Owner Pose
Daisy Johnson The first mission for the Secret Warriors had been a success. Or partially at least. Inferno had been subdued, whatever virus that was affecting him ran it's course and he was apparently healed. Of course that there were still many questions about what was going on. Was it Hydra using it? Something else?

First studies revealed it may have Kree origins, something Black Bolt had confirmed in his vague ways. One more mystery to add to the pile.

And that just made Daisy angry. Really. Can't people just work faster? Or be more competent? This is not acceptable! And as such Daisy makes her way to the labs where she hopes certain scientists are. No gifts of food this time. Oh no. Because she is angry.

The door to the labs opens up. "Where's FitzSimmons? I want answers. Now." not even an hello.

Her eyes is of someone who hasn't been sleeping, reddened, expression tight as if in barely contained anger.
Peggy Carter While Peggy was *technically* Chief of the Playground, now that the Triskelion has returned, she's regularly in charge up north as well. Fortunately quinjets make the commuting easy and that means she's given Fury, as well as some other commanders, breaks as they need them. It's her night to be on shift at the Trisk and she's happily enjoying what could almost be called a quiet evening.

That means, at this moment, she is no where near the cross Daisy or difficulties in the lab. She's reading reports that come, of course, but she's mainly settled in the command area, legs crossed, idly paging through holographic diagrams in front of her as she tries to make sense of a new engine they might be using. Sometimes, her luddite ways take a little extra studying.
Bobbi Morse     The moment of contact with the virus in Inferno was brief. She felt that rage swell up and then.. gone. Bobbi went back to work, though she has been feeling a bit off the weather since then. Sitting in her office up in ops casually doing her paperwork.

    After all, Secret Warriors wasn't even the tip of the ice berg for her job. She taps a stylus pen to her lips thoughtfully as she looks at several blurry photos of the people she needs to target. There's nothing worse than a secret society growing right under your nose.
Jemma Simmons Well, now. That is hardly a greeting.

And, normally, completely unlike Daisy. After all, half of that FitzSimmons is Jemma. As in Daisy's occasional roommate and certain friend. Daisy has never quite greeted her in that manner.

However, there is always a first time for everything. And, because it is Jemma, she pretends not to notice the tone of the request.

For...of course Jemma is in the laboratory. And, this time, she is fully decked out in 'research' attire. The comfortable shoes, the labcoat, the latex gloves. Jemma's workstation is abuzz with activity...particularly the monitors showing RNA sequencing and complex chemical compounds.

Yes, just a normal day in the office.

"Hello Daisy!" Regardless of the anger, Jemma still sounds as chipper as always. But...then the smile gives way to concern. "What can I do for you?"

A loaded question. But, one that needed to be asked.
Jessica Drew Babysitting aliens has become Jessica's new mission. Or an alien. One who has earned the nickname Bird from her because of his origins. He annoys her. He has annoyed her from their first interaction but today he is particularly insufferable with his secrets and superior attitude. Jess, in a huff, left him at the gym, telling herself that he doesn't have to be in her pocket 24/7 and certainly couldn't get into trouble in a place as closely surveilled and guarded as the Triskelion. Right? She was ready to paste him one upside the head which he certainly sensed through his thick aura of knowing-it-all from the look he gave her.

What she needed was something for her head. Massaging her forehead, she heads towards the lab complex, catching sight of Agent Johnson barreling down the hall ahead of her. She catches the door and slips in just behind her, a misdemeanor since she didn't badge through the door, in time to hear Jemma's cheery voice.
Melinda May Since the Inferno misison, May has been fairly heads-down in work. Heck, she's quite literally been to Hell and back since then. That alone left her in a weird mood. But, truthfully, if she's been any angrier than usual, it doesn't show. Why would it?

She's the Queen of Anger Management. Even as an empath. Perhaps especially as an empath -- albeit one that's still learning how her power works.

She plays absently with a black band on her left wrist, leaning her elbows on her desk as she studies new duty rosters she's trying to put together. She only looks up because, well... the labs are less than a football field (vertically) away from her. And the unusual spikes of anger she feels from people she knows fairly well capture her attention.

Frowning faintly, she rises from her desk and moves out into the main Ops center. "Cushing? Bring up the cameras in SciTech for me, would you?"
Daisy Johnson "I thought you were supposed to have the answers on what the sample really is, on how we can counter it." Daisy retorts, not even appearing to have noticed Jess creeping in behind her. It's something she'd normally pay attention to. If this was a normal day for Daisy. Instead she is focused on Jemma, and on her own anger.

"Every day that goes on is one more day Inhumans are in danger, because we are facing something that can potentially destroy us!" tone going up and upper. "But no, here you are chipper and happy while we are being hunted out there." her tone gaining an edge to it.

Unbeknown to even herself the walls of the labs shudder in complaint as vibrations course through them, producing a dangerous hum. A hum that starts spreading through the base. One that those who knew Quake back then was very characteristic of when she had no control over her powers. Those dark, first times.

To certain high level Agents at the Triskelion a 'beep' of a warning comes up, along with a report of an altercation at the cafeteria. Apparently one of the Inhumans they had in at the base that they saved from Hydra, San, just went ballistic moments ago and had to be stunned with an ICER.

Something is afoot.
Peggy Carter "Morse, May, when you have a moment get out here and explain this engine to me. Because from what I can tell, we're using small nuclear explosions to power a craft and that *can't* be right." Peggy calls over the comms, finally giving up on deciphering these schematics in front of her. Even if they are still one foot in being theory, not yet built fact, this was something she was supposed to give permission to build. Sometimes she misses just being a spy in the field. Things were more simple then.

