Owner Pose
Gabby Kinney A Howlett kid had done a thing. For once it wasn't murdering someone, or getting into a fight, or taking down a paramilitary organization and leaving a power vacuum in a third world country. No, for once it was something ... Normal?

Gabby had returned the day prior from the science fair at Happy Harbor with the announcement that her replica of the Yellowstone geyser aka supervolcano had won her second place. Nevermind the fact that she'd also drenched most of her other competitors in Diet Coke in the process. So today it was time to celebrate!

Per her request she wanted pizza, but not any pizza--some of the first pizza she'd had chance to try when she first came to New York: Angelo's Pizza. It was a nice enough evening, and a busy enough one, that there were even some tables set up outside which is where the group that had come to celebrate was set up. Drinks were already filled, and pizza on the way, while Gabby regails everyone with tales of the fair.

"And I did warn them to step away but they didn't really listen so it's not completely my fault they got drenched! I didn't realize Mentos and Diet Coke would go THAT far."
Logan Logan grunts and sits back a bit in his seat at the booth. Like most pizza places in the city, they serve beer. He brings his drink to his lips and takes a long sip as he glances about at everyone else present. Eventually his gaze returns to Gabby, and he sets his beer down again.

"Never could wrap my head around all that science stuff too well," he admits. "Now if you need to write a book report on something good, lemme know. I got a stack I could lend ya..." The man shrugs his muscled shoulders. "But...uh. Good job." He's awkward, but she can tell he means it.
Laura Kinney      "This means you should do more testing of the eruption part next time. I will buy the soda." A rare sight, Laura is smiling. It's a faint one, but it's definitely there, with hints of pride in her little sister. She'd contributed partially to the financing, of the outing, and declared there would be ice cream after. because she knew a spot. ...She's still vaguely on edge though, as she always is in public spaces, and her seat is one against the wall of the building for the best sightlines.
Piotr Rasputin Also present is another one of the institute's staff, Piotr. He has kept his distnace thus far, though he has a drink worked on a bit while he listens to the story, of the science fair, "Well, at least you also had fun." He smiles and takes a hefty drink of soda from his glass, "What were the other exhibits at the fair?"
Gabby Kinney Gabby Kinney didn't mind at all the company she was with. It was a good amount of family, friends, and friends of family after all. She's in her seat with feet tucked beneath herself so that she kneels on the chair cushion giving herself a bit more height for this outing. Her own drink was soda of course, though not diet in this case. Yuck. That hadn't tasted good at all when wearing it.

"Thanks! It'll be fun to play around with more," she assures Laura before giving Logan a bright and cheery grin as well. Sure he wasn't one for a lot of words so that did make her rather happy.

Piotr's question earns a soft 'oh', "A lot of good things, really! The third place winner had this robotic walking chair and a coil gun demostration that I think he got in trouble for having there, and the first place winner had done a presentation on potatos grown in Martian soil--Apparently you can't eat them because of chromium poisoning."

It's while she's filling everyone in on the rest of the projects at the fair that an unmarked black helicopter cruises by overhead and out of sight. Just enough of a fly-by to get confirmation on the target that was being sought. Captain Mooney was pleased. These girls had been a thorn in his side for far too long, and caused him to loose too many men. Picking up his radio he barks out orders to his unit, "Blockade the streets, close off escape routes. This is *not* going to result in another failure."

As the pleasant dinner continues traffic starts to slow down on the street with the occasional annoyed honk by hurried New Yorkers. It's the ten second warning before men in black military gear, heavy kevlar, bearing semi-automatic rifles come inching along the buildings to close in.
Laura Kinney      Laura takes a sip of sprite, cooly scanning the area again while she waited for the food. The helicopter draws her eyes upwards, green eyes narrowing a little as she tenses in her seat. "They are not supposed to fly that low..." Her fists clench, nostrils flaring. Car exhaust, the pizza restaurant nearby, a couple other places down the block, Sweat, Stress. That... was a very familiar smell. And gun oil. "We are in danger. Gabby, get under the table." Laura shifts her weight, claws sliding out from her knuckles out of sight of the diminishing pedestrians.
Piotr Rasputin Piotr nods and listens, "I see. Such a gadget likely would cause problems at our school, as well. Though perhaps some day they will be able to make Martian potatoes without chromium." He looks to Laura, "We are in danger?" The large teacher makes sure to place himself between the student and the outside, or at least where Laura is looking, readying to fight should it come to it.
Gabby Kinney "What? What's wrong?" Gabby questions as she shifts her legs off her chair already looking around with a wariness that wasn't that dissimilar from Laura's own. Just without the tell-tale benefit of having a nose that can smell such things as guns. She listens though and ducks down to hunker half under the table in case she needs to run.

