Owner Pose
Peggy Carter The Gray Fox Inn sounds way more fancy that it is. A little bar frequented by local farmers and some tractor trailor drivers, it has a ripped up old pool table, an ancient juke box, cigarette machine, three beers on draft, and not a single chair has much covering left in tact in the place. Peggy told him to meet here once she found the message on her old burner. She's there early, watching the door from a back booth with her somewhat crappy beer in front of her.

She looks different than she used to, almost dramatically so. It's like someone wound back the clock at least a decade. Faint wrinkles are gone, even those burn scars on the side of her face have softened and mostly disappeared, like her skin had the elasticity of youth back. She's trying to blend in, so she's in shockingly a pair of jeans and a casual cream blouse.
Frank Castle Normally. the Punisher doesn't care about blending in. His whole MO is to stand out and show the criminal trash he wages war with he's not afraid to be loud and proud of taking them on. If anything, Frank would probably be considered even more insane than Batman, since he doesn't hide his identity. Most of the time, anyway. sometimes, you need to wear masks for gas or whatever.

Today, howeever, is all about blending in. There's no trenchcoat. There's no skull vest. The only concession to his normal clothing are the worn combat boots that are well maintained. Wearing all black, along with a biker black jacket, Frank also wears a plain baseball cap and sunglasses.

That, along with his infiltration skillset... makes it so that even those who know him wouldn't really recognize him, with his gait and demeanor shift giving off a meek impression.

Indeed, when Frank walks in, his shoulders are slumped just so as he heads over to Peggy... and sits down next to her. "Been a while." Frank doesn't bother to disguise his voice... just his body language and appearance, so Peggy will be able to recognize him instantly from that.
Peggy Carter After a hundred years of life, 80 of them spent being a spy, Peggy can recognize someone from walk alone, much less a few other hints. Her eyes shift as Frank enters the room, but she waits for him to settle across from her as she gives a gentle dip of her head. "Frank...glad to see you in one piece. Perhaps a little surprised too, but you're a survivor." She greets him neutrally, looking him up and down for a moment to make certain he's not injured in anyway.
Frank Castle Frank is indeed not injured. Not that Peggy can see, at least.

"I've been fighting a guerilla war against most of the known world for a decade, I know how to avoid serious trouble." Frank replies, "SHIELD included." Frank has worked with SHIELD In the past, yes... but there is no formal truce between him and Peggy's organization... only a select few in the organization who recognize that trying to hunt down Frank would far outweigh the benefits of having an unaffiliated commando of his league willing to talk to them and exchange favors.

"I've been doing small time mopup for a few weeks, but I hear you've been dealing with Washington." Frank flags down the bartender, "Beer." He states, before he looks to Peggy and gives a smirk, "Welcome to the club."
Peggy Carter A little groan escapes her lips at the comment of Washington, but as he doesn't bother to ask about her strange transformation, she relaxes just a bit. Peg takes a good sip of her own somewhat crappy beer -- Old Milwakee -- and sets the glass back down, "Yes, well, now that Washington has decided maybe we aren't terrorists and HYDRA is as dangerous as we always said it was... they want to play ball with us again. I guess it's a blessing. Nice to not be a criminal after decades of service."
Frank Castle "Your past service doesn't matter a lick to anyone with power." Frank coldly tells her, "you can and will be sacrificed on the alter of personal ambition if it means it looks like they're doing something about the state of the world."

Of course, Peggy has probably seem his record, and the hard tone to his voice gives the air of personal experience. "Sounds like HYDRA has sleeper agents." Frank gives her a serious look, "Give me a list, and I'll take care of it."
Peggy Carter "I've got people on it... the ones outstanding, at least. We've already taken care of several. But I need information out of them before they die or disappear, so I already have my people going in. Thank you, though...I didn't know you cared that much." Peggy offers with a half amused smile smirk, genuinely a little surprised that he's offered such help. "And trust me, I know. I've been a woman in the military since the second great war. I am accustomed to being the sacrifical lamb."
Frank Castle "Carter, I have no problem with LE. My problem is when they don't do their job, or are corrupt. The entire reason I fight my war is so no one has to go through what I did. Going after HYDRA puppets that ruin lives? That's just another tuesday for me." Frank tells her with a serious tone. "I only get in the way of your people when you get in mine."
Peggy Carter "I'm full aware of that, Castle, and I have no intention in getting in the way of yours. When I tell you that we have it... we have it. I've been operating as an internationally wanted terrorist for the last 4 months... and I still managed to take out half a dozen high value HYDRA target and work with the others to clear our name. I think we've got this." Peggy gives him a bitter sweet smile. No matter how much younger she looks, she is tired. That much is clear. It's been a long few months.
Frank Castle "Well, you know where to find me." Then, Frank takes out a new flip phone and hands it to Peggy. "A new burner. Micro did some work on this one."
Peggy Carter The new burner is taken, looking it over curiously. Peggy then gives a short nod, "Same to you now, at least. Getting rid of the old burner with this. It's far too old. You're lucky I checked it at all. If... you need back up, just call." A bittersweet, tired smile cuts across her lips.