The request is made easily, not really even an order, but then she did interrupt their paperwork and line of thought. That might be enough to set someone off. She's noticed a few extra tensions around, too much of a profiler to have missed it, but she's mostly written things off as the tension of settling back into a new space and the end of summer. But her study of the schematics is interrupted as an alarm goes off about a small structure disturbance in SciTech. And then the fight in the cafeteria.

Peggy swipes quickly down, dismissing the holograph of the engine, "Never mind, are you seeing these readings?" She changes comm channels, "Get security down to the cafeteria and a report to me. Now."
Bobbi Morse     Shaky shaky. Something is afoot. Bobbi opens up her comms line <Agent Johnson, everything okay?> she asks as the alert pops up about San in the Cafeteria. She frowns a moment and then she's interrupted by a call from Peggy. Explain the power source for the craft. She rubs her forehead and pushes up from her desk. Today was going to be one of those days.

    <Yes Chief sure am> She wanders out of her office in to the pit of the operations and across to where Peggy's office is. A knock on her door. "San just got ICER'd. That's not good. And Daisy's quaking - we might be under attack."

    She draws the ICER at her hip out and glances around the otherwise currently calm operations center. <Daisy where are you right now?> she queries next.
Jemma Simmons That....seems to make sense. At least to Jemma. The anger could be because trying to fully pick apart a virus of seemingly extraterrestrial origin takes some time. But....even Daisy knows that Jemma isn't infallible. And that she is extraordinarily careful. After all...one false move and Jemma takes out the Inhuman population.

"Daisy, you know that we need to be absolutely sure. A virus such as this is particularly complex. I did determine that it is not natural, but manufactured. I identified it to have Kree origins. It targets only awakened Inhumans, by identifying the genetic catalyst used in terrigenesis. And...among its components, it inhibits the reason and logic centers of the brain and heighten aggression via inhibiting creation of oxytocin. We have discovered quite a lot..."

Jemma's voice trails off, as her eyes shift towards a beaker on a table. With the liquid vibrating inside, it becomes apparent, at least to the scientist, that something is wrong. Those brown eyes turn towards her friend.

"Daisy, are you alright??"
Jessica Drew Politeness is apparently out the window today, what with leaving her alien charge without explanation and entering the lab without announcing herself. Nevertheless, Jessica is oddly cheered at Johnson reading Simmons the riot act. It suits her mood. She'd like to jump in but holds back with a rising sense of outrage as she overhears that she, as a new Inhuman, might be at risk.

The vibration that sets lab equipment singing, setting up a sympathetic wavering in Jess's stomach fits perfectly with how she feels. She wants to roar at both Simmons and Johnson. For one moment, a lucid voice sounds in her head, telling her something is very wrong.

On limbic liberty, she screams, "What have you both been keeping secret?"
Melinda May "I got visuals on the lab," May tells Bobbi -- and by extension Peggy. She frowns as the op analysts throw up more readings on building structure on a parallel screen.

Backing away from them, she pokes her head into Peggy's office, too. "Bobbi," she says, letting concern surface above all the other tension she's feeling. "Daisy's *angry*. Like *really* angry." Just like San was... And like Dante was. "Jess, too." As in Drew.

There's meaning behind her words, of course. And if Peggy read the AAR about Inferno, she might pick up on it, too. May looks at the Chief. "We need to get down to the lab, Peg. And isolate the Inhumans." A beat. "All of us."

Just in case.
Jane Foster Jane is late. Fashionably late, though when you have to deal with the Royal Society and their interminable questions, then late is simply how it goes. Especially with a frustrated ~Will the fact-finding never end? Tell me we can get that amazing Korean barbecue place delivered, and I'll call you a saint.~ text sent to Jemma about... oh, longer than she likes ago.

She strides through the parking lot into the Triskelion. Is she the only happy one here? Could well be until the ground starts shaking. Right, great sign there. A kid from the Cascadia subduction zone knows when to dash for cover when that happens, dubious harmonics or not. Hiding in a doorway or under a large stationary object until the tremor passes. Sooner or later, it's time to dash and assure nothing large falls on Doctor Foster, Squishiest Agent Here.
Daisy Johnson Security certainly gets on it, moving towards the cafeteria to aprehend poor San. As for Daisy? She reaches up to her earpiece, taking it off. Too much noise. There's an high pitch on her comms as the device is cracked in a closed palm and tossed to the ground, turning suddenly to cast a look at Jessica. Sus. And why is she screaming at her? It makes her snarl back at JD, "Creeping on people. I knew you couldn't be trusted."

She is starting to get confused. What was she talking with Jemma about? She looks back at Jemma briefly, "Uh ..., what are you looking at? What am I doing up here?" there's momentary lucidity on her eyes but it quickly starts to dissipate and she gathers in more power.

Those quakes start getting more prominent and noticeable through the base. Might be a good thing that the others aren't far from the labs!
Peggy Carter The engine is now the last thing on her mind. Peggy's eyes widen just a bit as she looks up from the console, to Melinda, and then to Bobbi. Two possibly infected, as May is already talking about isolating Inhumans. She doesn't look scared, but she does look like a woman who is taking a moment to calculate just how she might be able to knock out two of her best Agents and friends, if they turn on her.

