Owner Pose
Nicole Adams      It was nine o' clock in some Brooklyn place, the usual crowd wanderin' in...

     One could almost hear the words sung to a classic Billy Joel tune as the clock struck nine inside 98 Meserole Avenue--also known as The Good Room. Clubgoers and partiers were just starting to trickle through the doors, seeking music, company, and perhaps a little something else on the side. There were a wide variety of dress codes represented, from those in jeans and t-shirts, to elegant gowns and suits that looked as if they belonged in a ballroom fit for royalty.

     Nicole wasn't one to judge. She was just here to mix up a cup of cheer here and there, after all. She herself was in a pair of slim, dark blue jeans, a white off-shoulder, short sleeve crop peasant blouse, and beige wedge heels that were deceptively comfortable. Her hair is left long and loose, framing a face set with eyes like twin pieces of peridot. She's stationed in the bar, a large, wraparound almost antique-looking affair with no stools present; most of the glassware and bottles were stashed in a glass case held suspended above the bar. She's wiping down the surface of the counter and setting out small dishes of nuts and pretzels. A perfectly normal night in a normal club.
Alexander Aaron     It was in that early crowd that she likely got her first feeling for how the night would go. It all depended on the vibe of the city, the mood of its people, what sentiments they brought in with them and the emotions carried with that for most hung heavy and easily read on their faces like ill-printed late edition newspapers. No smoking was the ordinance, but it was one that had to be hawkishly observed and at times the smell of it was present still, brought in by a local that just needed it to get through the times.
    She might have seen him before. Wasn't his first time in. Usually with a group of two or three. Youths, all of them back then. With the hand stamps to mark their age and likelihood to be horrible tippers. But, to be fair, they hit the two drink minimum, paying five dollars each for their sodas or ginger ales or something more elaborate if only for them to present the illusion of 'greater' adulthood.
    But this night, it was the blond one. The one with that ragged mop of hair that could use a damn combing. The one whose clothes were a little too big or him, that seemed somewhat disheveled. But there was something about the hazel eyes, and the handsome cast to his features. Almost as if that line of jaw and feature were cast from immaculate marble.
    Yet there he was tonight, stepping up to the bar and around a couple who had just placed their order and were entirely taken with each other. He smiled as he lifted a hand in greeting and then murmured, "Heya. Screwdriver, hold the vodka?" The last word is said with a lilt upwards, tinged with a smile that might put one in mind of him knowing not just that it's a joke. But it's a bad one.
Nicole Adams      Nicole smiled at the youth, ticking her chin upwards in a nod. "You got it." She herself isn't too bad-looking, perhaps likely to draw a few tipsy stares and whistles by the end of the night. But she was, above all, a professional. Besides--there were bouncers for that.

     From a compact fridge/freezer combo hidden and tucked away in the central area of the bar, she retrieves a pitcher of OJ, a small bowl of orange slices, and a jar of maraschino cherries. A quick search amidst the suspended glass cabinets turns up a tumbler glass that was shaped like an egg with the top portion sliced off. Ice is added to the glass with soft little clinking sounds that were nearly lost amidst the thudding drumbeat already pouring from the speakers by the DJ booth. Juice is poured, and a little decoration made of an orange slice and a cherry, threaded onto a small bamboo skewer. With the decoration added to the glass, the 'screwdriver' is slid across the countertop to Alexander.

     "Here ya go." Smiling over at him, she glances about his general area. "Don't see your friends around tonight. Everything okay?"
Alexander Aaron     Alexander Aaron, the youth in question, is leaning against the bar, just the corner off the left side of it underneath that helter skelter looking cage where the bottles are kept. He bobs his head with a smile as he watches as Nicole goes through the well-practiced movements of getting him his drink. But it's when she starts to go the extra mile, and doesn't present him with just a glass of orange juice, his eyes light up with a hint of amusement and then outright warmth as he nods. "Hey, thanks."
    He accepts the drink and pulls it closer, casually fishing out the cherry and the orange slice and biting each. Across the way he looks to her and says, "You didn't have to go all awesome with the drink, thanks."
    But then he registers her question, "Oh yeah. Just meeting some people here I figure. Not like, Tyler and my usual crowd." The ones from Empire State probably, if their gear was anything to be considered. He steps to the side as another customer comes up and then answers. "So just me, for now."
    A beat, then he seems to remember. "I'm Alex. By the way."
Bobby Drake Bobby comes in and makes his way over in the direction of the bar. He has on a pair of jeans and a lightweight grey sweater flecked with white here and there, and comfortable hiking boots. He's definitely in the more casual crowd as he makes his way up to lean against the bar. No jacket. The chill of a February evening doesn't seem to affect him at all. There are a couple of people he knows, and he gives a nod to them in greeting, but doesn't seem to be heading over to join anyone for the time being. A smile is given to Nicole when he manages to catch her attention between customers, "Can I get a Blue Moon, please?"
Nicole Adams      A glimmer of amusement in Nicole's peridot eyes answers that in the blond youth's expression. She tosses her hair casually back over her shoulders, her smile echoing the warmth in her gaze. "Hey. They might've bagged ya and tagged ya, but why should I treat you any different than anyone else here?" She reaches out with one slender hand that looks as if it would belong to a surgeon, or perhaps a pianist. "Nicole. Nice to finally put a name to the face."

