Owner Pose
Arthur Curry     The East River is rarely quiet. Even in the small hours of the night it tends to let sounds carry across the gentle waves. Occasionally there are cries of gulls, sometimes there's the clang of a buoy off in the distance as it clangs its warning when a wake jostles its place of rest. Though cargo ships come and go at all hours, giving further sounds of trade continuing throughout the night. Still there is order that's maintained, sections of the docks that are kept and tended to. The international areas for ships that must be inspected, local shipping, fisheries, though of late one other section near a row of warehouses has been created...
    And right now that section is known simply to the authorities as, 'Where that Fish Guy keeps bringing us junk and leaving it there.'
    Which had lived up to its name.
    The last few days Arthur Curry, Son of Atlantis, has risen now and again from the water of the river. Never a pleasant thing in and of itself as the East River is not the cleanest in the world. But each time he's arrived he's left some form of captured material, ships, and at one point even part of an underwater operations center.
    So at this time tonight, when his arrival is heralded by the heavy amount of bubbles in the water then the rushing /rise/ of a submarine that splashes to the surface it's greeted instead of with fear and apprehension by the people around, and more with annoyance by the one police officer on duty.
    "What's it this time, Curry?"
    Arthur climbs slooowly over the side of the sub, grimacing as he gets to his feet and balances on the broken hull of it. "Sub, smuggler group. Same thing as before."
    "The hell are they gettin' the things ya think?"
    Which has Arthur grumble back, "Hell if I know, man. You're the cop shouldn't you be figurin' this out?"
    "Above my paygrade, mac!" Though the police officer smirks and steps back, starting to trudge along the docks with his boots thumping against the wooden slats. "I'll get the paperwork started."
Divine Among the noise of the late night dock, the thudding of boots is lost. Covered up by splashing, metal ringing and all of the other night sounds of the East River and the city beyond. Divine may as well be sneaking through the dark for all it matters how much noise she's making.

A short mop of dark hair pokes around a corner, peering at the sub bobbing in the water. She squints a little at Arthur, not quite putting two and two together. She stays out of sight for the moment, considering her play here. She heard 'smugglers'. (Okay, she heard it all, but still) That means there may be things in the sub worth some money. Which she could really use. The stares are getting old enough that soon, someone is getting punched.

From her vantage point, she just watches for the moment, trying to figure out if she can slip into the sub unnoticed or if she's going to have to be loud.

Honestly, one of these ships probably has a cargo container full of HDTV's she could fence. That'd be easier. She doesn't even think about it.
Arthur Curry     The sub does indeed seem mostly intact. Its curved surface does have two locations on the side of the hull that look like some great forced grasped and tore into it, which likely created the catastrophic damage which would lead it to its unopreational status. But the rest of it seems relatively intact, and to be fair there is a smaller sub already tied to a portion of the docks with a small set of scaffolding built around it. That might have something within as well.
    Yet there is the fact that the older heavier police officer is slowly walking back toward the end of the docks, he probably is keeping an eye out. He also has one of those chest comms for talking to dispatch, so he could summon help.
    The other guy though, ragged looking and a bit wild, he's not wearing a uniform of any type. Instead more just some jeans that are soaking wet and torn at the knees, then an overshirt that's unzipped with the hood pressed back. Something like chain mail might seem to be on his chest though a closer look might make one realize it's more a series of tattoos than anything else.
    Then the police officer sticks his head out of his small watch booth, "Any arrests to be made?!"
    Which has Arthur answer, "Nah man, crew bailed. They got some kind of..." He waves a hand to the side, fingers spreading, "Cloak thing."
Billy Kaplan     Billy is just, you know, out for a nighttime stroll. Kid's not even a buck fifty soaking wet but he has his hands in his pockets and strolls casually with the confidence that comes from pretty much being able to just teleport out of trouble. The harbor is one place he sometimes comes, especially at night. At night here, people are so focused on what they're doing that he can just blend and walk and clear his head. Cosmic shit can get weird and head clearing is really important. He peripherally notices the sub-related activities and finds it curious. He course corrects and moves in that direction in a meandering, I'm-not-beelining-please-don't-shoot-me kind of way.
Divine Of course Divine hears Billy coming. She hears everything. ... Almost everything. She frowns as she eyeballs the sub. Her gaze turns to the approaching officer and she ducks back behind the ship, lifting from the ground and then descending silently over the side, moving under the dock itself, keeping above the water. She floats closer now, frowning at the echoing footsteps above her head.