This team was better organized than the one that had run across them in China Town months prior. A group from one side of the building rounds the corner while a second group from across the street ducks behind cars that were stopped to use them as cover should they need. They weren't directly across from each other to reduce the potential of cross-fire from their teammates.

A tall black man in uniform that seems to tower over the rest steps to the side from behind a car grinning ear to ear in a way that didn't speak of a happy person. "We've come to reclaim our property, I suggest you stand aside if you don't want any incidents."

To prove his point, a few of the men lurking between cars reach in to hold guns to the heads of the drivers stuck inside.

"There's a lot of innocent people here after all. Be a shame."
Laura Kinney      Welp, No more need for subtlety. Laura rises to her feet, claws glinting in the light. "You do realize who you are trying to threaten? She is family. Family sticks together. You could kill them, but that would not stop me from killing you. And all of your men. Then I would track them back to your base and kill everyone there. I destroyed the bunker where I was made when I was fifteen. By myself. Now..." Laura nods towards Logan. "I have him." Okay, stall for time, let Logan come up with something...
Piotr Rasputin The guns cause Piotr to be a bit unsettled, "See, the problem is that people are not property." The claws coming out cause him to sigh and he pops his neck as his flesh turns to banded steel. Piotr stretches his neck and says, "See, what we have here is a problem, but yes, there are innocents here and I believe if you were to turn around and go home, nobody needs to be traumatized today. My colleagues here certainly would prefer not having to spill blood, as would I, but if you force our hands, we have little choice." The metal man crosses his arms and looks the leader in the eyes. "Let the innocents go."
Gabby Kinney "Fucking Mutants, don't you know who you're talking to!?" Mooney barks out with clear and obvious anger. He didn't like it when people did anything other than what he said and having two individuals standing up to him? Much less keeping him from that... Thing? "That *thing* is our property not a person! Just a stupid copy of DNA that got too mouthy for it's own good!" While his men had guns, he pulls a large knife from the sheath on his hip. "An easy fix. But either way, Alchemax OWNS that thing. Paid for and created. Even if it's a failure they still want it back."

"Shoot a civilian for every step these freaks take that doesn't give us what we came for!"
Karen Starr     It's been a little while since Karen did her good deed at the Ferris benefit. An appearance and some aggressive money-slinging seemed to have gone a long way. She was, honestly, still riding that high a little.

    However, there's always been something about that night that bothered her. The young woman she'd given the flight to. The one with the scars on her face. Power Girl has been spending a little more time here and there in New York for, well, ever swiftly expanding reasons.

    Gabby's voice hits her ear, and reflexively, Karen 'tunes' into the whole of the conversation surrounding the girl. There's this little smile that creeps across her features. Second place is good.

    The gruff and rocky voice of Logan wipes that smile from her lips, though. For a moment, she's certain of it. That's the guy. He's just got one of those -voices.- All the same, despite her suspicions, Karen isn't going to just drop herself onto somebody without evidence. She will just have to keep listening in- for that supportive tone to mix into rage and then violence. She's keeping a more attentive ear now, floating near the Empire State.

    Everything changes in some few seconds. What had been the din of surroundings, things that Karen didn't need to pay attention to, suddenly become all-important. Laura's warning. The sound of tactical gear. Mooney's voice. Suddenly things all make sense. Logan is absolved in an instant- and damn well might be a saint in Karen's eyes from here on out.

    The occupants within one of, if not the, most famous building in the world are momentarily startled as the windows on the west side rattle aggressively.

    It's an Eyes On Me maneuver. Karen doesn't lead with a punch, doesn't start flinging people into the sun, doesn't start the violence. Instead, where once there wasn't a blonde, there is- as if Mooney's shadow had suddenly sprouted a superhero. It occurs in a frame- so fast as to be startling, a think-about-blinking and you'll miss it moment.

