Owner Pose
Mystique Wrapped from head to toe in gauze linen made moving around in the bed difficult, but thankfully Mystique was sleeping so it wasn't an issue. She managed to sleep through the entire night, almost entirely in the same position, but started to wake by eight in the morning.

At first her eyes remained closed as she listened to the room, awake enough to register the sound of someone breathing, but not focused even remotely enough to figure out who. What hurt the night before still hurt, but now it also itched... every inch of her skin itched like a rash.

Opening her eyes her head turns slightly to look at Hank... that was not expected, but it was welcomed. "Morning," she offers. "Use your claws to scratch every inch of my body?"
Henry McCoy With reading glasses perched on his nose, Henry was reading over a new book. A spy thriller, by the look of the title. As Raven stirs, he glances over as he puts his bookmark in place. "Good morning." He offers, grinning widely to the wrapped mutant. "I don't think that would go well for you - they are terribly sharp, after all. Besides, the itch means you are healing."

The book is set down, the man turning to face her properly. "How are you feeling, Raven? Aside from itchy?" He asks, looking at the vital monitor and the readings there.
Mystique Everything was in the normal ranges. There was no blood pressure cuff due to the damage to the skin all over her body, but just knowing Mystique, her blood pressure would likely be high from frustration.

"I feel like the Chinese tried to melt my face off," she replies with a half grin, the only indication of the grin being the bandages shifting and a sparkle to her yellow eyes. "But seriously, I'm feeling better than I was last night. Last night I just hurt, all over. Today I itch all over."

Glancing to the clock on the wall for a moment she looks back to Hank. "How long have you been here?"
Henry McCoy A nod from the Beast. "Radiation of extreme levels, Rave. You're not too far off." He explains. "Eric was able to remove the source of radiation, and your body started the healing process. Your skin was severely damaged, however. Hence the bandages. The fact that you are itching is a good sign, though." The answer about how long he's been here, is unanswered. They had taken shifts, but that's not important!

"Should I let Clarice know you're up? Lydia?" He grins. "All your vitals are showing good, so that's a great start too. Are you hungry?"
Mystique Using the remote to sit herself up, Mystique keeps her eyes on Hank until she is in fact in the 'up' position.

"That always makes me feel lazy," she comments, not that he likely had any idea what she was talking about. "Clarice yes, Lydia no. Let her sleep a little more."

Setting that remote down she runs one hand over the bandages on her other arm, testing pain level. It should hurt, that much seems obvious from the bandages, and it does in fact hurt, but not nearly as much as it did the night before.

"What I'd kill for is some coffee," she says, then her stomach reminds her that's not enough. "And yeah, something to eat probably a good idea." She was hating being in the bed, and being watched over like a ten year old, but she understood why it was happening. She couldn't be trusted to not just get up and start doing things again, so it was smart... she hated that.

"Thanks for joining the baby sitting crew," she then offers with a snort.
Henry McCoy Fishing out his phone, Henry taps at the screen carefully to send a text to Clarice. It reads simply enough, 'She's awake.' The phone is set down, the man sure he'll be seeing the woman appear in a flash. Literally. "Healing is hard work, Raven. You're not lazy at all." Henry chuckles. "I assure you, the amount of energy needed to rebuild and repair cellular damage is staggering, in perspective."

The call button is pressed, with Henry then speaking into the communicator. "We'll need to get some breakfast for Raven, please. And coffee." A smile, the man then turning his attention back to the patient.

"You're quite welcome - there's no babysitting, just concern for a friend who needs a bit of care at the moment." Henry assures. "Plus, it's sort of a creed of mine to see that my friends are brought back to health."
Clarice Ferguson     Hank is wrong this time, actually. What he does get is a thumbs up in response, before Clarice calls down to the kitchens. If wires end up gettingg crossed - Raven may end up with two trays, as she requests a plate with whatever pork-product would be easiest to eat (turns out pulled pork is on the menu - excellent), with a side of mashed potatoes, some scrambled eggs to make the tray pass as 'breakfast' - a fresh, steaming hot apple fritter, and a carafe of coffee. After a moment's thought she asks them to make up //two// plates, actually, before she starts walking (yes, walking) towards the cafeteria.
    That'll give them long enough to get the order together.
Mystique Mystique snorts softly. She knows he's right, that healing takes a lot of energy and work, but it doesn't feel like work, it feels like laying there. It'll get easier, she knows that as well, but right now she wants to punch something even if that would hurt like hell.

"Okay, so perhaps your creed is to see friends get back to health," she comments after the snort, even adding a chuckle as she continues with. "However, it is also baby sitting. I'll readily admit that if you weren't here, I'd already being trying to stand up, and Clarice knows it because she'd do the same damn thing."

Thinking about that however, about whether she thinks she could stand, she's pretty sure she could... it's the walking that might be a problem afterwards. Maybe that means a wheelchair at some point, but she doesn't say that.

