Owner Pose
James Proudstar There is a knock on your door hard and insistent. James hasnt been aroubd for a few days. Heading into August means the school is ramping up and also classes at Columbia starting soon.
Nicole Adams      Hot times, summer in the city, indeed. As the classic song goes, so too did the weather in New York. It was hot. Damn hot. Nicki had her shades drawn, her air conditioner running, and a fan running to distribute the cool air throughout her apartment. At least she is comfortable in her denim shorts, and a blouse that ties up beneath her chest, to leave her midriff bare. If one on the other side of the door listens, they can hear her footsteps approaching. "Hold your horses, I'm coming!" A minute later, the door is opened to reveal Nicole, and she smiles wide, seeing James there.
James Proudstar James Proudstar looks the worse for wear. haggard and pale at the edges, "Thank God, you're safe. The Shi'ar attacked the mansion. We fought them off but if feels like they might try again. I- " John stops purs his arms around you and sobs, complete breakdown. "They got John, he's back, he wasnt dead, how coukd we have known? They took him,"
Nicole Adams      Leading him away from the door, Nicole nudges it shut behind him with one foot. She does her best to guide him to the couch and encourage him to sit down, a frown of concern furrowing her brows. "Your brother... alive?" Her tone is incredulous, even as she holds him close, letting him sob on her shoulder. "Okay, is there any plan being made to bring him home? Was anybody else taken or hurt?"
James Proudstar James Proudstar shakes his head, "No time, they're going after Jean.'s parents, the Shi'ar, naybe Rachel too, Rachel's her daughter, kinda, it's complicated. They're putting a team together, now. A few of the kids were injured in the evacuation, injuries but no deaths. No one taken there's a bunch of injuries. The kids are being scattered to keep them away from the fighting. Something's brewing, might be gone for a bit I- There's just too my much. I don't know, there were three of him, three versions of John they all seened younger than me but they were him. They spoke Apache called themselves .'Death' Jim shakes his head trapped in a nightmare and unable to wakeup. "I don't know Nicole, they were clones? Does that mean he's alive? They needed a visble source for tissue? Who taught them Apache?"Jim shakes his head.
Nicole Adams      Nicole's frown deepens by the moment, the more she listens to James, her embrace tightening. "Don't expect me to stand by doing nothing when your kin and friends are in trouble," she states, rather adamantly. Reaching up, she gently caresses his face, tracing those proud features and brushing a bit of hair away from his eyes. "Tell me how I can help. Please."
James Proudstar James Proudstar smiles through red rimmed eyes, "You're helping me right now. I can't do this there, in front of them." He takes a breath, then a second deeper, slower, He smooths your hair and gives you a warm smile, "I know you do, hut we've been training for years to handle things like this. Stay safe, if you can have some room for posible wounded?" He sighs, "I need to get on one of those ships... "He eyes go unfocused as he's collecting things in his head. "The quinjet should get us there, I need a few people." Jim frowns and nods, "Have a bag packed. If we go it will be quick. I'll try to grab you."
Nicole Adams      Nicole nods, glancing around the apartment. "I could help a few wounded. This is a small apartment, but two, maybe three at most could fit in here. And I'll keep a 'bug-out' bag ready." She nuzzles his neck gently, offering what simple comfort she can with her embrace, brushing her thumbs gently beneath those red-rimmed eyes. "I don't know a thing about these... Shi'ar? What should I put in my bug-out bag for this?"
James Proudstar James Proudstar smiles, "Any weapons, clothes first aid kit, non perishable food. The usual, nothing in particular, alcohol may be? Anything the feels useful. Underwear, hygeine products." He rubs his eyes I have alist back at school. I help all the first years build a bug-out bag to keep in their room as part of survival."