Owner Pose
Maxima For someone who basically has little to no fear of threats that are Earthbound, time is irrelevant for a time to go walking. So, Maxima, or Max as she has told many to call her, has taken some time to walk in Central Park in the late evening. Why not? It was beautiful during the day, she wishes to see if it holds similar beauty at night. It seems it does. At least to someone who didn't have something quite like this at home. She was just passing over a bridge when a small group of people underneath noticed the noise and started to make their way out.

Frankly, the four guys and a lady really aren't the type to be out walking at night. No, they are the type who really like it when someone goes out on a late night stroll. They can then take whatever they have and perhaps worse if it suits them. However, even as they begin to stalk Maxima, she doesn't seem to be even aware of them or if she is, she doesn't care. That is, until the lady jogs up and steps in front of her.

"Hey there, red." She states simply, "Sorry to ruin your night but we are takin' donations for charity and you look like you could really stand to give a lot. Right boys?" And there's a bit of laughter even as a particularly tall and lanky guy steps to Maxima's side and nods, "Yeah, lady. Ya know what they say, give till it hurts and hten give some more."

Maxima frowns deeply at this interruption and lets out a small sigh.
J'onn J'onzz J'onn J'onzz is patrolling! Not in his martian manhunter guise, but in that of a simple, human, policeman. No matter the amount of years that he spent on this planet, its sights, smells, sounds, still are something he holds dear, something he by now calls the sounds and sight of his new home.
His shape is that of an afroamerican man in his late twenties, almost two metres in height, with short black hair and blue eyes, wrapped in a policeman uniform all resoult of his shapeshifting powers. And during his patrol, even if human senses probably wouldn't pick it up from that distance, his nine martian senses not only identify a situation that a policeman would rightfully have to intervene in, as a group of people seems to be playing bad guys with someone, but that someone, to J'onn's telepathy, is basically a living, walking, psionic battery!
Making sure noone is around to see that, J'onn just speeds through the park, slowing down a couple hundred metres from the scene, so that his approaching can seem as natural as possible.
Maxima "Aww, she's not happy about it." The girl states to Maxima as she slowly pulls out a knife and starts to approach her, "Well, it ain't about your happiness. It's about giving to others." She then points the knife right at Maxima even as the other guys surround her, "Now, don't you wanna make others happy. Empty your pockets or we empty them for you."

The girl grins even as Maxima grinds her teeth and stands stoic before these thugs. She then looks over at the other four men and then she idly speaks.

"I am giving you one opportunity to walk away from this." She nods her head a little as she looks to those around her, "Walk away now and I won't even call this world's authorities. Continue and there will be no turning back..." She shakes her head a little and then girl laugsh before all four men start to laugh and then she moves quickly.

The girl is fast with that knife and has it right up under Maxima's throat within a moment and seems eager to see Maxima scared as she says, "Uh oh, I didn't leave...what now?"
J'onn J'onzz J'onn J'onzz trusts two things, that the cover of night will conceal him from sight for now, and that he'd be able to intervene if things should degenerate. And so it is that J'onn leans against a tree, far enough to not be in direct sight of the group for a regular man, but close enough that his senses can fully register what's happening. Of course he wants to help, but even more perhaps, he wants to learn more about Maxima. His presence isn't concealed from traditional senses, but his mental shields are completely raised.
Maxima Staring at the girl before her, she takes a soft breath and then simply steps into the knife that is pressed against her, "Your choice." She states simply and then presses with her neck into the knife as she pushes it back. The girl blinks in confusion. The men stare in disbelief for a moment. Surely they...they didn't find some hero or something. Right?

"Hey! You...you're gonna get cut. Ain't ya?" She asks in confusion, watching the knife get pushed back without breaking skin. Then the woman simply raises a hand and then lowers it with a sudden thrust.

"No, I think not." And A burst of pure force flows out from Maxima and the pure telekinetic force sends all five on to their asses. She then looks carefully at the girl she just knocked down, "Guess what." She states simply enough, "You no longer get to just walk away." And the girl stares in disbelief even as one of the guys pulls out a gun, takes aim and prepares to fire.
J'onn J'onzz J'onn J'onzz has seen that blades don't hurt her, and has also seen that apparently Maxima can control quite a bit of telekinetic power. But is he really going to see if she's bulletproof as well?
Even from where he is, it's not difficult to send just a tiny bit of his own telekinesis towards the gun, enough force to send the weapon flying without hurting the owner. Other than that, he just remains alert and ready to do more, even if, perhaps, it will be to protect those kids more than the woman they tried to mug, seeing how things are going.
Maxima A smirk as she watches the fear in the girl and she stands tall over her and states, "You are acting as criminals and worse you have slowed the progress of Maxima." She shakes her head, "Where I come from that would mean death...but..." She smirks, "I am feeling generous. I cannot allow you to harm others so instead I will cease your actions until law can be found." She then reaches out and with a hand in the air, rips apart a nearby park bench. She whips a hand out again to further knock down the men who were trying to get up, noting the strange sensation of what she believes was another psychic.