    One half of the second, she's not there. The second half, she is. There is a rush of air that blows across the assembled troops, civilians, and heroes alike. One blue gloved hand rests itself idly on Mooney's shoulder. Its grip tightens to an intensity that is going to swiftly grow painful for a normal person. Not quite enough to crush steel, but definitely not your average kung-fu grip.

    The sound of thunder on a clear day rolls in from the direction of the Empire State Building.

    Power Girl has displayed various faces ranging from Nonplussed to Irked. Right now, she is positively livid, staring daggers into the back of Mooney's skull.

    "She's a child." There's an... Uncomfortable calm in her voice. "And I -dare- every last one of you. Piss me off just -that- much more."
Laura Kinney      Laura starts to tense, about to move from her 'ready' stance to taking Mooney hostage... And then suddenly there's a Kryptonian there. That... was definitely unexpected. Well, never look a gift horse in the mouth. "I would appreciate it if you could deal with the gunmen. I have this one under control." A nod of the taller teen's head towards the captain confirms exactly which one she's talking to. "He has disturbed my family again, and I must extract the location of his base from him after he is subdued."
Piotr Rasputin Piotr frowns, "See, perhaps my English is not good enough to get through to you, but you would be wise to turn around, go home, and forget about owning people. Last I checked it was not allowed here." His tone has darkened and he steps forward, arms swinging at his side. "Do not do any unnecessary harm," he says bluntly to Laura. Piotr clenches his metal fists and says, back to Mooney, "Stand down, go home. Before this gets worse." Power Girl's arrival gets a blink, "See, others are also suggesting something similar, and I am the nice one here."
Gabby Kinney There were so many possibilities running through his head right now. Ways to deal with these people. Distractions, attacks, whatever might be necessary. He's already expecting his men on the side of the building to edge in with a pincher manuever to make a grab for the girl the second either Piotr or Laura came at them. At least that was one of the many plans and scenarios he was running through his head when a sudden *pain* comes to his shoulder causing him to stiffen.

He starts to whirl around with knife still in hand and a snarl of abject rage only to find himself staring at Power Girl. For just a moment it almost seems as if a look of clarity comes over him. Maybe retirement wouldn't be bad. He wasn't equipped to fight someone of her level.

Gabby pokes her head from beneath the table to see what was going on better. Between those she knew protecting her, and Power Girl, she breaks into a great grin knowing that this was going to end up being pretty darn awesome to see them come to justice.

"Fine," Captain Mooney grates out reluctantly. Slowly lifting his arms he states, "I give up," in the most acidic way possible. Even the knife he had held goes limp in his hand to fall to the ground with a clatter.

A signal of some sort apparently as his men begin to open fire on Piotr, Laura, and anyone else at the table.
Karen Starr     The man she has hold of wheels around with weapon in hand, and Karen is almost ready to believe that he'll surrender. That doesn't last long. The gesture doesn't make it far past her, but altogether the more important sign of imminent attack is the noise of it.

    Tendons flex and tug. The sound of the internal mechanics of the firearm clicking and sliding and grinding against one other as the triggers slip rearward. Mooney is extremely momentarily fortunate that Karen doesn't know anything about what Laura, Gabby, and Logan all have in common.

    He is lucky in that moment because just as instantly as she'd arrived, she is gone. Time slows to a crawl as she pushes off of the ground, twisting around to the side of the mutants and surging at the firing line.

    Cones of metal fly through the air as if it were chilled molasses. Deftly, an index finger and thumb catch one, then another, and so on, until the incoming flurry is much more under control- the ones she didn't bother to catch were ignored on purpose. Harmlessly, they flatten against her skin and suit, falling to the floor.

