Owner Pose
Phoebe Beacon     Phoebe exited the Laughing Magician later at night, coming up the six steps into the belly of the uplifted (and maybe even stolen) pub building as she called goodnight to Chas, the bartender, and stepped out into the New York City night. Her hair wasn't braided, but seemed a little one-sided. She took out her pony-tail holder and fluffed up the curls and kinks until it was a fluffy mass.

    New York City had a different feel than Gotham, but the sound of the city was just another song by the same artist of humanity. Someone's blasting music.
Cassandra Cain Whether she'd come from behind or in front, Cassandra is suddenly walking beside Phoebe. Stalker much? She's there, guarding the girl from all and sundry, and how she got around isn't clear. She does seem calm, watching around the environment like she's on-guard. But she has something in her hand. Looks like paper.
Phoebe Beacon     Phoebe may be used to the commings and goings of the mysterious -- but she gives a slight startle when Cass suddenly appears. Very slight.

    But the smile is genuine as she looks over to the guardian. Cass may be able to feel, though, that Phoebe is lacking that aura that usually accompanies her.

    "Hey Cass." she greets the other girl. "I see everyone's coming to check on me."
Cassandra Cain Cassandra lets her eyes look to the lady next to her, and she raises her hand up to her own hair. She turns, then gives a grin. Not a smile, she's more showing teeth than being cutesy.

She thumbs at the road up ahead then raises an eyebrow, handwobbling slightly in estimation of...something.

But then she takes that slip of paper from her one hand and flicks it a few times. She looks at Phoebe speculatively, then proffers it. Shrugs.
Phoebe Beacon     "Well, they'll probably like you more than they liked Bart." Phoebe gives a small smile, and looks curiously at the paper when it's offered as they walk.

    "Oh? What's this?" she asks, and accepts the piece of paper, bringing it up to peer at it, slowing slightly.
Cassandra Cain Cassandra doesn't know Bart. She barely knows Robin, and he lives with some of her friends. But what she's asking Phoebe to read is a strip of paper..in Chinese. Unless Phoebe can read other languages this is going to be a very short conversation.

If she can, it's an invitation to an MMA fight in China.
Phoebe Beacon     You know what they say about assumptions.

    Phoebe looks at the piece of paper, and she tilts her head a moment and determines that it's not kana or kanji -- which she *can* read -- and then she digs into her messenger bag and brings out her phone.

    She boots up a translator program, ans she focuses the paper on it, pursing her lips a moment.

    And she gives an amused expression.

    She then looks to Cass, and raises her eyebrows. She points to Cass, and then brings her hands up in loose fists, her eyebrows rising up. Is Cass fighting in this?
Cassandra Cain Cassandra looks at Phoebe a moment. She gets a 'listening' tilt to her head, and slowly lets her smile appear. She looks at the paper as if reading it, though her eyes flick over it as a whole. Not reading at all, she's just looking at it like it's a picture.

A moment later she looks up at Phoebe and her expression lights up. She 'ohs' and then grins more properly, nodding enthusiastically as if she's only just now found out what the paper even is! Which is actually the case. Cass can not read.
Phoebe Beacon     Creative misunderstandings. They'd have to find a way to fix this language barrier.

    Phoebe considers a moment, and she scratches the back of her head.

    And she gives a sad smile to Cass, and shakes her head. She points to herself, and then points to the building she just left. Phoebe mimes opening a book and studying it, and then brings her hands up and expands her fingers at her temples. Mind blown. She's learning things here. She gives a quick slice of her hand across the air, and then her hand moves like an airplane. Can't travel.
Cassandra Cain Cass' face is laughing. She isn't, but her eyes and features certainly are. She reaches for one of Phoebe's hands, planning to link fingers with her. But she pauses, looking into the shadows behind the woman. Her features go blank, and she stills.

Anyone who needs that translated has never met Cassandra.
Phoebe Beacon     No. That doesn't need translation.

    Phoebe tenses, though her fingers tingle with the bound energy that's not making it out to her aura. Phoebe stills, and she gives a nod. Her free hand splays her fingers, and she slips her fingers into the pocket where her extending staff is hidden.

Cassandra Cain A foot steps out of the shadows. It is the absolute opposite of normal, even for Hell's Kitchen. It doesn't step, silently, trying to sneak up behind you. It clanks.

The person who steps out of the shadows is impossible. It's freaking awesome, but it's also freaking WRONG.

It's a knight in shining armor.

"Fear my blayde, miscreants!" The man, looking to be seven feet tall in his metal suit, pulls a longsword from his belt. It is wide at the base, narrow at the tip, and is of a style not seen for ages.

He's also a goddamn knight. In New York.

"Thine evil spell be nae enow to stay me!"

He's excited.
Phoebe Beacon     "-... uh. Cass?" Phoebe inquires, and she looks rather peturbed. "Is that a--" she asks, and then she draws back a moment, her lips pursing.