     As she turns towards Bobby, she flashes him a warm smile, dipping her head towards him. "Sure thing. Did you want the cocktail, or the beer?" One finely arched brow quirks upwards as she takes in his lack of outerwear; what was he thinking, going without a coat at this point in the season?
Isabel Kane And one more to join the people already assembled: this one a young brunette woman in blue jeans, a somewhat battered beige overcoat, and a pair of tanker boots. Truth be told, her fashion sense is a bit too far west to be New York and not far west enough to be California. The knitted wool hat doesn't help much either, but at least it keeps her ears warm. Isabel, of course, knows almost no one -- almost; she does raise a hand to signal hello to Alexander, albeit somewhat hesitantly, since he's already talking to someone.
Alexander Aaron     "You ever been to The Nation?" Alexander says as he accepts Nicole's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze and then a shake as he has been taught is proper. "The guys who tend bar there tend to just give you what you order without ice." The way he says this is as if it were some cardinal sin that should be shouted across the land, so egregious it must be. "But hey. Nicole." His lips move a little as he commits it to memory, "Good to meet you."
    There's a brief moment before he shifts his attention. It's when Bobby makes his way over, Alexander lifts a hand in slight greeting accompanied by a suitable guy nod as is proper greeting between guys for time immemorial. Something about the other fellow seeming somewhat curious, but then his gaze slips past the X-Man and his eyes light upon seeing Isabel.
    "Oh hey!" He waves toward her in that way that Bobby might suddenly think, 'Is this guy waving at me?' that sometimes causes those brief moment of social discomfort. Though not purposefully.
    Alex gestures to the space on the bar nearby, no stools after all. "C'mon over."
Bobby Drake "The beer, please?" Bobby asks with a grin. Seeing the arched eyebrow in his direction, his grin only grows a little bit more broad as he says, "What? It's practically balmy out there today." It's not. He then gives a nod of greeting and a smile to Alexander as well.

"Heya," he greets, but since he doesn't recognize the man, he doesn't assume the wave is for him, but instead turns to look over his shoulder to see who, in fact, he seems to be greeting. He doesn't recognize the woman either, but he gives her a smile as well and lifts a hand in a little salute of greeting of his own.
Nicole Adams      A grin is offered to Bobby, and Nicole nods once. "Good stuff. It'll just be a sec." Not triple sec, mind. A tall pint glass with gently curved sides is retrieved from the glass case above the bar, checked as always for even the slightest flaw. Good. There were none to be seen. Her soft chuckle is nearly lost admist the music and general hubbub of conversation as she turns towards the tap, fingertips dancing among the gaily decorated handles till she finds the one with the Blue Moon logo emblazoned upon it. Filling the glass with the golden brew, she allows enough headroom where the foam just comes up to the top of the glass--and not a millimeter past. "Balmy, my ass," she quips, laughing. "You'd have to be made of ice to go without a coat out there."

     As she plucks a slice of orange to perch upon the rim of the glass, however, she lets it balance just on the tip of her index finger, holding it there for a moment. The air around her becomes unusually still and quiet for a split second, as if time itself was holding its breath.