    Her eyes begin to burn, erupting with crimson that threatens at any point to narrow and unleash the very might of the sun on whatever she happens to be looking at, which is, currently, the gunmen that had been firing on Gabby and Laura. The hesitation is purposeful. One last bit of intimidation before she begins laying them out.
Laura Kinney      ...Well, they're not shooting at the civilians. But that could change. Power Girl seems to be... catching bullets? Ah well. Time to go to work. Laura lunges forward, only slightly slowed by the rounds punching through her torso and shoulder. A slash as she goes past leaves Mooney with only one functioning leg thanks to being hamstrung, and then Laura's in and among the men across the street. Guns are sliced in half, some of them are literally disarmed, while those closest to civilians simply get a claw or two through some particularly vital point such as the brainstem or aorta. A spinning kick launches one staggering mostly 'armless' mook onto someone's windshield, and gives Laura the chance to pop a toe claw. A point blank rifle shot from behind shatters one knee and drops her to the ground, kicking back with her uninjured leg and opening the gunman's thigh from knee to groin. Only a few more, and Gabby will be safe...
Piotr Rasputin Piotr frowns as bullets fly and tear up his shirt and ping off of his now slightly dented skin, "See, that does not hurt me, but now I need to buy a new shirt." His tone is not angry, but disappointed. He turns his attention to the other group, those nearest to them and charges forward, and gets within striking range, grabbing at one of the gunmen and trying to throw him across the street, to hopefully no longer be a threat.
Gabby Kinney There's nothing quite so emasculating as finding every bullet you shot either being caught by, or bouncing off of, your targets. A few of the men take a half step back when Power Girl glares at them with those glowing eyes feeling very uncertain of themselves at this point. It's not until Laura launches forward to hamstring Mooney, and start tearing through the others, that one cries out, "We were just following orders!"

The cry of the coward.

Group B that had attempted to insert themselves on the same side of the street to close in find themselves equally at an impasse with Piotr. As soon as he starts charging toward them they start shooting again not knowing any other way to respond to a large man charging them. A few more bullets ping and ding off him before the nearest guy is caught and bodily flung across the street to land roughly against the wall of a building right next to one of the already gutted men Laura had dealt with.

Somewhere in this chaos someone has the bright idea to pull the pin on a grenade and lob it toward Power Girl.
Karen Starr     All of a sudden, the six-foot-three blonde is moving so -deliberately.- She remains on the ground. She walks. She's not running or charging anyone. She doesn't have to. They didn't surrender. That's what it takes.

    That red nightmare that had engulfed her eyes narrows down into beams the width of a pencil. Almost impossible to dodge, these beams flash cook not the soldiers... But the weapons they're firing. Mechanics melt and fuse, bullets cease hosing- and before long those precision -lazers- aim at another rifle, and then another. Disarming them effortlessly with but a gaze.

    A small green sphere flies through the air at Karen and, for her part in that particular farce, she reaches up, and plucks it from the sky. By now, she's taking calm steps forward. She'd address the killing later.

    For now, both of her hands clasp around the grenade and come to rest. There's a loud, yet obviously muffled, Pop from between her palms. Her hands separate, and then slip back to her sides, dropping ineffectual shards of metal and ex-grenade as they do.

    It's probable at this point that group of men might turn tail. If they do, she'll disappear from where she is, and in one more horrifically swift movement, she'll place herself right in their escape path. Arms folded. Eyes narrowed.
Laura Kinney      Just following orders? Laura doesn't care. The orders were stupid, and they were stupid for following them. And now she has to make sure they don't do it again. Soaked in blodo that's only partially her own, the teen starts to head back towards the fallen Captain once the group of mooks she'd attacked had dealt with. A few bullets are forced out of her as she heals, dinging as they hit the pavement. "Do you want to take care of them, or should I?" Laura addresses this to Power Girl, jerking her head towards the group the kryptonian seems to have cowed.
Piotr Rasputin Piotr sighs as the grenade flies, but snorts in amusement as it goes boom safely. He attempts to swing a couple of punches, aiming to try and knock the guns from their hands as opposed to outright killing them at this point. It is time to teach a lesson they can learn from, not to end them. "See, throw down your weapons, and this will go much smoother and safely for you, as opposed to irratating me with bullets."
Gabby Kinney Cries of pain and fear come from those whose weapons light up into melted slag in their hands. They drop quickly. Others drop because of Laura's own intervention. Then Piotr forcibly disarms more. Really it's hardly more than a moment or two before people are running completely or just otherwise taken out.

Those that find their path blocked by Power Girl fall to their knees with hands up in the typical posture. At least until Laura speaks her peice causing them to look at each other uncertainly. Even those that Piotr disarms eventually see what is occuring to the rest, and drop down. The streets are relatively quiet again as the threat is subdued.