Peg then unholsters her ICER from where it's been tucked beneath her arm. It's pointed at the floor, neither of them, but ready to go. "Let's go, come on." She nods to the pair, motioning for them to go first and she'll take up the rear. Paranoia is self preservation in days like these. She then flips back to the comm channel with Daisy, only to get a screech in her ear. There's a wince on her face as they hit the elevator, "Johnson's comm is offline. Can anyone get through to Drew?" She keeps all her words deliberately calm, quiet, and centered. Yes, she's in crisis mode, but it's not time to panic and there is no anger in her voice. There is the surity of a woman who trusts SHIELD and knows they will handle this. All her British repose is coming into good use at this moment. Even as more quakes come. Hopefully they make to TO the lab.
Jessica Drew "CREEPING? Isn't it obvious WHY?" Jessica's tone remains high and irrational as she glares at Daisy and then at Jemma.

"Because nobody tells me anything!" Jessica looms, coming up on her toes, fists clenched, teeth gritting at the pressure in her head. The vibrations coming up her legs make her feel like she might start breaking off into little pieces. SOMEBODY must be to blame!
Jemma Simmons Oh no.

No....no. This is not good.

Jemma may not be an empath, but she *knows* Daisy. She has seen Daisy in angry mode before. It was not a pleasant experience for the individuals that made her angry.

And....currently, Jemma seems to be the source of the anger.

Again...not good.

And then....there is the spider-powered individual that is coming at both her and Daisy, too. Jemma is painfully aware that she is at a severe disadvantage here.

Which might explain why she is backpedalling, slowly, towards her workstation.

Because Jemma does have a prototype. A jet injector, containing mostly the oxytocin hormone for regulating anger. Jemma had wanted to work on the balance, to counteract the neural blockers that inhibit the logic centers. It wasn't ready. At least not to Jemma's exacting standards. It may counter the anger. It may have enough to counter the neural blocks. Or...it may be just tap water, for all the effect it may have.

And...it is Jemma's only chance of salvation.
Bobbi Morse     Bobbi is starting to get annoyed, but not because of any infection - because there's a darn screech in her ear and today was starting out as just such a lovely nice day of quiet and paperwork. She nods to Peggy and moves with her anfd May to the elevators.

    As the elevator starts to go down it shakes as the quaking intensifies and the trio are suddenly stuck in an elevator that has stalled between floors - that beautiful glass vista overlooking the bay is now a gigantic drop neither of them would survive.

    She grimaces and says with a touch of annoyance in her voice, "We should have taken the stairs..." She puts her ICER away and tries to pry her fingers in to the lift doors. She's super strong after all, she starts to pull the lift doors open. "You go through first Peggy...," she says with a groan.. she's _meant_ to be super strong but right now she still feels weak from whatever wammified her on that beach.
Melinda May May moves smoothly with Peggy and Bobbi. Truthfully, she approves Peggy's caution -- though she doesn't feel the same level of confusion and anger from Bobbi that she does from Daisy and Jessica below. And, again, if she's angry (and when isn't she angry), it's certainly not beyond her ability to control.

Even so, security teams are now moving through the building, evacuating areas where the quakes may lead to compromise and trying to find any Inhumans in the building and bring them into a quarantine zone. It could end up dicey, May knows, so she issues instructions of her own. "All security teams, ICERs only. Softball Protocols in effect." It basically tells them to get their targets distracted if they can, usually by talking, before knocking them out.

Then, of course, the elevator is lurching to a stop. Bobbi struggles to open the lift doors. May touches the black band on her wrist. An energy field ripples out around her and, in nanoseconds becomes a flexible suit of black body armour accented with slim highlights in silver and navy. Peggy may recognize it as a recoloured version of the armour Lily appeared in when Abcde's ritual was complete. "I won't let you fall," she assures her friend, reaching to help Bobbi with the door and then move with Peggy out of the car.

She doesn't have any superstrength, and the armour doesn't enhance her strength at all, but she does want to make sure that door doesn't close on her friend as she tries to make the escape ladder.
Daisy Johnson The elevator breaking down does indeed delay the rest of them joining in. Oh joy! It means it's Jemma getting some quality time with the two ragey Inhumans. Though at least that rage seems to be pulling at Daisy so her eyes go back to Jessica.

"You talk too much." Is the ominous reply towards Jessica, one hand rising up towards the other Inhuman, the room starting to quake with more intensity.

Though at least that seems to be leaving Jemma free to do as she pleases.

The door to the labs isn't far now.
Jane Foster Jane takes longer to navigate through the Triskelion's expansive foyer as the abundance of glass may be up to standards, but they aren't like to meet a Californian or Washingtonian standard for earthquake standards. Her wrists cross over her head, as if that's going to do anything against possible sheets of glass raining down. Veering to the far outside of the wall, she scoots at speed for the inner recesses protected by rebar and concrete. Her target: the stairwell, adjacent to the elevator, reinforced against random swaying and falling. How far down are the labs? It doesn't exactly matter as she skids into that space and hauls it open. Surely there must be /other/ agents heading that way.

Just hold open the door and wait, as she has. When the comms go off with a somewhat familiar voice, she is about to ask on the status of an earthquake until the danger comes apparent. "This is Stargazer, ground floor. Where exactly do you need me?" Let's not talk about Cap witnessing a string of torso shots, one after the other, with that ICER from Doctor Foster. Beginner's luck!
Jessica Drew "Full of yourself, aren't you Miss Quakey? Creeeeeeping," Jess says creepily. "You'd know all about that." This somehow makes sense to the Agent.

Green eyes glinting dangerously, Jess shuffles forward into a martial arts stance. Her balled fists begin to luminesce as she faces off with Daisy, ignoring Jemma for the moment. The fact that she likes and admires Quake is long forgotten.
Peggy Carter A slower, deeper breath drags in through Peggy's nose as she watches Bobbi a little closer, but it doesn't seem the woman is in any danger of immediate blow up. When the elevator grinds to a stop, she winces, "Oh hell." She mutters, stepping back and away from the door so the super human strength capable woman can actually get it open. She looks over to May, a momentary quirk of a smile crossing her lips as she sees that armor flash on. She gives a single nod of approval.

