Owner Pose
Logan     With two teams required to strike at the same time in the two different locations, those willing were divided up. Each team has been assigned one half of the mutant YingYang, so that despite the distance, the two teams can remain in contact with one another.

    Team Two is comprised of Blink, Wolverine, Deadpool, Sabertooth, Warpath, Beast, Nocturne, Mastermind and Yang. They are headed to Xinjiang, where the older mutant children have been sent to spend their teen years in a prison like facility designed to further educate and create loyal servants to the government . The facilities are identical in how they have been constructed. Inside the walls are two dormitory style buildings, one for boys and the other for girls, on either side of what looks like a massive school building. The grounds for the facilities are massive, and enclosed by stone walls that have guard towers at all four corners, and can be walked along from tower to tower. There are guards on patrol along the walls 24 hours a day, both mutant and human.

    This facility also has a few smaller buildings, the guard and 'teacher' accommodations. The entire compound inside the walls is divided by stone based metal fences that are constructed around the dorms, the school, and all the other buildings, with guards present at the gates that permit movement between the areas. The land outside the compound has been clear cut out and around for at least 400 feet in all directions. The road that leads to the large main gates is two lanes, with solid K-rail style barriers on both sides, even into the trees that surround the clearing that has been created.
Clarice Ferguson     "We're not here to exact revenge," Clarice reminds her team as they prepare to go in - each armed with tactical armor, comms, and whatever weapons they needed. Image inducers were also freely procided to those with more unique appearances to allow for anonymity - and that included herself. It was likely strange to hear Blink's voice coming from an asian-looking face. "Mastermind is going to try to disguise our presence, but if any guards get wind of us, we take them out quietly and effeciently. When we're inside the dorms, Yang will try to convince the children to come with us, and I'll start teleporting them. Any who don't wish to join us will be sent to the secondary location to 'cool off' until we can get through to them." Hopefully. "You provide cover for Yang and I while we get the children out safely. Any questions? Everyone ready?"
    Her gaze sweeps over her team, making sure everyone seems ready to go, before she opens her portal. Jason Wyngarde - also known as Mastermind - steps through first, using his power to hide the presence of the portal and the rest of the team as they step through one at a time - just outside the locked door to one of the dorms.
Logan Logan was never one for fancy outfits or costumes. In spite of being an X-Men, he loathed the showy uniforms, but when working with the team, he wore it all the same. Today he wasn't an X-Men, today he was Wolverine, and that had him in an all black tactical suit. Like most of his outfits, this one would last one mission, but in the mean time he made it look good.

Prepared and with his team, he looks over those present and finds himself wondering which of the gods he might has pissed off to end up with Sabertooth /and/ Deadpool. Sure, he knew their abilities well enough, had worked with them before, but friendly was not the word that came to mind as he looked at them.

Thankfully, the mission was enough of a distraction to keep his mind from plotting anything painful for the old Weapon X team. With the portal ready, and Mastermind through, a nod is offered to Blink, and he steps through.
Wade Wilson     Deadpool in his usual red and black raises a hand. "Ooh! I've got one. When you say, quietly you mean that we should cut their throats out right? I mean, I don't know about you but when I get run through by a say... a three foot katana, or shot in general, or stabbed, poked, punched, and the like I tend to make a lot of noise. Just so I'm clear, we go for the throat right?"

    His tone said he was joking, but the intensity of his focus, combined with the 'I'm a school boy asking a teacher' pose he was producing made it difficult to actually tell.

    He glanced over as Logan stepped through the portal and peered over at Victor. The old crew was back together. Good times. Good time. Wait... no... bad times. He reached up to gently rub at his mouth through his mask. "Still open. Okay, not going through that shit again."
Talia Wagner     TJ opts for an image induced look for this. There is no need to be fuzzy dark blue with a devil tail and bright yellow eyes. Way too liikely for it to be pinned back to either Kurt or Mysitue if she looks like she normally looks and seeing that one has no idea she is here and the other is working on her public image. Best to be disguised as a young chinese woman in tactical gear though.

    "Roger. Will wait for any sort of ... shit hits the fan or oh god shoot that asshole before poppin' off." there may be a tone of amusement. She has the mission though... and if there is one thing she is used to at this point in her messed up life it is missions, dropping into strange territories, and improvising like all hell. "Basically assassinate and disable quietly once we are made... no exposives not no killing Wade."

    She even gives a little salute and then follows Logan through the portal, going very quite and looking around now with perfect dark vision.
Henry McCoy Not wearing his X-Men or Avengers outfit, Henry was settling for a black t-shirt and black BDU cargo shorts. No fancy costume, no identifying emblems - he's already easy enough to make for who he is. As his eyes get accustomed to the dark, he listens to the plan from Blink. The Beast nods, crouching a bit to limber up. Staying close to Logan , he looks about at the others.

Strange bedfellows to be sure, but he's had weirder ones. "I'll keep ears and eyes open - I am fairly certain with this motley of people, we'll be able to handle the opposition in a silent fashion."
Victor Creed     Sabretooth is in camo for this mission, fully kitted out with a tac harness festooned with grenades and extra magazines for the PS90 carbine in his hands. His gaze sweeps over the assorted members of the team, and he shakes his head with a smirk. "Man, this is so 20 years ago."