     Then time resumed, with the blonde barkeep putting the slice of orange on the glass and sliding it down the bar to Bobby. "There ya go!"
Isabel Kane Isabel is perceptibly relieved to get a positive response from /someone/, and either not bothering to try to hide it or too poor an actress to succeed at doing so. She strides across toward where Alexander, and Bobby, and Nicole are all clustered; no Wonder Woman, but she's fairly tall by normal standards. "Hello again," she says to Alex, and then "Hello," to Bobby, and to Nicole, in turn. "It sure doesn't seem balmy to /me/. They never show you the midwinter, miserable New York on TV."
Alexander Aaron     As Isabel makes her way across toward the bar and where the worthies are gathered, Alexander grins a little and shifts to the side, making sufficient room though the bar isn't exactly overrun with customers quite yet. "Hey, I like Winter. But glad you found it okay. How many people did you smack into on your way here?" His lip twists a little, tone teasing the visitor to New York even as he takes a sip of his virgin screwdriver.
    As Nicole readies that drink with the slice of orange, the blond youth follows her movements with a glance, eyebrow quirking for a moment as curiosity is piqued. His lips part as if to say something as he points in the bartender's direction. But thinks better of it and instead says, "I have recently learned, this is Nicole."
    Then tilting his head towards Isabel he adds, "And you are Isabel. And I am Alexander." He gestures then toward Bobby since he's right there and is in their circle of conversation by nature of proximity and politeness. "And we have the pleasure of..."
    He holds to perhaps let Bobby introduce himself.
Bobby Drake "Fortunate for me, then," Bobby says to Nicole with a grin, watching as she pours the perfect pint and perches that slice of orange on the edge. He gives a dip of his head to her in thanks as it is passed over, and then lifts it in salute before taking a swallow. He chuckles when Isabel joins them and says to her, "Doesn't look as good on the brochures. Unless it's the skating at Rockefeller center or a peaceful snow-covered Central Park. But I'm pretty fond of winter, myself."

When Alexander makes introductions he says, "Nice to meet you, Nicole, Alexander, and Isabel." He fills in the pause in the conversation that Alexander leaves for him with, "I'm Bobby. Nice to meet you all." He lifts his beer to the group in general. "What about you, Nicole? More of a summer person? Or maybe a spring?" He then glances to Isabel, as though wondering what her season might be as well.
Nicole Adams      From her spot behind the bar, Nicole smiles at Isabel, offering a friendly wave to the other woman. She's jsut gathering up the accoutrements from the last few drinks served to stow them away in their proper places, balancing the container of cherries and the bowl of orange slices in the crook of her left arm. Too, she flashes Bobby a grin, a short laugh accompanied by a shake of her head. "Fourth of July gal myself. But every season's got its beauty, know what I mean?"

     She turns back to Isabel, her smile a friendly one. "There anything I can get for you tonight, ma'am?"
Isabel Kane "Miss," Isabel says to Nicole, quickly. "Or just Isabel. Actually, just Isabel is for the best." She takes a spot just a little to one side of where Alexander and Bobby are, close enough to be conversational, not so close as to be ... well, too close. Her smile is pleasant, her accent midwestern, which fits with her appearance, at least. "It's nice to meet you all."

"I like summer, but I hear it can be awfully hot and muggy here in the city come July and August, so maybe I won't enjoy it quite so much here? But I don't know for sure. Oh, um ... could I just get like a iced tea or something? Sorry if that's weird, I don't really know how stuff works hereabouts just yet."
Alexander Aaron     That orange slice in Alexander's drink is nibbled on a bit as the blond youth continues to nurse his drink. Clearly not there for the alcohol and not too likely the music with its steady thumping in the background. It's likely he's there just to meet and be around people, perhaps an excuse. He smiles toward Isabel as she draws near then he adds to the general conversation.
    "I sorta prefer Summer too. Or Spring, to be fair. Basically I like to be warm." He considers the situation, then looks thoughtful again as his mind wanders. "Though I suppose Winter you have a reason to, you know, get warm. Since fires are nice. And it's nice to be inside while it's cold outside. Like now." Then he looks back and smiles lazily.
    Now that they are somewhat settled, Alexander tilts his head sidelong towards Izzy and asks with no hint of subtlety nor shame, "Did you bring the cool goggles?" Though not exactly in too loud of a tone of voice, nor intending for it to carry. But such is life.
Bobby Drake "Yeah, I figured you for a Summer," Bobby says to Nicole when she calls out the fourth of July. But he seems to agree that every season has its own type of beauty, nodding along with that. He leans one elbow against the bar and gestures a little bit with his beer with the other hand, "It can get pretty muggy in the city in the summer, but that's what air conditioning's for." Not something that he has to worry about, personally, but for those who can't lower ambient temperatures naturally.