"There should be an emergency release override..." Peggy kneels quickly near the controls box, looking for it for a few seconds, but the two commanders combined manage to drag the thing open. "Well, here goes." She mutters, sliding forward and smoothly dropping down, catching hersel on the edges of her fingertips with a controlled opposite of a pull-up motion. Timee like these she's quite thankful for her newly 29 year old body again. She lowers as far as she can go before dropping the rest of the way and catching herself in a crouch. "Clear!" She calls up, stepping back so the other two can come down.

Once they are all in the hallway, she starts quickly leading down towards the lab. She looks back towards May a moment as she hears Jane's voice. May gave the order for softball procedures, she can comment where she wants Jane. Peggy, meanwhile, swings into the lab with ehr ICER pointed at the ground. "...Drew. Johnson. Just take a breath, we can talk this out." They're getting one chance.
Bobbi Morse     Bobbi gives May a deadpanned look for a moment, "You won't let me fall?" Well, if she was angry like the others she wouldn't have made a little wry smirk with a Snrk noise at that. "Nice armor..." she mentions, because it's still not gotten old since the mission.

    Bobbi joins them both out of the elevator. The doors snap shut behind her. She dusts her hands and says, "I think there may be something wrong with me.." Because that should have been easy. She's super strong enough to pull them open, but it was a strain.

    She shuts her eyes a moment, the touch from May a moment ago, and herself, she thinks she can feel something there. But all this dang Kree nonsense in her head doesn't help at all. She needs a universal translator.

    She joins in the run to the labs and peers at Daisy ramping up in anger and Jessica contributing right back. "Hell," she says, her thumb rotating the wedding ring on her finger. "It must be the virus.. Jemma do you have a solve, anything?" How it transmits is a question for after this immediate crisis.
Melinda May May rolls her eyes at Bobbi. It's more Peggy she was worried about falling than the Indestructible Mockingbird. "Peggy," she tells Bobbi, snark in her own tone. "She's the breakable one. You just work on not collapsing in the field again."

Then, they're all three out and moving again. "Stargazer, meet us at the lab," she tells Agent Squishy. "Simmons may need help." Especially if anything happens to her or Morse along the way.

By the time they reach the lab, May's feeling a spike in confusion and in anger. Her fist clenches and she deactivates the armour from the band on her wrist. Mainly because she realizes it will prevent someone from ICERing her, if they need to. "Peggy," she says, sliding the band off her wrist and extending it to Peggy. "Put this on." A beat. "Lily gave it to me."

She eases an ICER from her thigh holster as they enter the lab, letting Peggy take the lead -- once she puts that damned armour on.
Jemma Simmons For once, it is a good thing that Jemma is being ignored. The agent steps around to her workstation, keeping an eye on both Jessica and Daisy as the hand reaches for the jet injector. This particular batch seems to be at least enough for two...but there is the whole untested factor.

Then the others join...and more Inhumans added to the mix. Oh...what fun.

Bobbi asks if Jemma has a solution. And...it just so happens she does. In her hand. A quick summary in Jemma's head relays what should happen. Sudden decrease in anger. Perhaps loss of consciousness. The worst? Nothing happens. Not enough to do any serious harm. At least, Jemma hopes.

And...it is apparent who gets the first dose. Daisy is the credible threat.

The lunge from workstation to Daisy is actually rather quick, at least for non-powered research scientists. The injector finds the base of the neck.

A soft hiss escapes as Jemma pulls the trigger....
Jane Foster The labs are familiar to Jane; she spends as much time down there as anywhere, Furiae or not. Slipping around the door leading down, she repeats, "Understood."

Unfortunately, with coworkers hiding from the quakes or possibly looking to escape from a building swaying with Daisy's vibrations, she isn't going to be able to run at full speed the way she might like. "Move to the side!" she snaps, taking the steps as many as she can at a time without crushing some well-meaning analyst or accountant. Two, four, six, jump! Narrowly missing running into someone, she pays for that endless cardio routine demanded for SHIELD agents in the field. Another turn brings her a floor lower, down for the labs. Soon as she reaches them, no time for dramatic hair flipping or posing.

Just drawing that ICER and listening at the door for a moment -- and eventually stepping through.
Daisy Johnson With Jessica getting into a fighting stance that means IT IS ON! Quake squeezes her jaw tight, anger rippling through her as energy courses through her body all the way down to her fingertips. The song is forgotten, there's really only the anger, back to those first times in which her powers came out from only her hands, uncontrollable.

She is just about to raise her voice to scream out in anger at Jessica when she is BACKSTABBED. Really. Et tu, Jemma?

Yet the aim is true and the injector finds the spot. It doesn't seem to exactly calm her down but ..., it does knock her out. Which is the next best thing!

So just as everyone is gathering at the labs there's a toppling Quake falling to the ground. Which just leaves an angry Jessica there!
Peggy Carter As May hands her that armor, Peggy gives her a *look*, but she's also not willing to waste time arguing with a woman who might also be a ticking rage time bomb. She slips the bracelet on her wrist and activates the armor a second before they properly swing into the lab. Then all chaos starts breaking loose. She warns Daisy, Bobbi calls for help. Jemma snaps into action. She trusts the scientist's ideas, possibly far too much, so her ICER immediately moves towards Jess as Daisy topples over.