    "Ok, so Logan, we aren't killing each other today. Which is weird, but apparently we have to go with it. Besides, it's kinda pointless when you think about it, right? Whatever we do to each other heals up." He watches Logan go through the portal, then flips the safety off the gun and steps through also, scanning around the area they arrive in, gun at the ready.
Wade Wilson     "Got it! Just wanted to make sure!" Deadpool replies with his own salute to Blink before flouncing (yes, even super... people, can flounce if they want to) through the portal after Sabertooth.

    Once on the other side he looks to his old comrades and says in a hushed whisper. "So we know Logan is Gimli. I just wanted to know which of us should be Legolas. I mean," he looks to Sabretooth, "you're a bit big for an elf, but I look like a raisin went on a bender for about a month so..."
Logan The arrival of the team on the ground appears to have gone unnoticed thus far, the guards continue their patrols along the walls, remain standing at the gates, and all seems status quo. The search lights continue to sweep of the surrounding area and the lights inside the compound continue to offer up their illumination at the key points; gates, doors, pathways between the buildings.

Logan eyes Wade for a moment, Merc with the Mouth strikes again, but his eyes move on to Creed. "Allies for the time being," he offers, short, sweet and quiet, in response to the larger man's comment before he had stepped through the portal.
Talia Wagner     Talia eyes the others. Lord of the rings. Okay well good to see that Wade is a constaint through the multiverse. This is all about what she would expect after all. "Got the door." she notes softly and fishes some gear out of a couple of pockets and stepping up.

    She doesn't need any lgihts to work with as she grasps picks with both hands and leans in to work the door... fidget... fidget.... pop pop pop ... press... and then she steps back. "Unlocked.. no idea if opening it will trip an alarm. This government is ... quite known for over saturation of survilience though so .... probably good to think we are about to maybe go hot." she steps out of the way for the others now.
Clarice Ferguson     Clarice nods in agreement with Talia's assessment, before adding in a dry tone, "Throats will be fine, Deadpool." Her attention then shifts to watching the tension between Logan and Creed - her gaze wary. Talking to the man is probably just going to piss him off - but Clarice is not going to chastice her mentor for //trying// to play nice. She gives him a brief nod of acknowledgement, her hand reaching out to rest on his arm for a moment, before he and the last few memembers of the team step through. She's the last one, closing the portal immediately, asking in a hushed voice, "Who the fuck is Legolas?"
    Without waiting for a response, she steps over to the door leading into the dorm, studying the lock. She nods Talia over, then takes a step back to keep an eye on the guards as the woman works. "This might set off some alarms," she murmurs quietly to Mastermind. "Be ready for it." Apparently she has the same concerns as Talia.
Wade Wilson     Deadpool eyes Blink for a moment before he shakes his head. "Alright. After this is over, movie night. Just set aside like... 12 hours." He pauses. "Maybe 20 if you want to go in with with Hobbit films too. They're pretty great themselves but not needed unless you're just pining for Orlando after the first three," he fans himself with a hand, "and honey, I would not blame you if you were."

    As the small asian woman works on the locks he removes one katana from a sheath on his back, and also unholsters a silenced heavy caliber semi-automatic. "Not as quiet as a Glock" he says looking the gun over, "if these guys got tactical gear, this'll go through. I call him Chonky-Boy."
Henry McCoy There's a grin from Henry, happily amused. "Lord of the Rings, Blink." He offers over, with a friendly smile. "I have the books if you like... or as he mentioned, they made some rather splendid movies as well." A shake of his head and he lowers himself, ready to pounce through the door as needed. Alarms can be tricky - and who knows what sort of security is setup beyond the locks.

Once in position, he focuses - eyes narrowed.
Victor Creed     "I think my way is more fun, but I suppose we have to keep things a little under control." He raises his gun to his shoulder, aiming at the door and waiting for it to open. "Ok, open it, then Wade... you go first. That way we'll know if there's any traps waiting for us."

    Strangely, other than throwing a teammate to the metaphorical wolves, Victor is acting more like a soldier rather then his usual savage approach to life. Apparently this operation is bringing back some of his old training.
Wade Wilson     Wade who seems to have put his game face on after drawing weapons, nods. "A good idea, Sabre. If I don't go to bits from a claymore, everyone follow, I'll stay low for those who are..." he looks to Wolverine, "vertically challenged."
Logan The door lock picked, it slides open with a creak to a dimly lit, long hall with numerous doors. The alarm that would have gone off has already been neutralized by the teams over watch computer experts H & D, so Deadpool does not get blown up.

A part of Logan is saddened that Wade is still standing, but once it is clear that there is no alarm, he takes a sniff of the air and looks to Creed. "I'll be watch," he states, moving to hold the door open so the others can enter the building.
Clarice Ferguson     "Guards are patroling the upstairs hall," Clarice murmurs quietly. "Who wants the job of taking them down?" She flashes a grin towards Creed and Deadpool, expecting them to volunteer, as they all creep into the building. She peers into one of the doors, finding it unlocked, and studying the four sleeping boys on their beds. "Alright, Yang. See if you can wake them quietly and convince them to go. Let's see how many of them we can get out of here before the fireworks start..." Because honestly, things never go smooth.
Talia Wagner     TJ still image induced follows Clarice in now and mostly stays out of Yang's way. She is pretty confident she could take out the guards upstairs, but then again this is Deadpool and Creed's portion of these sort of jobs they enjoy a lot.