    "Ah -- halt there, fair knight of the realm. You has't stumbl'd 'pon a strange happenstance. I beg you hear our explaination?" she asks, though there is a circle lighting up on her palm as she steps in front of Cassandra to defend both her from the Knight -- and the knight from her!
Cassandra Cain The man, at least it sounds like a male, answers by thrusting his blade toward the witch's face. Apparently he treats magic as an affront, and given the ancient-style cross emblazoned on the chest of his armor he might well be a holy knight of sorts. Which means nothing about super powers, but a great deal about pre-existing biases.

Cassandra reacts with predictable speed. As Phoebe's protected her, she proceeds to shove at Phoebe to one side to get her the mc-hell out of the way of that incoming blade! Because no offense but she prefers her Phoebes to not be stabbed in the face.

She kicks at the man's hand, her steel toes rebounding off of his armor, and the man's hand lifts. Slightly.

"Ye tolde nin o' this, lady!" he cries, though he doesn't appear to be speaking to us. "This quest be mayne, true, but no castle be it!" He swivels, his armor supporting him in the motion, and grasps his blade in both hands.

"KNEEL!" he says then. NOW he's talking to us.
Phoebe Beacon     Phoebe is pushed. She gives a grumpy face to Cassandra, and she lights up her own shield, glowing with golden light, and see-through as Coptic sigils encircle it.

    "The last gentleman who ordered me to kneel didn't come out so well. Name yourself, Knight!" Phoebe demands. Cass would see the circle on her palm plainly, but there is also a circle at her wrist which is faintly glowing as the shield fades out of existence. Phoebe gives room between herself, stepping lightly to flank the knight.
Cassandra Cain Cassandra is at a serious disadvantage. She has no idea what the guy is saying, since she can't read him in the slightest. I mean, sure, broad strokes - he's annoyed about something or other. She also knows that she'd have to put in some real damage to get past that armour. So she takes her cues from Phoebe.

She has no idea what Phoebe can do, but has an idea from her movements that she feels she can handle herself. So Cass nods, and moves opposite. Not kneeling, of course. Because she doesn't know that word.

The Knight, if so he be, stands tall and aims his blade at the witch. He allows it to be in one hand again, since they've moved to different points.

"I be Sir Theome of Ullapool, Knight of the Kirk! Speak thine name and allegiance." He speaks sooooo wierdly. Something out of time. But at least he's not stabbing at this exact moment.
Phoebe Beacon     "Phoebe, of Gotham. My companion is Cass, the Silent." she states, and she holds a hand up to Cassandra, a gently 'wait'.

    "Ullapool. Who is your lord, Theome? You have come to the city of New York. Your speech is old and others of your type have not been seen in many a year." she states gently, and Phoebe really, really wishes she knew the words to undo her aura -- just to calm the poor guy down! "I promise to you, we fight for the side of The Light and all that is good in the cities."
Cassandra Cain The knight, being spoken to with reason, raises his blade. He dares to say the things which he had suspected. "I have nae wish to slay laydes," he stoutly announces, which likely will go over better than pronouncing that they kneel.

So it's totally time for a group of assholes to walk into view, tongue rings and ear stretchings and leather and studs. They stop, then they start to laugh. "Hoy, mate! We got us some cray today!" They start to walk over, to get too close.

Cassandra's eyes are pissed off. She glances at Phoebe, for permission to thump heads.

The knight however...not as lenient. "DEMONS! Stay back foul ones! I shall smite thee with the poer of the Laird!"


The gangers start to look confused, then to laugh. "Oh get this.." "push him over." "I want that helmet."
Phoebe Beacon     Phoebe looks to Cassie, and she gives a small nod. Queen Gorgo would be proud, and she turns to face the gang guys with their earhoops and leather, and she stretches her fingers.

    "You guys chose /really/ poorly." she states, and she flicks her wrist, her extending staff, via Tim Timminey comes into being, and she ducks down, baseball-swinging her bat towards one guy's stomach!
Cassandra Cain The knight, his blade prepared to gut fish and slice up afterward, steps forward prepared to do battle. He says, "Now I..." just as Phoebe topples one guy with her staff. He approves, quarterstaff is a good weapon for combat. She could use some practice, but the form is solid.

Then he swivels to see if the other female needs assistance.

She does not.

Cassandra moved the moment she'd been given permission. She dropped, going into a splits, and kicked out to both sides. Knees buckled and two gangers dropped, and she ignored their howls to roll backward.

The knight raises an unseen eyebrow. Well. They ARE warriors. "TO BATTLE!"

He steps forward, gauging his distance, and launches a series of potentially lethal strikes at what appears to be the demonic leader!

The first slice cuts the man down. As in, dead.
Phoebe Beacon     "WH-- Cass, cover me!!" Phoebe states, and as her guy topples, Phoebe dives for the man who was cut down. Death takes a couple moments --

    ... and given that Death is probably a little busy, Phoebe's hoping they won't notice she's about to steal this guy from them.