"Agent Drew, stand down. Take a breath and stand down. This isn't you, this is... some sort of sickness. Something is mucking about with your head. Stand. Down." Peggy has no wish to shoot her people. She's also playing softball protocol. if Jessica Drew still snaps. Peggy's commanding voice will serve as the distraction and hopefully May, Bobbi, or the newly arrived Foster can put her down.
Jessica Drew Super hearing brings Jessica footsteps that stop at the lab door before it opens on Jemma's rescue party. Fixated on Daisy, fury engulfing her, Jess flicks a venom blast at the door without aiming and without regard to who is entering.

Everything seems to be moving so slowly; she wrests her attention back to Daisy in time to see Jemma with a fist full of hypodermic aimed at her neck. Jess raises her hand to double whammy Daisy, and a tiny spark of bio-electric energy ploops to the floor.

Blinking, Jessica looks at her empty palm. "Why...wha?"
Bobbi Morse     It's a good thing Bobbi was the first through the door. That venom blast hits her right in the everything. That bio-electric blast zaps her all over and she drops to her knees with gritted teeth and a groan of discomfort. Her head swims and her vision goes dark for a moment.

    That answers that question - what happens when Jessica 'venom blasts' a super soldier? they go down.. but not out. Bobbi does her best to catch her breath, as the pain is quite intense. She starts to move but drops again. "Dammit Drew...," she pushes out through her teeth.
Melinda May Since Peggy doesn't argue with her about taking the armour suit, May finds it easier to focus on controlling the emotions bombarding her. Possibly even rising within her. She's not entirely sure what's her own reaction and what aren't. But channelling confusion into anger, and then controlling anger... that she can do. For now.

And when Jessica's venom blast lances towards them, toward the door they enter through, she's even more glad she took that precaution to protect Peggy. The Asian agent rolls forward, just behind Bobbi, coming up to one knee and prepared to fire her ICER at Jessica's torso. It's a risk, yes, but if the woman's starting to toss power around, they need to put her out. Thus, taking quick, practiced aim in a blink of an eye, May squeezes her trigger in a classic double-tap. Two ICER doses might take the Spider Woman out... or it may just piss her off. She's hoping the former.

As the shots fire, May inhales a calming breath and glances over at Bobbi as she writhes on the floor. "Got any more innoculations, Jemma? I'd rather not join them on the d/l."
Jemma Simmons That...was not supposed to happen.

At least, Jemma did not expect that particular reaction to occur. She might have gotten the sedative a little too strong in this initial mix, but at least it had a usable effect. It stopped Daisy from bringing the entire Triskelion down around their ears.

Thing is...did it actually stop the anger escalation? Was the infusion of oxytocin, among other things, enough to at least curb the blinding rage that is obviously building in the other Inhuman agents? At least Jessica...who went from curious to choleric to chaotic in an extremely short timespan. That much Jemma can see. A quick check to the jet injector indicates that Jemma maybe has enough for one more injection. Possibly two.

But...there is another issue at hand.

Jemma lost the element of surprise. If there was any chance of her getting close enough to at least stun the spider to silence, it was lost when Daisy toppled to the floor. There is fear now...true fear...as Jemma's mind races. What is she going to do now? How the bloody hell is Jemma going to get out of this in one piece?

Then...as any empath in the room will tell, the fear begins to dissipate. Not fully...but enough to allow for clear thoughts to prevail. The scientist calms. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, a litany is recited. 'I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer...'

Jemma Simmons, sister of the Bene Gesserit? Possibly.

When asked, an answer is given. "Some. More can be synthesized." Provided it even works. Daisy, like it or not, has become part of the experiment.
Jane Foster Peggy, their chief, commanded Jessica to stand down. An armoured woman with a power-bracelet is capable of imposing herself on a situation, but that doesn't stop Jane from having an ICER ready to fire at the Spider just as May is. Their instincts on that matter are the same, although one is much better than the other about dodging out of the way and being a threat. May is May, after all.

The astrophysicist darts to the side when the venom blast hits, using part of the wall for protection. No thank you, she has no desire to find out what that feels like in her augmented, unnatural state.

The ICER comes up. Dendrotoxins are no one's idea of a good time, after all, and it is a narrow thing to avoid being shot at point blank range by the handy little devices. Neither does it help that the unimpressed voice in her head very possibly has opinions about her actions or those of others. <<This is a non-fatal option. When was the last time you tried to bind an angry Olympic gymnast?>>

Thankfully there are no telepaths around, right? Hopefully. A beat or two after May's shots hit, and seeing if that in fact stops Jess, she regretfully fires a third if it hasn't.
Daisy Johnson What just happened? One moment Daisy was standing and .., doing something? What was making her so upset? She doesn't quite remember..., but some discussion? They are at Triskelion though, it should be a safe place now...

And yet, while some measure of logic has returned to her brain it doesn't mean she is fully in control already. In fact, she seems to be in that middle-ground between being awake and asleep. A dangerous place for sure. Because when in that state those vibrations do seem to return. Erratic. Another shake...

It might be a good time to get them onto those nice containment units!
Jessica Drew Pain spreads from the point of impact in her left shoulder.. White-hot anger erupts in Jessica; she can feel it flow up her spine, hit the back of her head, and explode through her limbic brain. It's glorious.

The anti-venom chemical in her system goes into overdrive, fighting the dendro-toxins. Another impact slows her down. Her arms are not working so well. Every hurt, every wrong, every injustice dealt her during her life, whether real or imagined, will be paid back. She doesn't care if she dies doing it. Illogically, she will take revenge on whoever has changed her and taken away her power.

Staggering, she turns toward the shooter, registering Commander May. A voice, small and distant, is screaming to STOP, but it is lost in the maelstrom of fury. The floor feels mushy as her blood pressure plummets, but she wills herself to raise her hand. Webbing, the newest change brought on by the Terrigen shoots from her wrist. She has shaky control over it at best. It glops toward the doorway.