    Also honestly she seems content to stick near Clarice and play bodyguard for the getaway 'driver' and also Mastermind as he works to convince these kidnapped and camp'd mutant youths there is a better life outside these camps.
Henry McCoy Oddly enough, Henry speaks up at the volunteering. "I'll be glad to take care of the gentlemen upstairs." He comments, having tred into the building with the others. His words were more of a low growl at present. If Creed was more akin to his former soldier self, Henry was certainly more close to his beastial side. Claws extend then retract in anticipation.

He moves towards the stairs, looking to see who might be following.
Wade Wilson     Wade moves forward matching Beast's pace. "I am /not/ missing a chance at seeing you go full tilt against guys" he says. "Logan's no fun, you want to be Gimli?" he asks, casually. "I mean, I think I might have to be Aragorn if Vic is going to insist on Legolas status. Which, hey, if it means I get to sleep with Liv Tyler? I'm game for that."
Victor Creed     Nodding to Clarice, Sabretooth follows Hank as they look for the stairs up. He keeps the gun ready, not bothering to screw on the silencer since he rather doubts Hank and Wade are going to make this especially quiet. Voice low, he says "Hell, I'm not gonna need this thing with the three of us heading up there.

    He lets the P90 drop to hang by it's sling, then extends his claws with a grin. "Let's go play."
Logan Logan remains at the door, watching, listening and most importantly sniffing for signs of any guards on foot coming around. Sure, he could have headed inside, murdered a few guards, but someone needed to keep their eyes open for any changes in the compound. One small thing going wrong would cascade into major troubles.

Yang checks the first door, sliding it open to peek inside. Four teenagers, all asleep, it was almost like a real dormitory. She wasn't an obvious mutant, but she slips into the room and immediately start whispering in Mandarin. The reaction is sleepy, surprised teenagers, listening to her rambling and looking where she points to the door. Three seem interested in her words, the fourth however glares at her like she's the devil and immediately starts screaming... who needs an alarm when you have a loud shrieking teenager.

The guards on the second floor hear the scream and immediately react, one start running for the stairs to the first floor, the other heads down the hall toward the manual pull for the alarm.
Clarice Ferguson     "Kid, you're the worst," Clarice mutters under her breath. The scream is short lived however, as he blinks away in a brief flash of purple energy, after being hit by the javeline she just tossed. She then opens a portal in the middle of the room, giving the children a glimpse of the camp they'd set up for them. There are people waiting - many of them obvious mutants - with food, blankets, and medical supplies. "Please assure them their friend is find and will be reunited with them soon," she says to Yang, as she tries to gesture the children to go through the portal. She adds, "Come - quickly, quietly," the brief phrase she's been trying to learn in Chinese, though who knows how intelligible she sounds.
Talia Wagner     Talia just up and rolls her yellow hidden eyes at the screaming teenager. "Christ .. and we don't even look like demons or devils right now...." she is glad that Blink popp'd that screamer off somewhere though. It cuts the cry short and means less likely .. hopefully.. to rile all the other boys up.

    TJ will step down and listen to the other 'cells' in the dorm and then when Yang is ready will pop another one open for him. That is.. if they aren't just flooded with a swarm of boys from the dorms.
Logan With the shrieks of alarm, there's no need to be quiet. The Beast bolts up the stairs - his quadrepedal method of movement giving him quite the speed boost. The first guard is ignored, Henry bounding around him, running along the walls as if he were in the Matrix. He knows the people following him up will not allow the other to harm his friends below - but he has to stop the alarm.

Five hundred pounds of muscle slam into the guard reaching for the alarm - claws leading the charge. There is no concern for the health of these villains, the Beast is here for blood. Only growls and snarls accompany the big blue man, feral as can be. These monsters hurt mutants - children! There is no mercy or quarter given.
Wade Wilson     "Son of a bitch" Deadpool mutters as the scream echoes through the halls. He's running full speed behind McCoy. He takes little time in impaling the guard heading down on his katana and dropping a bullet into the man's brain. He turns and looks behind him at Sabretooth as the dead guard slides from the (now bloody) blade. It seems he has little worry about Beast's ability to handle the other guard. "Why can't kids just respect a good rescue operation? Love em to death...but seriously. The worst."
Victor Creed     Upon finding and climbing the stairs to the next level with Beast leading the way, Victor looks around for the guards, then races after the last guard he sees down the hall since Beast is after the one running away and Wade took care of the closest.

    Taking long, loping strides, even dropping to all fours he quickly reaches the guard and grabs him by the his uniform, yanking back so the man can see him as he smiles and karate chops the man's throat, crushing his trachea then dropping him to suffocate on the floor.

    "No more mutant oppressing for you, sucker." He turns back in the other direction, looking for more targets.
Logan The alarm would never have gone off, even if the guard had reached it. H & D have that under control, but the screaming child alarm, that is another matter entirely. It wakes numerous children up and to come spilling out into the hall, most ready for trouble. This causes Yang to start calling out in Manadrin, trying to calm them down.