"This should keep you." And with that she forces the metal of the bench to bend and twist, wrapping around the wrist of the girl and then yanking that wrist to her own ankle and wrapping one wrist to one ankle, "Doubt you'll get far like that." And then she proceeds to simply start doing the same to the others, each one getting their own anklet wrist restraint...that is until one gets up enough gumption to grab a board and rush Maxima.

She turns quickly enough and whips a hand out to grab him up by the neck and pull him into her hand, the board clattering to the ground, "You dare..."
J'onn J'onzz J'onn J'onzz thinks this is the right time to make his entrance, not as a hero for now, but as the policeman he's impersonating. And so he comes out of his cover, running towards the group at full human speed and shouting "Police, freeze!" hopefully loudly enough to be heard by the woman before she crushes the idiot's windpipe.
Maxima A blink and she looks over at the man who steps out and shouts at her. She tilts her head, "Police, ah yes." She drops the man on the ground and simply gestures, "These people were attempting to accost me and take what is mine." She nods her head, "It is good that you are here." She nods and of course, that's when the girl points at Maxima.

"Don't listen! She's crazy! She's a monster who is trying to kill us! Shoot her!" The girl points with her free hand and screams.
J'onn J'onzz J'onn J'onzz stops his run between Maxima and the bench-handcuffed girl, and his eyes immediately land on the gun, and the knife "and I take it those are the, weapons she was going to use on you, or were those the ones you were about to use on her before she reacted?" he inquires, looking at the mugger girl on the ground "you're all coming with me under the charge of attempted mugging..." he then glances towards Maxima herself "mind tagging along for a withness statement? I'm afraid that's needed to proceed in a legally acceptable way..." and to the trained eye, or mind, he doesn't seem nearly intimidated enough by someone displaying the amount of power that Maxima just used.Not to mention, his emotions are, quite hard to read, almost nonexistant or, more precisely, concealed behind a quite solid glacial shield.
Maxima Staring for a moment at J'onn, she hmms softly before she shrugs, "If that is what is required. I doubt I will have much to offer." Maxima nods even as the girl who is still wrapped in metal grumbles about the damn police and how they never help her with anything and on and on. Meahwile, the men are all in various states of conciousness, not quite knocked out but somewhat wishing they were.

Maxima approaches the police officer a moment and looks to the others here before looking back to him, "How, might I inquire, do you plan to move all of these thugs alone?"
J'onn J'onzz "I called for reinforcements, as per standard practice..." J'onn lies, easily expanding his mental perception to link with four nearby policemen, implant the memory of him calling for reinforcements and rerouting them towards his current position "they're just a couple of minutes away... Lets handcuff them, meanwile..." he states, pulling a pair of handcuffs from behind his belt and proceeding to throw them on the nearest thug, using simple zip ties for the others since he has just one pair of cuffs!
Maxima A nod and then she states, "Fair enough." She nods again before she looks over at the work he does, watching how he restrains them and then she nods, "I suppose that works." She then looks to him, "I am Max." She nods her head, "And who is it that has helped me this day?" She hmms and tilts her head.
J'onn J'onzz J'onn J'onzz would offer a hand to shake, but, well, he is busy handcuffing and ziptying thugs, so he just states "Detective John Jones" patrolling, because sometimes detectives patrol, right? Oh well, that's the identity he's using anyways... "good to meet you, Max..." he states, straightening his posture now that four other officers come running from various parts of the park "we have a group of muggers and, someone that took care of them and will give a witness statement..." J'onn, disguised as John Jones, states to his colleagues.
Maxima A nod to him as she then looks to the other approaching officers before looking back at John, "I hardly did much. I'm sure things would have gone worse if you had not arrived." She nods and smiles before moving over to one of the officers and peering at him carefully as she awaits the opportunity to tell him her story, while giving John a quick look and a hmm but putting forth no further effort.