Jess jerks as she is hit again. Icey fire spreads through her veins faster than she can heal herself. The world goes sideways. The last thing Jess sees as she collapses is Jane Foster's determined face.
Bobbi Morse     Bobbi slowly, shakily, pushes herself back up on to her feet. "Damn," she says shaking her head a moment as she tries to recover from that powerful venom blast. Anyone else besides Rogers would be on the ground twitching away, incapacitated. As it is, she's not sure she could take another hit.

    Lucky then that the next hit toward the doorway, and to her, is webbing, which knocks her back against the wall and like a spider on drugs, only sort of half resembles webbing that only partly sticks her to the wall.

    "Gah! oh my gawd Jess!," she says with rising annoyance - but not anger. She grabs at the webs and they stick to her hand even as she grips tightly and grunts, yanking at them and ripping a bit of the wall free. "....oops"
Melinda May When Jess is down, May regains her feet. She feels those vibrations as Daisy reaches that indeterminate state between consciousness and oblivion. "We need to get them into containment," she says, holstering her weapon. She kneels down by Daisy to check her pulse and glances over to Jemma. "You good?" She can sense the fear in the woman, for all that it's being controlled.

Her attention diverts briefly to Jess and then to Bobbi and Jane, Peggy actually staying back out of the way for once -- probably because she's getting reports from all over the building about other pockets of Inhumans. "You got Drew?" she asks. Because, she can probably handle Daisy, providing the younger woman doesn't actually fully awaken. Carefully, she tries to gather Daisy up in her arms.
Jemma Simmons A quick nod is given to May as response as Jemma steps up. "Yes...Containment units. Quickly..." To Jemma's credit, her voice sounds rather controlled. Nevermind the fact that her heart is racing. Surely that is just people's imaginations.

The injector is slid into a labcoat pocket as Jemma shifts to check Daisy along with May...but also to pick her up to move her. "May, step back. I do not know how precisely how long the virus survives outside the infected host...but I do not need to have to try to sedate you, too."

Namely...because Jemma will absolutely fail.

And...almost as if via a flip of a switch, Doctor Simmons takes over. The fear is shoved aside, as Jemma shifts her attention to see who else can help. And...that means Jane, as the only known non-Inhuman in the immediate area. "Jane, I am not sure if you can get Jessica up, so, if you could, check her to ensure she is stable. Place a surgical mask on her to at least limit the contagion area and see if you can get some assistance in getting her to a containment unit. Masks are at my workstation."

Always efficient, that Jemma.

With Daisy in a state of semi-wakefulness, it does make it easier for one person to escort her. And...that is what Jemma does. "Daisy? I need you to come with me. Let's go to the containment units. I want to make sure they are ready in case of emergency and I need your help." The words are softly spoken, almost matronly, as Jemma helps Daisy slowly to her feet. Nevermind the occasional trembling. That alerts Jemma more than anything else. She needs to get Daisy in and in control of her facilities. But....first, need to get to the containment units.

Patience is a virtue. And Jemma remains as calm as she can possibly be. Still, the weight of the injector in her pocket is a reassuring one.
Jane Foster Regrets will be shared later. Jane's already composing the lists of sorries and things to get Jessica to make up for being the one to zap her system with way too much dendrotoxin. No one likes overload, not at all. Grief will be there for the quiet times or the Swordfish Bar, or a cup of tea facing Jemma and Daisy. Hopefully no one is too put out with her for now.

Let them worry about it later. She understands the repercussions, her eyes sad more than overtaken by joy or anger.

"I can carry her," she confirms to May with soft-spoken affirmation, her expression softened at the state of the spider. "I'll make sure she is okay. Let me check her vitals and then get Daisy and her into a safe place." Is any place safe? Apparently she and Jemma have the same idea too, putting a pair of fingers to measure Jess' pulse to make sure it's steady before she hoists up her friend.

Masks and gloves, the work materiel of a doctor and, of course, a scientist through and through. The containment is what matters, and so if Jess is stable enough, she's hoisted up in a modified fireman's carry.

Sorry, doll, you'll have to wait for the angelic rescue when the room's empty.
Daisy Johnson There really isn't much fight left in Daisy right now. Most of what's left are those near-unconscious shakes happening. And not in a particular shape to be walking anywhere either. So when May goes and picks her up? That's a good move! Containment units have been placed in the lab already. It's not as if it's the first time they had Inhumans in place they had to control. Very much like when Daisy first discovered her powers and had to be contained.

Back into a cage!

With Daisy and JD being carried over to those units it means they will have time to think, and consider on how they can contain what's going on.

Reports arrive, a senior officer nearing to report that a few Inhumans at the cafeteria have been secured and are en route as well. Rather similar to how Dante was back at Madeira, even if not as uncontrolled. Or maybe it's simply the early stages.

Still, it doesn't seem that Daisy is cured for soon after that cage is closed there is lingering rage in the air that certain empaths may sense. It's just that Daisy can't do anything to let that rage spread, both weakened and inside the containment unit.
Jessica Drew Voices echo down the long tunnel of paralysis that freezes Jessica. An eyelid twitches. Panic overwhelms the anger that had exploded through her. She is having trouble breathing as her anti-venom chemicals rush to flush the dendro-toxins from her system. The mask someone places over her face makes it worse.

The paralysis allows her space to wonder what just happened. Gentle hands move her limbs. She would clench her hands if she could as a wave of regret battles with the lingering need to fight.