"Blink," she says in English. "This may be a good time to show off some mutants!"

Outside, Logan tilts his head very slightly and sniffs the air before speaking into the comm, "We got incoming, five or six guards, not running but they are hustling. Think we might be discovered."
Clarice Ferguson     "We got plenty of mutants waiting through the portal," Clarice points out. She's including Tara there - the woman looks mutant enough, certainly. She holds her concentration on the first portal, leaving the first of the dorm rooms, and leading to Genosha, as she opens a second portal in the hallway - making it as large as she can in the limited space to give the kids a clear view of the people waiting for them on the otherside. "Ask them to gently wake their friends and encourage them to move quickly. We still have to get the girls' dorm." Of course, assuming the two dorms are built with identical floor plans - she can now teleport them safely directly into the other dorm.
    "See if you can find out if one of these kids is a 'leader' of the others - to help us to convince the girls to cooperate and come quickly," she adds.
Talia Wagner     Talia since the survieliance seems down, taps her image inducer and exposes herself for her full mutant blue furred, pointy eared, torked tail glory. She gestures emphatically to the glowing portal and the waiting mutant aid workers on the other side there.

    She doesn't bother urging them on, she can't speak Mandarin, but she does her best to look friendly and helpful as she gestures. Then she pivots and taps her image inducer back into place as she races back for the picked front door and peers into the darkness outside carefully. "W is right... got incomming... we still want stealth right?"
Wade Wilson     Deadpool watches the light face from the guard's eyes after his throat is crushed by the behemoth known as Sabretooth. He nods. "Let's go help Wolvie" he says turning and heading back down the stairs.

    "Excuse me kids. Out of the way" he says, raising the katana up over his head as he weaves through the group. Wouldn't do to accidentally kebab one of them as he made his way to the front of the hall.

    He holsters the gun and unsheathes the other katana from his back as he reaches the door. "Alright. We're going full Hibachi here." He pauses. "Wait no, that's Japanese. Racist. Can't have that." He twirls the blades, barely missing Talia with the flourish. "Alright. We're going full General Tso, here." He nods. "That's better."
Victor Creed     On the upper floor, Victor pulls the nearest door open to look inside and a burst of gunfire rips into him. Most of the bullets are absorbed by the vest he has on, but one punches a hole through his upper left arm. Not even glancing down at it, he growls and leaps into the room. An animalistic roar and several panicked screams fill the air, then fall silent. He steps back out of the room a moment later, blood splattered all over his clothing and dripping from his claws.

    Speaking on the comms, he says, "I think we may have been noticed. Be careful downstairs, remember we were told there's usually guards down there checkin the kids."

    He heads back to the stairs, pausing just a moment to place a claymore with a laser sensor to fire into the upper hall if any guards try and come down. That done, he jogs down the stairs, into the crowd of confused teens. Several of them scream at the sight of him and actually jump through the portal to get away from the bloodsoaked giant. He just shrugs as he passes Clarice and heads for the door to 'help Wolvie'.

    This should be interesting.
Logan The teens are confused, and scared, and several go through the portal just to follow those they know in this pure chaos. A few looks ready to come to blows with those in the halls, then of course Deadpool wanders through and that just makes them all stare. The chaos helps. Devoted or not, the teens are just children and the confusion is working in the favor of the team.

One steps out and starts bellowing in Mandarin for a moment. He is a huge boy. Size alone would put him as way past adult, standing around seven feet in height. Once he sizes up the situation he switches to broken English. "You! You take team... why?!"

Before he can finish speaking, Tang is explaining in Mandarin and the boy just nods and starts shoving kids toward the portal while telling them in Mandarin to go.

Someone just got some luck.

Outside, Logan has already extended his claws and is ready. He smelled them first, then could hear them approaching. Just as Deadpool gets to the door, the group comes around the corner... there is that moment pause, the realization some one is there, and one of them fires off what looks like a bolt of pure energy. Logan takes is, even as he bolts forward to launch himself, claws first, into the one that shot him.
Talia Wagner     With the luck wiht the boys, well TJ hangs back and looks over to Clarice. Honest to god Logan, Wade, and Vic have a few guards mutant or otherwiose. So she is jogging back over to Tang, Clarice, and all.

    "We going to pop over to the girls now.. we should hustle before the whole place wakes up to this...." she considers "I Can probably take any guards in that building while the rest of you work..." probably
Clarice Ferguson     "There's food, water, and //freedom,//" Clarice encourages the children, using her most encouraging voice. She was glad for her decision to position her portal at the end of one of the halls - so her team has no trouble getting past and back outside to support Logan. "Yang - make sure the big guy stays with us, huh? Until we get the girls."
    And then towards Mastermind she adds, "Hey MM, make sure you're masking our team's position from the incoming guards. She of course gets a 'who the hell do you think you're talking to?' look in response from the man, who follows the others outside to deal with the approaching threat.
    This was going to be fun for everyone involved.
    Well. Everyone on //their// side of things.
    "We move once we have them all," Clarice promises Talia. "I'm not leaving any children here."
Wade Wilson     Wade smiles under the mask. "That's our Gimli" he says fondly and then he too is moving forward. The guard he charges is a hulking figure with granite looking skin. As the blades make contact, sparks fly from the man's skin; flint versus the laser sharpened steel.
    "You know..." he says in between dodges and strikes. "This is almost as bad as fighting Colossus." He drives the point of one of the katanas into the stone-man's thigh. The other goes up into the guard's soft palatte. "Almost."
    He is rewarded for his strikes with a backhand across the torso, sending him back into the brickwork of the building with crushing force. Bones snap, bricks crumble, the building stands. "...Ow... that's two." Wade mutters as he falls to the ground limply. "Just give me a moment."
Victor Creed     Sabretooth steps out the door just as Logan attacks the first incoming guard, then leaps forward. Strangely, it's not to attack one of the other guards. Instead he bends over, grabs Logan's ankles and lifts him, starting to spin around, moving towards the other guards. "Hold yer claws out, we'll play weed wacker."

