Owner Pose
Koriand'r Sun. Warm, beautiful, lifegiving sun. Koriand'r spends a lot of time out in it when she can. When she isn't helping save people, or fight bad guys. She loves the warmth and the feeling that it gives her. She lies on a pretty much empty beach -- not terribly far from the City, but not terribly close either -- as most people are at work, or unable to fly to get to the location, or...whatever else might be preventing them from catching some rays in a simple bikini. Face down, on a towel, just, relaxing. It's almost heaven.
Karen Starr     There is a commotion nearby- somewhat audible, even from the seclusion that Kori has found herself. The horn of a cruise ship breaks the silence, and it becomes evident there is some distress.

    It's nothing to worry about, of course- the ship has just run softly aground because their foolish captain swung too close to shore. No damage, but major inconvenience. However, they're setting off a disress call- because it warrants that, it is distress after all- and it would normally be hours before the tugs arrived to free them.

    Before it becomes a bother that'd interrupt Kori's me-time, a pink blur zooms across the sky, swooping in towards the bottom of the cruise ship. A few moments later, it jostles, and lifts from the water visibly, before being lowered back down into the water.

    Of course, Power Girl's mood is soured: She was under the impression that this was an actual, genuine emergency. Instead, what she got was incompetence leading to a minor inconvenience for a wealthy cruise line.

    All the same, without the inherent alarm of an impending maritime tragedy, Power Girl can be seen taking off into the sky and flying her way back toward the city- no longer a blur, and not keeping to overly high heights.
Koriand'r Koriand'r heard the sound of the cruise ship as it ran lightly aground, and was about to hop up from where she was sunning herself to go see if she could be of assistance when the blur in the sky caught her eye. She floated a few feet off the ground, watching as the figure lifts the many thousand ton cruise ship out of the water, and then sets it down. She is...impressed to say the least. And, when the woman -- an attractive one at that -- floats in her general direction, Kori can't help but try and catch her attention.

"Hey! That was amazing! You did a great job!" She calls, and then blushes just a little bit at how lame that probably sounded. She sinks back down to her towel, and sits on it, waving Power Girl over, if she'll come, adding, "I was going to come help but you took care of it so quickly. And lifted it out of the water, I could never do that."
Karen Starr     Someone calling for her attention gets it, a somewehat trained response from her years of doing the World Saving thing. She tries not to listen in, but eventually you learn to tell when sound is hitting you from so direct an angle that it can't be anything but aimed at you.

    Her attention flits down, and soon enough, instead of shooting over the beach, she's drifting down, a quizzical brow raised when she calmly lands a few feet from the woman on the towel.

    "You're... Starfire, right? Koriand'r?" It makes sense of course- Power Girl is a member of the League. She's heard of all of the Titans, even if some identities aren't known to her. "Thanks. Happy I didn't interrupt anything, we don't really get a whole lot of time off." A pause, and a little shrug. "Just a bit out of the water, it's not all that impressive. I'm sure you'd have figured out a way."
Koriand'r "I am, yes." Koriand'r replies, grinning as the woman recognizes her. She pats the towel next to her and asks, "Would you like to take a little time off yourself?" She bites her lower lip as she asks this. And, Karen can tell that for just a moment Kori's eyes flit over the woman's figure.

"I probably would have had to call for backup. Those cruise ships are....very large, and very heavy. That's more of a Superman sort of thing," she replies, before she says, "And you're Power Girl, yes? I don't think we've met in person, but I've seen a lot of the stuff you do and you're...amazing. More so in real life," she gets out a bit breathily.
Karen Starr     If there's one thing that she's used, to, it's that kind of look. Regardless, though, taking a moment out of the grind isn't exactly an unappealing idea. "Yeah, sure." The drift down to the towel is slow, Karen twisting casually and then floating down to the surface rather than properly sitting or falling.

    "Yeah, if you tried to lift the thing- but that was just the simplest and easiest way for me to do it. I'm sure you wouldn't have had any trouble turning the sand under it to glass so that it'd slide back into the water, or something creative." she notes, and offers a nod or two. "Yep, that's me. Power Girl. The press isn't typically too kind, but hopefully it's not too hard to read between the lines to find out that I'm helping people."
Koriand'r "I think you are. I mean...I just saw it. I don't read the press. They have me dating a different man or woman every week it seems. Some of who I have never even met!" Kori replies, sounding perhaps a bit indignant at that, but also, slightly amused. "I wouldn't MIND dating someone but I do not see the point in it being plastered all over the newspapers."