His gaze flickers over at Alexander at his musings and he chuckles, "Not that I've got anything against being warm, or finding ways of getting warm. Warm can be nice, too." He lifts his drink and takes another swallow from it, but then glances from Alexander to Isabel at the mention of cool goggles, clearly curious.
Nicole Adams      Nicole smiles at Isabel, and nods once. "Sure thing, Isabel. You want that to be a Long Island iced tea, or plain?" She, too, was intrigued by the mention of 'cool goggles', but has the decency to refrain from commnet upon the matter No, instead she smiles wryly at Bobby, with a little wink. "Warm is good, too," she agrees. "You learn to love both around here. Summer in the city can be a real pain."
Isabel Kane This particular turn of conversation makes Isabel give both Alexander and Bobby wry looks. "Oh, like lighting a fire," she says, all innocence or at least prepared to pretend it. Almost certainly the latter; she's not very convincing at being naive. "Sure, I like a nice warm fire in wintertime as much as anyone. Nothing's quite as nice when you get all your chores done outside in the snow and the wind and you come inside and there's a fire right there to get you all roasty and toasty. Maybe some cocoa." *blink* *blink*

As for Alexander's question: "Didn't think it'd be right just leaving them at a hotel. Meaning no offense to any of you all who happen to be local, but it wouldn't be all that much of a shock if someone tried to make off with 'em, would it?" She undoes her coat enough to show the plaid flannel shirt underneath it, and, more to the point, the pair of high-tech red-lensed goggles on a strap round her neck. Shiny! But nifty looking goggles are a dime a dozen among the steampunk set and the StarkTech Spectacle/Google Glass set, and there's no inconsiderable overlap there.
Alexander Aaron     Looking between them, Alexander is taken for a moment with eyeballing the goggles, then shakes his head as he looks down at his drink. "Very cool." He says as his head bobs a bit. And, to be fair, he does think they're cool. But he is also young.
    A hand lifts as he leans to the side, "So had anymore strange things happen since we last parted company?" He tilts his head one way like a curious canine, but before she answers he plods onwards, clearly wanting to say his own bit before she can answer. "I haven't heard anymore from my uncle. Yet." As if that was some noteworthy event.
Bobby Drake Bobby makes no attempt whatsoever to play at innocence, his smile amused. "Mhmn, like lighting a fire," he agrees with Isabel, however. "Of one sort or another. And cocoa, of course." Because who doesn't like cocoa, after all? He glances over at the goggles when Isabel reveals them. "Shiny," he comments, and studies them for a moment or two, as though trying to place them, but not really seeming to recognize them. "What sort of goggles are they? Decorative or..?" There's a glance over to Alexander. It's clear he has no idea what they're talking about, but he doesn't butt in with any questions for the time being, instead, taking another sip from his beer.
Isabel Kane Isabel is reasonably relaxed about people checking out her goggles. HER GOGGLES, mind you, which are UP HERE. "My one nod to being fashionable," she says to Alex, and her voice makes it sound like she's joking. She then adds what is almost certainly another joke: "They let me flash eye lasers like that one fellow from the X-Men. Just testing 'em before they go on the open market." The brunette grins at Bobby, little realizing to whom she's making this particular joke.