    He scythes Wolverine through the small group of guards, taking down three of them which leaves only two remaining. He tosses Wolverine into the air, just enough to let him land on his feet, then shrugs and looks at him.

    "What? I was fighting with you, just like Blink said to."
Logan Yang moves over to Clarice and whispers something in her ear, then ushers another child through a portal. Then she freezes in spot, her eyes going solid white for a moment then she looks back to Clarice. "Blink... Red Robin had to call in Gates. They are having troubles getting the kids out. The asylum building a laboratory, they are experimenting on mutants in it. What should I tell them do to?"

Logan was not expecting to become a scythe weapon, but honestly it wasn't much different from the fast ball special. Extending is claws and bracing his arms, he slashes through the guards that Creed aims him at, then with the toss lands back on his feet to stare at Creed for a moment.

"A bit literal, Creed," he snorts. "But acceptable."
Clarice Ferguson     Clarice goes still for a moment at the whisper from Yang - but files that information away to deal with later. Focus on the job. Get the kids out. "Check all the rooms, check under the beds, check the bathrooms," Clarice orders sharply, sending Talia and Hank quickly into motion, while she focuses on Yang. "What do you mean - they're having trouble getting the kids out? What sort of trouble? Even with Gates and Ritz - they still can't get them all?"
    That's about when she gets the all clear signal, prompting her to announce on the comms, <<"We're proceeding to the next dorm.">> She opens a portal directly into the first floor hallway of the girl's dorm, letting Hank and Talia through first to deal with any guards they find, before following with Yang, and the tall Chinese boy. She leaves it open for the moment as she adds towards Yang, "If they're still having trouble, we can back them up after we gets the girls out of here."
Logan Once in the girl's dorm, TJ and Hank split off from the others to deal with any guards that are trying to secure the building. Talia feels a pang of worry leaving Clarice, Mastermind, and Yang to deal with the girls but no one will be well served if guards open fire in a crowded dorm of mutant teens. The two blue furred, though disguised mutants, head upstairs and engage the enemy. There is echoing discharges of TJ's hexbolts as she puts down a couple of the guards for good. Letting Hank take a much more direct and physical approach as the Beast is unleashed.
Wade Wilson     Wade gets slowly to his feet. He looks like his bones went through a washing machine inside his body. They are slowly (and noisily) shifting and molding back into their prpoper places. "Screw this direct approach." He pulls out the silenced heavy caliber semi-auto (Chonky-Boy) and withdraws an almost identical gun from the other side holster

    "This is NugNugz" he says, as his elbow snaps back into bending the proper way. He takes aim at the other two guards and starts firing off shots.

    Chonky-Boy's barks are like firecrackers used on Fourth of July nights. NugNugz's are a bit more extreme. The loud hammer shots ring out into the night breaking all semblance of stillness and silence. Stealth looks like it might be off the table. But if they can be a distraction to draw more fire from the girl's dorms, then that's what the three Ex-Weapon X-ers will be.
Victor Creed     Sabretooth faces off against the remaining mutant guard after releasing Wolverine. His attacks always seem to be just a little to slow to hit the man, or perhaps they are being anticipated. Either way, he's getting frustrated, eyes narrowing as a growl escapes him. "This guy's pissin me off."

    One, two, three more attacks miss by just a hair. Then he leaps forward, arms out to his sides and clotheslines the mutant. Once he's on the ground, his claws flash, ripping through the mutant's flesh, and then there is one less guard.

    He looks over at the granite skinned mutant, then at Wade and asks, "Need a hand, or did you just want a few more things broken?"
Logan The sounds of the guns firing do in fact draw attention, and draw more guards toward the boys dorms. In the girl's dorm, Nocturne and Beast readily take care of the guards, which allow the arrival of Yang and the big boy mutant through the portal. The girls had already started to come out of their rooms, the screams of the guards dying waking them and drawing their attention.

Yang immediately starts talking in Mandarin, while the big boy starts barking orders at them and pointing them in the direction they need to go. There are fewer girls than boys, quite common for China really.

With more guards heading for the boy's dorm, Logan has new targets to focus his attention on. Jumping forward to block an incoming attack with his face, his claws stab into the guard and... get stuck. Never in his life has that happened, and while attempting to yank his claws out, the guard grabs his head and instantly the connection is like super glue.