The comment about how she might have gotten the ship off the rocks, she smiles a little, "Thank you for thinking so, I may have, but I may also have sunk the ship in doing so. I don't mind calling for help. Sometimes I get someone I've never met before and I can make a new friend!" This idea seems to brighten her mood and she asks, "Do you want anything to eat, drink? Change into something more comfortable than your suit? I have a couple other swimsuits with me...I wanted to try them on. You....might not quite be the correct size though..."
Karen Starr     Power Girl thinks on that for a few moments, offering a slight nod. "Yeah, that kind of turnaround time is the stuff of hyperbole. I don't think I've ever heard of someone actively dating a new person every week. Some people get hookups that often- or more often- but not /dating./" she notes, face schrunching somewhat. "Unfortunately, they'll take any excuse they can get to print something that people will buy- and people will buy stuff like that. It comes with fame."

    Power Girl shakes her head, looking towards the other woman. "No, I'm sure you'd have managed it, but that's a pretty great way to look at it." At the offer, Karen shakes her head again. "No, I'm not especially hungry or thirsty right now." As if she's ever actually hungry, or thirsty, to be fair. She eats and drinks for comfort and taste- right now, the rays of the sun are all she needs to actually survive. "The suit is pretty comfortable." That line has some sarcasm in it, but it's pretty clear she believes she won't fit- and, frankly, she's right. Kori's height isn't too different from her own, but that isn't the issue.
Koriand'r Koriand'r considers Karen's words for a few moments -- especially the ones dripping with sarcasm -- and then leans up to whisper something in her ear, pulling away to watch the other woman's reaction.
Karen Starr     Never let it be said that Power Girl isn't without some form of bias. She's admittedly punched people for less, /today/, but there are some factors that deserve mentioning. First, at least it wasn't the first thing Kori said to her. That helps a lot. Second, it's not as if she didn't make a dating profile, and the whisper is a whole lot classier than what she normally gets.

    Despite this, Karen offers a soft chuckle- something that probably shouldn't be legal, or at least not done in polite company. "Okay, a little too fast, but I'm happy I'm at least generating interest with interesting people."
Koriand'r And there Koriand'r blushes -- as far as a Tamaranean can -- and puts her hands over her mouth. She is silent for a few moments, and then pulls them away and says meekly, "my apologies, I meant only for you to relax and not feel confined. But, humans tend to be a little more..restrictive. I need to do better at remembering that."

She bows her head a little and then says, "I would understand if you wished to leave now. Again, I am sorry if I went too far."
Karen Starr     That's also point number three- she'd heard about it, but had never put much thought into it- Tamaraneans are, in every sense of the word, uninhibited. "No, it's fine." she states, firmly- and honestly. "I really do take it as a compliment. Don't feel like you have to change or be embarrassed, there are a lot of people who could use that kind of openness."

    Having admitted that, Power Girl doesn't seem at all desperate to leave or get away, or anything the like. "You didn't go too far. It's okay, trust me."
Koriand'r Meekly: "okay, thank you." And then, perhaps a little flirty, "If you change your mind though...." Before she smiles coyly and then leans back on the towel, to get more rays and relax a bit. "What do you do for fun then? Do you enjoy the beach? Or, are you more of a 'spend time reading and brooding' type like all of those people who hang around Batman?" she asks, looking over to Karen again, eyes settling on hers for the time being. No glances elsewhere now.

After a moment or two though, it seems she wants to roll back over onto her belly, and she does so, slowly, so as not to seem like she isn't paying attention to Karen's reply. Once she's settled in she adds, "And, how long have you been a hero of Earth? You look young, but...so does just about everyone else doing this sort of thing it seems."
Karen Starr     "No need to thank me. It's fine to just be yourself." Another short chuckle, at that. Again, it really ought to be illegal, because giving other superheroines confidence issues is something she can't keep getting away with. "I'll let you know."

    It takes some thought, and Power Girl stares out over the ocean while thinking about it. "Well, I /do/ read a lot. Shopping, nice restaurants, movies- that kinda thing. No brooding though, I'm pretty sure if I started, I'd get a C and D with a Gotham return address." she notes, taking a moment to look towards Kori's face- the angle for which gets a little awkward with the change in position.

    "That's... Complicated. Suffice it to say I've been doing this a /long/ time. Kryptonians don't age very much under a yellow sun."

    Just about two decades of this, actually- but the entire idea of another universe is a whole can of worms.
Koriand'r The awkward angle that Karen has to keep her head at to see Kori's face does not go unnoticed by the woman. She blinks a couple of times, and then rolls onto her side to relieve some of the awkwardness, though, in doing so, she's got a bit of a view of Karen's chest. She does not seem to mind.