She shakes her head to Alexander's question, saying: "Nothing -- well, I wouldn't say *nothing* weird, but nothing that seems like it'd be weirder than normal for around here. If you see what I mean. 'Scuse me just a second, I need to hit the ladies'." Which she crosses over toward, having excused herself.
Alexander Aaron     "Now cocoa." Alexander says pointedly as Isabel starts to depart, not meaning to exclude her, but he is perhaps more of a stream of consciousness kind of fellow. Which makes conversations with him either rather easy-going or infuriating. Either/or. He continues, "Is a topic near and dear to my heart. Or really anything chocolate. Maybe." There's a beat as he once again indulges in a casual thought wandering, "Or heck, sugar."
    Turning his head towards Bobby, the young Olympian smiles a bit, "Though I suppose I shouldn't overdo it. But for cocoa on a cold day, inside with it snowing outside and a warm fire..."
    The youth crinkles his nose a little, "See now I'm wanting to go back home just cuz."
Bobby Drake Bobby Drake smirks at that and says, "I'll let Cyclops know. I'm sure he'll be thrilled," in a tone that is half amused and half very certain that Scott would not, in fact, be thrilled. He shakes his head just a little bit and then takes another swallow of his beer. It's not that Bobby is making any attempt to hide who he is. He's out as an X-man. It's no secret that he's Iceman. But he doesn't feel the need to announce it, either. He seems more entertained than anything else. He lifts a hand to wave to Isabel as she heads off before turning his attention back to Alexander. "Shouldn't overdo what? Cocoa? I'm fairly sure you could have a cup or two without overdoing it," he says with a bit of a laugh, and then one brow ticks up. "Just because? Or just because.. cocoa and a fire?"
Alexander Aaron     "Sugar I mean." Alexander looks across the way and then says in his best Wilford Brimley voice, "Diabeetus." But he's fairly young to be worrying about that, perhaps just going on the rumor or what he's heard of such things. That said his eyebrows lift a bit, "Though I think I mean like the experience? Cocoa in and of itself is a fine thing. But the experience is greater than the sum of its parts. Like having a cup of cocoa, while you sit in a chair or on the sofa in front of a fireplace? Maybe with a cover or blanket on your legs? That can be pretty good."
    Not exactly the sentiment one might imagine from a person his age in a place like this.
Bobby Drake Perhaps not the sentiment one might expect, but it seems to entertain Bobby none-the-less, "Sounds nice, actually. I'd rather share it with someone else curled up on the sofa in front of a fireplace, but the rest sounds good, too." He lifts his beer in Alexander's direction in a little salute and then sets the glass down, not quite finished, but he doesn't seem in a hurry to drink it down. His attention wanders to the rest of the room, watching people as they come and go near the bar, before he asks Bobby, "So, what do you do?"
Alexander Aaron     "Oh well," Alexander's eyebrows lift as he registers that and his head bobs a few times, "Well yeah, of course." There's a slightly wistful look as he spares a glance back after Isabel, perhaps purely reflexive, or perhaps just giving the room a once over. "But thank you!" At the salute. One that he returns with his own drink, then takes a sip of his icy orange juice.
    "I'm a student. Mainly." He answers the question and motions toward the door, "Off to Empire State soon, which should prove to be an enjoyable experience." He says those last handful of syllables elaborately, molding his mouth around them as if he had to get them to sound exactly right.
    "And yourself, Bobby?"
Bobby Drake Bobby Drake follows Alexander's gaze in the direction that Isabel departed and his smile deepens just a little bit in amusement. He turns so that his back is against the bar, elbows resting on it to either side of him as he takes in the room and does some people watching of his own. His head tips a little to one side as he studies one person or another as they pass with a sort of idle interest. "Yeah? I'm about to graduate from Empire State this year. Mathematics. Working on my teacher licensure after that."
Alexander Aaron     "I'm so envious," Alexander offers, his head nodding a few times as he looks down in reflection. Then back up to meet Bobby's gaze as he smiles wryly. "I'm still trying to figure out the whole, you know, major thing. Get an idea about what I want to do with the whole life dealio. Since it's going to be... you know, long." Though he does not elaborate on exactly how long.
    One hand uncurls as he gestures to the side, "Do you have any tips about ESU that they won't mention in orientation? Anybody who should be on my instant drop list?" Since he has heard horror stories about horrible professors who instantly fail people just for snoring too loud.
Bobby Drake "You've got some time," Bobby says with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "You can always start out undeclared and start taking some classes in areas you like and figure out what calls to you once you get started. I started out as an Accounting major, but then decided I didn't really want to be an accountant, but a teacher instead, so I shifted to Mathematics." He then smiles over at Alexander and says, "The longer it is, the more time you have to figure out what you want to do." He considers the question about tips for ESU and says, "Professor Pinckney's Developmental Psychology class. The guy's a joke and gets really passive aggressive if you point out anything to him. If you can avoid it, do. There are better profs who teach the same or similar classes."