She hits the end of the dock close to the sub and waits. The other set of footsteps is coming this way and might be a good distraction.

Arthur Curry     In the water, Divine likely gets a good vibe for why the East River has the reputation it does. It has a smell, chemical and grossness, and for someone with her senses it might be all the worse. But she's able to slip over the side easily enough, entering the water softly.
    Yet above the docks, Arthur is half kneeling as one strong hand grabs a chunk of the twisted metal, pulling it up and tearing it open with the squeal of complaining steel while its surface is contorted by the grasp of the man.
    "The hell are you doin? Stranglin' cats or some shit?!" Office Mackey leans out of the side of the watch booth and yells at Arthur, but then turns his head as he espies Billy's approach. "Hey kid, s'late fer a constitutional or whatever, ain't it?" There's a small feeling that the cop might be giving him some grief, but only barely.
    "Interior's sealed, gonna get it open. Stay over there!" Arthur shouts as he reaches down and finds a good hand hold on a piece of the under structure, a half-circular compartment hatch that he digs in and gets to grips with. "Who's that?" He calls back even as he tears the door open...
    Only for an instant he glances to the side, head tilting vaguely in Divine's direction. Something out there?
    Only for his moment of curiousity to be broken by a loud /buzzing!/ as once that door is opened a mass of circular drones /roar/ out of it, like rushing hurling hover disks that all have blinking red lights atop them and underneath what looks like some sort of twisted angular weapon that abruptly _blast_ Arthur in the chest and knocks him off the side of the ship to land in the water below.
Billy Kaplan     Billy continues to move in the direction of the sub rending. If there is one thing Billy Kaplan is it's a superhero and comic book nerd. Like big time. And there's no way in the world that that's not Aquaman over there. Plus not a lot of dudes can just tear steel like that, not even in this town. "Isn't a constitutional like, you know, taking a dump?" the kid asks, canting his head curiously to one side. He looks so un-like a threat that he's actually a negative threat on the Weird Shit Threat-O-Meter.
    He's not stupid though. He stops a reasonable distance from the activity in case, you know, stuff blows up or whatever. "Why ya tearin' that thi.." His question gets cut off mid-sentence as Aquaman gets blown into the water.
    "Holy shit!" he exclaims. He closes his eyes and quickly begins an incantation. ~BringAquamanBackHereSafelyBringAquamanBackHereSafelyBringAquamanBackHereSafely~ (( Up to Arthur whether or not it works. Billy screws up his incantations plenty. ))
Divine It smells awful down here. Luckily Divine can hold her breath well enough. Because even a half-Kryptonian is kind of, well, ridiculous. She squints as Aquaman wrenches more of the sub open, and her eyes widen as drones pour out. She does her best to remain hidden, but these things are good.

Arthur gets blasted, and as they fan out, they start to fire ''under'' the dock. Which seems weird until Divine bursts upwards through the wood, tanking the blasts like a pro. Aquaman might, in the chaos and the dark, think that Power Girl got a dye job and switched her leotard-thing for a bikini top and yoga pants. Especially when she charges the drone swarm with a bellow and starts laying into them with heat vision.