    Her staff is at her side, and she brings her hands up to try to reverse the damage. "Sir Theome, these are not demons, they are /men/. Well." she wrinkles her nose "... guys at least." she states, and she breathes out, laying her hands on the ruffian! With MAGIC!
Cassandra Cain Sir Theome may be forgiven for some things. He is out of his own time, and he truly believed that the 'demons' would need more force than they did to take down. He pauses, the threat seeming less than it did a moment before. "I way unawayre," he says, his sword pausing before it slices into another foe.

Cassandra has thrown another one then, bowling over everyone who's left in the thugs like a massive pile of chaos. She grabbed him by the collar and -heaved-, and the shouts and pain and mess is awesome.

The knight's sword did serious damage though. It cleaved mostly through the man's neck, severing the spine. He is not in a good way, but he's not totally dead yet. When Phoebe's magic steps in, she actually sees a goth'ish girl in black standing nearby, watching.

Odd. She wasn't there a moment before, and isn't there when she looks up again. She was pretty.

But this is a serious job. Focus.
Phoebe Beacon     Phoebe doesn't stop. Not when she looks up to see a Goth girl watching, and she breathes out. She stretches her fingers. This should be a fresh wound. Fresh wounds are easiest to heal. Flesh and bone and sinew, spinal cord and blood vessels and a thousand tiny strands of muscle fiber.

    She fixed a /hole/ in Vorpal. She was able to stave off a demon's ugly breath inside a man's lungs.

    Sword wounds?

    "Just enough for you not to /die/, dick." she growls. "And remember this the next time you decide to knock a guy over for his damn /hat/." she mutters. She's grumpy.
Cassandra Cain Time passes in a haze for a moment. Reattaching flesh is easy. Reattaching nerves and a destroyed spine, not so much. But there is silence after a moment, and the other gangers gather around. They mutter. And, slowly, they stop muttering.

Reattaching a severed head is not what they expected to see this day.

Sir Theome of Ullapool kneels, his armor creaking. To one knee, and he waits in silence for the ritual to complete. He chose poorly, slaying a peasant for small sins. And he is gifted with a child of God before him, renewing the boy's very life.

He will not forget.


Eh. She's munching on an energy bar. She's seen worse.
Phoebe Beacon     And Phoebe fixes it.

    The man breathes on his own. Gurgling, turned over so he can cough up blood from his repaired trachea. He's still bleeding, but it won't kill him. Probably.

    Phoebe draws up, and she points to the man.

    "Get him. To a hospital. /Now/. And don't you breathe a word of what you saw here." she states. "This is your secret for the rest of your lives. And I swear upon the blood that stains this street here -- if you *ever* step out of line. A single toe."

    She looks to the three of them, summoning up as much presence as she can.

    "We will find you. And we will finish the job. Have I made myself /clear/?"
Cassandra Cain It's not long til they're gone. While they take their wounded friend, the gangers start to seem confused. Worried. Sad, perhaps a few other emotions that might fit. One even has the brains to phone for an ambulance, calling for ...just around the corner. Because they want to get him out of here.

Cassandra and Theome both stand, one with considerably more effort than the other, but Theome seems to be a powerful man in his knighthood. He pauses, then begins to unbuckle his helmet.

The alleyway through which he originally came, now that things are not hectic, might shine with a dark magic of sorts. Not something that Cass is equipped to see.
Phoebe Beacon     Dark magic is not a good feeling against Phoebe's senses. She stands, trusting Cassandra to watch her back a moment, and then turns to both Cass and Theome, and she takes a deep breath.

    "You didn't know. You must be so lost." she comments to Theome with a gentle sound, and she looks to him as he begins to remove his helmet.
Cassandra Cain The man removes his helmet then. He is, apparently, a redhead. He lacks several of his teeth, and he clearly needs to discover shampoo. However, he is likely alright for his time. "I am," he says. Then he frowns, his red beard scratching. "Mayhaps I should turn, and see if they passage open both wayes."

Cassandra is still kinda lost. She hunches down again, really not clicking with this.
Phoebe Beacon     Phoebe gives a small smile to Cassandra, and she motions with her head.

    Yep. He looks good for his age. "Well, Sir Theome... let's see if we can get you home." she states with gentleness. She looks to Cassandra, and points to the man, makes a gentle slash mark, and then points to her wrist. He's in the wrong time.

    Of course, she has no idea if Cassandra knows what a watch is. THey're going to have to work on their language barrier.
Cassandra Cain There is proof of an age-old proverb. Even the greatest sometimes need a helping hand. (The bigger they are, the harder they fall was taken.) It takes a moment or two but eventually the Knight is returned through a portal he was never meant to travel, and Cassandra and Phoebe stand alone.

That's the odd thing, but the oddest thing is that the portal doesn't seem to have entirely closed. There's a hint, something dark and magical. Perhaps there's more to come.

Returning to his own time though, the man stands before the wizard, and frowns. "You lied to me, old man."

The old man smiles. "Oh. Well, then I owe you recompense. Here."

He holds out the book to Theome, who frowns. "What is this?"

It is, apparently, a guidebook. How to alter reality for dummies.

Yeah. I went there.