Owner Pose
Conner Kent It is started with a 'We finally found a hard drive with some Nowhere tech stuff, can we pick your pretty brain for solutions? Conner'. It came from the Outsiders lines, some server in Gotham bounding through half a dozen other darknet devices worldwide.

And that brings Conner to the GIRL's HQ for the second time, bringing to Nadia a full copy of the files found by in a little metal box hidden in the remains of N.O.W.H.E.R.E.'s Colony 2.
Nadia Pym-van Dyne "So, you made it into that Colony 2 place?" Nadia accepts thumb drive looking down at it. She's dressed in that odd mix she often wears around the GIRL building her usual borderline punky gothy fashions with a white labcoat draped overtop. "Wish I could have been there to see the inside." She says as she slots the thumb drive into the meeting room's computer systems. She doesn't seem to be terribly worried about viruses, even from the likes of NOWHERE, not with the pair of individuals GIRL has running their cyber defenses.

Of course Vivian isn't here, which leaves... "QUINN! Can you come help me with something?" Nadia raises her voice seemingly to thin air. A few moments later a red headed young woman with shoulder length hair dressed rather plainly in a T-shirt and jeans seems to materialize out of nowhere.

"Of course, Nadia! How can I help?" The enthusiastic young woman asks.

"Conner, this is Quinn." Nadia introduces her. "She is a Quantum Intelligence and the newest member of our team. If you have data, she can crack it." Some might not find that as reassuring as Nadia seems to.
Conner Kent "Hey Nadia," Conner offers a brief smile before pulling a large thumb drive from one of his jacket pockets. "We returned to that place, yeah. Just before the D.E.O. and S.H.I.E.L.D. took over. The cops had not explored the whole complex for fear of collapsing rooms. I wanted to... do something there. This thing was a lucky find."

"And hello, Quinn," Conner glances a the red-head, squinting his eyes to see if it is an hologram.

Most of the drive is encrypted, but Red Robin has included the decryption key. It took over a day for the powerful computers Robin can access to break the code. It belonged to some Dr. Stapleton. A renowned xenologist that died in 2015. Except apparently the death might have been faked, since there are files here dating early 2021.

Besides a collection of Star Trek staff, a decade of files from science articles and reports (most published in famous o infamous scientific journals) it also includes some copies of schematics and work documents on what seems to be alien and original technology. It is going to take a while to work over it, but there is information on the workings of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. tesseract constructs where they hide their facilities. As well as repeated mentions of Colony 1. Another base where Stapleton worked and wanted to return.

For some reason Colony 1 was abandoned and the tesseract sealed. It made the doctor extremely angry and led him to form a small, secret group of like-minded scientist and techs which hid information from their superiors.
Nadia Pym-van Dyne The decryption happens at the speed of thought, Quinn's thoughts, though she is at least polite enough to use the decryption key rather than attempting to show off. To Conner's super senses Quinn is indeed a hologram, formed by a complex series of projectors positioned around the space of the meeting room. In truth she is an entity that dwells wholely in the realm of information, grown within the quantum computer that Nadia built to be GIRL's mainframe.

Nadia watches the data scroll by, fascinated by the technical schematics. "So this is how they're hiding their installations. We could probably reproduce some of this. Actually we could probably use this data to locate more and perhaps even forcibly access them with modifications to some interdimensional portal technology my father designed in the past ...and subsequently got kidnapped by his cyborg alternate reality self. Dads." She comments offhandedly before skimming the journal articles, reports, and files. In her mind this must be how all Dads are. "Is there anything specific that I should be looking for here? They seem to have a mix of alien and original technology, it's quite fascinating, and there's a lot of refferences to another colony, Colony 1 that was abandoned and sealed."
Conner Kent The problem is the energy consumption of the tesseracts is quite ridiculous. Unless Nadia can command the entire US power grid, there is no way she can hide more than a small room a hyperdimensional construct. How is N.O.W.H.E.R.E. producing so much power is one of the most interesting issues in regards the organization's tech. From a purely scientific standpoint, that is. They have plenty of other issues to answer for.