It is a very Power Girl move. It looks a little ... off though.
Arthur Curry     For Arthur, he's more annoyed than anything at first. The blast did hurt, a little electrical jolt that felt like the bite of a wasp, albeit short-lived. But it was the ignominy of the thing. Some people talking at him and suddenly he's in the water. That's crap. Bad for his image.
    Then only a moment later, as he's floating down toward the depths of the river, he looks at his arms and sees a blue glow manifesting around them as he grimaces and glowers, shaking his head and kicks his leg to send him /rushing/ upwards toward the surface...
    Only for the spell to complete as Aquaman manifests right in front of Billy, landing heavily in a non-traditional superhero crouch, knee splintering the wooden slats of the dock as he scowls. And, well, stinks a bit since the water is gross. "The hell..."
    A glance over his shoulder, then his eyebrows raise. "Thanks kid?" Offering thanks but also perhaps asking if this was his doing. Though just as quick his attention is stolen by the appearance of Not-Power-Girl as she blasts through the docks sending shards and fragments everywhere. Thed drones continue to swirl, breaking into a dodge pattern to try and avoid the might of her attack but several are already blasted or smashed and fall into the water as components, seeming more like crystals and metals than electronics.
    Arthur breaks into a run forward toward that swirling horde of perhaps thirty some drones that's spreading out, twisting into an automated attack pattern as they lock onto nearby targets, orbiting about to bring their electrical blasters online and angle them to give a zap at Divine. Their sensors pick her up and Arthur as well, marking them as primary targets...
    Yet as they fan out they'll assuredly target poor Billy and Officer Mackey.
Billy Kaplan     Billy's ears and cheeks get so red when Aquaman - AQUAMAN! - thanks him! Does it even get better than...oh man there is some chaos going on here, isn't there? The young spellcaster is not very experienced in these things, but he knows that Officer Mackey probably can't fend off the drones. He breaks into a run INTO the mess so he's standing very near the cop. ~ShieldShieldShield~ he chants quickly and a blue energy barrier forms all around the two. Two spells in a row and Billy is already showing signs of strain. Sweat beads on the kid's forehead. "I gotchu fam!" he says to Officer Mackey, a little bit out of breath from the casting, though an observant watcher might see him swallow heavily as he hopes against hope that this shield can hold off the drones.
Divine Divine does not care about other people getting hurt. Honestly, they aren't really hurting ''her'', but they ''are'' annoying. Some people would weave through the drones, targeting each one in turn with the utmost precision.

Divine does not.

She sets her heat vision on wide angle and pivots in midair, sweeping the burning beam through them in a swath. Billy's lucky she's facing away from him, probably.

Aquaman might notice that as the drones burst and start falling, the black haired woman is ... snagging crystals and components in her hands. Weird.
Arthur Curry     Officer Mackey, for his part, has his service revolver in hand ready to go. But he sees the plus side of having a force field around him so he doesn't seem too earnest about getting out there and busting some caps. Instead he gives a nod to Billy and says quickly, "Thanks, kid. Thanks. I uhh... we let the professionals handle this."
    Since apparently the officer feels Divine is clearly a professional.
    Though Arthur might not be of the same opinion, "Who the hell are you?" He asks even as he's leaping into the air grabbing one drone and then another and sending them flying into their mates, causing the small mechanisms to crack together and shatter and fall. He lands on the end of the dock some ten feet from the submarine's porthole when abruptly the world turns red.
    That beam lashes around the pseudo-Kryptonian in a blur, catching a good number of the nearby drones, causing them to crackle and spark while most of them begin to fall into the water hissing with the impact. Though at the end of the turn that beam washes partially over Arthur and it's strong enough to get him to reel, raising his arms as if to protect himself even as suddenly the water is entirely /steamed/ off of him as he snarls quickly, "Gah!"
    A cloud of vapor rises up around him as he snaps, "Watch yourself you..."
    Then there's a pause as he finally gets a look at her in the light of the moon, enough to see profile and features. Enough to see...
    "Hey wait a second. You're..."
Billy Kaplan     Billy draws in a slow, deep breath. "C'mon you got this," he says to himself under his breath. He peers around the immediate area. The exchange going on between Divine and Aquaman is clearly above his head, literally and figuratively. Two absolute titans up there. The spellcaster finds a group of drones that seem to be heading toward some dock nightshift workers.
    It's now or never. Billy swallows and begins another incantation. ~IWantToDisableThoseDrones IWantToDisableThoseDrones IW--WantToDisableThoseDrones~ He's starting to falter. Too many spells all at once. But an electric cloud forms around the small subgroup of drones that were going after the workers. One by one they start to pop and fall disabled to the ground. And speaking of ground, Billy drops to one knee. Three back-to-back...to-back spells and still maintaining the shield? His complexion is pale and his hair is damp with sweat. The energy shield blinks and crackles for a moment, but it holds!
Divine Divine's eyes glow a baleful red under the moonlight as the heat vision fades. In the soft light of the moon, it would be so easy to mistake her for Power Girl. Their height and build are identical. She carries herself with the same almost haughty posturing that Karen does. It's just ... Not polished. Unpracticed. It makes no sense.