"Could use a little help here," he calls back toward Wade and Creed. He's not one to carry guns, and there was no way he was getting his other hand in there and stuck to the guy as well.
Clarice Ferguson     "If they need help with the labs - let them know we're almost done here," Clarice remarks. Hearing the sound of continued combat from the WeaponX boys, she closes that portal behind her - and opens a new one to the camp on Genosha, where the girls should be able to see all the boys, already being offered food and sodas or juice - while the medical staff with the help of some Chinese translators are taking down the teen's information and checking them over. She smiles with a bit of satisfaction as she watches the boy urging the girls towards the portal, adding a few words of encouragement in her terrible Chinese as well. "Come - quickly, quietly." Look, it's all she knows.
    Towards the rest of the team she adds, "We're going to be done here, soon. The other team might need out help. Get ready for extraction."
Victor Creed     At Logan's request, Victor looks at him and what the mutant he's fighting has done to him, then shrugs and reaches down for his gun, raising it and ripping off an extended burst into the sticky mutant. He certainly doesn't want to use his claws and also get stuck, after all. Hopefully some armor piercing bullets will fare better then claws did.

    "Hug him on your own time, Logan! We've got a job to do here."
Wade Wilson     Wade has fired enough rounds into the big granite man that they eventually come out the other side complete with excess brain matter. As the statuesque monster falls Wade walks over, holsters one gun (Chonky Boy was out) and draws one of the katanas from the corpse. "I've got it, thank Creed." He nods. "Might need to help your buddy. Get glue off of him, I'll take the others." He absently fires another round off to one direction without even looking.

    The last remaining guard of the first batch was another energy projector and perhaps he didn't expect someone with a gun to just... use it. The bullet slams home between the man's eyes releasing a spray of gore from the back of his head on the exit.

    With that NugNugz was out and Wade holsters the pistol and removes his sword from the soft underjaw of the stone giant's corpse before Wading (oh that was such a good pun) into the fray of the oncoming guards, blades spinning.
Logan The sticky mutant is not completely immune to gun fire, it staggers him back a few steps, taking Logan with him and then slowly he melts into this pile of goo and starts to ooze away. At least Logan was free.

"But he was so darn lovely," Logan snorts, then scans the area. Another sniff of the area and he adds, "No one else coming, let's get to the girls dorm."
Clarice Ferguson     Talia and Henry come down the stairs - a little bloodier, but as far as Clarice can tell, the blood isn't theirs. As the last of the children step through, including the boy who was urging the speedy evacuation. That portal bliiiiinks closed, and a new one opens, surrounded by Clarice's signature purple hue - just as Logan speaks, giving Logan, Wade, and Creed an exit to rejoin the rest of the team.
    "We're joining the other team. Everyone move - fast." As Clarice issues the order, a swirling white portal appears - created by Ritz, and the team starts darting through it, one after the other, while Blink waits to make sure everyone makes it out.
Victor Creed With a nod, Sabretooth heads for the other dorm at a jog. He doesn't even slow down as he shoots a guard off the wall, then replaces the magazine in his gun. He calls back, "Well, let's go guys. No time for naps - Or selfies Wade. Let's get this done."

    He reaches the door to the other barracks, opening it up to look inside. "Good, Blink is already in there. You good kid? Collect the rest and let's get out of here." He turns and shoots another guard coming around the far corner of the building after more bullets slam into his vest and arm. "Dammit, that still hurts. You'd think you'd get used to it."
Wade Wilson     "Let me get just this one" Wade says as he snaps a quick shot of his own face next to the dead face of the granite guard. He's holding up a peace sign as the cellphone camera flashes and then he's running along with the others.

    "I think I'll frame that one" he says to Victor as he catches up. He too slames a new magazine into his oversized pistol and fires a guard off a lookout point on a manned tower.

    At the other dorm, he lays down a measured cadence of covering fire for Logan before he slips in and jumps to the new portal...but not before a stray round from the guards goes right up the tailpipe sending him sprawling when he reaches the other side.
Logan The white portal is a new sight for Logan. Blink says go through, so just as he's about to follow Wade through, the guards that send him sprawling gets clawed in the face and chest.

"That was beautiful," he comments regarding Wade's entrance on the other side of the portal, then he steps through.
Clarice Ferguson     Is she good? "Doubting your training?" Clarice asks - flashing Creed a brief smile. "Now get through the damned portal," she adds with some amusement. Nocturne, Beast, Yang, and Mastermind have already gone through - along with Wolverine and Deadpool, and with more guards closing in on them - Clarice barrels through, almost simultaneously to Sabretooth. She was glad to leave that place behind - though she was already bracing herself for the sight of entering into a lab.
    She didn't expect any of this to endear humanity to her.
Victor Creed     Since they seem to be done here, Victor steps through the portal without getting shot any more, at least on this side. When he arrives on the other side he moves aside, scanning around the area they are teleporting into, gun at the ready. "Ok, how are things looking here?" he asks to anybody who cares to answer.
Logan The portal Ritz opened for the team drops them right in the main central room. It was the safest possible location, given the scans of the building she was using for the portal location. There is no night time work, but the traces of what is being done and has been done is everywhere. Instead of cold metal tables, there are padded gurneys, there's even pillows, but that doesn't change the fact that on those gurneys are children ranging from the age of eight to eighteen. All of them are obvious mutants, scales, feathers, colored, large, small, not a single one looks human or could ever be mistaken as one. Even with the arrival of the team, they do not move nor wake, the IVs flowing into their bodies keeping them out cold.

