the military ball on Friday, so if we could swing things for Saturday we could probably swing a weekend away, as long as nobody's calling us back to the office," he says with a hopeful look to Coulson on that last part. "Think it could be done?"
Phil Coulson "Absolutely."

That actually fits for both. "If that's when you want, I'll make arrangements for you. There's a little restaurant that has been getting amazing write ups. No Michelin stars yet, but they're hungry for it, so the food is going to be that much better." He offers another smile and finishes up the coffee in hand.

"Let me know what you choose. I want to do this for you guys. A 'welcome back' present from me. Then, once you guys actually get to breathe, you'll be back to work with a vengeance." In a way, it's actually true. Phil does care, and fully believes what he's saying. He never takes the time off; he can't. Won't. Same thing with him.

"It'll relieve some of my guilt for not doing it by making sure you and the Chief do."

Holding out his hand for a shake, Phil looks pleased and relieved. Both very natural expressions.
Daniel Sousa "Sounds great," Daniel says, "I'll run it by Peg when I see her tonight and let you know what we choose," he says already thinking about the weekend. God knows after his talk with Lily tonight they might just need it.

Daniel rises to shake Phil's hand, chuckling, "Well I wouldn't be surprised if Peggy turns around and makes you take a break after this, so be warned, however I think she'll really appreciate this, thanks Commander," he says as he gives Phil's hand a good firm shake.
Phil Coulson "Great," and Phil's shake is firm, as is the other man's. "Let me know and we'll get all this in motion. I'll pull a few strings, too, and get you good seats, so you don't have to do anything but show up."

He does chuckle self-deprecatingly at the suggestion that he take a break afterwards, adding, "No promises. I'm not married. No significant other. Anything I do, I'd be doing by myself. So, I'd rather work." Compelling argument, all of them. "But, I'll take the warning."

Once retrieving his hand, Phil twists around, a gesturing look given towards the door. "But, gotta go back to work. Need to do a few more things around here beofre quitting for the day. And, Lola and I have a date." Every week, he detail cleans his car, like clockwork.
Daniel Sousa "Don't let Peg hear that, she'll find you one if that's what it takes for you to take a break," Daniel jokes about Phil lacking a significant other.

Daniel nods, "I'll let you get to it, Commander, and thanks again, I really appreciate it, and Peggy will too," he promises before the question pops out of his mouth. "I thought you didn't have a significant other, who's Lola?" he asks he was still catching up on all the in-office scuttlebutt, which was a helluva lot harder without Rose Roberts to bring him the latest when she popped in the office.
Phil Coulson Phil's a couple of steps backwards, catching the question before he fully turns around to head to the door. There's a laugh in response to being set up, followed by a quick shake of his head. "Nothing's ever worked out." Including the 'one', the cellist from California.

He does evince a touch of surprise; EVERYONE knows about Lola, and everyone knows enough not to get near her. There's a hint of pride in his tones as he answers; it's quick and to the point, "She's a 1962, cherry red Corvette. Convertable. Had her forever." Of course, he neglects to mention that after Tony Stark got through with her, she's a flying, armored 1962 cherry red convertable Corvette. "I don't go anywhere without her."
Daniel Sousa "Sorry to hear that, Commander, I'll try not to be your average married guy and sell you on the concept," he says with a sympathetic smile.

The mention of the car gets a laugh. "Hard to think that someone could have a car from '62 forever, still sounds like the future to me, but she sounds like a real beauty," he says before joking, "Think you'd trade her for 1940 Nash ^Rambler? We've got most of the bullet holes patched, I swear."
Phil Coulson Phil truly is the consummate bachelor. Married to his work, and just when he thinks there's life beyond it, something happens. In this case, he'd died.

Puts a dampener on things.

He positively grins at the question, and tilts his head slightly. "You know, tempting. Very tempting, but I'm going to have to pass on that." One of Phil's other loves? Collectables. All of them. That Nash is most definitely a dangling carrot, but... Lola. "She is a sight to behold. Once you see her, you won't forget her." The grin remains as he lifts a single shoulder in a shrug, "She has her own spot on The Bus." Another vehicle that is uniquely Phil's. (Seems he really is a collector?)
Daniel Sousa "Had to ask," Daniel says with a grin, "Still come by the Long Island place you can take her for a spin if you want," he says of the Nash.

There's a second of confusion before it clicks, "Right that big Spruce Goose looking plane that takes up most of our hanger space. Must pay to be May's partner if she lets you park your car in it, I hear she's possessive about that thing."
Phil Coulson Phil chuckles and shakes his head ever so slightly, "That's actually my airplane. She just flies it." The grin turns lopsided, and there's a moment when those blue eyes focus on the middle distance. It's there, gone, and he's in the here and now.

"Director Fury gave it to me. She just won't let anyone else fly it." There's a light shrug, and he continues, "No one else is rated, really. It's V-T-O-L, basically meaning it can fit almost anywhere there's room. She is a sight, though. Impressive. But she takes a steady hand."
Daniel Sousa "Jeeze what's your secret? Seems like you've got all the best toys, planes, cars," he shakes his head. "Back when we were getting started we mostly flew around in one of Howard's private planes."

"Though they definitely couldn't VTOL," he says with a grin. "Well even if we were all rated for the thing May would still likely want to be the only one to fly that thing, and from what I've seen she could do, like the guy with his polka records, better to let her have it."
Phil Coulson Phil shrugs again, the gesture light but not dismissive. He simply doesn't have an answer, other than, "Been around a long time. Been with SHIELD since I was 18. Along the way, I guess I just did good." And died. And came back.

"You're good. You've got better." It's an honest sentiment, and he presses his lips together and looks around the room as if to encompass it. "In the end, it's not things that matter." For the moment of depth, he allows a second. Then, he can't help himself.

"Toys are nice, though." It's a throwaway, for sure, as he turns around to walk out of the room.
Daniel Sousa There's an amused smirk about being around SHIELD a long time, but he got the point, Phil was a lifer, just like him.

"Thanks," Daniel says for the compliment beore he sinks back into his chair, after recovering his pen and binder. "I'll keep that in mind!" he calls after the commander before looking down at the regs, it's only for a second, before he's pulling out his phone and looking up the restaurant Phil mentioned. The offer was unexpected and exciting, he'd have to do something nice for Phil in return.