"You realize this is the first time in over twenty years that I've been caught without that being part of the plan, right?"
Henry McCoy "I'll have to make note of that, and make sure to restrict your and Clarice's legs when it is imperitive for you all to lay down and heal." Henry teases. He helps her sit up, if needed - otherwise he lets her sort it out on her own. No need to over-step his bounds!

"We cannot plan for everything. Life surprises us, because that is what life is about. If it were all planned and expected, what sort of boring existance would that be?" He wonders, grinning over to her. "Just be glad you made it through this surprise, yes?"
Clarice Ferguson     It doesn't take Clarice long to reach the kitchen. The staff hand off two trays - with two identical plates, two coffee cups, a thermos of coffee, some cream and sugar, and all the utensils and napkins they might need. The fritters are still steaming with heat, prompting a grin from Clarice. "Thanks, guys." She says sincerely.
    Food in hand - she //now// does what everyone expected, appearing in a bliiiink of purple energy in the corner of Mystique's room.
    "Hank, should I have them send a tray in for you?" she asks politely - before adding, "Can you swing the tray table around for Raven, please?
    "Hungry, boss?"
Mystique Mystique laughs at Hank's comment, a few less 'Ows' in there this time.

"Lydia already used her ectoplasm to show how she'd keep me in bed," she comments before lightly rubbing her shoulder cause it itched the most.

As Clarice appears she doesn't so much as blink, she was used to the woman just appearing. "I'm actually quite hungry," she answers the magenta Mutant. "But it's the coffee I /really/ want. So much tea and water, coffee was way rare even before I joined the People's Republic of China Military."
Henry McCoy The man smiles when Clarice appears, chuckling as she has food for both she and Raven. "Well, I suppose I can have the one I ordered through the comm system." Henry grins. "I can wait on it, though. She should eat." The tray table is carefully swung around so the tray can be set down in front of Mystique.

"As for Lydia's demonstration, I am sure that had everything to do with medical safety." He chuckles, helping Clarice with the tray. "Go easy on the coffee until you have some food in you too."
Clarice Ferguson     "Well - we both have coffee in place of a proper blood stream, so I made sure to bring plenty," Clarice replies. She slides Mystique's tray into place, and sets her own tray aside, so she can open the thermos and pour in the coffee - adding cream and sugar as appropriate. She likes a fair amount of it herself.
    "You slept alright?" she asks. "...I think Rahne took my suggestion to give Lydia some company a little too seriously - and she ended up sleeping in your quarters," she remarks with some amusement. "Meanwhile, I had Pete bunking with me."
Mystique Mystique immediately adds sugar and cream to her coffee, all ready to take a drink and then Hank gives the warning. She grumbles something about 'baby sitters' again, then eats a few bites of the pulled pork, just the pork, before taking that long awaited sip of coffee.

"Oh yeah, that's the stuff," she practically groans with contentment, then looks over to Clarice.

"Thank you for this breakfast... you may know me too tell. As for sleep," she shrugs slightly. "The last thing I remember was Lydia talking about training, or was that me? The next memory is waking up to Hank reading."

Several more bites of the pork disappear, then she finally goes for a little egg and mashed potatoes. She has her priorities after all, and that's her favorites that Clarice had to have learned from Eddie, the head chef, because she rarely talked about food with anyone.

"How did Lydia do?" She finally asks, since Lydia wasn't there and Clarice could answer it.
Henry McCoy Henry sits back, resuming his comfortable position in his chair as the two ladies talk. The baby sitter comment is heard, and he grins. He takes off his glasses, tucking them into a shirt pocket for safe-keeping. He gets nice and comfy - and then the original tray he'd ordered for Raven shows up.

"I'll take that one." He grins, motioning to the other trays of food already present.
Clarice Ferguson     "On the mission, you mean? Or while you were missing?" Clarice settles into a chair, balancing her own tray on her lap so she can start nibbling at her food. This wouldn't have been her own choice of breakfast, but the two-identical-trays thing just made it easier all around. She stir some of the pulled pork into the eggs, and some of it into the mashed potatoes, before she starts to eat.
    "I mean - we were all worried while you were missing - but we focused on getting the op organized to stay sane," she admits in a wry tone. "...and managed to piss off Theo, but that's a whole other issue. On the mission... She had a tough time seeing what Mister Creed can do to a body," she remarks, taking a sip from her coffee. "But she recovered. I don't know if that moment's fully caught up with her yet given... everything. But she stayed on task - until it came over the comms that you'd been found."
Mystique Despite how hungry she had to be, Mystique is still taking small bites and small sips of coffee. She's well aware that her own body could throw a temper tantrum over the concept of food right now, so she's being extremely careful. She adds sips of water in with the food and coffee as well, just to that last level of cautious.

"It may completely pass her by at this point," she comments, glancing between the two of them. "She'll be distracted from Victor's carnage quite easily now that I'm back..."

There is a pause for another sip of water and a moment of thinking before she cants her head slightly. "I take it she took off once she heard I was found? This is what, her second op with the team? So yeah, I would expect that."

She shifts her eyes to Hank for a moment then chuckles, "You're getting all the secret, team report information Hank, how does that make you feel?"