She listens right along with what the woman is saying, and says, "Wow...well..I suppose not. It's sort of the same thing for us. We do not age so fast here either. Which...I must say: is wonderful for certain things." And then, she winks and gives a little shake of her chest. "But..yes.. Shopping and nice restaurants are nice. Reading is good. I enjoy all of those. I just prefer laying out in the sun getting as many rays as I can. It feels so amazing."
Karen Starr     Admittedly, Kori's eyes have more than a little bit of an advantage here, as Karen has a small amount of trouble tracing the eyeline, something that she doesn't necessarily feel too much of the need to do. Especially since when Kori moves, Karen gives her privacy- polite, maybe to a minor fault. Definitely not her cousin, but still closer to chaste than the opposite. Slightly.

    "I can't argue with any of that," she states, keeping her eyes where they're supposed to be, despite Kori's jostling. "The sun is a great place to read. I've never been too fond of the beach specifically, but never let it be said that I think there's such a thing as too much sun. At least for us."
Koriand'r Koriand'r seems...surprised? Disappointed? As Karen does not look at the obvious jiggling she's going for. She changes tack just slightly though and says, "You must have noticed the same...advantage to being here, especially considering how much..larger you are?" she suggests, perhaps a little bit shyly as she does not want to drive off her new friend but...does find her alluring.

"Absolutely. I can just lay out here from sun up to sun down and...thrive. If it weren't for seasons I'd never leave this beach." Well, maybe to get a new jar of mustard every now and then.
Karen Starr     It all comes down to being raised by a farmowner named Clark Kent. There's just the kind of politeness you can only get by osmosis, and despite her rebellious years, it takes time to crack that. It doesn't stop her from going wide-eyed for a moment when Kori broaches the subject somewhat directly, but after a few blinks, Karen nods. "Yeah, I've uh- noticed. Aging doesn't really do that to Kryptonians, but I should probably take any advantage I can get on that front." You know, because of the sheer size difference. She is six-three after all.

    "I'm pretty sure you'd probably take some time off of the beach to spend with the Titans, and making daring rescues of your own, that definitely aren't caused by an incompetent captain showing off. In between helping people... It might not be my go-to, but I can't argue with the beach. Unless it's crowded."
Koriand'r "If the beach is crowded, I just roll over, put in earbuds, and let them look. I lose nothing by letting a human enjoy my body's look. And, I work hard to make it look so appealing. Someone should enjoy it." Kori responds breezily, before she smiles just a little bit more, fangs poking out of the corner of her mouth as she adds, "I too enjoy looking at appealing things, and must thank you for giving me that opportunity today," And, well, there go her eyes again, down a little lower than Karen's face, right to the cleavage window she has in front of her. "I bet they are very nice."

And then it's back up to Karen's eyes, as she says, "Perhaps I should let you go though, I do not want to keep you from your own crime fighting, life saving, world protecting work...." she says, trailing off as she moves to sit up, giving herself a long stretch first.
Karen Starr     Karen scrunches up her face again in mild frustration, before admitting: "I haven't found a set of earbuds that can really tune out the noise when it's close. Have to do it manually, which sorta defeats the purpose." She doesn't comment on Kori putting in hard work: Because Power Girl doesn't. Sure, she does a lot of heavy lifting and punching, but even if she weren't... Well, nobody ever said Kryptonians were Fair in any way. Karen is just the least fair in a lot of ways.

    "Testimonies are few but the reviews are generally favorable." she states, offering a single raised brow back at the other woman. She gives privacy again during the stretch, despite that she knows Kori wouldn't mind.

    "I imagine despite how much you want to stay on the beach, there are probably people calling your name right now, so I should probably let you go, too. This was nice, though. I forget sometimes how good it is to just... Stop for a moment, and soak up the sun."
Koriand'r The clear disinterest -- at least as far as Kori can tell -- seems surprising again to the woman, but she hmms and stands up slowly. She takes her time brushing sand off of herself, and then, starts to get out of her bikini to change into something a bit more 'work appropriate' for the flight back to Titan Tower. "They probably are, which is too bad. I could have used some more time here soaking up the beauty all around."

She picks up her towel once she's back in her usual uniform -- not that that really covers up all that much more than her swimwear -- and leans down to press a light kiss to Karen's cheek if she allows it, "I do hope to see you again soon Power Girl. You are enjoyable company."