Alexander Aaron     "One sec," Alexander says as it seems he's taking this very seriously. Out comes his phone from his back pocket and he swipes it to life with the drift of his thumb. He taps a few things on the screen, bringing up the notepad and then keys in the name, though if Bobby is paying attention he'll likely see that Alex types it as 'Professor PinkKnees Developmental Psych' and hits a few starts next to it as if to rate it higher.
    That done he sets the phone on the bartop, just in case any more nuggets of wisdom are imparted during the conversation, but nods toward Bobby. "I figure get what I can before declaring. I sort of had this wild hare of an idea about taking sociology but my dad sort of sneered at that. So I'm leaning more archeology maybe."
Bobby Drake "Your dad's not the one doing the studying, or who's going to do whatever you decide to do after college; you are. So pick what classes you want to learn that's going to help you do what /you/ want to do, man," Bobby advises with a shake of his head. He grins at the tapping away on the screen and says, "Avoid Professor Lyons' for Anthropology, too. Some real good ones to take if you want something that's going to be a good class but a challenge -- Psychology and the Justice System with Professor Barnes. It's a lot of reading and writing, but it's a fascinating class." He gives a few more tips as well, profs who are interesting, profs who are snoozefests, and where to get the best snacks on campus, that sort of thing.
Alexander Aaron     The phone skids across the bartop as he pulls it back and swipes it back open. The note is added right there, 'Professor Lions Anthropology' and another star added. He nods along and when Bobby thinks well enough to speak to something in the specific he scribbles it down. If this is going to be his study habit then really he should have no problems in college. For now, though he listens, nods, and sips at time now and again.
    "Lots of good information here," And if he didn't have the phone chances are he'd forget it all as soon as he stepped outside. That said he closes the phone and pockets it again, then smiles to Nicole as he gets his refill.
    "So what made you want to teach?"
Bobby Drake Bobby watches idly as Alexander taps various notes into the phone, correcting his spelling once or twice but otherwise not interrupting as he picks and chooses which bits are most important to capture. "Honestly, I like it there. Pretty sure you'll enjoy it. Not sure if I'll end up going back there. I might. Get my Masters in teaching. But I think I'll take a break after graduation to think about it a bit, first. Got a lot going on."
Alexander Aaron     The blond youth nods slowly, hazel eyes distanced in reflection as he seems to look at Bobby while behind them more patrons are slowly coming into the bar. He chews on his lower lip thoughtfully and then says, "Sounds like you have everything figured out for the future and all." He ponders and rubs at the back of his neck and hrms.
    "So if there was like one big hurdle, or what you figured was the biggest hurdle in your time there, what was it?" That said he tilts his glass back and catches one of the ice cubes, then proceeds to crunch it a few times.
Bobby Drake "Probably Loki's assault on New York when I first started, and splitting my time between trying to go to classes and keep people at the school safe," Bobby admits with a faintly wry smile. "Hopefully your first couple of years will be a little less.. uh.. fraught." He lifts his beer then and finishes it off before setting the glass to one side. He shakes his head, waving off a refill for the time being, instead asking for a glass of water to go along with it. "Honestly, school was never the problem. Being an X-Man and going to school was the juggling act." Then he pauses and says, "I don't know if I have everything figured out, and like I said, plans change. I was going in one direction then changed my mind. That happens, too."
Alexander Aaron     "Ohhh you're an X-Man." Alexander says as if that explains a few things, or perhaps gives a little more insight. "Well hopefully he won't attack again and all." Which, is a hopeful thing indeed. That said he hrms and taps a fingertip on the countertop, eyes distancing in thought. For some reason that declaration, however, doesn't cause him to miss too much of a step. He just accepts that statement as fact and moves on.
    "You mind if I check in with you in ten years or so and see how things turned out?" A curious question considering some things. But it's sincere as he pulls his phone over and slides it toward Bobby for him to sync information if he wants.
Bobby Drake "Yeah," Bobby says, not seeming to make a big deal about it, as though he had just told Alexander that he was from Brooklyn or that his mom owned a hair salon. It's just a thing, and he's trying not to make it a thing, just answer the question honestly. When the phone gets pushed over, he pulls up Alexander's text app and texts himself a message to his phone, which exchanges their numbers. Then he taps one back on his own phone in reply. "In ten years, huh? Sure. But if you feel like hanging out before then, feel free to shoot me a text." He laughs just a little bit.
Alexander Aaron     "Sure, man. If you want." He says, though it's that tone of voice as if he was wondering what an X-Man would want to do hanging out with a guy like him. That said he gives a nod, "Hey, I'm going to hit the head." A curious word choice there. "I'll catch you later, ok?"
    And with that a few bills are dropped on the countertop, and Alex will withdraw after smiling and waving.
Bobby Drake Bobby gives a little two-fingered salute to Alexander as he goes to head off, and then he too slides away from the bar, dropping off some cash for his drink and a tip before he begins to head out. "Have a good one." And off he goes.