Conner nods when Nadia mentions Colony 1. "Yes, we even have the original emplacement," he slides to her side and points to a document. Looks like N.O.W.H.E.R.E. built a 'colony' in a small island between Grenada and Venezuela. Well out of the way. Of course, the Colony could 'move' all over northern South-America and Mexico.

No comments about 'dads' behaviours, because lack of experience, plus she is probably right. Superman keeps vanishing for weeks, then returning from weird place, always busy. They will never have a family meeting at this rate. Oh well.

He grins when the girl mentions forcing the access to the installations. "That is it. If we can force our way past that extra-dimensional thing, they won't be able to hide anymore. And we have solid leads to three or four other bases. That is what I hope you can figure out."
Nadia Pym-van Dyne Nadia nods along with what Conner says, "Quinn, can you isolate all of the dimensional Tesseract data and send it to my tablet?"

"Of course, Nadia." The red headed holo-girl nods executing the transfer of the relevant files, sorted and categorized, with lightning speed.

"Awesome! Quinn you're the best." Nadia beams at her friend who is also probably technically her daughter. She's already pulling up the data she kept from her father's dismantled stargate looking portal device. "Yeah, this shouldn't be too hard, relatively speaking. I just need to rebuild the portal but recalibrate it to the dimensional harmonics generated by the tesseract fields rather than breaching the macro version of the Space Wall." She's more thinking out loud than actually talking to anyone else by the end, though doubtless some of GIRL's other science geeks could probably parse that sciencey word soup. "We'd just need to transport the device to the prime locations of the given installation, but transporting things is something I'm particularly good at." It's much easier to move large bulky science equipment when you can make it fit into your pocket.
Conner Kent Travelling in Nadia's pocket might be an interesting adventure, but Conner and the others probably will use the jet to get to the island once Nadia has her gate ready. "That would be awesome. So we could just walk in, no need to break the door or something? Even better, if we can capture the entire base, this time we will get all the info we need to shut them down for good."

He stands up and stars pacing. "It has been over a year since we began. And we should have started long ago; I was just avoiding the issue, y'know? I had some inkling of how nasty they are, but it was, I don't know, in denial, I guess."
Nadia Pym-van Dyne Nadia shuts down the holographic display projecting the data in the center of the room and turns towards Conner putting a hand on his shoulder. "The past always catches up eventually, there's no sense beating yourself up over it. That's something I have definitely had to learn. You can't change the past, so it's better to focus on what you can do in the present to change the future that is still unwritten."

"I am sure you can stop them from hurting anyone else!" Quinn chimes in with what seems appropriate to the situation though she her social experience is still rather limited. "But I'll just leave you two to your discussion. Just yell if you need me Nadia or well you don't really need to, I can hear you anyway, but you seem to like doing it. Anyway, going, bye." And with that the holographic girl dematerializes.
Conner Kent The past always catches up, yes. But Conner feels he should have been chasing it harder years ago, and not let N.O.W.H.E.R.E. go on for years. 'Many of the kidnapped kids are dead' said Dr. Umber. That was a tough thing to hear.

"Eh, Imp says he can time-travel," he replies with a lopsided grin. Not that it sounds like a great idea. But tempting. He turns to the girl, "if you crack this... I mean, it has been great to have you helping us. Thank you."
Nadia Pym-van Dyne Nadia raises an eyebrow at the mention of time travel but lets it go for now. She knows its theoretically possible, but also risks unraveling reality with paradoxes. Even she isn't quite that irresponsible, usually. "Oh, there's no if. Most of the heavy lifting was already done when I reverse engineered Dad's tech to go rescue him, with this data from NOWHERE it shouldn't be too hard. Well, some assembly required. SHIELD demanded the original be completely dismantled." She shrugs her shoulders a little bit. "But I'm positive I can get it working again. I'm happy to help. I know what it's like to be a child in the care of an evil organization. Don't worry Conner, we'll definitely save them."
Conner Kent "Yeah..." well, Conner is going to be worried a little longer. "Thanks a lot, I mean it," he reaches for her shoulder with a hand, light pat. Then retreats a bit awkwardly. "I guess I should get back and tell the others. We are checking with a few other allies, but I doubt they can help much. I'll be in touch, hmm?" He heads out.