The numerous guards in the central room are taken completely by surprise, even more so when another portal opens followed by Ritz and Ying stepping through. Instantly Ying and Yang become one person, and the tension rises as the guards realize... these are mutants come for blood.
Wade Wilson     Wade gets up rubbing at his asshole. "Gonna need some Preperation-H for that one" he mutters as he looks around. "Oh... damn. This isn't... looks like the Workshop... only with kids instead of hard cases."

    He leans over toward Logan and Victor. "Remind you guys of something?" he asks soto vocce. He remembers the Weapon X facilities and how close this looks to just a more modern version of them.
Clarice Ferguson     The first time Clarice's power had been forced to manifest as a child? Before she'd managed to learn any degree of control? Back before the Genoshan government had any notion of what she was capable? That very first time - she utterly shredded a member of the medical staff. There's a cold, angry look in her expression as she gaze rakes over the children on the gurneys - and she extends her hand towards one of the guards. He doesn't have time to make a sound, as he collapses into a pile of small, cleanly cut hunks of meat, with an accompanying spray of red mist.
Henry McCoy Darting in from the teleport, is Henry. He wasn't done - not by a long shot. More monsters to tear through, more children to rescue. As he lands, he looks over to the children - the IVs. Even as he starts launching towards the nearest guard, he shouts out to the team. "Don't disconnect the meds... get them out with the IVs attached!"
Victor Creed     Creed raises his gun, pointing it at Wade. A shot rings out, whipping past Wade's shoulder and through the head of a guard behind him. "I do love a target rich environment." He turn and pounces, letting his gun go to hang from it's strap as he knocks down another guard and disembowels him. Another leap takes him to the next guard, who also goes down under his claws.

    He curses as the blood that sprays out is not red, but rather an acidic green that starts eating into him wherever it hits him. He starts ripping the shirt off the dead guard to wipe at the areas the blood has hit him. His claws however, are a loss for now at least, so the gun comes up again to fight with for now.
Logan Logan cracks his neck once, claws already extended and with a growl, leaps at the first target he sees. These were monsters, mutants harming mutants... mutant children, he couldn't allow that. A message had to be sent, a reminder to those who would find this carnage that this sort of thing would no longer be tolerated. Perhaps there is anger there as well for Weapon X, for all the things that were done to him, but in the end, it didn't matter. From one target to the next, the spray of blood setting loose the animal inside of him.

The guards attempt to scatter, to put distance between themselves, to employ their powers, but they have never faced off against other mutants in this manner before, especially those so vicious.
Wade Wilson     The dismantling of the first guard was enough to give Wade the go ahead. He too moves into the fray, swords spinning slicing through guard after guard after guard. When one of the blades breaks on a creature who looks to be covered in bone he drops the handle, draws his pistol and empties the clip into the man's external skull, spraying gore and bonechunks across the others.

    He's not getting out without his own share of injuries. Bullets pierce him, serated blades cut him, and bruises form from blunt force sustained in defense. Wade doesn't care, he's not entirely here. What he sees are kids being tortured and that means that every mutant in there that isn't a kid on a gurney or someone he recognizes, isn't getting out of there alive if he can help it. The red on his suit glistens as if wet but it's still red.
Clarice Ferguson     One of the mutants attempting to flee finds himself - sans his legs - floating in orbit over the planet, watching as large globs of his blood boil out of stumps. After that, however, as bullets start to fly around the room - Clarice goes defensive, creating portals that shield the children from being hit by any stray bullets or shrapnel. Only once things grow calm once more, does she let them drop, breathing heavily.
    "If everyone's good... We should each take a gurney and get these kids home," she suggests in a quiet voice.
Victor Creed     After killing several more guards with his gun, it finally goes silent as there are no other guards left to shoot. He switches out magazines again in case any more guards pop up. At Clarice's suggestion, he takes hold of two gurneys and starts rolling them over towards her. "Sounds like a plan to me, that acid sucks. I need to take a shower or something." He looks over at Wade and Logan and grins a little, "We don't make so bad a team, do we? Seems like old times."
Logan Ritz maintained watch over the gurneys as well, prepared to pop portals and ensure that no stray bullets got to them. While she was doing that, she lost sight of YingYang for a moment, only to spy her beating the ever living shit out of a guard with her bare hands. Martial arts strikes to the face, neck, chest... it's likely he would have fallen down already if she didn't keep striking him and driving him backwards toward a wall. There is a lot of pent up range in this particular Chinese mutant, and she was getting a little revenge for the years of torment her people had suffered.

Logan took a leap toward one of the gurneys, but hearing Henry's warning stopped short of slicing the IV lines.