The men by PG and Laura begin to beg for their lives while the ones around Piotr just hold up their hands and step to the side intending to just do as he says now. Out of all three he seemed the most, uh, sane.

It's too bad no one told the sniper that fires off a quick shot. Aimed not for any of the three defenders, but for Gabby. Gabby who had stood up from where she'd hidden under the table to better watch what was going on, and now ends up sitting down quickly with a surprised look on her face. A hand lifts to her chest to touch the pooling blood there only to lift her hand and stare at it. "Oh. Well. Shit."
Laura Kinney      Laura turns her head just in time to catch the impact of the round and Gabby's reaction. The older teen's jaw clenches, eyes reddening, before turning and charging the building with the sniper in it. With all her claws out she's able to make her own way up the building, kicking her toe claws in to establish footholds where there are none. She disappears over the roof ledge, and swearing turns into a scream, followed by a wet gurgle. ...and a lot of visceral wet noises.
Piotr Rasputin Piotr snarls and points at them to stand by the wall away from the others as he rushes to Gabby's side and picks up the child, keeping his eyes on the surrendered goons. "Gabby, are you all right? Gabby?" He frowns and takes a few moments to look her in the eyes to see if she has any reaction to the wound and to ponder the best route to the hospital.
Gabby Kinney The sniper didn't have much time to think about anything when Laura got to the top of that roof. Needless to say he's no threat at all at this point. The others cower at Piotr's demand, and quite a few just face the wall with hands held behind their heads. One or two may even be crying quietly over this. Everything had gone tits up the moment they identified this 'target' apparently.

Gabby is easily picked up by Piotr--She was small to begin with. Now she was small, and not moving much, though at least she's still breathing. Lifting a hand she lightly pats his chest to offer him a reassuring smile. "It's okay, I can't feel pain," she assures as if that were the only thing to worry about. For those with better hearing though? Her heart was slowing. Quieter. Growing irregular... and she smiles again softly.

"I'm just... tired." The breath exhales from her lungs with eyes sliding shut as it seems she grows stiller yet. The amount of blood on her shirt was most definitely a frightening amount.
Karen Starr     By the time the sniper made himself know, Karen wasn't listening for new rifle noises or additional combatants. She was just there, making sure that the men she'd cut off weren't going to actually get a chance to escape.

    The rifle round is supersonic- which means that as Karen is not moving- or trying to move- faster than a certain speed, she is still almost pedestrian in her reaction times.

    That doesn't last long. Gabby is hit, and while Piotr is at the girl first- and Laura is at the shooter first- Karen is only a second behind.

    "Her heart- please- let me-" she's not exactly asking, instead reaching to take Gabby from Piotr. There's a hospital somewhere- she doesn't know Brooklyn that well, but there has to be one somewhere, just listen for the medical equipment.

    She hasn't taken off yet, she needs Piotr to let go- but she clearly intends to take Gabby for a flight to the nearest place that can fix her mistake. She should've been paying more attention.
Laura Kinney      The sniper's rifle clatters to the ground in two pieces, followed by Laura who drops three stories to the ground. Her legs break on impact, but she's back on her feet in seconds, returning to the group a moment later. "...Gabby?" She had healing. Laura'd seen it in the rec room. She... She's supposed to be healing! Her claws retract, and she clasps one of her little sister's hands in her own blood-slicked ones. "I am here, Gabby. It is going to be okay."


     She's back on that snowy hillside again, holding her dying mother in her arms. She squeezes Gabby's hand tighter. This... This can't be happening. Not again.
Piotr Rasputin Piotr begins panicking internally, and then Power Girl shows up and begins effectively taking Gabby to which Colossus nods, "Take her to the hospital, Laura and I will round up the attackers and have them wait for the police. Save. Gabby." His tone is dire, but he then looks to the others, "All of you, against the wall, guns on the ground." It is a command, with a bit of rare harshness behind it.
Gabby Kinney The shuffling of Gabby from Piotr to Power Girl results in a little jarring motion from Gabby herself. Legs kick out, head rocks back, and she begins to hack and cough violently with convulsions that last right up until...

A spent bullet is coughed up with a bit of blood. Instantly she settles down again going limp once more.

There's a difference though. She was breathing, and her heart was beating again. Slow, but steady, and the longer either Laura or Karen listens the stronger it becomes.