Another tide of dendro-toxins reaches her chest and heart. Jess blacks out, wondering if it will stop her heart.
Bobbi Morse     Bobbi can see the sense in containment. She flicks her hand and a bit of wall trying to dislodge it, then puts her boot to it and pushes, ripping it off of her body and her hand. Some of the fibres snapping, "Erlk, gah, nyaa.." she voices with displeasure.

    With all that stuck to her boot, she takes off her boot and walks with one boot and one sock toward a containment unit, sealing herself inside. "Odds are we're all infected at this point," she says and sits down on the bed. "But I'm not feeling angry. Perturbed may be. May how about you?"

    Agents carrying unconscious fellow Inhuman agents in their arms arrive and stow them away in containment rooms too. "Jemma you need to figure out how it's transmitting," she says stating the obvious.
Melinda May "I suspect I'm already infected," May says, agreeing with Bobbi. She sounds suspiciously calm, if what she says is true. "But it could be I'm just picking up on everyone else's rage. I can't quite sort out what's mine and what's not." She gives a tight, humourless half-smile. "It hasn't hit ragestaff levels yet, though. So..." She gives a mild shrug. "I won't say no to an innoculation."

Nevertheless, to reduce the threat Jemma or Jane might feel, she steps back away from Daisy and JD and lets them handle the other two Inhumans. Like Bobbi, she moves toward a containment unit. Just in case. "If I lose control and you need to sedate me," she tells them, "you shoot me, got it? ICER the hell out of me, if you need to. Don't let me hurt you."
Daisy Johnson Now that the Inhumans are all in the units it was time to get to work. No distractions too. Besides the possible danger of some of their friends dying, or being irrevocably fallen to the rage. It's fine, everything is fine. It wouldn't be SHIELD if there wasn't an emergency every other .., Friday? It's the kind of experience that sets SHIELD's scientific wing to the rest. They are used to work under pressure, out on the field. No matter how certain members (read: Fitz) may try to make you believe otherwise by having an actual tent to sleep in the labs.

"I understand, Agent May." says Jemma, "And we will do so." they will. Necessary measures. They all know it. Being SHIELD is taking those tough decisions.

Yet there is an odd one out. Bobbi. "Are you not feeling the effects of any of this, Agent Morse?" A question that gets that brain working. Recalling back to what happened in the beaches of Madeira she had been the one to make contact with the affected Inhuman, Inferno, and had fallen to the ground. And now this.

Puzzle pieces start being put together the more Inhumans are brought in. There aren't many in the base, but some are infected, others not. "Jane, are you thinking what I am thinking? If this was a normal contagion why aren't all of them sick? There is a pattern here. Can you go through the cafeteria feeds and areas where the Inhumans were?" she asks of the other Furiae member.
Jessica Drew Jessica startles awake from a dream of drowning, unaware of where she is. Eyelids leaden, she tries to focus on the ceiling. Has she been tied down?

One word floats to the surface. ICER. Damn. They might be non-lethal but that does not make them non-ouchy.

Right now she is too tired to try to figure this out. The light hurts her eyes. She closes them and drifts away.
Jane Foster "I'll just carry whomever needs the attention and trust that whatever happens, it mostly cannot affect Jemma or me." Cold comfort, really, when the people affected represent some of those that she worries about more than most. Jane will take her careful time with Jess. The last thing anyone needs is her tripping. Carrying the other agent requires her to go slowly and she murmurs, "It'll be all right. Doctor Simmons and I discussed different options, and we are certainly hopeful on correcting this. Promise."

The worry remains when doling out protective elements for the Inhumans in need. Handing off Jessica to a bed frees her up to turn her attention to working through resources. Masks, contained chambers, whatever happens to be called for. In Jemma and Fitz's world, Jane might be an interloper somewhat, but she can certainly take in the research in motion, conferring on ideas that might not involve stars or event horizons and similar thresholds. She settles eventually in front of a computer and scowls at it in case the thing wants to malfunction. It knows what it knows, all right? Untrustworthy human! But with several points of information to begin with, she tips her head to Jemma and starts to confer with her. The conversation is fast and quick, full of screens flipped between tabs and comparisons between the personnel affected and those not; the whereabouts of others, and checking records for when they were in or out of the building. Scans start hitting the deeper databases, fed by additional points as they discount this person or add that, building up a skeletal theory.

"That's absurd. You take out this one point, and look, the pool drops from twelve to four. We move this around and..." The furious switching between multicoloured screens proves something of a wash, and then she looks over her shoulder to May. A gesture. "Common factor for our victims is Commander Morse."
Bobbi Morse     Bobbi works on cleaning off the last bit of that webbing from her hand in the provided sink. She sniffs her hand and scrunches up her nose, "Erlk.. there's not even a word for that smells." She resumes scrubbing hard as the doctors work hard outside of the containment cells.

    "No, I feel fine." She answers Jemma and dries off her hand, peeling bits of the fibrous spider web off still, then resumes washing her hands. Eventually, she hears their conclusion and walks over to the window to peer out at them. "Me? I'm asymptomatic - but I did have direct contact with Inferno on the beach."

    She remembers it well. Stumbling back, feeling all that rage and just as quickly it passed leaving her feeling weak. And then.. several days of her going about her work. She frowns a moment in concern. "I touched a lot of people," some of whom were Inhuman, "how contageous is this thing?"
Melinda May See? This is what she gets for always being the one to haul Bobbi's ass off the battlefield. A bad case of ragies. May snirks softly at Jane's conclusion. She's shed her weapons. Peggy has her armor. There's not much harm she can do on this side of the containment barrier. She settles back on the cot and leans her head against the wall. Then, she asks the obvious question. "If Morse is the transmission vector, why the hell isn't she raging like everyone else?"