As Aquaman finally seems to get a good look at her, Divine shakes some of the water from her hair, obviously raven black even in this light. She turns to face him fully, floating almost imperiously above the water. She sneers, twisting her face into almost a rictus. "No. Not her. Almost, but not."
Arthur Curry     Chances are if the drones weren't disabled by Divine's blast and Billy's spell, each taking their toll upon the formerly floating weapons, then the battle might have gone a little more worse for those two 'heroes'. For it's even as magical power wends its way from drone to drone, while others hiss and spit with failing electrical power in the water, Arthur's attention is focused on the grim dark haired woman.
    "Yeah, I know you're not her, too much amateur hour in your roll." He gestures with a nod, "Kid coulda had this without us. So explain yourself."
    That order given, Arthur then squints as he sees perhaps the glint of some of those gemstones, "And the hell are you doing with that?" He points. Point-point.
    Though it's Office Mackey who leans over and tries to brace Billy, to support him with one arm as he swaps hands with the revolver to keep it clear. He's strong for his age and might well provide a good bit of help to the young magic-user even as he asks, "You alright, kid?"
Billy Kaplan     The caster draws in a breath and stands up with Officer Mackey's help. One corner of Billy's mouth curls into a half grin. "Like falling off a bike," he jokes to the cop. He looks around for signs of more drones. No more? Thank goodness! He lets the energy shield drop. It doesn't just smoothly vanish, but rather it fizzles and sputters and then blinks out of existence. Embarrassing! And right in front of Aquaman! Good thing his attention is focused on...Power Girl? Power Girl looks really weird tonight. Black hair? Is she old enough to have a mid-life crisis? He decides to move forward with a strong but mildly unsteady gait to search for anyone who might have been hurt in the sudden, brief attack.
Divine The rest of the drones fall. It's nice to not feel like you're being stung by bees the size of pop cans. She hovers, trying to be imperious, but really only pulling off thuggish. She hefts her handful of crystals and whatnot.

"These? A girl's gotta eat, right?" She pauses, looking at herself. "And get a change of clothes. Not all of us have money and support."

There is a joke about her bust there. No one should probably make it.

"Thanks for the charitable donation."
Arthur Curry     For now the drones are fallen, and no more seem set to emerge from the captured sub. Officer Mackey keeps his arm around Billy in support but raises his guns lightly when he sees that Arthur... ain't exactly too keen on Divine's presence.
    In fact he's eyeballing the gems, and then looking back up at her, then he grunts and for a time might well be inclined to make some noise about the presumptive claim to the drone parts. But a glance is given slightly to the side, toward Officer Mackey and Billy before he says, "You got a name?"
    Which is all he asks. Not pressing, but then again he's not backing down or moving away either.
Billy Kaplan     Billy makes a quick round of the immediate area. He seems satisfied that there are no injured civilians. Already his energy is restoring. His cheeks get a healthier, ruddier complexion. His gait strengthens. You know how it is with young guys: they empty quick but refill fast. So now his attention reverts to Arthur and Divine. He's not really sure how to parse what's happening, but it's clear that Aquaman is disturbed by something and Power Girl is acting strange. "Hey Aquaman. Hey Power Girl," the young spellcaster calls out. "Every...everything okay?" The expression on his face tells the story of the confusion he's feeling inside.
Divine "A name," she says, musing to herself. She looks at her handful of crystals and then up to the moon.

"They never really gave me one, but I remember..."


The nameless clone floats in her tube, her awareness of the outside limited. In her memory, a faceless man in a lab coat presses his hands to the tube, his voice awed, almost manic.

"Finally! Perfection! My creation... I look upon her, and all I see is..."


"'All I see is divine.' That works. My name is Divine."

She begins to ascend, backing away from Aquaman and the dock slowly. "Feel free to tell her. I want to meet my ... twin." Unless she's stopped, she's just going to keep going up, and then she's going to rocket off to parts unknown.