Almost groggily Gabby's eyes open to blink several times at the pair hovering over her. "...Hi."
Karen Starr     It only takes Karen a moment after Gabby coughs up the bullet. Her eyes flit to the wound, and she squints at it momentarily. The cells are joining and healing, scabbing up and rapidly turning that scab into scar tissue into regular tissue, in a way that is... Well, familiar, considering she'd just watched Laura do it.

    There's this, short exhale. Power Girl steps back, leaving Gabby in Laura and Piotr's hands. "So, you've been shot and, your first instinct is to say that you're feeling tired, and not... 'I heal fast'." Idly, Karen's hands go to her face. Honestly, she's... Very, very relieved.

    The sarcasm is how she copes.
Laura Kinney      The tension sags out of Laura's form, and Gabby is pulled into a hug. ...Yeah, that's getting more blood everywhere. But she's not letting her little sister go. ...Although. "Make sure the leader does not die. We need him for information." Laura's voice is somewhat muffled, but purposeful and clear. "...I thought I was going to lose you. That it was not working."
Piotr Rasputin Piotr nods and makes his way over to the unfortunate leader of this rabble and he says, "Let me tend to your leg. You try to run, I will subdue you and then tend to your leg. SO we can go about this the long and obnoxious way, or we can go about this the easy way." His tone is flat and back to being business like, "Besides, your comrades have also given up. You have no where else to go, and you are just going to get tended to and be tired as opposed to just tended to."
Gabby Kinney "Sorry," Gabby offers quite genuinely. "I was hiding it. They didn't know I could. Alchemax I mean," she explains rather breifly before she's pulled into a hug by Laura. She does hug her back mumbling apologies again. It wasn't as if she'd really gotten injured that bad before to know how quick or slow it might be. What she does know? "I'm starving," she utters with a wistful look over her shoulder at the pizza place they were likely banned for life from now.

Captain Mooney was on the ground but quite a bit further away from the others. In spite of his injury he had been trying to escape to leave his men to either die or be arrested. When Piotr approaches he looks none too pleased. Then again he hadn't gotten far, either. At least he doesn't try to stop the aid Piotr was offering. "You'll hear from our lawyers."
Karen Starr     Karen's face remains in her hands for a few moments. It's not from embarrassment or anger, but rather just to calm herself back down. She was going to commit a faux pas or twelve getting the girl to the hospital in time. The kind of adrenaline rush you have during moments like that has to be burnt through or suppressed. You can't ride it out in the calm.

    "No, no, don't be sorry. You're alive. That's what's important." There's a sigh. Karen doesn't like how much actual violence has taken place here- but she can't go back in time and stop that. "This..." she states, looking around at the blood and dismemberment.

    "This is bad."
Laura Kinney      Laura finally releases Gabby, giving her a final pat on the head. Which might get more blood in the younger teen's hair. "We should go. I will acquire one of their humvees. It will hold all of us and the Captain until we can meet up with one of the others who can extract the location of his base. Someone should blindfold him while I get the vehicle." Turning, Laura sprints towards one of the blockading unmarked black vehicles and hops inside, starting the engine and beginning the process of driving it back while not running over anyone.
Piotr Rasputin Piotr frowns, and shakes his head, and if permitted will try and help apply a tourniquet to the leg. "This should hopefully help until the police arrive. No doubt they will have questions for you." He frowns, "But hopefully you will see the error of your ways soon." He resumes tending to the wound the best he can.
Gabby Kinney "Laura, wait!" Gabby calls out as Laura jogs off to go aquire one of the humvees that had blockaded the street a short ways down. Letting out a sigh she reaches up to run a hand over her hair feeling the sticky mess there. Ugh. Definitely going to need a shower. With Piotr off bandaging Mooney, she looks toward Power Girl apologetically again.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen. I thought they'd stopped looking so I..." Another little sigh comes. "I know where they're at. I escaped from them after all. Just seemed like I was going to be left alone. So, ah..." she looks over the carnage with a wince. This was definitely a mess and a half with a lot of loss of life.

"I'd say we ought to just let the police handle them? I guess? I don't really know if this is up their alley though."

Captain Mooney actually allows Piotr to bandage his leg, if only because of the bleeding being bad. And already sirens can be heard to come pick up who was left.