She can account for her own control over the virus -- so far. Years and years and years of practice. (Some of them virtual. Some of them... a little outside of this timeline.) Not to mention learning to control the ragestaff.

Another thought occurs to her. "Peggy," she calls to the chief, who's been lurking in the background, asking questions to help her understand when she needs to, but otherwise trying to make sure her best operatives aren't in harm's way, despite their new confinement. "You need to get hold of Lily."

'Cause, that's all they need... an angry, timeline hopping, May-clone antagonizing the TVA.

May gestures to the armour Peggy still wears. "She gave that to me *after* we'd intercepted Dante."

Doesn't take Peggy any time whatesoever to understand the full implications of that. May feels her worry and concern deepen even further. "Got it," the chief says briefly. "We'll fix this." And then she leaves the scientists to do their work... preferably as quickly as they can. She needs to go find one of her oldest friends and hope Lily -- quiet, playful Lily -- has May's iron control over her own rage.
Daisy Johnson "Ah, that is the right question to ask, Agent May." Jemma is pleased with the right questions being made, "And the answer is that this is *not* a normal infection. The way it's spreading is not following normal patterns. In fact those that were infected are not infecting others in return. Which tells us it's been the ones touched by Commander Morse.", a look to Jane, then to Bobbi, "And *only* those touched by her. This may very well be related to her powers."


Daisy is finally getting back up to her feet with a groan, confusion in her, some erratic anger, but she hasn't lost control yet, looking out the containment unit now to the others. "I have a biiiig headache." she mutters.

Looking around the cage she is in makes Daisy's expression shift, frowning. Oh, she certainly doesn't like being locked in again. It brings back memories. And those do make her angry.
Jessica Drew One eye opens. Jess is unsure she wants to open the other and looks away from the light that daggers her head. The war between her body chemistry and the ICER toxins feels like the flu.

Now, she knows where she is. Her teeth clench at the notion of being in lockdown. Who does SHIELD think they are? Bad as the people who made her into a spider is what her muzzy thinking tells her.

Experimenting with moving, she stretches her fingers and tries to recall why she is here and why she is getting so angry. Then, in a moment of clarity, she remembers to breath. The deep, slow breathes are pleasurable. An odd image of Bobbi stuck to the wall puzzles her as memory falls back into place.

Slowly, she tries to move her foot off the bed, thinking that this is what old age might be.
Bobbi Morse     "Only people I touched?" Bobbi says and looks down at her hands. She looks slightly horrified. Her ability has been presenting itself in strange ways, but as a viral vector for a Kree bioweapon? She frowns in annoyance that this is even a thing. Why would the Kree make something like that.

    "Okay.. if I'm the cause then may be I can fix it too." She takes a seat on her bed and sits cross legged. Much like she has been doing at her home as the sun sets, she closes her eyes and concentrates. Digging in to her mind, letting that Kree language flow through her minds eye.

    And there it is.. sneaking at the edge of her vision. She presses her lips together in determination as she grabs at it, pulls at it, yanks those strange Kree words before her eyes and studies it. "I see you," she says, pauses, and then coughs up black gunk over her bed.

    She groans and doubles over a moment, then stumbles back to her feet. "I.. I think I can fix it" She presses a hand to the window and her other hand wipes the black gunk from her chin. "Let's me try with May, she's keeping it together already..."
Melinda May May glances toward the front of her containment unit as she hears Bobbi's voice. Oh, lucky her. On the other hand, she doesn't argue. In the first place, Bobbi's right. So far, Melinda's holding it together. In the second? Cavalry. Better her than the younger agents. She'll always protect where she can, even when she's pissed off at the universe. (Because, really, when isn't she pissed off at the universe?)

"Fine," she calls, pulling herself to her feet and moving to the front of her unit. "Let's do this. See if it works."

She hopes it works.
Bobbi Morse     Agents approach and set up a quarantine tunnel between the two containment pods and the doors open. Bobbi walks in to May's pod and says, "Okay.. just relax." She places a hand on May and shuts her eyes again. She feels the rush of May's empathic powers, or the description of them at least, in her mind.

    She knows where to look, just off to the corner, lurking, hiding.. there is it. She grabs at it and grimaces a moment, "You don't belong here. Ruining a perfectly good pattern..." and tears it to pieces in her mind like she did to her own.

    She learnt from previous cases and quickly jumps out of the way in case May is going to puke up that black gunk too.
Melinda May May stands there, as Bobbi's hand settles on her shoulder. There's no doubt she's angry. It smoulders in her eyes and works through the set of her jaw. 'Relax' isn't really something she can easily do. What she can do, however, is at least remain calm and in control.

She feels the rush of Bobbi's power, recalling it from their sojourn in the cave in Nepal. When Bobbi grabs hold of that 'mistake' in the pattern of her power, however, she lets out a soft grunt in the back of her throat that's a cross between a growl and a cough.

It really is a good thing Bobbi's quick on her feet, because the cough quickly turns into a retching gag. May ends up doubled over, her hands on her knees, black gunk spewed on the floor as she pants harshly to regain her breath... And her equalibrium.

She wipes her mouth with the back of one sleeve. "Gah... I think it worked."
Bobbi Morse     Bobbi has been shot with a venom like taser thing, pinned to the wall with web and puked up black stuff. Today is not her day.. and it turns out she's been spreading a virus around because of her strange Inhuman gift connected to other peoples abilities.

    She really needed to turn her luck around, so getting out of the way was a priority. She gently rubs May's back and then gives a thumbs up out to the doctors watching, "Queue 'em up. I'll go one by one."

    Bobbi breathes a sigh of relief. This could have been a lot worse. And almost was.