"I got this one," he says, looking down at the sleeping. She was covered in a layer of tiny little feathers across her entire body with beautiful wings on her back, explaining why she was on her stomach and the other were on their backs. This was the part he loathed the most, seeing a child like this... if there were any guards left, he'd move to take out another one, but instead he hovers protectively over the child as if she were his own.
Henry McCoy No claws out this time - Henry just intends to slam both fists into the torso of the guard he'd launched at. The guard, plucky as he could be, managed to get off a shot - the bullet thudding into Henry's thigh. Momentum being a thing, the Beast is carried forward into his target. Unfortunately for the guard, the full force of the Beast's anger is directed at the fellow. Ten tons of force cave in the torso of the fellow, sickening sounds of bones shattering and snapping.

Dropping to a knee, Henry puts a hand to his thigh, looking around. "Agreed. Children out. These idiots will shoot them just as much as they'll fire at us." No time to hurt, no time to bleed, he starts reaching for a gurney to help him limp out and save a child.
Clarice Ferguson     Clarice ignores the sting of a stray bullet or bit of shrapnel (she honestly wasn't sure which) that had managed to graze her, as she opens a portal, and starts wheeling one of the children out. He was an older boy, with moist, almost amphibous appearing skin. Juggling both a gurney and an IV bag wasn't the easiest task, but she manages, holding the portal open so the rest of the team can follow. Depending on how many kids there are to move, she urges more people back through the portal to fetch more children as she calls out, "Are we sure the building's clear? Could there be anymore kids anywhere out in there?"
Wade Wilson     Wade finishes sliding his unbroken blade into the face of a screaming guard, silencing him with a gurgle of blood. "Well. That was refreshing" he says. "I could really go for some Taco Bell now..." He moves to a set of the gurneys and starts wheeling them toward the portal makers. "Two more for the trip."

    He gives Victor a grin. "Not too bad at all." His stomach audibly grumbles. "Yeah, definitely feeling Taco Bell after we're done here. Live Mas."
Logan A door in the room slides open and there stands a female mutant in a white lab coat. She is covered in orange hair, and in her arms is another child, so tiny, perhaps five years old. She walks toward the group, tears streaking down her face as she approaches.

"We held out hope," she says in English, her accent thick but still understand able. "This is the last child in this building, and when you go, I will personally blow it to hell."

YingYang finally stops beating the already dead man and turns and seeing the orange mutant and breaths out a quiet, "Xiou Liang." Obviously no one else knew the name, but YingYang seems utterly shocked to see her here. "You cannot stay here!"

Xiou Liang offers a smile, "I will not remain, but you have offered us an opportunity we did not expect. When you are gone, the Underground will destroy this location."

YingYang nods then, and moves to one of the gurneys. "I will return, I swear it." And with that, she pushes the gurney through the portal.

Next gurney through is Logan's, pushing it through while keeping an eye on the orange woman, then waiting there to help guide other gurneys through.
Victor Creed     Victor doesn't even pause, just takes his two gurneys through the portal. Reaching Genosha, he passes control of them to waiting mutants to care for. He turns back to the portal and waits for Clarice to come through with the last of the children before he heads off to find a way to neutralize the acid which still has some wisps of smoke rising from his skin.
Clarice Ferguson     Clarice goes back through after the last of the gurneys has passed her - reaching out to gently take the small child from Xiou Liang. "Do you need any explosives? Anything you need, we're happy to supply." she asks simply. She's more than happy to help with a little demolition - because this building can't be allowed to stand. If they're lucky, the data hasn't been properly backed up.
    She doubts they're that lucky.
    After waiting for the woman's reply, she'll make her way back out to Genoshan soil, the child craddled protectively in her arms. He was so small - she'd been that small, hadn't she? She feels strangely reluctant to relinquish the child into the arms of the nurse that approaches her - but after a moment's hesitation she does so, stepping away from the boy and making sure the Chinese resistance gets any requested supplies before the portal is closed.
Henry McCoy There's no real delay from Henry in wheeling the child's gurney through, just a nod to the woman saying she'll blow the place to Hell. He makes his way through, bearing the pain and looking down on the kid - perhaps taking medical note of their condition.
Wade Wilson     Once Wade is back on relatively familiar soil he relinquishes his gurneys to the waiting medical help. After he starts taking stock. Numerous holes in the uniform; he's got a spare. One sword lost; he has plenty of those. Chonky-Boy ruined by heat damage; he'll give it a proper burial. And one hell of an empty stomach aching for Tacos, Chimichanga, and Quessadillas.

    He turns to the others. "So is there a debrief or anything or are we done?" he asks, looking at the gore splattered team and the number of rescued mutants. He did a good thing and had fun doing it. With Wolverine and Sabretooth even. Something had to be up, this could not last.
Logan Logan helps with the last of the gurneys, then looks to Clarice. She would be the last through, he knew that, but he still hated leaving her there. One more glance to the orange mutant, then he steps through himself.

Xiou Liang offers a charming, broad smile then follows that with a bow as she says, "We have something far better than explosives. You need not worry, this entire facility and the one in Xinjiang will not be standing fifteen minutes from now." She stands again, starting to walk toward the door but pauses to look back. "Please pass a message to Mystique of the Brotherhood, tell her Zhongguo Xiongdi Hui, the Brotherhood of China, thanks her for all she and the others have done. We will be in contact again soon."

As she continues toward the door, the sounds of massive explosions can be heard. It would seen that this mission did more than rescue the children it awoke the beast with in China's breast, and the government will be hard pressed to be rid of it now.